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Surabhi Growth Drive Update Posted 2 years ago
I'm cancelling the growth drive picture with Surahbi because of, frankly underwhelming numbers. That does not mean the picture will be going away, I'm just going to make it a stand alone picture. So if you favorited it and are wondering why it went away it is simply that. It had only been up a few hours but it already feels like the YCH art raffle for my twitter account. The damn raffle's been up over a year and I still haven't reached that milestone.

So, just gonna simplify things. Might do some adoptables, or a comic story or whatnot. Or I might just focus on finishing my backlog of personal art. I have things I want to do, art I want to post but working 50-60 hours every week at my muggle job doesn't leave me enough time to post a lot. That and the long hiatuses I had over...
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New Twitter Poll Posted 2 years ago

New poll on my Twitter about possible merch options. If you're interested in stickers or other merch, or just want to express your opinion, help me market myself or whatever just pop in and let your opinion be heard.
Commissions Open! Posted 2 years ago
I'm opening up 5 commission spots. Please refer to the new Pricing list for details:

1. Flafty
2. Flafty
3. Flafty
Commission Pricing Increase Posted 2 years ago
I've been talking about increasing my commission pricing for some time now. I've finally updated the commission price sheet and will be posting this soon. I don't want to surprise anyone with suddenly jacking up the prices but with the amount of work I put into my art I have to make sure I'm not underselling myself. Commissions are essentially a part time job for me and I have to treat it as such. Thank you for everyone who's supported me to this point, I appreciate it. Hopefully some of you will continue to support me.

With that I will be working on more Patreon related stuff and posting more art. Trying to be more involved in the community, all that good stuff.
Comission Updates Posted 2 years ago
I am so sorry for the slow progress on the last few remaining commissions. Between work and family I have had almost no time to work on anything. Especially this past week, I haven't had what feels like even a minute of free time to myself. This weekend I will be camping so hopefully I will get some time to work on commissions Sunday but for the next three days I will barely have access to electricity.

Again, I apologize for all the delays but with a 40+ hour work week I have been struggling to find time/energy to draw anything at all.
October Updates Posted 3 years ago
So I've been seeing some newcomers to my gallery, and some people favoriting a lot of older art. So I felt it only fair to give y'all an update on the progress on this, as well as Patreon, Twitter and such.

It has been 9 months since the pandemic really got a death grip on this country. And in all that time I have been an essential worker working 40 hours a week in a high traffic gracery atore setting. Between increased work at my muggle job, having to work with and commute with people not wearing masks, living in the PNW Wildfire zone, having local friends in the protests, and just every single new disaster that shows up every month in this shit show of a year I am BURNED OUT. I've been running on the bare minimum resources lately, which is why I've been doing even less...
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Upcoming Art stream 9/5 3pm PST Posted 3 years ago
Going to try and make this a regular weekend thing while I still have weekends off. Will be doing personal art for a bit, commissions open but those will most likely be started tomorrow.
April Update: Slow Updates Continue Posted 4 years ago
Being an essential worker during the pandemic has been extremely stressful. For the past month, I've been working 10 full hour shifts in a row. Back to back. 10 the past two weeks with a 4 day weekend in between another 10 shifts in a row. I'm exhausted. Next week my schedule has opened up a bit so I will hopefully have the time and emotional energy to work on stuff again. But I am in the process of working on a few commissions so...I dunno, personal content or other stuff might be a while. Or I will take a day to just draw for me.

I'm holding it together and as far as I can tell I'm healthy enough. But my god, I kinda wish I was one of those people locked down and able to spend their days drawing. But people need their toilet paper so...

Please be patient with...
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Rancid Draws Discord Channel Posted 4 years ago
I set up a Discord channel for my Twitter and Patreon. I was going to make it a Patreon exclusive but I've been seeing other Patreon pages who just have it as a base option.

I'm going to make it public so people can discuss what kind of content they want to see, talk with each other and get previews of stuff. I've mostly been using it as a dumping ground for sketches so I can transfer them to my photoshop. Remember, feedback is the best way to see stuff you want. And hopefully we can just build a safe and fun community for people who like weird, silly fetish art.

RancidDraws Discord channel:
Stream Delayed: Status Update Posted 4 years ago
I was going to stream today but I am going to take a mental health day instead. Haven’t taken a day off all week, just found out I owe $200 for taxes and I need to take a breather before I burn myself out.

But fear not, my job is only giving me 4 hours shifts all week (Hence the money troubles). I should be streaming around 12-1pm PST the rest of the week to make up for it. So I have a few more slots open for the sketch drive since some of them are mostly done. There's still a week before March, and next month I'm going to start posting art from my January Patreon posts.