Archive > Pyro > RP - Dragon Exploration
(8:49:51 PM) Kodisoa: Juliana explores the waterfront district, enjoying the calls of the birds, the sound of the surf, the glove of the moonlight against the puddles on the pavement and the boards. She is lithe and fit, enjoying exploring and living on the edge. LIttle does she know that she will be on the edge tonight, and more. She will in fact slip over the brink.
(8:54:58 PM) Pyrophile6: The moon is brightly reflected in the gentle waves of the harbor nearby, flickering and wavering with the waves. The lights of the city glitter in the dark on the far side of the water, dancing on the water. As you walk alongside, you notice the calming reflection of the moon vanish for a brief instant, and something primitive tugs at your survival instincts.
(8:57:55 PM) Kodisoa: She looks up with alarm, perhaps catching a glimpse of movement. "Perhaps a nightbird," she ponders to herself. Little does she know that this is a bird from her wildest dreams, and perhaps her worst nightmares. She continues walking, admiring some of the ships swaying at the quay, lifting her face to the moonlight and basking in the cool night air.
(9:03:13 PM) Pyrophile6: As you stand still, a sudden gust of wind washes over you, seemingly from behind. A chill runs down your spine, presumably from the breeze, but you realize that you're feeling more than a little bit of apprehension. At what? It seems silly to be worrying about the wind, but you can't stop yourself from glancing over your shoulder. You suddenly wish you hadn't. (cont'd)
(9:09:19 PM) Pyrophile6: A massive shape has suddenly appeared behind you, silhouetted by a bright lamp behind it, and it takes your racing mind a few moments to realize just what you're looking at. It's a dragon, standing all fours, as though ready to leap forwards at any moment. Standing a food 8 feet at the shoulder, he has thick, muscular limbs and a short neck ending in a head shaped like a blunt wedge, his wings just finishing folding close to his back. For a moment, he seems almost a statue, but when you make contact with his deep, gold eyes, he stirs.
(9:12:41 PM) Kodisoa: She gasps, backing away. Cold tingles of numbness lance along her spine, her body trembling as adrenalin works its way into her viscera. "I-Impossible!" she breathes. She seems ready to turn and bolt, though your stillness seems to have lulled her into an eerie calm as she studies you with fascination, trying to make out more detail.
(9:17:48 PM) Pyrophile6: Impossible? The dragon's head tilts with curiosity. He has a pair of curving horns atop his head, but other than that his body seems sleek, a streamlined, powerful form covered in dully glimmering red scales. Surely this human is familiar with the capabilities of dragons, but if not, he should hardly balk at the opportunity to give her first-hand knowledge of just what a dragon is. As he stares at you, his tongue slips out, running along his upper lip, his body language crystal clear.
(9:21:00 PM) Kodisoa: She draws in a sharp breath of fear at your tongue display. But mingled with the fear is awe, and perhaps more than a little curiosity. Even so, her instinct makes it clear that she should protect her life. "Hunt elsewhere," she calls in panic, wheeling on her left heel and sprinting off toward the nearest pier. Perhaps she intends to hide on a ship or dive into the water.
(9:28:07 PM) Pyrophile6: The dragon snarls as you take off, but the sound is more pleased than angry. He's just happy that he's going to get a good chase out of you after all. As you sprint away from him, he stands still for a moment, just to give you a good head start. This dragon clearly isn't worried about you escaping! After a few tense moments, as you move close to a ship moored next to a warehouse, he finally springs to life. His leaping strides thud behind you, though nowhere near as loud as you might expect.
(9:33:35 PM) Kodisoa: The young lady too feels the thrill in her heart. She has trained well for emergencies. And if ever there was a need, tonight is the night! She needs to avoid becoming a victim of this beast's fangs and claws, regardless of how stunningly and alluringly supernatural he is! If only she had time to study him... from a safe distance of course. Some kind of flying reptile? What on Earth could he be? She reaches a pier and runs along its length. She's a good swimmer. She figures if she can leap into the water, you might not follow, or might not be able to see well beneath the water.
(9:43:02 PM) Pyrophile6: The water is lapping at the metal walls of the pier some distance below, dark and opaque. It may not be the best idea to jump down there, especially since you have no idea what's under the surface. On the other hand, you can hear the thudding of powerful footfalls behind you, growing closer at an alarming rate. On the other hand, there is a ship moored alongside that might keep the huge beast from reaching you in the water.
(9:55:12 PM) Kodisoa: The uncertainty of a plunge into the unknown waters vs. the fangs of a huge winged beast behind... she decides to take the risk. However, she isn't nearly as fast as you, and her intent is clear. You might be able to overtake her before she leaps. Even if she plunges into the water, your senses might be such that she could be an easy target below the surface. Also, she seems to have a certain... fascination with you that might be interesting to explore in greater depth. Much greater depth!
