Archive > Stanku > Blog > Continue EAZ??? [Report]

Continue EAZ???

Posted by Stanku 5 years ago


Just out of curiosity I ask: who would like me to continue the Equestria Anno Zero series?
Comment on Continue EAZ???


Posted by dddddd2 5 years ago Report

Ohh well there's me who will be happy to see it continues hehe. We still don't know Rubin's fate!

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Posted by Gorat 5 years ago Report

Well... honest opinion - i didynt really like it that much. It was to haotic and basically go nowhere. Beside some parts - neither was it a vore clopfic and neither story driven adventure.
I'm all for CYOA but it needs to have some structure and goal - team survival in the deadly magical labirynt full of traps that can eat you - rescue your kidnaped love one from an evil pony-eating dragon etc. If its an open ended thing you cant really finish it. It needs to have some boundaries that the GM have to consider For example the labirynt - discord traps a undisclosed number of ponies in an seemingly infinite labyrinth full of traps - protagonist is tasked with finding his way to the center of it and claiming the prize with final choice being decided backstage depending on what kind of options were taken by voters during the story.

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