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Uvuzi - the pardon (sketch) By Strega -- Report

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Monstertown (formally, Greyston) has an unusual system of legal penalties, ranging from fines, to indentured servitude, to slavery (for however long the magistrate deems), and ultimately, there are various sorts of execution.

Low-escape-risk criminals who are condemned to die are sold at the "Meat market". (Powerful adventurers and the like would just escape, so they aren't low risk.) If you buy someone there you are obligated to see them dead within three days - but how they die is entirely up to you. It's perfectly legal to eat someone you buy there and it's the chief way the city's man-eaters get their meals.

It's difficult to get out of the sentence once you're condemned to be sent there, but pardons are occasionally bought...too late, in this case.

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Posted by Larax 8 years ago Report

And why do I have a feeling that Uvuzi would have a second course?
They are all alone, no witnesses and if asked - she can always tell that lioness loved her husband too much and wanted to be reunited with him.


Posted by Strega 8 years ago Report

Too much of a paper trail. Out in the wilderness the lioness would soon add to the bulge but it's safe enough to be alone with Uvuzi here.


Posted by Rothar 8 years ago Report

So netflix and chill is safe with Uvuzi while you're living in the suburbs?


Posted by Strega 8 years ago Report

I wouldn't invite her into my house, but Monstertown is surprisingly strictly policed and Uvuzi is a known man-eater. I keep meaning to do a pic in which the guard are questioning her about a missing person and a suspicious bulge in her midsection. 83


Posted by JackFrost 8 years ago Report

Ha! I'd invite her into my home in a heartbeat, and say something like "Uvuzi, I find you fascinating, I have heard so much about you, and I'd really like you get to know you from the inside". Then I'd get to to find out what it's like to ride the 'big slide'.


Posted by miranda_dragon 8 years ago Report

Oooops :)


Posted by keyblademark 8 years ago Report

what an uncofortable situation XD


Posted by copb.phoenix 8 years ago Report

Das hawt >///<


Posted by Rothar 8 years ago Report

Seems like quite a fitting law systme (in a world where citizens eating eachother is fairly normal that is) that the government can sell prisoners condemned to die for a income rather than spending money on keeping prisoners in expensive prison, supplying them with food, paying for the leathal injections and the people doing it. And in the end the people get some good use for the prisoners themselves, rather than just watch them get executed or something.


Posted by Strega 8 years ago Report

Likewise, the most common "jail term" is as an indentured servant or as a slave. If you behave badly there you may get sent to the arena and if you REALLY mess up (like kill your master) then off you go to the Meat Market or are just plain executed on the spot. Some prisoners get brought straight to a known pred and the guards will watch them get eaten. It's in your best interests to be a law abiding pred because you might get a free meal if the city guard likes you. There's also a red dragon in the city guard, an intelligent tiger, a human general with two pet giant wolverines, some mind flayers and the like...there's no shortage of ways to execute people.


Posted by nc 8 years ago Report

Actually makes me wonder why people would still be willing to commit crimes :P

That said might be fun to see a harmless looking pred like one of your little praka girls ending up on the meat market... only to have said meat buyers disappear


Posted by Strega 8 years ago Report

The same reason we still have crimes in our world. They think they can get away with it, they are drunk, stupid or sick in the head, they are angry or desperate, etc, etc.


Posted by mallowsal 8 years ago Report

*sad trombone*


Posted by Fischie 8 years ago Report

This is hilarious!
I hope we will see more of that efficient juridictional system