Vore Wiki


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"Vore" 是什麼東西?


"vorarephile" 是一個對"生物吃另一個生物"有強烈的興趣的人。它可能是 "軟吃" 像青蛙吞下飛蟲, 或獅子暴力地用爪和牙分開撕毀它的犧牲者。同類相食, 動物吃動物, 變形蟲細胞吞噬其它微觀生物... 它是全部是 "Vore", 根據個人的興趣。vorarephile 對他們的幻想的反應幾乎總是與色情有關, 之內可能有從柔和, 快樂的投降, 對恐慌和痛苦腎上腺素倉促的變化。Vorarephiles 也許享受狩獵的興奮或作為掠食性動物或犧牲者的快感。

詞"vorarephile" 是被用於廣地解釋這种興趣, 根據某人的個人定義和可能解釋許多不同意思。 vorarephile這詞因為這是新造詞, 有一定數量的拼寫與變異。 因為它是由分享這興趣的人創造, 因此沒有正式辭條. Voreaphile, voraphile, vorarephile, 等全部被使用作為變異的拼寫方法。但這個詞夠獨特,變異的拼寫不容易混淆任何人。

詞從意味吞下或吞食的拉丁根"vorare 被獲得,", 並且"- phile," 希臘詞尾意思"戀人。" vorarephiles 常用的簡稱是 "Vore" (偶爾地懶惰打字員雖則將使用"vor" 避免鍵入那最後的"e":) ) 經常被使用為vorarephile 材料在網的其它規定, 但真正地只描述妖怪吃婦女, 是"gynephagia"。

由於vorarephile 是最常見的拼寫, 我使用了它在這個網站。最正確的實際上是 phagophilia (從希臘 "phagos" 引進, 含意 "吃"), 但 "vore" 現在被使用有一段時間了, 並且人們通曉 "vore" 。Phagophobia 是對被吃的被提供的恐懼或被吞下, 你可以想像它用與 vore。

為什麼某些人發現這種材料的激起性? 好問題, 可能需要心理學家幾年治療回答;) Vorarephilia 是非常奇怪的迷信, 但是當一想到這個問題,觸發這種迷戀在自己的生活是相當豐富。一些vorarephiles想回子宮,毫不誇張地-以經常交往,並推斷它的參與將完全在您的合作夥伴。 (這通常是所謂的“生殖器vore , ”可以讓男性或女性生殖器。)許多母親和孩子一起玩時,他們都非常年輕,取笑,他們是如此可愛,他們可能只是“吃起來, ”有時候真的把嬰兒的腳或手在母親的嘴裡。許多哺乳動物物種或吮咬在交配或早期階段的母愛,我們畢竟是哺乳動物。最有可能的, vorarephilia僅僅是一個非常激烈的口頭固定(fixation, a la Freud) ,採取了精心設計的 "幻想生活"。

Vorarephiles, 在大多數情況下, 是精心製作的"科幻", 介入 "吃" 或由某人/某事"被吃"。 Vorarephiles 實踐 "真實 vore" (犧牲者, 譬如金魚, 鳥, 等) 是非常小的。它還是不切合實際的吃活的動物或另一人, 許多vorarephiles 從未實踐他們的個人幻想. 幾乎所有 vorarephilia 是幻想居多, 傾向於是非常無害的業餘愛好, 永遠不會實際他們的個人幻想。往往是一個非常無害的迷信。有了互聯網,幻想的生活變得更加豐富-虛擬現實角色扮演比比皆是在聊天室,圖片和故事可以共享,以及來自世界各地的可以找到對方,討論他們的幻想。


如果您感興趣, 親愛的讀者, 請用開放的眼去瀏覽這個站點和跟隨鏈接被提供對一些其它vorarephile網站!

但記住vorarephilia 不是每一個人都接受。第一次接觸vorarephile 的人多數認為vorarephile古怪, 或立刻覺得尷尬, 不相信他們不是唯一的 "異常人" :)  

What is Vore?

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What Is This "Vore" Thing, Anyway?

What is a "Vorarephile?"

A vorarephile is someone who has intense interest in or is sexually aroused by one creature eating another. The eating involved can be something as "soft" as a frog swallowing a fly, or as "hard" as a lion tearing its prey apart with claws and teeth. Cannibalism, animals eating each other, amoebas engulfing other microscopic creatures... it's all there, depending on the individual's interest. A vorarephile's emotional reaction to their fantasies is almost always erotic, but can vary from gentle, joyful surrender, to the adrenaline rush of panic and pain. Vorarephiles may enjoy the thrill of the hunt as either predator or prey.

