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Sorry for missing Vore Day Posted 2 years ago
been going through a rough patch after quitting a job that started sucking the life outta me, but hopefully I should be back on my feet soonish~ and when I finish the next part of the big story I am fixated upon, I will post it immediately. Basically been going through an emotional roller coaster with a lotta stress thrown into the mix... not to mention the fact that recently this summer has been utter hell since I have had forest fires surrounding the valley I live in and that has caused my home to be smothered in smoke for several weeks now. Hopefully things will calm down soon and I will be able to get back to my story :/
Surprise! Ransomware Posted 3 years ago
So... this morning some jackass decided to try to hit me with ransomware on my new story... to bad the rules of many of worlds do not apply to reality, otherwise... there would be a hunt for this bastard starting >:(

Ranting aside, I do hope that everyone who posts content or merely wishes to keep the information on their computer safe has some sort of anti-virus and anti-malware programs on their computers. Thankfully, my computer was able to defend itself from the intrusion, but this is just another reminder of how our world is populated by scumbags who can't do anything other than try to take what does not belong to them. I really hope there is a special place in hell for people who do this.
Vore Day contribution Posted 3 years ago
Sorry for being such a lurker lately, my current story idea hit a roadblock and I'm not certain whether or not it's Writer's Block or Burnout from being stuck on this certain part of the story for so long, but I feel like I should at least do "something" for Vore Day so I will post the next part of the story I have prepared. Hopefully I will be able to get back into the mood for writing soon, but work and real life bullshit have really been getting in the way of being productive at story writing :/
Ugh, ran out of time :/ Posted 4 years ago
I will continue posting the first part of my new story until it's finished, I just have work tomorrow and have to go deal with my Mother (is always stressful). Today I had a lot of things keeping me from actually focusing on posting chapters and I am also working on a glossary for this new story as I go along and that glossary will be posted at the end of part one so people can remind themselves of what certain things are as I go along. I hope you enjoy what I have posted thus far, however, and stay tuned for MOAR!
Sorry for the lurking Posted 4 years ago
Been quite busying with work, life and bullshit outside my cozy little home... also have more distractions from my stories now. For Vore Day I will be posting something that I started last year... pretty certain I started it last year... right around the time when That Time I got Reincarnated as a Slime anime came out (waiting for the second season eagerly) Sadly, I am still working on this story and it's turning out to be a big one, but I have yet to lose interest in it so that's a good thing -_- Just having trouble with the boring parts... as always :/ I will start posting tomorrow since it's my day off from work (hooray) so stay tuned readers :)
Summer is on it's way (Workload intensifies) Posted 6 years ago
Sadly, my work has increased my hours and have me on alternating workshifts, so sleep is very elusive as of now... (also I recently got back into Pokemon Go... SOMEBODY STOP ME XD)
That aside, I have really been out of sorts as of late because of sleep issues and work so I probably won't be able to work on any stories for a little while. Hopefully things will settle down once all the newbs at work get trained and shit, but I will just have to wait and see for now >.> On the brightside... I just about lost my jaw when I got paid recently ^_^ Hooray for 40+ pay periods xD
Ugh... I made a booboo Posted 6 years ago
when I was adding to my LSS story, I made a mistake by adding some of Part 5 before I had finished posting Part 4. I will be working on correcting that, but the order is gonna be out of wack for those few parts to the story... sorry for the inconvenience
OWwwwww... my poor overworked wrist >.< Posted 6 years ago
Been playing the Beta for Destiny 2 that just came out, but then I made the mistake of starting to watch the series Dexter on Netflix (on season 4 I believe now) and would up having a new character spawn in my head, along with having her story blowing up in my mind >.< I'm hoping to be able to get back to Scions of War and finally finish that annoyance before getting too distracted with this new idea... but don't worry, I haven't created a gruesome bloody monster like Dexter xD, but she sure as hell ain't no Super Hero ^-^ (and that's all the spoilers I'm gonna let loose atm xP)
I'm not back... not exactly Posted 6 years ago
Can't say I'm going to be back to writing any time soon, but I am no longer working at KFC/TB, finally quit and right before my birthday no less :D but now I come to realize I've been forgetting to post what I have gotten done for Scions of War... Time to fix that ^.^
Boo! (and other ghostly noises) Posted 6 years ago
Ah! There must be a ghost taking control of my computer! Nah, it's just me finally getting around to posting some stories after finally getting my computer to see a doctor ;)
I will post the rest of the Aspects of Reality (book 1) later TODAY after I get some much needed rest, lol, (I'm a huge nightowl most of the time) Still struggling to find the time to actually
write what with work, work, more work and the added distractions from my now existing personal life (don't read to much into that, I'm still a nerd who prefers to stay home
the majority of the time), but when I actually manage to get something completed, I will post it when I either have the time or...
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