Archive > Lucky > Blog > Seuxal Immorality [Report]

Seuxal Immorality

Posted by Lucky 6 years ago


Alright, I've long been remiss in writing anything regarding religion and vorarephilia. Thanks to Caniption for reminding me to do this.

First, some context: I'm a Christian. I believe Christ died for the sins of everybody, to reunite us with God.

That leaves me (and, doubtless, some of you) in a precarious position, because there are pretty unclear rules with (presumably) very dire consequences. There is nothing that specifically refers to pornography in the Bible, the source document of my faith. There are a couple passages that are very important and form the basis for a lot of shared morality among Christians though.

The lesser one is Paul's letter to the Ephesians, Chapter 5, verse 3: "But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God's holy people." That seems pretty stark with very little room for interpretation, right? Sure, but the very next line Paul goes on to say "Nor should there be obscenity, foolish talk, or coarse joking, which are out of place, but rather thanksgiving." Check it out: Paul should definitely be taken with a grain of salt. He's a fanatic and definitely super dedicated to God, but his fervor is sometimes misplaced. He's also the guy who says in 1 Corinthians 14:34 "women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the Law says." If any of you think that this misogynistic view is actually God's intent, you're an idiot. Paul was trying to defend the name of this fragile movement by encouraging it's members to obey the current laws. This is actually a perversion of the church that I need to write a whole 'nother entry about, but suffice it to say; Paul's not right about everything he writes.

The problematic one for me is Jesus, who says in Matthew 5:27-28 "“You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery. But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart." This one is harder to get around, because Jesus doesn't pull punches and isn't wrong by virtue of being the anchor point of the religion. If you take this literally, it means that you can't look at ANY kind of photographic porn.
But what about the technicalities? Is it just the act of looking? What if we're not looking at women, but just their representation as recreated by photography? Is it wrong to look lustfully at pictures of women who are already dead? What about images that are photoshopped? What about fictional furries, since they don't exist? What about Fursonas, that ARE attached to people but they don't physically represent that person?? What about looking lustfully about men? Was this just a warning to men because men are the only ones capable of rape in that time?

Not a lotta answers here, but I'll do my best to explain how I clarify these things. 1st off, adultery only happens WHEN YOU AND/OR THE OBJECT OF YOUR LUST IS MARRIED. Although Jesus could also have meant this universally and is telling us that regardless of whether you're married or not, you're committing adultery, since eventually you might be married and just ask any couple if their former sexual exploits weigh on their current marriage. If they tell you those experiences don't count, they're lying to either you or themselves.
Anyway, the point here is that the model of a good marriage is that your sexual attention belongs solely to our spouse. If you divide that up, you're hurting them and, by association, yourself. Even if you aren't in a relationship now, you're building a habit that may be difficult to undo when it's time to "go steady".

That's not to say that couples can't use porn together to help their marriage bed. Or voyeurism, or whatever else works for you; the point of it is that ultimately, your sexual attention is satisfying your spouse first. And you're giving them the attention they need, and not denying it from them.
Which is a double-edged sword that I feel people don't address enough: IE if your spouse wants you to dust the house in a thong and you're embarrassed because of your body type or pride, tough beans. I'm not tellin' you that you need to be a sex slave, but DUH there should be some equilibrium where you and your spouse are working to satisfy each other. Straight up denying your spouse sexual attention IS THE SAME CRIME AS CHEATING, it just seems like the nicer, acceptable crime because 1. it doesn't have the added sting of making your spouse feel inferior to whomever you're givin' that sexual attention to in Adultery and 2. because unwanted sexual attention is rape which is SUPER BAD. So the easy button for everyone is to default to "NO SEX IS HOLY" instead of the correct answer: "The right amount of sex is holy".

All of this to say...
According to my understanding of the Bible, there's nothing intrinsically wrong with Vore/porn/, just be aware that you might be setting yourself up for failure when you do try to date. If you're used to lookin' at fifty pairs of nice tits before goin' to bed every night, lookin' at the same pair once every three days might be pretty hard for you. And if you still keep lookin' when you're dating, you can bet it'll make your special lady feel less special.

I hope this helps.
Comment on Seuxal Immorality


Posted by Murdock 6 years ago Report

The biggest thing to keep in mind is this.

If it's Old Testament, the only reason why you follow those rules is because you're Jewish.

If you claim to be Christian, Christ died on the cross to forgive everybody who came before him, and everyone who came after, for breaking the rules put in place by his Dad. He died for your sins, /that is the sin he referred to./

Christ spent his time amongst thieves, adulterers, whores, and lepers. Not because you'd want to, but because /nobody else wanted to be around them/, and damn if they didn't need the love.

And here's the thing--even them who had committed crimes by him, he still told them he'd love them. If he said adultery was wrong, and an adulterer came to him and said "Please", he'd tell them "I love you nonetheless. I hope you can do better, but I love you, because you need love in your life."

