Archive > FlynnCoyote > Blog > Greed is now on Gumroad [Report]

Greed is now on Gumroad

Posted by FlynnCoyote 5 years ago

Available in PDF format for easy reading for just $3

Gumroad looks to be a lot easier to publish things on, so that is the platform I'll be using from now on. Mostly these will be written works, but I will try to upload the occasional comic or art pack there too.

What I publish won't be terribly expensive, but I do need an avenue to make some extra money. With this recent move, my rent and travel expenses have gone up and as such my money will be greatly stretched.

So what I ask for those interested is that they take a look, maybe subscribe and consider buying what I offer.

And as I said previously, this will NOT prevent me from uploading art and stories to FA for free viewing, it is simply to halo keep me funded.

Thanks for reading and please take a look.
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