(10:04:45 PM) Pyrophile6: You spin on one heel, bolting for the water. The edge of the pier is just before you, but as you move towards it, a massive shaped moves in on the left side of your vision. The dragon is trying to cut you off! As you sprint at the edge, the dragon slides to a halt, twisting sideways, and his left wing unfurls. The impressive expanse of his dark, semi-translucent wing moves in front of you, right along the edge of the pier, cutting off your escape. The movement also produces a gust of wind that knocks you in the chest, stopping you in your tracks. To your left is a hungry beast, to your right is the continued expanse of the pier, and behind you is a warehouse. You need to choose quickly.
(10:08:22 PM) Kodisoa: She eeps and gasps. Unable to stop or veer in time, she plows into your wing. Being a feisty female and more than a little curious about your tangibility, she beast on your wing membrane and your struts with her fist, to try to deter you, find out how strong you are, or maybe break past. Unfortunately that loss her precious seconds that she could have been using to escape. She looks up in time to see your horned head looming over her.
(10:19:28 PM) Pyrophile6: Your beating has little effect. The membrane quivers and shakes, but stays otherwise impassable. The dragon's right wing wraps around from the other side, enshrouding you further. You stare up at his head, yellow eyes glowing brightly, and the dragon opens his mouth. A wave of warm, humid, meaty-smelling air washes over you. Quivering gently at the bottom of his maw, his tongue is encircled by a neat row of ivory fangs, mirrored by a row of teeth above that encircles the ridged on the roof of his maw. Between those fangs, though, you can see deeper inside, to the dark, ridged tunnel of his gullet. It curves downwards, vanishing in darkness.
(10:25:48 PM) Kodisoa: She shouts her frustration at your mighty wing, at last ceasing her battering of its firm, resilient surface. She gasps again as your other wing gathers her into its embrace. Her breath catches in her throat as her eyes stare into yours, captivated by their intensity and primal beauty. As your jaws open, her gaze is draw like a magnet to the toothy splendor of that carnivorous cave. The reek of your breath, while it might be repellent to some creatures, doesn't seem to disgust her as much as some. In fact, almost the opposite. She's rather fascinated at being so close to a beast, a flying predator capable of capturing her so easily. You can feel her trembling in the grasp of your wing struts, though she doesn't struggle as much as others you've caught. She seems mesmerized by your grandeur and the splendor of your toothy maw.
(10:36:13 PM) Pyrophile6: The dragon's head, mouth still open, moves down towards you. His tongue slips forwards, with saliva dripping from the tip, gingerly extending towards your chest. You recoil as it touches you, rough and hot and sticky even through your T-shirt. It then slowly slides up your body, pulling up your shirt and leaving a layer of warm spittle on your chest. It feels alive, pulsing as it conforms to your contours of your body, lapping around your neck for a moment before smothering your face. The dragon withdraws his tongue and closes his gaping mouth, staring at you curiously. Truth be told, the beast is confused by your failure to flee in terror, to slip under the tips of his wings and scramble down the pier. Your instincts, in fact, agree: You should run.
(10:52:54 PM) Kodisoa: Despite her fear, she's transfixed by the spectacle of her doom coming toward her in such an awesome display of carnivorous intensity. The hot pungency of your breath surrounds her. Her panting draws it deep into her lungs, and perversely... she discovers with wonder that it excites her! You excite her! Although the touch of your oozing tongue at first makes her squirm away from it, she trembles in exhilaration at its touch, feeling the hot, sticky warmth from your body seeping wetly into hers. You can feel her chest heaving in excitement. She deliberately slips out of her shirt to feel more of your your sensuous dripping tongue against her naked, quivery, salty skin. "Ooh!" she croons in bliss as much as fear, reveling in this strange intimacy despite the danger. "W-what is this?!" she murmurs, finding it exotic and inexplicable that you're treating her so gently. This beast hungers for me... yet he teases me and arouses me so! she enthuses inwardly. As your tongue lathers her neck and face, she arches into its embrace, as much to fight it as to feel it along her cheeks and lips, even going so far as to nibble and lick against its frothy surface.
(11:12:10 PM) Pyrophile6: The dragon stares back down at your half-naked body, head tilted to one side curiously, wondering. It's always odd to run into a prey so eager to be his dinner, but there's certainly nothing wrong with it. In any case, he's hungry, and it's time to eat. The dragon once more gapes his maw wide open, then suddenly darts his head towards you. The motion is shockingly fast compared to his previous movements, his gaping maw rushing at you with uninhibited, feral hunger. It surrounds you in seconds. His tongue shoves against your front, sides curling up to cup your body as he suddenly tilts his head upwards, scooping you into his mouth. You suddenly find yourself inside the sweltering maw of a dragon, lying on your front atop the pulsing embrace of his tongue.
