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About the prior takedowns...

Posted by TaciturnTiger 5 years ago


Okay so. I am writing this off of my phone using the voice recognition thing, so forgive me if there are any grammatical errors Etc

I feel I need to explain what exactly happened the other day when I got pissy and decided to take down so my art regarding a certain someone. Granted this free art is going to never see the light of day again as far as I'm concerned, so uh... let's just cut to the chase of my experience with the person.

So recently Sqrlyjack had drawn and posted a picture of the Trans pride flag being burned and given the finger by whatever the hell she is calling her Modern Bubsy fan character these days. I'd seen somebody on Twitter post this picture with an incredulous response I guess, and being the idiot who didn't realize the internet was so fucking small on these days, I had commented couple times on that picture regarding my feelings about her art as of late.

Turns out she's a rather vindictive bitch! Aside from a harassment GIF that one of her pals posted that original message, Sqrly also personally attacked me on my Twitter with sarcastic comments about what I posted. Anywho this thing really fly with me so I decided to confront her about this. What I got wasn't a very pleasant experience and kind of fucked me up for a couple days.

For those of you who haven't seen her anti-lgbtq picture, the description for it involves her making fun of anything that doesn't fit the gender binary. I find it so ironic because she is a transgender woman herself and already has the privilege of "passing". When I refuse to debate her she decided it was fair to keep on being cruel.

One of the last comments I got back in this exchange is pretty much why I never want to hear from her again? I don't have a screen cap with this statement because I had muted her and blocked couple of her friends, not to mention right now I'm not at my computer because my internet is down for the moment. Regardless my paraphrasing of this is true and I will provide her Twitter account if anyone cares enough to indulge any curiosity about the validity of what I'm about to say.

Long story short she said something along the lines of " there needs to be a way to handle dysphoria without transition for those who don't pass and never could". With that I realized the conversation was absolutely moot, despite knowing this already. It was 100% confirmation that she was not worth my time to continue arguing semantics.

Long story short I don't care whether or not you the reader care about queer issues. I don't care whether or not you believe in the gender binary, or in multiple genders, or in gender being a social construct. But frankly if you believe in the type of transgender Eugenics that this bitch leave soon you are, without a phantom of a doubt, not worth my time.

If I had my way... actually no. I am proud to be who I am and intend to play the cards that I was dealt. That side I know that not every transgender person is as lucky to be comfortable in their own bodies as I intend to be. No one, and I mean no one, has any right to bar the transition of those who need it. Nor do I believe that anyone should forbid one form identifying in a way that hurts absolutely no one at all.

I'm not the type of "sjw" who likes to throw around the concept of privilege. Despite this Sqrlyjack, who clearly is lucky enough to pass as a cis woman, might just have to be an exception. She's no different in my eyes than Caitlyn Jenner, who in an hour of herself is also an absolute hypocrite and a horrible role model to any transgender woman, man, or anything in between.

If you don't believe me, head onto Twitter and search for @dastardlysqrly, and comments pertaining to @racheltheseeker. Again I'm sorry that I don't have any screenshots available of our conversation. Had to get this off my chest. Accept my side of the story, so go on to your own opinions.

But just kindly get bent if you side with her.
Comment on About the prior takedowns...


Posted by StormyGem 5 years ago Report

I'm not gonna go and read the Tweets but from what i see here, this person you confronted has issues

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Posted by WobblyWolfess 5 years ago Report

Jesus Christ, like Howla said, this person sounds like an absolute handful.

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Posted by TheWolfInator3456 5 years ago Report

The fuck?! What a hypocrite!!

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Posted by VorishFoxie 5 years ago Report

Good lord what an asshole! I am so sorry they did such horrible things to you. What a complete disgrace and terrible thing of them to do. I have no idea how someone who is trans can be such an ignorant prick when it comes to lgbtqa+ stuff. Horrible. I’m so sorry you had to deal with this, I certainly hope they leave you alone, you deserve better.

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Posted by YamiTakashi 5 years ago Report

it is so stupet that some people hate the way other want to be whoever they wanted >:I i mean sure i myself use to be like a big homophobian but i did not want them dead... and now i am pretty much bi this days... plus i have a few trans friends that are pretty nice and sweet, if only some people can see how good they are

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