All this porn stuff? Dude, Jesus would know if you were into it moreso than your lover. I have a boyfriend, the love of my life, but he's into stuff I'm not into, I'm into stuff he's not into. We enjoy our porn separately more often than together, and /that's okay/. We love each other because we choose to be with one another; I accept his faults and flaws, and he accepts mine.

That's /real/ love. That isn't love because of some rule or law, that's love because holy shit, he is the Morticia to my Gomez. I love him absolutely, and I'm by his side for the rest of my days. The words that come from his lips, even when they are of a topic I do not care about--they are sublime, they are beautiful, his voice is mesmerizing, and I want to be with him. You can't tell me I don't love him because I jerk off to something he doesn't and vice versa.

Jesus was /all about/ being chill and keeping on keepin' on. I mean, hell, look at the first miracle. Jesus' first miracle was to turn water into wine. And he did so because they /ran out of wine/. Jesus' first miracle was to KEEP THE PARTY GOING.

Jesus was a bro, Jesus was a buddy. That's how Christianity should view being Christian. Being a bro, being a buddy, being a friend. Do right by your buddies, man. That's how Jesus would've wanted it. He didn't even hate on Judas--how much of a bro do you have to be to /refuse/ to hate on the guy who sold you out?

Just be kind. Be kind to your fellow man, be friendly. World would be better if we made people memorize the Beatitudes instead of the Ten Commandments.

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Posted by Murdock 6 years ago Report

"Murdock" wrote:
The biggest thing to keep in mind is this.

If it's Old Testament, the only reason why you follow those rules is because you're Jewish.

If you claim to be Christian, Christ died on the cross to forgive everybody who came before him, and everyone who came after, for breaking the rules put in place by his Dad. He died for your sins, /that is the sin he referred to./

Christ spent his time amongst thieves, adulterers, whores, and lepers. Not because you'd want to, but because /nobody else wanted to be around them/, and damn if they didn't need the love.

And here's the thing--even them who had committed crimes by him, he still told them he'd love them. If he said adultery was wrong, and an adulterer came to him and said "Please", he'd tell them "I love you nonetheless. I hope you can do better, but I love you, because you need love in your life."

All this porn stuff? Dude, Jesus would know if you were into it moreso than your lover. I have a boyfriend, the love of my life, but he's into stuff I'm not into, I'm into stuff he's not into. We enjoy our porn separately more often than together, and /that's okay/. We love each other because we choose to be with one another; I accept his faults and flaws, and he accepts mine.

That's /real/ love. That isn't love because of some rule or law, that's love because holy shit, he is the Morticia to my Gomez. I love him absolutely, and I'm by his side for the rest of my days. The words that come from his lips, even when they are of a topic I do not care about--they are sublime, they are beautiful, his voice is mesmerizing, and I want to be with him. You can't tell me I don't love him because I jerk off to something he doesn't and vice versa.

Jesus was /all about/ being chill and keeping on keepin' on. I mean, hell, look at the first miracle. Jesus' first miracle was to turn water into wine. And he did so because they /ran out of wine/. Jesus' first miracle was to KEEP THE PARTY GOING.

Jesus was a bro, Jesus was a buddy. That's how Christianity should view being Christian. Being a bro, being a buddy, being a friend. Do right by your buddies, man. That's how Jesus would've wanted it. He didn't even hate on Judas--how much of a bro do you have to be to /refuse/ to hate on the guy who sold you out?

Just be kind. Be kind to your fellow man, be friendly. World would be better if we made people memorize the Beatitudes instead of the Ten Commandments.

Oh, and if you're Jewish and disagree--cool beans, man, that's awesome. That's your belief system, you're awesome, I don't know it near as well as I do the Christian one because I was raised Christian. I didn't mean to hate on anyone with that initial comment, it was directed primarily at the Christians who get all worked up and angry, moreso than any Jewish folks. Purely Gentile post, sorry if I offended. X:

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The Saint of Ravens

Posted by The Saint of Ravens 6 years ago Report

Very interesting read~

In my somewhat heretical views, the main thing to take away from the bible as a Christian is the general gist of Jesus' lessons. Which boils down to "Be a good person, and don't be a dick about it." If you live a good life and do your best to help people and try to minimize the misery you add to the world, then you won't have to worry about the fate of your immortal soul. I think people get too bogged down in the minutia to the point where they miss the message. Especially when they are looking for technicalities and loopholes to get around problematic passages XD

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Posted by MirceaKitsune 6 years ago Report

1 - If it's willing vore, it shouldn't technically count as a crime in the slightest. Anyone attacking that would only commit the sin of butting into others lives and judging them for what makes them happy... which although not an official sin, should be one.