(11:26:14 PM) Kodisoa: She cringes away from your darting jaws as the loom in toward her, but your wings entrap her. She revels in the frothy hot cave of your maw as it takes her into the early confines of your feeding architecture. This beast is actually eating me! she thrills in fear. But more than terror, she feels a primal exhilaration, marveling at your power even as she struggles instinctively against your vast, mastering strength! Her taut, flexing abdomen and firm breasts drape onto the rough, slimy texture of your taste buds as your flesh, wedge-shaped tongue both supports and presses against her like a fleshy prison. She straddles your tongue on her hands and knees, trying to get her bearings, while shying away from your fangs. She can't help but to stare down into the pulsing pit of your throat, panting in fearful lust as she realizes your feeding impulse might soon force her entire body -- or what's left of it, down that undulating, oozing tunnel. "Into his stomach!" she thrills with horrified fascination.
(11:43:37 PM) Pyrophile6: The dragon's tongue arches upwards, pressing you against the rough ridges on the roof of his mouth, savoring the salty, sweaty flavor of your body. The tongue throbs and squirms underneath you, rubbing you against the ridges, even rolling you back and forth in the cramped confines of his maw. There's barely enough room for you in the dragon's mouth, your feet bumping against the closed cage of his teeth, your head resting on the back of his tongue perilously close to the narrow abyss of his gullet.
(11:50:34 PM) Kodisoa: As you sandwich her body between tongue and palate, squeezing her there like a living rack of meat and bone, you can feel the excited staccato of her heart, which throbs between the plump, firm orbs of her breasts. Her nibbles stand erect due to the intense carnal overload of the sensations assaulting her skin, which sweats in the heat of your mouth, adding to her salty, meaty flavors. She's a prime specimen indeed! Despite the claustrophobia of being tucked inside the toothy, cave of the dragon's jaws, she finds the fleshy condors, copious drool, and stimulating ridges of your palate to be an intensely erotic experience (albeit a fearful one, given the likely place she's likely to wind up due to your obvious hunger!) The orifice of your pulsing throat is dangerously near. She can both feel and hear its squelching as it sucks down rivulets of drool. She wonders if she'd even fit down that narrow tunnel into your throat beyond. In a way, it might be fortunate if she can because it would avoid any need for you to tear her apart with your fangs!
(12:02:52 AM) Pyrophile6: The answer to that question comes sooner than you might expect, as the dragon slowly begins to tilt his head back, his short neck straightening out as he sticks his out towards the sky. His tongue takes one last, long feel of your body, the broad tip of it running between your legs tauntingly. Curling up, it wraps over your crotch, and starts to slowly pull you into the back of his maw. The pull is slow, but strong, and your find yourself realizing just how powerful this beast is, and how easily he could crush you if he wanted. Your head slowly pushes at the back of his mouth, towards his gullet, and then inside. Rivulets of saliva run along your body and pour deeper inside as your shoulders press into the soft flesh on either side of his gullethole.
(12:08:17 AM) Kodisoa: This motion renews her struggling. The thought of being devoured, despite the sensuality of your jaws fleshy embrace, stirs her instincts into a frenzy of resistance. She mustn't let herself be swept down into the belly of the beast! It would destroy her! She'd be trapped inside the creature, between his spine and liver -- at the mercy of his body as it digested her alive! Nevertheless, your rough lick between her throbbing, tasty thighs and juicy sexy elicits a surge of arousal that shimmers from her loins up along her spine, lighting up her mind with passion. A counter-thought races through her mind, that if it feels this good in the jaws of the creature, how much more sultry and exciting might it be in the fleshy prison of his stomach?! Thus her attempts to resist the pulsing squeeze of your tongue and jaws as they force her into your hungry gullet are only half-hearted. There's little to hold onto anyway, and she's weak as a sparrow against your great strength. She breathes in your own fetid breath with ragged gasps, taking the steaming vapors deep into her lungs.
(12:19:06 AM) Pyrophile6: The dragon gulps. The soft flesh of his gullet hole convulses around you, gripping your shuddering form and shoving it into his gullet. You face presses into the flesh of his gullet, the sound of his gulping loud in your ears. The dragon tilts his head back even futher now, pointing nearly straight up, and gulps again, darting his head forward. You go deeper this time, the tight tube of his throat squeezing you like a vice as peristaltic force massages your body with crushing strength. Arms pinned to your side, the only part of your body that can move is your legs, still in his mouth. His head darts forwards again, gulping you down greedily, your entire body being squeezed down the gullet of a dragon.
(12:23:52 AM) Kodisoa: She thinks, Oh my god, this monster is eating me! Whole! I'll be alive still when I'm forced into his belly! At the same time though, as her heart quakes in a tempestuous rhythm, she wonders what it might be like inside this reptilian hunter, buried alive in its churning viscera, so closer to his own heart. Right before her hips and legs are dragged down into your gullet, she grinds her groin passionately against your tongue, basting it with her impassioned flavors, which are spiced with fear. You can feel her rib cage expand slightly as she struggles for breath in the tight embrace of the slimy dube that guides her deeper into your body, her form bulging out the taut scales or hide of your neck. She is forced by your feeding reflex and hunger on her inevitable journey along your spine toward the center of the seething, hungry pit that lies beyond.
