
Author Type: Gallery User

Registered Since: 18 years ago

Last Seen: Apr 23rd, 2019

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Yes, it has been a while, but I'm still around. I know many people have been wondering exactly what happened to me. You're also probably wondering why it’s taken me so very long to make a post like this. The truth is, this last year, or so, has been the worst of my entire life

As many of you have probably noticed, all my art, comics, videos, stories, etc are gone. The reason for this is that I logged into a number of my fat/vore websites on my parents computer before having to leave suddenly. Why was this a bad thing? My parent's computer was, shortly after, hacked! When I came back home, all my files (including rl stuff, like family photos and all my work stuff) were gone. Apparently, because I didn't pay some ransom, I lost everything! Worse yet, I didn't realize anything...
[ Continued ... ]

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