2 - Keep in mind the prudish parts of most religions (Christianity being no exception) exist because they were part of the times. The religion was founded over 2000 years ago, whereas humanity had some of the most broken life concepts even 50 years ago... one can only imagine just how strict the priests who wrote the original bibles must have been. If Christianity was founded today, you'd probably see stuff like software piracy being written as a sin by comparison.

3 - Jesus was a human and has authority over fellow humans... what furry characters do is exempt :wink:

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Posted by DrakeZephyr 6 years ago Report

Yeah, I'd say when worrying about such things, better to focus on the message projected by your prophet, as opposed to taking the bible literally... it's been edited, manipulated, had random non-scripture added and generally been used as a political tool too many times. Need I bring up the virgin mistranslation, the editing out of everything that made jesus seem human including childhood, teen years, and rewriting his early version partner as a random prostitute... only seems sensible to not deny the human fingerprints of those who carried the stories through the generations.

I figure what should be important is whether is seems jesus would consider you a nice guy and so on, not what the writers considered ethical in their era.

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Posted by Kinne 6 years ago Report

I wouldn't worry about whether looking at porn will stop you from going to heaven. According to John 3:13, only jesus himself was allowed into heaven; even the most righteous person who's ever lived was denied entry. So if all humans are going to hell by default, then just enjoy what you're doing now.

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Posted by BSGreyM 6 years ago Report

In my research I've found a lot of people seem to have a habit of viewing sin itself as a kind of arbitrary moral standard that's dictated by a book. I know some people who will get into these hypocritical problems when they say that viewing porn or something is "sinful" but then proceed to physically harm loved ones or emotionally neglect others in a way that causes a lot more harm than drawing pictures of tits ever does.

A teacher once told me that sin is best defined as something that causes harm. Murder is an easy sin to understand because of how directly you harm someone, but when you look at things like adultery you need to kind of see it 3 steps ahead. It can be an enjoyable moment, but after that moment passes there can be consequences like the sort of relationship that forms from a bond like that and heartache and depression if things don't work out. Doubly so when you see broken marriages that stem from an unfaithful partner that don't only affect the adulterers but also children who may go on to repeat their parents' mistakes.

These are all very vague examples, but I think what's important is an understanding that something like a vore fetish isn't unlike an obesity problem. You can have sweets and indulge a little as well as appreciate and enjoy your food, but if you routinely overeat and it has a negative effect on your life then you'll need to take care of it. The Bible gives us a lot of tools to avoid problems and challenges, as well as overcome them when we make a mistake. Every day we can learn and every day we can try to be better, and that's ultimately the point.

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Posted by HyperlinkError 6 years ago Report

it helps

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Posted by Slimshod 6 years ago Report

This was s very interesting read and not something I expected to find here on Eka's. It had some nice insight and perspective that I'd not taken into consideration since I too have a religious background. Thank you for sharing.

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Posted by Lucky 6 years ago Report

"Murdock" wrote:
"Murdock" wrote:
The biggest thing to keep in mind is this.

If it's Old Testament, the only reason why you follow those rules is because you're Jewish.

If you claim to be Christian, Christ died on the cross to forgive everybody who came before him, and everyone who came after, for breaking the rules put in place by his Dad. He died for your sins, /that is the sin he referred to./

Christ spent his time amongst thieves, adulterers, whores, and lepers. Not because you'd want to, but because /nobody else wanted to be around them/, and damn if they didn't need the love.

And here's the thing--even them who had committed crimes by him, he still told them he'd love them. If he said adultery was wrong, and an adulterer came to him and said "Please", he'd tell them "I love you nonetheless. I hope you can do better, but I love you, because you need love in your life."

All this porn stuff? Dude, Jesus would know if you were into it moreso than your lover. I have a boyfriend, the love of my life, but he's into stuff I'm not into, I'm into stuff he's not into. We enjoy our porn separately more often than together, and /that's okay/. We love each other because we choose to be with one another; I accept his faults and flaws, and he accepts mine.

That's /real/ love. That isn't love because of some rule or law, that's love because holy shit, he is the Morticia to my Gomez. I love him absolutely, and I'm by his side for the rest of my days. The words that come from his lips, even when they are of a topic I do not care about--they are sublime, they are beautiful, his voice is mesmerizing, and I want to be with him. You can't tell me I don't love him because I jerk off to something he doesn't and vice versa.

Jesus was /all about/ being chill and keeping on keepin' on. I mean, hell, look at the first miracle. Jesus' first miracle was to turn water into wine. And he did so because they /ran out of wine/. Jesus' first miracle was to KEEP THE PARTY GOING.

Jesus was a bro, Jesus was a buddy. That's how Christianity should view being Christian. Being a bro, being a buddy, being a friend. Do right by your buddies, man. That's how Jesus would've wanted it. He didn't even hate on Judas--how much of a bro do you have to be to /refuse/ to hate on the guy who sold you out?