(12:38:36 AM) Pyrophile6: As you vanish down the dragon's throat, he lowers his head once again, tongue lapping around his mouth as he savors the taste left behind by your euphoria. Then he gulps once last time, and your head presses into a flesh wall that suddenly gives way as a sphincter, pressing you into a steamy space beyond. As the gullet forces you inside, you find yourself surrounded by flesh almost as tightly as you were in the throat. You're quickly forced into a fetal position, surrounded by walls that are soft, but pleated in an unusual manner, as though the sac is made to stretch wider. Soaked in saliva and sweat and other fluids, smothered by flesh and heat, your senses are overwhelmed. But, you slowly realize, this space is neither as acidic or spacious as you expected the dragon's belly to be. Perhaps you're in some kind of crop or forestomach.
(12:46:29 AM) Kodisoa: Her soggy body, now bereft of much of its clothing, thus consisting of smooth, naked, slime-soaked flesh, squirts and splorts into the fleshy chamber of your elastic gut. She is now the latest morsel for your hunger, albeit still wrapped in her own skin, for the moment, and still very much alive, for the time being. Inside the claustrophobic interior of your clenching, churning gut, she writhes and squirms to try to reorient herself back to the way she came. But there's no room! So she's forced to struggle head downward, pointed toward your haunches and tail, as your stomach clutches her from head to toe, anointing her in slime and massaging her forcefully as your hunger might be building. She pounds fruitlessly on the muscular folds and struggles for breath, heart beating wildly. But it's all for naught . Your strength, both internal and external, is an order of magnitude greater than hers. As your belly constricts around her and forces curls her up nearly into a ball of nutrition, she realizes that this is what her life has come to: food for a dragon! All that she ever was and is, is now yours! Despite her plight, she finds another part of her soul enjoying the utter mastery of having been claimed. And strangely, the fiery acids she expected are not present. She wonders whether her fate is to become food after all. The thought is strangely enticing, as if it's a fate she's draw to, like a moth to the flame!
(12:57:12 AM) Pyrophile6: You can hear and feel the dragon's heart, beating inside his chest not far from where you're held, giving a strange intimacy to your predicament. Outside, the dragon burps quietly as he feels his meal settling into his forebelly, then spreads his wings for flight. They eat at the air with a massive, powerful swoosh as the dragon takes to the skies. The steady beating of his wings translates through his chest and into his digestive sacs as a rhythmic swaying, and you can feel a sudden rush of vertigo whenever he rises or falls or accelerates.
(1:02:05 AM) Kodisoa: Her ragged panting begins to calm, soothed by the quaking of your heart so close against her. The thuds rock into her viscera and her soul like a bass drum. In time, her own heart tries to fall into rhythm with yours, though it may have to beat twice for each boom of your mighty cardiac pump. She feels the lurch of your leap skyward, realizing that not only has she been eaten, she's now being whisked away into the heavens -- far way from her home, buried in the innards of a carnivorous sky drake! Capture and claimed as its latest repast! The fear of that mixes with a strange, heated lust in her loins. So gently and sensuously did you treat her that she begins to revel in your company, and desire the unthinkable! To be pulled ever deeper into your body, or perhaps be toyed with by your dangerous sickle claws and the exciting, slimy roughness of your jaws and tongue! Meanwhile, she enjoys your wingbeats and heartbeats, finding that there's enough air within the wyrm's innards to cling to consciousness. Where might he be taking me? she wonders.
(11:18:21 AM) Pyrophile6: The dragon glides gracefully across the sky, now circling downwards towards his destination, an abandoned brick warehouse on one of the many small islands in the bay. He can feel you deep inside his guts, a barely noticeable shifting and squirming buried under layers of muscle and scale and viscera. Reaching his destination, he spreads his wings wide to brake, alighting on a cracked tarmac. The muscles in his legs flex powerfully as they absorb the impact of landing, and the shock travels through his body, jolting you inside his guts. The dragon trots inside the building through a wide, broken door, each step jolting you with a little bump, the motion of walking causing you to sway back and forth ever so slightly. Reaching a comfortable patch of floor, he lies down, legs splayed lazily. As you squirm around inside, one paw presses on his chest, a pressure you can feel even through the layers of flesh and scale.
(11:25:27 AM) Kodisoa: As you spiral in to land, she can feel the g-forces, your wingbeats, and also the tension and flexing of your inner musculature. She has no control whatsoever over our destination, nor over what your body is doing to her or the pulsing tightness of its slimy embrace, which imprisons her as if she's in a living cocoon. Perversely, she finds that she enjoys this helplessness and mastery, and looks forward to what might come next! However, her mind seethes with instinctive dread and terror, for she fears that your evident carnivorous heritage will eventually lay claim to the meat of her body! As she feels the pressure and lurch from your braking and back-winging, her heart tumbles and thrills, reluctantly resuming its former excited rhythm. The thuds of your landing shiver into her flesh, and she feels your bulk settling, even as she herself, nearly naked, settles down inside whatever organ entraps her. Now she feels the jolts of your footsteps shiver pleasantly into her, cushioned so intimately by her oozing confinement. From your practiced gait, she sways to and fro' as if in a hammock. As she feels your paw pressing in against her, her breath quickens. She thinks to herself, What might he be planning? Why do I find myself craving what comes next? Why does he excite me so?!
