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Pretty Much Every South Park Ending Ever By saintheartwing -- Report

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Now hear me out.

I LOVE South Park. I really do. I usually greatly enjoy it's humor, it's wit. I love how it managed to stay relevant for so long. I love the little storylines it does and how it can take plot points dropped ages ago and craft it into brilliant new storylines later on. I love the creativity in the animation.

BUT! And this is a big but. That does not mean that I agree with everything they do. And Matt Stone and Trey Parker have often said that they and South Park exist to be that person in the middle, laughing at both sides.

I don't know if they've only just recently begun to realize it, but both sides having issues doesn't equate to both sides being wrong. The people opposing gay marriage didn't honestly have good arguments. The people who don't realize the frustrations black people go through and who thought the protests after Trayvon Martin and Tamir Race and Eric Garner were mostly just anti-cop were in the wrong. In real life, one side is often very clearly wrong even if they have a few good points. And one side is often clearly right even if they have a few problems with their arguments. There's a few holes in the theory of evolution but that doesn't mean most scientists don't accept that's how Life was crafted into what it was on Earth! Not to mention South Park doesn't really propose any true solutions most of the time beyond going "Well why doesn't Stand Your Ground apply to white people and not just black"? Okay, what's your solution? Do you want to ban it? Do you want to put body cameras on cops? No answer beyond saying "it's f--kin' stupid". YES, it's f--king stupid, but how about you tell me who's gonna put the bell on the cat?

And they're also big hypocrites. They are constantly, CONSTANTLY ripping into other people be they celebrities or organizations for telling other people what to do or how to act, from Rosie O'Donnell to the Catholic Church. And remind me again what South Park does?

Oh! Right! Nearly every single show is them saying "This is how you ought to be acting and everyone is dumb but us if they act otherwise". Pretty much every show South Park tells you how to live your live or at least a facet OF it, but they're constantly tearing into other people who try to do anything close to that! So it's okay when YOU do it and make it satirical, but it's not okay when others try to do it in earnest?

And they hit the prime mark of hypocrisy when it comes to insulting celebrities. They've insulted the media and other organizations that ridiculously obsess over celebrities and you could argue that perhaps the media does deserve to be taken down a peg given how they waste time complaining about what somebody wore to the White House Correspondant's Dinner when they should have covered the huge protests going on at the same time over in Baltimore this year. But then South Park did "Britney's New Look".


In which they say it's time to leave Britney Spears alone and they viciously tore into the media for hounding Britney and other celebrities like her constantly, how their behavior often fuels celebrity self-destruction and encourages bad behavior from celebrities. They. South Park. Was saying it was unfair and cruel to keep hounding, insulting and mocking celebrities over and over.

That is like CHARLES MANSON telling JEFFREY DAHMER "Hey, tone the killing down a notch, you got issues". You guys are the worst of the lot! You're always making fun of celebrities! So for YOU to take an entire episode to say "We shouldn't be so meanspirited and cruel towards celebrities all the time" is the height of hypocrisy! The absolute height.

Now they have, in recent years, gotten more self-aware. There's been a few episodes where they've sort of acknowledged that they might have ended up contributing to the culture's coarsening. That they might have slightly lowered the bar for society in a few ways themselves. And I'm grateful for that. But that doesn't mean I can't point out their own issues. If you really love someone or something, you don't utterly overlook their flaws. That's the way a six year old loves something. Real love means accepting flaws and trying to work on fixing them with the people you love.

South Park, I love you. But keep working on it, okay? Know when you're stepping over the line, and know when you're doing something that's blatantly hypocritical. That is all I ask.

Comment on Pretty Much Every South Park Ending Ever

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Posted by Nemi 8 years ago Report

This isn't tumblr.


Posted by saintheartwing 8 years ago Report

And that's irrelevant. I don't JUST post vore work to this site.


Posted by Lemon-scentedBiscut 8 years ago Report

i dont think his comment's irrelevant, this post just feels extremely out of place.

unless you're trolling then i mean, nice work I suppose!


Posted by saintheartwing 8 years ago Report

A lot of my own work is commentary and satire. This is just more OF that.


Posted by Suibelly 8 years ago Report

I somehow get the impression this might not be in line with this site's general theme.

Then again people are into some strange forms of vore.