Just be kind. Be kind to your fellow man, be friendly. World would be better if we made people memorize the Beatitudes instead of the Ten Commandments.

Oh, and if you're Jewish and disagree--cool beans, man, that's awesome. That's your belief system, you're awesome, I don't know it near as well as I do the Christian one because I was raised Christian. I didn't mean to hate on anyone with that initial comment, it was directed primarily at the Christians who get all worked up and angry, moreso than any Jewish folks. Purely Gentile post, sorry if I offended. X:

I have to disagree with your interpretation.

Jesus was not about being a bro or a buddy. He played favorites among his apostles; Peter, James and John are the only ones that get to see his transfiguration on the mountain (Matthew 17) and the only ones he allows in with him (Mark 5:21-43). He also got violent (Matthew 12:21) and cussed people out (Matthew 12:34), and that doesn't even begin to touch on the subversiveness of his parables.

I'm inclined to agree with you, we would be better off if we focused on the Beatitudes instead of the Ten Commandments, but that's a double-edged sword. Remember that the reason we ended up focusing on the Ten Commandments was because there are 365 prohibitions listed in the Law of Moses. Too many to remember, so somebody got the idea to simplify it to just the top ten.
Oversimplifying things is a dangerous thing. "Just be kind." doesn't address the complexity of dealing with a friend that's self-depricating and depressed. Which is better? To intrude on their life and nag them into getting professional help? What if you push them too far and they close up more? Do you shower them with niceties and encouragement? What happens when the initial value of your encouragement is devalued over time by inflation? You're not addressing the real problem. Flattery doesn't cure depression. What does being kind actually mean?
What about drug addicts? Do you force them to quit cold turkey? Are interventions nice? Is it better to let someone destroy their mind and life gradually and peacefully?
What does being kind look like when two parties are in a shouting match with each other? Intervening? Being the bad guy so they can be mad at you instead? Leaving them alone entirely? Taking sides?

The world is too complicated to "Just be kind."

I crave answers. Real complex ones. Hopefully I have at least a couple that will help someone.

Thanks for your input though! It's a nice sentiment, at least.

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Posted by Lucky 6 years ago Report

"The Saint of Ravens" wrote:
Very interesting read~

In my somewhat heretical views, the main thing to take away from the bible as a Christian is the general gist of Jesus' lessons. Which boils down to "Be a good person, and don't be a dick about it." If you live a good life and do your best to help people and try to minimize the misery you add to the world, then you won't have to worry about the fate of your immortal soul. I think people get too bogged down in the minutia to the point where they miss the message. Especially when they are looking for technicalities and loopholes to get around problematic passages XD

I'm gonna sound like a broken record, but I think that oversimplification is a dangerous road to walk.

There is SO MUCH depth and complexity in life and in ourselves and (similarly) in the Bible. I think that's one of the reasons it's still around, is because it's the story of us. It tells so much about who we are and the mistakes we make and gives us some very challenging problems to work through. But I should start going through Jesus's parables now that you mention it.

Thanks for taking the time to read and also thanks for writing me back!

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Posted by Lucky 6 years ago Report

"MirceaKitsune" wrote:
1 - If it's willing vore, it shouldn't technically count as a crime in the slightest. Anyone attacking that would only commit the sin of butting into others lives and judging them for what makes them happy... which although not an official sin, should be one.

2 - Keep in mind the prudish parts of most religions (Christianity being no exception) exist because they were part of the times. The religion was founded over 2000 years ago, whereas humanity had some of the most broken life concepts even 50 years ago... one can only imagine just how strict the priests who wrote the original bibles must have been. If Christianity was founded today, you'd probably see stuff like software piracy being written as a sin by comparison.

3 - Jesus was a human and has authority over fellow humans... what furry characters do is exempt :wink:

Thanks for reading and writing, but I submit to one source document; the Bible. Unless you're makin' an argument based on scripture, it's not gonna factor into my calculations. You are, of course, entitled to whatever opinion you want to hold. But now that you mention it, I should write about the validity of the Bible as an document. Thanks again. : 3

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Posted by Lucky 6 years ago Report

"DrakeZephyr" wrote:
Yeah, I'd say when worrying about such things, better to focus on the message projected by your prophet, as opposed to taking the bible literally... it's been edited, manipulated, had random non-scripture added and generally been used as a political tool too many times. Need I bring up the virgin mistranslation, the editing out of everything that made jesus seem human including childhood, teen years, and rewriting his early version partner as a random prostitute... only seems sensible to not deny the human fingerprints of those who carried the stories through the generations.

I figure what should be important is whether is seems jesus would consider you a nice guy and so on, not what the writers considered ethical in their era.

While you're not wrong, I do need to address the validity of the Bible as an ancient document. Thanks for letting me know what you think though!