(11:45:49 AM) Pyrophile6: Feeling at your mass inside his forebelly, the dragon decides that it's time for a little bit of fun, and the rest of his meal. The carcass of a recently-slaughtered cow lies just within his reach, and, reaching over and sinking his claws into the flank, he drags it within his reach. Then he retches. The dragon arches his neck and gapes his jaws open at the ground, guts churning as they go through the familiar motions of regurgitation. The sac clenches crushingly tight around you and pushes you back up through the tight tunnel you came down, carrying with you a morass of bodily fluids from both parties. The motion squeezes you so tight that the breath is forced from your lungs for a moment, and you can hardly find your bearings. After a moment, your mind mostly occupied by the crushing peristalsis and steamy heat, you realize you seem to be going head-first back up his gullet. Your body bends as he regurgitates you, forcing you around the bend of his neck and into his mouth upside-down, facing the ground. Twisting your head as you come back out of the gullethole, you see light again for the first time in a while, your view an overgrown concrete floor dimly framed by tooth and flesh.
(11:53:05 AM) Kodisoa: Your captive squirms and pants as the violence of regurgitation wrings her soggy, weakened body back up the length of your majestic neck, the vice-like squeeze of your throat making her panic for breath, but also stirring a strange lust in her again. She squirts up from your throat and plops into the toothy jaws that claimed her not long ago. Now she straddles your tongue, trying to catch her breath, eyes squinting from the brightness that stabs in through your formidable fangs. She'd half-expected never to see the light of day again. But the sight of your dripping fangs so close makes her shy away from them, cowering to the center of your mouth, perhaps fearing that you mean to tear her apart prior to eating her for good! She wallows in a swamp of saliva, sweat, and slime. As she pants in the sudden chill of the air , you can feel her body trembling with primal fear... and perhaps also more than a little lust and exhilaration. She lies her abdomen and breasts upon your thick tongue, and you can feel against it the patter of her excited heart.
(11:59:36 AM) Pyrophile6: The dragon lowers his head to the ground, laying his lower jaw nearly on the floor, and gapes his jaws open as wide as they'll go. A cool breeze washes over you from outside, feeling ice-cold on your skin after spending so long in the steaming belly of a dragon, and goosebumps cover your flesh. Saliva drips from the roof of his mouth, dropping onto your back back. After a moment, the dragon sticks his tongue out, sliding it out from under you, spreading it over the teeth on his lower jaw. He almost seems to be letting you out, offering you the chance to crawl free of his gaping maw…
(12:05:19 PM) Kodisoa: The chill of the air adds to her reluctance to brave the daggers of your fangs to seek freedom in the chilly outside air. She takes a moment to crane her neck up and back to admire the living splendor of your maw's architecture -- sculpted, primal, deadly! The movement and placement of your tongue, as it leads the way to salvation, is more than enough to goad her into action. On her needs, she half-crawls and half slides out, landing with a splat and sprawling in near exhaustion in front of you. Quickly she tries to stand and raise her gaze to you, trying to steel herself to bolt for freedom depending on what she sees.
(12:14:17 PM) Pyrophile6: You slide forward on the dragon's tongue, trying to crawl free. Your hands move off his tongue and onto the cold floor, your waist and legs still back in his mouth... But then suddenly he bites down. It's not really meant to hurt you, and his tongue pushes on you from below as his teeth gently dig into your back, gripping you strongly enough that you can't crawl any further out. Holding you between his lips, half in his mouth, the dragon raises his head again. The floor falls away from you.
(12:18:04 PM) Kodisoa: She squeals as this happens, half expecting the agony of fanged piercing and crushing. When it does come, she simply writhes fruitlessly to try to get free. As the tantalizingly close ground spins away, again reeling out of reach, she groans in frustration. Her hands and slimy fingers grip your lower lip to gain some support, her legs kicking and scrabbling for purchase inside your mouth, battering your tongue in a tickling fashion. She doesn't speak, but it seems clear that she is trying to escape even while part of her seems to be enjoying pitting her meager strength against your overwhelming bit pressure and the sway and hoist of your neck, which is as mighty as an earth-moving machine!
(12:35:56 PM) Pyrophile6: Inside his mouth, the dragon's tongue explores your kicking legs with taunting pleasure, massaging them almost comfortingly. Then it wraps around your waist, the thick, slimy appendage encircling you with surprising flexibility. He slowly pulls with it, tugging you back between his lips with casual ease, almost as you might slurp up a noodle. Your head vanishes between those scaly lips, taking one last look outside as the lips squeeze at your head. The last parts to be tugged inside are your arms, vanishing betwixt those reptilian lips with taunting slowness.