Posted by saintheartwing 8 years ago Report

This isn't just about indulging in my fantasies. I put up plenty of art for that, but I also enjoy venting.


Posted by Hameranth 8 years ago Report

Then vent somewhere else. This site is not for that.


Posted by maleperduis 8 years ago Report

Is this paraphrasing a youtube video? It looks very familiar


Posted by copb.phoenix 8 years ago Report

The problem with your point of view is the desire for perfection instead of mere examination. One can offer criticisms without offering solutions; that's the very nature of satire a lot of times. (Read or watch the Onion sometime - it's exceedingly rare their satire offers a solution.)

So I think you need to slow down, take a deep breath, and remember two things:

First, that it's just a cartoon. Just a show on television. It's not like we design our policies around it and if anything South Park's creators encourage their viewers to be the opposite of brainwashed peons who repeat whatever their told.

Second, that this is - more or less - a sex/entertainment site to a lot of people, and if you're going to focus on being a buzzkill, you're gonna' have a bad time. "Less yappin' more fappin'" and all that.


Posted by copb.phoenix 8 years ago Report



Posted by saintheartwing 8 years ago Report

First, a lot of people online and in real life DO base their political views off of South Park. "Oh of COURSE Climate Change ain't real, just watch Manbearpig".I've heard it so many times.

2. Your first argument boils down to "Never get emotionally invested in anything", which is a stupid idea.

3. South Park encourages their viewers to be the opposite of peons unless it has to do with THEIR views. We should respect the crazy tenets of Mormonism because they're just people trying to do what's right and it's mean to pick on them just for believing in some odd things! Oh, unless they're Scientologists, then they're all brainwashed idiots who have no concept of truth whatsoever. We shouldn't treat celebrities so poorly!...unless it's us. We can't know what it feels like to be called the n-word so we shouldn't just let white people use it. But it's okay for STRAIGHT people to use the f-a-g word cuz it TOTALLY doesn't mean the same thing it used to! "Everybody is dumb but us" is their mindset and they tear into everyone else because of it, with almost zero mind for irony or hypocrisy.

4. I already post plenty of vore work. It's not a crime to add in something else in the name of intellectual debate or philosophy. Gimme a break.


Posted by bloodle8 8 years ago Report

This is just my opinion, but I don't think South Park is telling anyone to take a middle ground or saying both sides are wrong. I've always seen South Park as satirical. It isn't meant to push opinions in anyone's faces, it's meant to poke fun at certain aspects of social issues. Granted, a lot of episodes end with someone saying "I learned something today", and that can certainly come across as a bit preachy.

As for Brittany's New Look, I think it's possible they were more focused on the way we pick out a single celebrity and hound them 24/7. The way the media will hound a single celebrity until they're driven insane. South Park at the very least spreads out the celebrities they make fun of. Just kind of an idea, I won't try to argue that with you.


Posted by saintheartwing 8 years ago Report

You might think that, but they've literally said on the Charlie Rose show, and I'm quoting:

Charlie: Now, here's what Tony Scott said- Tony write, writes for the New Your Times. He reviews movies. He said, "I know I'm not alone in confessing that my moral-" Don't worry about this now, "I worry that-" He says, "I'm," "I know I'm not alone in confessing that my moral and ideological guides for the past half-dozen years have included four foul-mouthed Colorado youngsters made out of torn construction paper. Without South Park I would scarcely know what to think about issues like stem-cell research, The Passion Of The Christ, and the Pokémon craze." Now, you are educating America!

Matt: Yes, we're trying to. We're trying.

Trey: That's really-, what we, what we've always said, and I think what we say with the show is not anything new, but I think it is something that is great to put out there, which is, you know, the people screaming on this side and the people screaming on that side are the same people, and it's okay to be somewhat in the middle laughing at both of them.

So they ARE trying to actually teach people things to some degree, and they ARE telling people to be in the middle, laughing at both sides. But they're NOT the same people, especially since life is not full of people who will always have good points.

For example. One guy thinks it's okay to beat his wife. The other does not, and calls the other guy a f--kin' pig. You gonna tell me the second guy is the same guy as the first just cuz he's passionate that it's NOT okay to beat your wife? Both sides don't always have things to offer and both sides aren't often equivalent just because they get worked up over an issue.

But that's just my own opinion. (Shrugs)