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Posted by Lucky 6 years ago Report

"Kinne" wrote:
I wouldn't worry about whether looking at porn will stop you from going to heaven. According to John 3:13, only jesus himself was allowed into heaven; even the most righteous person who's ever lived was denied entry. So if all humans are going to hell by default, then just enjoy what you're doing now.

I'm not sure if you're being serious or not, Imootoo, but in that particular passage Jesus is referring to people living in the world. As in, no one has gone into heaven and come back and is able to explain what it is; except the son of man.

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Posted by Lucky 6 years ago Report

"BSGreyM" wrote:
In my research I've found a lot of people seem to have a habit of viewing sin itself as a kind of arbitrary moral standard that's dictated by a book. I know some people who will get into these hypocritical problems when they say that viewing porn or something is "sinful" but then proceed to physically harm loved ones or emotionally neglect others in a way that causes a lot more harm than drawing pictures of tits ever does.

A teacher once told me that sin is best defined as something that causes harm. Murder is an easy sin to understand because of how directly you harm someone, but when you look at things like adultery you need to kind of see it 3 steps ahead. It can be an enjoyable moment, but after that moment passes there can be consequences like the sort of relationship that forms from a bond like that and heartache and depression if things don't work out. Doubly so when you see broken marriages that stem from an unfaithful partner that don't only affect the adulterers but also children who may go on to repeat their parents' mistakes.

These are all very vague examples, but I think what's important is an understanding that something like a vore fetish isn't unlike an obesity problem. You can have sweets and indulge a little as well as appreciate and enjoy your food, but if you routinely overeat and it has a negative effect on your life then you'll need to take care of it. The Bible gives us a lot of tools to avoid problems and challenges, as well as overcome them when we make a mistake. Every day we can learn and every day we can try to be better, and that's ultimately the point.

Okay, you do bring up a good point;
Sin vs. sin is an interesting equation that needs to be addressed at another point. Because there are some pretty surprising interpretations out there regarding it and I'm not sure they're all scripture-based. Thanks for your valuable input!

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Posted by Lucky 6 years ago Report

"HyperlinkError" wrote:
it helps

Oh cool! Thanks for letting me know. I have some other things to write about now. : 3

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Posted by Lucky 6 years ago Report

"Slimshod" wrote:
This was s very interesting read and not something I expected to find here on Eka's. It had some nice insight and perspective that I'd not taken into consideration since I too have a religious background. Thank you for sharing.

You're very welcome! Thanks for letting me know that you got something out of this. I'll probably start writing at least a couple more.

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Posted by JadeTheDeer 6 years ago Report

"Lucky" wrote:

I have to disagree with your interpretation.

Jesus was not about being a bro or a buddy. He played favorites among his apostles; Peter, James and John are the only ones that get to see his transfiguration on the mountain (Matthew 17) and the only ones he allows in with him (Mark 5:21-43). He also got violent (Matthew 12:21) and cussed people out (Matthew 12:34), and that doesn't even begin to touch on the subversiveness of his parables.

I'm inclined to agree with you, we would be better off if we focused on the Beatitudes instead of the Ten Commandments, but that's a double-edged sword. Remember that the reason we ended up focusing on the Ten Commandments was because there are 365 prohibitions listed in the Law of Moses. Too many to remember, so somebody got the idea to simplify it to just the top ten.
Oversimplifying things is a dangerous thing. "Just be kind." doesn't address the complexity of dealing with a friend that's self-depricating and depressed. Which is better? To intrude on their life and nag them into getting professional help? What if you push them too far and they close up more? Do you shower them with niceties and encouragement? What happens when the initial value of your encouragement is devalued over time by inflation? You're not addressing the real problem. Flattery doesn't cure depression. What does being kind actually mean?
What about drug addicts? Do you force them to quit cold turkey? Are interventions nice? Is it better to let someone destroy their mind and life gradually and peacefully?
What does being kind look like when two parties are in a shouting match with each other? Intervening? Being the bad guy so they can be mad at you instead? Leaving them alone entirely? Taking sides?

The world is too complicated to "Just be kind."

I crave answers. Real complex ones. Hopefully I have at least a couple that will help someone.

Thanks for your input though! It's a nice sentiment, at least.

You may find it helpful (or, at the very least, a bit of a fun gaff) to look into ethical theory. A good deal of people have spent a good deal of time spitting around about this stuff -- it's pretty cool to see what they've come up with. Some of them are even explicitly Judeochristian.

Here's a video series by Crash Course that gives a good overview on the ones that have been popular throughout time (Starts at Video #32): ... NkMybYIHKR

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Posted by ClosetFetishist 6 years ago Report

Why not just be a deist? If I believed in a god I wouldn't see the harm in just being a deist: why contort your life to fit the rules of a book that has been re-written and re-translated thousands upon thousands of times throughout history to suit the needs of greedy power hungry individuals by desert goat herders who thought the earth was flat and didn't know where the sun at went at night? You would have to be worshiping a pretty cruel all knowing god that created you knowing you would have unorthodox sexual tastes and punishing you with hellfire for said said tastes even though he knew you would have them.

