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Prank pg 2 By livinlovindude -- Report

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Continuation of yesterday's comic! Story by  Star-sage

Outside the room, Todd rushed around, looking into the other habitats, seeing things like those two in the orange jump suit and armor fighting some tentacled horror, some blonde woman waving her hand, causing her whole body to glow with inner light, before fire sprouted from her fingertips as her awakened mitochondria focused their energies, and past one that appeared to be a dome containing nothing but multicolored small horses. Finally, after what felt like hours of running, he spotted them.

“Oh thank -huff- goodness I -puff-found you,” he said, nearly collapsing from his run as he leaned forward, bracing his arms on his legs, while in front of him, men in what looked like riot gear, carrying massive rifles, looked at him. Some seemed to be nervous, as if his rush to find them might signify a very, very hard day for them, while others appeared almost excited behind their plexiglass helmets, raring for any sort of challenge.

“You’ve got-huff-gotta come with me,” he said, pointing back down the corridor he’d been running down.

“One of the specimens had eaten its handler! You have to put it down!” he shouted, and the four guards got into a formation, standing there, waiting for another few seconds for the researcher to finally recover enough to start back down the corridor at a brisk trot, guiding them through all the labs and habitats.

‘This might not be such a bad day afterall. If Heather’s gone, I can probably get her research posthumously,’ thought Todd to himself as led the way. Back in the habitat he was heading towards, Heather was just about ready to leave Adam’s belly, stretching her arms and legs as far as they would go, and pushing against the sphincter that led out.

“Okay Adam, I better get out. Todd could be back any minute with the guards,” she told him, and pulled apart the ring of flesh, while reminding herself to make sure Adam’s food was well mushed, if he couldn’t even keep her down. With the whole pulled open enough, the woman began her climb, her hands finding wrinkles in the walls that let her grab hold, and begin to pull herself upwards. The throat fought a little, but the walls closing on her were like gentle pillows, rather than powerful muscles, letting her slide herself up into the throat.

“Woah!” she cried, as her foot almost slipped on one of the fleshy walls, the shoe she wore slick with spit and stomach juices. Luckily, by this point, Adam had gotten ahold of her, and with his muscles catching her, and helping her, she climbed up his throat, her fingers finally emerging into the open air, and grabbing onto the teeth in the back of his mouth, hauling herself up, and letting him lean forward, his body slipping her out as easily as in, and leaving her to spill from his maw onto the ground, splashing into a puddle of drool.

“Ugh...right...let’s get cleaned up before they arrive…,” she said, and proceeded to a towel she’d hidden nearby for just this sort of situation, the thing being a sort of super towel designed by one of the labs here. It not only dried her off, but left her as clean as if she’d taken a shower under a pure river waterfall. She finished just in time, too, as she tossed the towel aside, the door slid open once more, revealing Todd, flanked on all sides by large men wielding some rather nasty looking weapons.

“There! That’s the big lizard, it devoured...the woman who’s currently stroking its muzzle,” said Todd, his accusing finger drooping as his mind tried to catch up with what he was saying. Around him, the guards seemed to still be high strung, one of them pointing a weapon at the woman, as if they expected her to be some sort of monster, while the others aimed for the dinosaur, but none pulling the triggers.

“Oh, hello there gentlemen,” said Heather, trying to sound as pleasant as possible as she scratched Adam’s chin in that way he licked, his leg pounding into the ground like the great big doggy he was.

“Heather, you’re alive? But...but I saw him...and you...and gulp..,” he said, trailing off as he just stared, the men around him lowering their weapons as he spoke, and then looking towards the woman.

“Dude...I think this guy’s messing with us,” commented a feminine voice beneath one of the head shields, and the other three turned to him.

“Oh, my colleague didn’t pull a prank on you did he? Bad Todd, you know better. You’ll have to forgive him, he’s a bit….mischievous,” she said, in her most innocent voice, while Todd himself just kept staring at her, flummoxed and unable to continue his thought process. The four guards, taking a moment to walk over to the woman and scan her ID card, just in case, then proceeded to walk past the still stunned man, the female guard who’d spoken before smacking the back of his head on the way past. Todd, for his part, fell back onto his butt after that, watching as Heather continued to dote on the big lizard he was sure he’d seen eat her alive.

Comment on Prank pg 2

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Posted by naraku1201 8 years ago Report

This was just perfect! Please do more of this.


Posted by WPBcrazy 8 years ago Report

breh XDDDD #savage


Posted by Stunlocked 7 years ago Report

The panel order seems a little off, it jumps from left to right to up to down. Some arrows showing which one is the next panel might help


Posted by MamaFuckingLuigi 7 years ago Report

It's just a prank, bro.


Posted by Done25 7 years ago Report

Glad to see more of these two! They're a cute "couple". <3


Posted by TheNamesJackson 6 years ago Report

Is that the scp foundation?


Posted by GojiVorax 11 months ago Report

And just like that, any semblance of credibility he had just flew out the window