Once you're fully inside, you tilt and sway as the dragon moves his head around, moving at something. A rush of cooler air and light suddenly comes into his maw once more, and you twist your neck to see out as the dragon opens his mouth once more. You see a cow, looking freshly slaughtered, and the dragon's teeth rushing at it. He bites down into its flesh with much harder force than he did with you, and blood sprays into his maw. The teeth close around a hefty chunk of meat, and his head shakes violently from side to side as he pulls it free from the carcass. When it comes free, it presses against you, squeezing you into the dragon's already tight maw.
(12:54:04 PM) Kodisoa: Her struggles are once again pointless as you slurp the slimy, nearly naked human female back into your mouth. Her tired muscles quiver against your gums and tongue as she once again comes to terms with her toothy cage. Seeing the creature's fangs from the "wrong" side is a breathtaking sight -- something she never imagined she'd see once, let alone twice! As her last clutching hand is pried off your lower lip by the suction from within, slurped entirely inside the beast's oral cavity, she thinks to herself. He's teasing me! She can hardly believe it. But your behavior has had many surprises up until this point. This added mystery terrifies her, yet also entices her. Strange that he hasn't killed me or even tortured me, she thinks. But now something very unsettling happens! You begin to feed for real, on the flesh of another animal, fortunately a dead one. But she can see for the first time that your teeth aren't just for show. She also gets the full measure of your feeding power as you tear the chunk of meat of, pulling it in languidly with your tongue to baste it with your saliva, along with her! There's simply not enough room in your mouth to avoid being mashed into the bleeding chunk of pliant, loosely-held-together sinew, hide, and muscle. "Ew," she groans involuntarily, though she finds once again that a strong part of her is enjoying this mastering massage as you work your jaws on the carcass, and now work them around the meat and her own squirming body! She shivers to think what you plan to do next. If you swallow the meat, she might well get swept down along with it! And if that happens, she might well wind up going deeper than any sane creature would wish to go into the digestive tract of a dragon!
(1:16:58 PM) Pyrophile6: The dragon's teeth gnash a few times, tearing at the meat terrifyingly close to your own body. He's chewing up the meat around you, and you can't help but wonder how much he distinguishes between it and the other, still-living meat within his jaws. As he closes his jaws tightly and tilts his head back, the answer becomes clear: Not very much. The dragon swallows once more. You're tugged towards his throat once more, your feet flipping into the soft gullethole flesh instead of your head this time. Most of the meat goes ahead of you, sliding around your feet, swallowed up by the tunnel with wet gulping noises.
It's your turn now. The dragon makes to swallow the freshly-flavored girl in his mouth, but first takes a moment to grope at your body with his tongue. It slides along your front, lingering around and between your breasts before once again curling up and pushing you towards the back. He gulps, and the crushing tugs of peristalsis grip your legs and yank you down his gullet with frightening speed. He gulps over and and over again, head darting at the air with each swallow as he squeezes you down, a visible bulge sliding down the red scales of his neck. You soon find yourself being squeezed back into the slimy, steamy, elastic sac of his forebelly.
(2:00:11 PM) Kodisoa: Adrenalin floods her body as you crush and chew the hunk of bloody steer. She's able to avoid getting crushed and bitten herself, quite possibly thanks to your own aid. Even so, she gets thoroughly grimy with the sticky gore of your succulent meal. She's now anointed head to toe in blood-soaked saliva, looking much like a newborn animal herself. As you swallow it, she screams in terror and exhilaration feeling her body getting tugged and guided into the fleshy funnel to join the meat. You can feel her scrabbling madly with hands and feet, though everything inside is a slick morass, a slimy slope of flesh that leads into embrace of your hungry gullet! But mercifully your swallow is a short one, engulfing the meat and ,merely tugging at her feet; not enough to vanquish her. She pants with relief and arousal at her reprieve, wondering exactly where that meat is going, even now, and what will happen to it. As you begin to taste her, she moans in fearful rapture, half resisting and half cooperating with your sensuous licking of her marinated flesh. At one point, she actually presses the tip of your tongue against her chest, squeezing its coarse, hot firmness between her succulent, firm orbs. You can feel that her pert nipples are erect, her skin quivering with terror and desire. As you gulp her down again forcefully, she squirms and moans, but only half-heartedly, "No!" She lunges for tooth to try to anchor herself, but it's too late! Your gulps are more forceful this time, forcing her slick body down along your spine like some horrific carnival ride. Mercifully she finds her progress halt once again as she arrives in your forebelly. She feels feeling the comforting thud of your heart nearby; but gropes around for the hunk of meat you ate before, perhaps realizing that it has been sucked deeper. She wonders exactly where it has gone, and how long before it will be her turn!
(2:19:33 PM) Pyrophile6: As the belly settles, it squeezes tighter around you, pressing you against the hunk of meat sharing the belly with you. The dragon snorts contentedly. With his appetizer out of the way, he returns to his meal proper. Each time he takes a large bite out of the steer, tearing it with his teeth before lazily gulping it down to his belly. Where you required repeated, strong swallows to squeeze down his throat, each slab of flesh only takes a single, lazily gulp to send down to his belly.