If there is a god, and if judging by the state of anarchy in the world at the moment is anything to go by: it clearly doesn't care about humanity, much less what you rub your naughty bits to. So chin up, in all likelihood if there is a god:

A.) It's a non interventionist god that probably observes humanity the same way a scientist views ants.
B.) Every religion is full of shit and the people who claim to speak for god running them just want to sell you something.
C.) You don't know if you're worshiping the right god. What if you die and instead of christian heaven you go to Muslim Hell? Or what if Odin denies you entrance to Valhalla because you chose the wrong religion and you get sent to Niffelheim as punishment?

So point is friend, unless you are rubbin your nubbin to child porn, raping people, or fucking animals: there is nothing wrong with your tastes and if there is a God, it's probably far more interested in studying the billions of galaxies and trillions of planets with quintillions of lifeforms than what you are squeezing the cream out of the flesh twinkie to.

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Posted by MirceaKitsune 6 years ago Report

@ClosetFetishist: That's what I was thinking as well. I sincerely don't mean to sound offensive toward anyone who is religious, but I will speak my mind sincerely: If a god has indeed created this universe and did so deliberately, said god should be considered a fucking psychopath and more evil than 1000 Hitlers and should answer for their crimes. Why do I say this? Because:

a) Animal life will emerge naturally, on planets that can support life. As far as we're aware based on Earth's case, those animals will evolve to survive by brutally harming other animals and their own kind.
b) After millions of years of a) pass, intelligent life then emerges. For thousands of years, it too will live in a society where war and torture and persecution is commonplace.
c) Said god must be well aware of a) and b) but does nothing. This means neither not creating said universe to begin with, nor interfering into natural evolution. This god shrugs all that off and says "it's cool, that's acceptable".

Myself, I'm agnostic, am pretty much undecided: I'm aware the universe might just be some implied mathematical constant emerging at random, but at the same time it also makes a lot of sense for a being in another universe to have sparked its existence. I don't know which I want to be true the most: If the universe emerged at random, it's an even colder and more alone place and we further don't know what awaits us after here... if not and a god made it, that god would have no satisfactory answer to justify what I just said and would likely have to admit to being an irredeemable being.

I know the answer of some people to this would be "but god gave us free will". Although I doubt any potential god even checks every planet for how life is doing, let's suppose that is true: Who said that god can't give you the same free will on a decent world? The human and animal brain could be wired to be less prone to pointless insanity and aggression, without breaking the compatibility of free will in the slightest.

As for the rest: Rape is evil, no doubt and no exceptions there. People who enjoy child porn... complicated subject on which I definitely agree with many things but also have controversial opinions on others, best a can of worms left unopened. Sex with animals... I haven't to this day understood why that's automatically considered rape, since I'm pretty sure animals don't express consent in spoken / written language in the wild either whereas humans definitely have the knowledge to understand such consent from their body language.

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Posted by Elf_Sponge 6 years ago Report

The interpretation of the Bible and what people believe has always been and will always be a point of contention. People will pick and choose which points in the Bible to follow and which ones to to ignore based on their own person beliefs and social norms. I know it's been brought up many times by others in the past, but sacrificial offerings and stonings are left to be forgotten, and even more I'm certain. I'll admit I don't have a complete scope of the content of the Bible nor any holy book, and I can mostly talk about what I've heard others reference in the past. According to the Bible, the only true, unforgivable sin is not believing in the Christian God. I can at least link to a wiki page. Is that lame? It's probably lame;
It seems that no matter how bad a person you are, no matter what you've done, as long as you truly repent before God and genuinely regret one's actions, you'll be granted forgiveness.

Having said that, one can deal with complex social situations and interactions without the influence of the Bible, considering one's own moral code. I've always considered the Bible more of a teaching tool for a code of conduct more than a rigid set of rules that one must unwavering obey- especially since society has changed considerably in the last 2,018 years (give or take a year or two.) Generically speaking, murder, theft, rape, property destruction, all considered bad, should not do in 99.99% of normal, day to day interactions.

I give insight to a few hypothetical at least; my sister's husband was severely depressed, and was abusing alcohol to numb the pain, as well as taking meds. He ended up committing suicide on January 1st, 2016 a couple months after an intervention to "help" with his alcoholism. Now, if he wasn't suffering from depression, perhaps the intervention would've been successful, maybe not. However the intervention did not take his depression into consideration as a factor. As such, he was left isolated, alone, without any sort of support, and essentially completely cut off from anyone he loved, and that was far too much for him. It's been proven that, time and time again, the tough love way of trying to "help" is not effectual, especially if depression is a factor. He literally could >NOT< help himself, which is why things spiral so out of control for him. He needed someone, ANYONE to be there for him, not to be left alone.

