Archive > Base54 > Blog > He lives! [Report]

He lives!

Posted by Base54 4 years ago


So, I'm not dead, just a bit overwhelmed with a lot of stuff that's going on. However, with the required resources at my beck and call, I should be able to write and post more stories for all of you to enjoy.

First and foremost, I will be posting the request that I have, and then I won't be doing request for a while so I can focus on my stories. Those who have requested something of me should have their request completed by this weekly's Sunday, if not by then, then by next Tuesday.

Secondly, I will be rewriting and editing The Adventures of Gender Swapping since I can do a whole heck of a lot better with it. I will also be rewriting the majority of my stories as well as posting the start of two new series of stories: Furry Fantasy and Anthro Animals, both of which will make their premier next Saturday. Details on both of them will be posted a couple of days before they actually are released.

That's all, so I hope you guys can be just a little more patient with me and I'll try my absolute best to entertain you all with my stories.
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