Archive > IEatYouWhole > Blog > writers block [Report]

writers block

Posted by IEatYouWhole 5 years ago


So I recently like a week and a bit ago posted part 3 of one of my stories and though I am continuing it I have no ideas on how to really continue :P which sucks because I have really enjoyed writing the story though wish I did more to focus on some parts of the story I found myself leaving out or not really focusing on even though they were maybe key to the plot :P Anyways I currently have no ideas on how to continue with "Along Came a Snake" and so am stating that I am leaving it to settle for a while, while I finish or start other stories I have posted as well, though it may take me a bit, I hope everyone who enjoys my stories or just story ^^ will wait patiently for me to continue.

P.s. should anyone have any ideas as to how I could maybe continue any of my stories except Dust, pm me ^^ but please let it be known I will not be doing any sort of stories or parts with anal vore, the main character being male pred (though may add in cock vore in with a side character if it leads to something else :P), herm characters or preds, scat or where if specifically with "Along Came a Snake" no one asks I let the snake get free and nom Helen or just ever get free :P not gonna happen, ever. End of on that ^^.
Comment on writers block


Posted by Nightmare49 5 years ago Report

hey that happens a lot to me. i was the same way with Rosalina's Revenge. It takes time and sometimes someone to bounce ideas with.

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Posted by IEatYouWhole 5 years ago Report

ye ^^ but sometimes I guess the people wanting the content are not the best to ask :P cause their own opinions and wants can clash with the writers visions unless you specify whats not happening altogether :P

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