Doing the right thing is complicated. What *is* the right thing after all? The best thing for me? The best thing for you? The best thing for us both? Or the best thing for everyone? For the most part, people act under the "rewards and punishment" model. People will do the right thing if there's fear of consequences, or they'll do the right thing if there's some sort of reward. For the most part, a person will do something only to their own benefit. It's sad, but people are selfish things, with a very poor scope of the future. Society itself has a lot to blame, however that's getting a bit off topic.

The answer will lie both within yourself, and what the other person is like, as well as what will have the most positive outcome. I've been placed in many situations where doing the right thing for someone meant I'd end up with a net loss, but the overall gains was a positive one. I believe the generic rule of "be kind" is simply to treat others with dignity and respect, as well as treating yourself with dignity and respect. You can disagree completely with a person's beliefs, actions, likes, dislikes, and still remain respectful towards that person. I disagree with almost every one of my co-workers, but that doesn't mean I wish them any ill will- I simply believe they should do better from various ethical standpoints. If you truly believe something is wrong, then don't do it.

None of this really addressed the topic of sexual immorality, porn, nor adultery, but as long as you're not cheating or causing harm, I don't see anything wrong with it, within various contexts. I could make points about the more hardcore side of BDSM, cuckolding, rape fantasies, ect, but as long as it's consensual and you're not causing grievous harm, what people do in the bedroom (or "bedroom") is their business.

It's not overly difficult to figure out what the right thing to do is, but *doing* the right thing, especially in contrast to your friends, family, or peers is another thing entirely. Nobody will ever say, "I was careless and the right thing happened," or "I did the right thing by accident." It has to be a conscientious choice, and that's why it's so difficult sometimes.

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Posted by ijp290 5 years ago Report ... ible_with/

Look at the thread by SidomaDavier

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Posted by DodongoQueen3 5 years ago Report

I read this post, Im a Christen too, and it seems many others gave you advice better then I, i will say what I believe, i do believe in God and Christ, and our journey in life is to be good, help others, never bring damage or ruin to others. For me to be accepted into Heaven we must balance our good deeds with our bad. That is all. I bet many already told you that different ways, though i thank you for having this blog, and i hope you will do well life, as you will most likely earn your place in Heaven.

Sorry if that sounded corny ^w^ ill try to look at your other works now

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Posted by Indighost 5 years ago Report

I say do good things for their own sake, not in fear of the slavery or tyranny of gods and monsters.

That said, you should definitely take a look at this: ... d-too?T=AU

"...– instead, we’ve had growing hints that the conflicts and struggles over porn use have more to do with morality and religion, rather than use of pornography itself. I’ve covered this growing surge of research in numerous posts and articles."

I definitely agree with ya about the dulling of the visual excitement when viewing visual porn too much though! It's why I've stuck to the written word and imagination more.

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Posted by Lucky 5 years ago Report

"Indighost" wrote:
I say do good things for their own sake, not in fear of the slavery or tyranny of gods and monsters.

That said, you should definitely take a look at this: ... d-too?T=AU

"...– instead, we’ve had growing hints that the conflicts and struggles over porn use have more to do with morality and religion, rather than use of pornography itself. I’ve covered this growing surge of research in numerous posts and articles."

I definitely agree with ya about the dulling of the visual excitement when viewing visual porn too much though! It's why I've stuck to the written word and imagination more.

This is interesting!

Thanks for the link to the article by Dr. Ley, it confirmed some suspicious I have had for some time. I agree with you, fear should not be the primary motivator for action. I know what it is to live in fear, and I understand how dangerous and threatening such a miserable existence is. But those who believe that Christianity relies on such motivation are misinformed. Salvation is a lifeline, not a threat. I'll explain more in my Bible entries when I get time and motivation to continue them.

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Posted by stearwing 5 years ago Report

I'm not Christian, I'm not even sure if I'm religious (though I'd consider myself spiritual), and so I can only approach this from the direction of philosophy.
The conclusion I've arrived at for myself is that morally a fetish cannot in and of itself be wrong: morality judges not thoughts, but actions - either their consequences, or the motives behind them, or the way they fit into the life of the person responsible.

One reason for the ineligibility of thoughts is that morality examines conscious, deliberate choices - but thoughts occur spontaneously, often involuntarily, and they cannot be prevented from forming, only (partially!) suppressed afterwards.
Of course there are also actions which are like this: reflexes, instinctive reactions or acquired responses are also spontaneous and involuntary by virtue of being automated, they, too, can only be suppressed, and they, too, are not the subject of most ethical theories.
However, any action that is committed on the basis of a thought is subject to morality: these actions are fully intentional and thus can be predicted, assessed, planned, and prevented.