The word "vorarephile" was coined as a broad term for this fetish, and can take on many meanings depending on one's personal definition. There are a number of spelling variations for the word vorarephile. Since this is a new coinage, created by people who share this fetish, there's no official dictionary entry to go by. Voreaphile, voraphile, vorarephile, etc. are all used as spellings, but the term is unique enough that the spelling differences don't confuse anyone. The word was derived from the Latin root "vorare," which means to swallow or devour, and "-phile," the Greek suffix meaning "lover of." "Vore" is the commonly used abbreviation by vorarephiles (though occasionally lazy typists will use "vor" to avoid typing that final "e" :) ) Another term that is often used for vorarephile stuff on the net, but really only describes monsters eating women, is "gynephagia."

Because vorarephile is the most common spelling, I've used it throughout this site. The most correct term for this fetish is actually phagophilia (from the Greek "phagos", meaning eat), but the term "vore" has been used for some time now, and people are familiar with it. Phagophobia is a documented fear of being eaten or swallowed, and one would imagine that it is related in a way to the mechanics of the vore fetish.

Why do some people find this stuff sexually arousing? Good question, and one that can likely only be answered with years of therapy ;) Vorarephilia is a very strange fetish, but when one thinks about it, the triggers for this kind of fetish in one's life are fairly abundant. Some vorarephiles want to go back to the womb, quite literally - taking regular intercourse, and extrapolating it to involve going inside your partner completely. (This is usually called "genital vore," and can involve male or female genitals.) Many mothers play with their children when they are very young, teasing that they are so cute that they could just "eat them up," sometimes actually putting the baby's feet or hands in the mother's mouth. Many mammal species bite or suck during mating or the early stages of mothering, and we are mammals after all. Most likely, vorarephilia is just a very intense oral fixation (a la Freud), acted out in an elaborate fantasy life.

Vorarephiles, for the most part, have just that - an elaborate fantasy life, involving eating or being eaten by someone or something. Very few vorarephiles actually practice "Real Life" vore, where one consumes (presumably live) prey, such as goldfish, birds, etc. And it's not practical to be eaten alive by an animal or another person, so many vorarephiles will never actually live out their personal fantasies for "real." Because this is almost all fantasy, vorarephilia tends to be a very harmless fetish. With the availability of the internet, fantasy life has gotten much richer - virtual reality role-playing abounds in chat rooms, images and stories can be shared, and people from around the world can find each other to discuss their fantasies.

If you are interested, dear reader, please browse this site and follow the links provided to some of the other vorarephile sites on the 'net. Have an open mind, but vorarephilia isn't for everyone. Most people who stumble across vorarephile sites for the first time either pass it off as weird and move on, or are immediately engrossed with the idea that they're not the only person in the world with this bizarre fetish. :)


A tricky word that includes too much to be easily specified; a group-name for most of the fetishes displayed on this site.

One could say that it originates from consuming someone whole, but consumption usually means eating, and eating involves digestion, which isn't necessary when some speak of vore.

Either way, one has to look at more specific areas to be able to understand vore. Vore in itself is just a way to group a bunch of sub-fetishes with something in common, but to specify that something isn't easy, because the variety between the sub-fetishes is so wide.

It has also come to be used as a verb:
To vore: meaning Carrying out the act of devouring somebody alive.

Do you know the "VORE" word is an Iranian Persian eld word in origin ?! and its main meaning is "eat" and nowadays this word used in "khor" (xor) pronounce in Iran ! , But in "Balouch" area in Iran that word called "vor" yet !

vore = khor (xor) وور = خور

vored = khord = ate  ورد = خورد

vortan = khordan = eating  ورتن = خوردن

vorey = khori = you eat  ووری = خوری

Someone into the fetish would be a "voreaphile," "vorarephile," or "voraphile." There are possibly a few other spellings of the word.

Some would argue that vore involves everything that involves a person enveloping another, but that isn't always true. A hard vore fan looking from the prey side is hardly enjoying the enveloping part and people in it for the digestion would argue that they are in it for exactly the opposite reason: because they are going to be pushed out of the predator, not because they are going to be enveloped by it. However, Endosomatophilia certainly can be linked tightly to vore in many occasions.