The meat ends up in the same place as you, the forestomach, squeezed into the elastic pouch with the rest of the dragon's meal. The pleated folds expand to make room for the new additions, but it still squeezes you tighter, burying you amongst smooth muscle, raw meat, and slime. But, as the dragon feasts, you realize that the space seems to be getting roomier. Occasionally the contents of his belly will shift, sending some hunk of meat towards the back of the sac with a wet glurk. You can hear gurgling and rumbling noises coming from the same area. With a sudden gurgle, the contents of the forestomach shift, shoving you towards those noises. The back wall seems to give before you, opening around a slab of meat and squeezing it through a tight sphincter. Acid smells seep back through it, and you realize that it's only a matter of time before you move further down into the dragon.
(2:32:04 PM) Kodisoa: In the steamy darkness of your innards, your naked captive's breath comes in ragged, shallow pants. She thinks, Oh god, he's feeding! I'm just part of this bloody mess now; just part of his feast! Her slimy hands tremble with exhaustion and excitement as squirms among the smooth, slick walls and tries to feel around for the exit. She can feel where the meat is coming in as you gobble it down, but she has far too little leverage or strength to make much progress back up your throat. The only thing she can do is to perhaps prolong her fate -- delay the inexorable moment when it will be her turn to be sucked down into the next gastric chamber, which from the smell of it, is where digestion occurs! Despite the danger, she can't help wondering what it would feel like to be in there. With horrified anticipation, she realizes she's likely to soon find out, whether she wants to or not! Meanwhile, you can probably feel your helpless guest worming around in your foregut, trying to evade the peristalsis that keeps trying to nudge her down through the fleshing, squelching sphincter and into your stomach proper.
(2:53:35 PM) Pyrophile6: The dragon's belly is beginning to gurgle loudly as it sets to work on his dinner, grinding and digesting the cow's meat into chyme. The beast himself has just about finished with his meal, gulping down one last hunk of meat. Little remains of the cow, with even the bones having been condemned to the red's digestive tract. He feels almost full now, his foregut stretched wide with meat, his main stomach dutifully churning away. Annoyingly, though, his stomach feels a bit strange. He puts a hand to his chest, just below where it meets his neck, feeling at the foregut. He can feel motion kicking around inside, the squirming of his tasty appetizer. Perhaps she's blocking up his digestive tract. Relieving a bit of gastric pressure, the dragon lets out a wet, rumbling belch. Amusingly, a pair of torn pants flies out of his maw, having apparently caught on his teeth during dinner. The dragon massages his forebelly gently, enjoying the feel of your squirms.
(3:09:05 PM) Kodisoa: Buried among the steer's hide and meat -- and even its torn organs and twisted, snapped bones, your still-living prey is pressed and squeezed from all sides, hardly able to move at all. What's more, most of the blood of your repast is also sloshing around, joining your slimy drool to form a squalid, heady mire inside the relative safety of the churning organ that confines her. So she has to time her breaths to avoid inhaling the stuff. In spite of the mounting peril and the discomfort, the bestial, instinctive side of her revels in her plight. Never in her life has she felt so helpless and yet also so alive! Your heartbeat, the whoosh of your breathing, the muffled sounds of your chewing, and the gurgling of your gut below all add to an overwhelming intimacy. She's now part of a force of nature; a creature so splendid and massive that it contains all of her! And she'll soon become a part of all those scales, horns, and mighty limbs! As your paw presses and kneads against the outside of her pulsing cocoon, she ah's in growing ardor, arching and tensing to try to press back against your paw. Yes great beast! Take me now! she thinks passionately.
(3:21:31 PM) Pyrophile6: A soft rumble emanates from the dragon as he digests his meal, a vibrating sound that you can feel even inside of his very stomach. Sated and full, the dragon shuffles to his feet for a moment to stretch. He sticks out his forelegs, tail twisting at the air as he stretches out, before collapsing back onto his belly and curling up. He rests his head next to his belly, letting the quiet gurgling and rumbling and muted shouts from within soothe him to sleep.
His nap isn't quite so relaxing for you. As the dragon drifts to sleep, his digestion kicks into overdrive, churning and squeezing at your with even more vigor than before. The foregut contracts around you, dumping all of its contents into the main stomach. You're squashed between two hunks of meat as the gut pushes you back, the sphincter opening wider and wider until it's nearly the same width as the foregut.
(3:33:48 PM) Kodisoa: As you stretch luxuriously, her confining cocoon tightens, momentarily clamping down on her chest and making breathing more difficult. She shudders at the sensations. He's done feeding! she thinks. He must intend for me to stay in here! To become... a permanent part of his dinner! As slumber settles on your mind and your digestion begins in earnest, a muffled scream of terror and elation is heard as all of the meat -- and her! -- begin to get shuttled down into the gastric center of your hunger. Lodged and squeezed within the slushy avalanche of masticated meat, fits of trembling wrack along her petrified, exhausted body. As if buried in a landslide, she feels herself slipped perilously deeper into your digestive tract, toward your tail, and into a chamber that's also wedged under your spine. But she doesn't try to fight it. It's pointless anyways, she rationalizes. And a strange part of her has been anticipating this fate, wondering what it's like in the belly of this majestic, scaly carnivore. She suspects that once inside that acrid sac, there will be no mercy; she'll likely be treated just as ruthlessly the rest of your food! And now the time has come to experience this dragon's hunger first hand!