Now what does this mean for fetishes? The reproductive instinct is one of the most ancient and one of the most powerful we have. The lines of thought it draws can be reinforced, but they cannot be provoked or suppressed (one does not decide to think about sex - the moment one makes that decision one has already been thinking about it).
The most we can do is prevent these thoughts from turning into immoral actions (which masturbation in and of itself is not so long as it is truly solitary and poses no health risk), but beyond that - in crude terms - the boner pops up as the boner pleases.

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Posted by Cobbly 5 years ago Report

Huh. This has never really been a problem for me. I never considered an all powerful all knowing deity would care what happened between my hands and my genitals. Besides, looking at something on your phone is worlds away from looking (and touching) at it physically. I would argue that is another thing that doesn't really apply to modern day.

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Posted by AGiant 3 years ago Report

I might be a little bot late XP but I read every reply especially because I was interested and have myself some religious background and my concerns in that way. While not being christian myself I'm interested in how people believe and why.

The first thing I thought after reading your post was is the definition of the translation of the word translated to adultery really restricted to married people?
Also what is the fault of adultery? Do you breach the rights of the one you're looking at or is it something completely only concerning the one looking or both.
If first does consent play a role?
If second in which way is it a fault? Is it increasing your sexual urges with someone else than your partner? Is it satisfying your urges with someone else than your partner?
After reading your replies you said you take the bible as your source document. So what came up in my mind was what do you define as the bible. That there is not one (while it should be one IMO) is fact I believe.

It was thankfully not many and some even if they disagreed with this whole religion thing kept it human but there were still some things I consider inappropriate. Everybody should refrain from using insulting terms while talking about something which some people hold in high regards.

one of the most important parts in such topics is always the definition and limits of terms people always use. Like already said in one reply what does it mean to be kind. When are you truly respectful or disrespecting someone? When did you hurt someones dignity or kept it? What is the right thing to do?
These get especially difficult to answer in multicultural communities or more than difficult to answer like your answer was never truly right before you get to such a situation. A bit off topic but sadly you see people in this kinda situation shunning themselves and hating other answers than taking the challenge of finding the true or better answer or something. Sometimes it's not possible but trying doesn't hurt (or should not).

What comes to mind also to the topic is paintings of monks checking out some nude drawings of women. I don't know if that could represent at least a part but if those are not made as mockery it looks like those people found there answer.

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Posted by SeductiveCyndaquil67 2 years ago Report

Informative post, thanks for doing this.

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Posted by hungryvulpix 1 year ago Report

Thank you for writing this. I did not expect to find this here of all places and I know you wrote it a long time ago. I imagine much of it still applies to you. You have a much deeper understanding than I do and I agree with just about everything you've written here along with your replies to the comments. Deep stuff I should spend more time reflecting upon as I get older and older.

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Posted by comandmaster 11 months ago Report

eh if im doing it anyway he already suffered for it feels bad but not that much

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Posted by KingOfQuinoa 9 months ago Report

I know this is a really old post, and you probably won’t see this, but I thought I should say something here, as a somewhat amateur apologist. Pornography, in fact, is a sin, as it detracts sexual feelings from God’s original intent; sex between one man and one woman, married. Of course if, like, a vore rp is done between a married couple, that’s fine, because they’re married, but pornography upsets God because it’s sexual gratification without someone you’re married to. This article does a good job of explaining things:
After everything, we are all sinners in need of Jesus. I hope my comment helped you understand a bit better (though I doubt it)

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Posted by KingOfQuinoa 9 months ago Report

I know this is a really old post, and you probably won’t see this, but I thought I should say something here, as a somewhat amateur apologist. Pornography, in fact, is a sin, as it detracts sexual feelings from God’s original intent; sex between one man and one woman, married. Of course if, like, a vore rp is done between a married couple, that’s fine, because they’re married, but pornography upsets God because it’s sexual gratification without someone you’re married to. This article does a good job of explaining things:
(If this is a duplicate post I’m sorry)

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Posted by Ghakle 2 months ago Report

If you believe something to be sinful, to you it is sinful for nothing is sinful unto itself but becomes sinful because you partake without faith.

We are granted freedom in 1 Timothy 4:4 to partake so long as it is with thanksgiving to God.

1 Corinthians 6:12
“I have the right to do anything,” you say—but not everything is beneficial. “I have the right to do anything"—but I will not be mastered by anything.

Just as we are told not to muzzle an ox while it treads out the grain, so too are we allowed to partake as we live our lives but our partaking becomes adultery when we put God aside to do so. All things are from Him so remember Him as you partake.

If your partaking causes someone to stumble, you become guilty of the sin of misleading them. We're told to separate from those who claim to be of the faith but act immorally because it causes others to partake without faith.

Have faith. Do not judge. Do good in secret. Love thy neighbor.

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