As we can see from the forum discussion, almost everyone who likes vore likes it for varying reasons and with varying points of view.


Available Translations:
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«Ворофилия», что это?

Что такое «ворофил»?

Ворофил - это тот, кто проявляет сильный интерес, будь он эротического характера или нет, к поеданию одним существом другого.  Процесс может быть как мягким (soft) - например, трапезничающая мухой лягушка, - так и жестким (hard) - как если лев раздирает жертву с помощью своих когтей и клыков. Каннибализм; животные убивают друг друга; амеба, раздирающих другие микроскопические существа . . . это все в зависимости от личных интересов. Ворофил эмоциональной реакции на их фантазии практически всегда эротический, но может варьироваться от мягкого, жизнерадостные сдаться, к адреналин пик паники и боли.  Ворофилы могут пользоваться острые ощущения от охоты как хищника или добычу.

Слово «ворофил» было придумано как широкий термин для этого фетиш, и может иметь разные значения в зависимости от своего личного ворофилия.  Там целый ряд вариантов написания слова для ворофилов.  Поскольку это новая денежного обращения, созданные людьми, которые разделяют это фетиш, нет официальных словарной статье идти.  Ворофилия, воорофилия и т.д. - все это используется в написании, но этот термин достаточно уникально, что написание различия не запутать кого угодно.  Слово от латинского корня vorare, что означает выпить или проглотить, и phile, Буквы греческого означает «знаток».  Vore является обычно используется аббревиатура ворофилами.  Другой термин, который часто используется для ворофилов материал по сети, но по сути описывает лишь монстров есть женщины, является gynephagia (гинефагия).

Поскольку ворофилы - наиболее распространенный вариант, я использовал ее на этом сайте.  Наиболее правильный термин для этого фетиш фактически «phagophilia», от греческого phagos, смысл есть, но термин vore> уже на некоторое время, и люди привыкли к нему.  «Phagophobia» является документально страха быть съедены или выпиваются, и можно себе представить, что она связана таким образом, чтобы механики vore фетиш.

Почему некоторые люди считают это увидеть сексуально возбуждение? Хороший вопрос, и что от него может быть дан лет терапии ;) Ворофилия - очень странный фетиш, но когда мы думаем о нем, толчком к подобного рода фетиш в жизни достаточно много.  Некоторые педофилы хотят вернуться в матку, в буквальном смысле - с очередного акта, и экстраполировать его будет привлекать в ваш партнер полностью.  Это обычно называется «genital vore», и могут включать мужчин или женские половые органы.  Многие матери играют со своими детьми, когда они очень молоды, травлю, что они настолько нежным, что они могут просто «их есть», иногда действительно положить ребенка или ноги руках у матери рот.  Многие млекопитающие укуса или попались на спаривание или на ранних стадиях материнству, и мы после всех млекопитающих.  Вероятнее всего, ворофилия - это просто очень интенсивной устной фиксации (a la Freud), разыгрывали в разработке фантазией жизни.

Ворофилы, по большей части, только что - разработать фантазия жизни участием ели или ели в кого-то или чего-то.  Очень немногие реально практике ворофилов «Real Life» (Настоящая Жизнь) vore, когда потребляешь (предположительно живут) добычей, как ний, птиц и т.д.  Это не практично быть съедено заживо животного или другое лицо, так много ворофилов, фактически никогда не будет жить в их личные фантазии для «real».  Из-за этого почти все фантазии, ворофилии, как правило, весьма безвредных фетиш.  При наличии Интернета, Фантазия жизни вышла намного богаче - виртуальная реальность, играя роль множество чаты, картинки и рассказы можно делиться и люди со всего мира могут найти друг друга, обсудить свои фантазии.

Если Вам это интересно, дорогой читатель, посетите этот сайт и последующее ссылок на некоторые другие сайты ворофилов «net».  Были непредвзято, но ворофилию не для всех.  Большинство людей, натолкнуться на сайты для ворофилов впервые либо передать эту функцию как странные и перейти, или сразу порах с мыслью о том, что они не единственные в мире с этой чудовищной фетиш. :)



A hermaphrodite or "herm" is a being which posesses the genitals of both genders.  Such a being may have the outward appearance of a female while posessing a male penis as well as a vagina, or alternately, have the outward appearance of a male while posessing a vagina as well as a penis.  A rarer version is a being with an adrogenous appearance (meaning they look neither male nor female) and both sets of genitals. The term "hermaphrodite" does not include she-males, which is basically a male with breasts, or a female with a male sex.