(3:43:21 PM) Pyrophile6: As you're squeezed into the main belly, you're overcome with the stench of acid and burning meat. The foregut irises shut as the last of the meat slips through with you, squeezing you into the belly. It's not much roomier in here than it was in the previous chamber, and the addition of the remaining meat leaves even less space for you. The stomach churns around you, settling around its contents, and you find yourself pinned between a wall and a heavy slab of meat. You can hardly tell which way is up, but it won't matter for much longer. Every inch of your skin is starting to tingle and burn, even inside your throat in nose. Even a live human can hardly be expected to last long in the stomach of a dragon. You can feel yourself starting to slip into unconsciousness.
(3:57:18 PM) Kodisoa: She feels the sting of your liquid huger beginning to baste her skin, tenderizing and penetrating. Fortunately the endorphins of her arousal dampen some of the destruction and pain. Her breath still pulses through her lips, rapid and panting; but each breath is acrid, scalding her nose and throat, pungent like an onion. Her eyes water to try to clear the irritation from them, and she squeezes them closed. She squirms about to try to get her bearings, but only succeeds in tumbling deeper in the nutritious slurry, feeling the wave-like contractions and your carnivorous belly kneads and flexes. Oh god! He’s eaten me! I'm just meat for him now! This thought is an intoxicating mixture of horror and rapture, feeling an amazing oneness with you. And this is one of her final coherent thoughts, for fever and darkness are now stabbing into her consciousness, tugging her into an uncomfortable dream of numbing fire that seems to light up every inch of her skin. As her mind slips deeper into her last dream, the well-toned body of your prey item begins to melt into the stew, joining the cow's deconstruction and succumbing to the onslaught of digestion.
(4:05:22 PM) Pyrophile6: The dragon burps softly in his sleep as what was once a human breaks up in his gut, homogenizing into a slurry of chyme. His body digests his meal dutifully all through the night, and even into the morning, as the dragon departs his island shelter and takes to the skies once more. Your body helps to fuel his own as he flies, powering his wings and legs as the cycle of hunting and feeding starts once more.
[[WARNING: Post-vore scat scene past this point.]]
(4:17:54 PM) Pyrophile6: The dragon's digestive tract works fairly slowly for his size. Over the course of the next day, your ex-body is creeping its way through his small intestines, slowly absorbing the nutrients therein. From there, the chyme collects in the large intestine, and even the water content of your body is processed out by the carnivore's efficient body. Your remains slowly dry out into a thick brown mass, mixed in with the remains of the steer. Though your flesh is long since unrecognizable, a fair number of bones have managed to survive, slipping through the intestines to become embedded in the dragon's feces. It's well into the second day after your consumption that the dragon finally feels nature calling.
(4:31:20 PM) Pyrophile6: The dragon is flying over a mist-shrouded farmland when he feels the pressure under his tail, a human meal once again straining to be let out. The dragon leisurely enters into a descent, picking out an empty field to land in. He's only recently fed, and can still feel his dessert kicking away in his forebelly, a wolf who's nowhere near as reasonable as you were about being food. He lands in the soft earth almost silently, figure shrouded in the mists. With little concern, the dragon pulls in his rear legs, raises his swaying tail, and begins to excrete you. His tailhole spreads open easily under the pressure, and he squeezes out a heavy log of dark brown waste. It drops to the earth with a wet thump. Panting at the relaxing sensation, he squeezes out another lump, and then another, a small mound of feces piling up under his rump. Bones are embedded into his feces, both from you and the steer, the only sign of what his meal used to be. As the last piece is deposited on the pile, the dragon huffs happily. Memories of a tasty human girl tickle at his memories as he returns to the sky.
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RP - Dragon Exploration By Pyro -- Report

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This is an RP between me and Kodisoa, a brilliant writer who has contributed to two of the other RP logs already in my gallery.

This one has detailed, semi-consensual soft oral vore between a dragon and a human, along with plenty of mawplay, teasing, and even some foodplay.

There's also a short post-vore scat scene at the end. It's clearly marked, so you can easily skip it if you want.

As always, comments and feedback are hugely appreciated!

Comment on RP - Dragon Exploration

Pyro: I read every comment, and they're all appreciated, even if I don't reply.


Posted by FoxSequence 9 years ago Report

Ah, the return of the dual stomachs! Just like before, what an excellent story this is. I have a soft spot for all of that digestion (and not gory) language, and a whole story full of it is even better.

Kudos :)

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Posted by Pyro 9 years ago Report

Glad you enjoyed it!

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