In reality, hermaphroditism is a real medical condition, though it is important to note that fully fuctional hermaphrodites do not occur.


In vore, there are a many abbreviations used, so it might be a good idea to learn a few of them.

The most useful ones to learn are the ones used to define content: most often stories, threads, albums, and so on. These will be marked with what they contain so that people won't have to read or watch things that might disgust them and also so that people will more easily find things that interest them.

The most common way of marking content is with the predator/prey abbreviation. This is used as might be understood. First the predator is stated, then the prey. These are separated with a slash. This is mostly used for gender purposes, so because there are large variations in preferred predator and prey in other aspects than gender, that can be added to the gender of the predator/prey or added afterward.

Let me try to give an example, but first list what is commonly used:

f = female

m = male

a = ambiguous

h = hermaphrodite

? = unknown

Those are the genders. Now for some of the types.






and so on

One can be very specific too, like:

Anthromorphic fox

Bewinged Naga


And so on

Also, capitalization can be used to indicate size difference.

So now for the example:

f/f would be understood that both predator and prey are females.

F/m would indicate that the predator is larger than the prey and that it is a female and that the prey is a male. It could be giantess vore.

Now, there are a few different ways of showing what type of creatures are in the vore.

f/m human would indicate that it is same size vore and that both the female predator and the male prey are humans.

furry/m human would indicate that both are the same size and the female predator is a furry, could be anthromorphic or not, but the male prey is human. That much we know.

?/m furry/human? would indicate the same thing as the previous example.

But, this is not all that can be put into a description. There are the issues of willing participants and orifice used as well as how far the vore goes.

NC = Non consensual, meaning that either the prey or the predator, or both, are unwilling participants.

Consensual = all participants are willing

Orifices used:

AV = Anal Vore Meaning that the prey goes in the anus and up the rectum and

CV = Cock vore, or phallic vore. Yup, that is the male penis doing the eating.

Nipple Vore = Breast vore, also referred to as ?it vore? UB = Unbirth, One of the versions of the female vagina doing the eating. (Would be harmful or harmless sort of.)

Vaginal Vore = One of the versions of the female vagina doing the eating. (Not so harmless if you don? get out in time.)

End results, so to speak:

No digestion = Speaks for itself really, usually that means the prey is either regurgitated out of the pred, goes a full pass through of the pred's digestive system without harm, teleported out, or perhaps other creative ways. The story could always just end after the prey is inside the pred fully, leaving the reader to figure out what will happen next.

Reformation = The prey is reformed somehow upon being digested. It could be by magical means, scientific means, or any means really.

Full digestion = The prey becomes feces and we get to see/read it in a role play/author sense.

In addition, there are also certain abbreviations denoting specific sub communities or overlaps with other communities:

GTS : "giantess". Also used to refere to "giantess lovers"/macrophiles.

WE: "woman eaters". Refers to those interested in situations with female prey.

Vore Wiki


This is Eka's portal vore wiki. The point of this wiki is to help people share their opinions and to tell us what they think vore and the related terms mean. To edit the Wiki, first get an account for this portal. Once that is done, or if you already have an account, you will find the "Edit" button in the top right corner of the page.

Let me go through the basics: Simply click on "Edit"on any page to add, modify, or delete content. All the changes are recorded in the history of the page, so you don't need to worry about making a critical mistake. Just do something, add it, and correct things as you see fit. The idea is, after getting everyone's opinions we will have good definitions of some of the terms.

To see a list:

Click | here

To search:

Use the "Search this site" bar on the left of the portal. Keep in mind, the forum and the gallery search are separated with everything else. 

To Edit:

If you want to edit, simply click on "Edit" on top right. If you have something you want to see defined, simply add the page. To create a new page, put its name in [[[Double Brackets]]] in any given page.

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To add link:

Highlight the words you want to make a link for, then click on the link icon to insert/edit the link of that word(s)

I hope we will be able to define the terms we use in vore a bit more with this section here.

Here is a brief list so far, click on "Vore Wiki" on top right to see a full list!

Common Types of Vore:


Hard Vore

Soft Vore

List of types of vore

Rarer types of vores

Genre/Related Fetish:








Common Roleplay terms


What is vore?

Other feature:

Vore Creatures Folio

Endosomatophilia world

Game Resource Dictionary

Vore Directory

The Eka's Portal Writing Group

Syndicate content