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Leaving the Portal. Posted 13 years ago
No, I'm not butthurt, nor am I leaving vore as a fetish. I love my blasted fetish. See, I've been drawing a LOT lately, vore included, and posting none of it here. Because I dislike this place.

See, it was great once, and I loved it then. Really I did. But that passed some time back when I started seeing littler and littler interest in the individual here, and lessened interest in the vore to boot. The art, nobody seems to care for. The forums? Everyone is a douche. Myself included, I'm also a douche. Everyone's a douche. Douche parade. But the douche parade is boring. I go on for my required dose of douchebaggery, I don't need or want it from this site. Everyone here wants their variety of porn, their taste in vore, and they want it right the hell...
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Update, for you who like it when nothing has noticeably changed. Posted 13 years ago
My previous blog still holds fast. I haven't forgotten it, and I HAVE been working, but nothing is quite finished. You wouldn't belive how many half-sketches I've done for you guys so BE HAPPY or I'll shoe you like horses.

Outside that, gonna do something special for myself to take a break for a while. I need a break not only from my insane sketching for you guys, but also from work, which runs me ragged and leaves me in shambles and in pain every night. I have a very, VERY hard job. It's not left me with much time, but I love you guys, so I make good on my promises. Some of them faster than others. Remember, I'm not first-come-first-serve like some vending machine, I'm more of a "I'll do whichever one is currently interesting", so no crying baaaaw when yours is last...
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I Must Be a Masochist Posted 13 years ago
... because I have this eerie habit of taking a LOT of requests and giving a metric shit-ton of gifts. My list right now? We-he-hell, I'll show ye, but I'm using codenames for the projects so that no one knows who I'm working for (I'm sneaky like that):

Cat: Have 5 pages sketched, needing solid lines and color, and there's still 1 page that isn't even started on.

Suryia: Got 1 page to submit, in color, but not until I do all of the other 1 page, which isn't started, not to mention the other 2 pages with her I haven't even done.

OC: I have the base sketch done for this 1 pager, but I still need hard lines and color. There's also another (1) of these I've got hard-lined, needing...
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Crunch Time Posted 14 years ago
... it really is. I still have three-and-a-half round one PVT settings to fix up, and those come after the gift art that I promised to a certain friend o' mine. I mean, I can do all the remainder of the settings in one day, I just haven't had a day yet. Thought I'd do it Tuesday, but guess what? Tuesday was eaten by the evil Depression Monster.

Oh, joy.

Between the Depression Monster rearing it's serene, beautiful, and dangerously sleepy-eyed head and my college work, I've had no time for anything but moping, sleeping, working, and talking about moping, sleeping, and working. Still, I'm determined to have that gift art, as well as those settings, fixed up before we start round one (which looks like next week, since we still need an adjunct.

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So Damn Badly Posted 14 years ago
I want to get The Conduit for Wii SO DAMN BADLY right now!

It just looks so sexy and I desperately have wanted a good Wii game (since I already PWN'd the new Tales, Mario, and Metroid). If The Conduit can throw its weight around as well as it seems it can, the Sega might actually have a real Killer App title, here. I mean, yeah, I love Sonic, and I've come to love him even more, what with his new DS RPG (developed and gently fondled by BioWare, of course), but he doesn't blow the hell out of extradimensional super-beings that are ugly as sin and want nothing more than to tear your face clean off.

Also, beyond that, I desperately wish that it were 2010. Do you know what comes out then? Metroid: Other M, thats what.

Now, I may be a true...
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1: "Your whistling is sh*tty" 2: "...your sh*t is sh*tty!" Posted 14 years ago
I have much work to do. I'm behind on submissions to my gallery, as you can see.
I'm still behind on requests.
I'm still behind on forum posting in general.
I'm DEFINITELY still behind on my art style.
Out of curiosity, what could I do to improve my future work? I want any input you've got on this. I wanna be watched, guys! That means I gotta get better.
Truthfully, yes, I like attention. Quite a lot. No, I don't wanna steal the spotlight from others, I just want a lil' spotlight of my own, y'know?

So c'mon, guys, tell me how to make you happier :D

...I'm such a whore ...
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First rule of Vore Fight Club, anyone...? Posted 14 years ago
Alright, everyone. Brass tax time. I've been wanting a real test of my skills lately. Yes, I know my art is mediocre, but that's exactly why it must be tested; without significant trial, you see, skills never grow. I want my skills to be pushed right to their very limits.

Also, lately I've been going over the entries from VOCT a lot. The more I see them, the more I am convinced that they need parallels. The VOCT is run by private judges who evaluate based on skill. The reason these judges run the VOCT is because the general public will evaluate some entries based on their admiration for the artist rather than their true actual content and composition of the piece.

I think that the VOCT judges are right in keeping the public out.

However, the public...
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The Age of Aquarius Posted 14 years ago
I know that all study on Astrological Ages is but speculation and estimation, mostly due to the fact that each Age spans a period of time far too vast to study singularly, but I agree most with the theories presented by Dr. Albert Amao. According to him we are in the threshold between Pisces' and Aquarius' Ages at the moment, but in 2012 (as demarcated by the end of the Mayan Calender) we will enter the beginning of the cusp for Aquarius' own Aquarian Decan. After the lee period of eight years we will be fully within the Aquarian Concrescence. At this time values will shift from Science against Spirituality toward Science in favor of Spirituality. The most interesting part of this, however, is that in (roughly) the year 3108 the Age will progress fully into the Leo Decan. Once under the...
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Please Read and Comment; I need the support! Posted 14 years ago
You may or may not believe me, but there will be new artwork on my page.
Yeah, yeah, I know what you're thinking: "but Ark, you're soooo unreliable!"


But I'm also a man of me word. Tomorrow there will be new pics. Psyman's request (which is four parts within itself), Electricspoon's request, gamdann's request (MAYBE. His is gonna be a multi-page comic, so it may be awhile yet), a few new Vorettes, perhaps a Nudette, maybe some non-vore Surrealettes, and more than likely some vore-work wit my OCs. There will be NO LESS than SIX new vore pieces in my gallery, but it is VERY likely that there will be more (around 7-10 pieces).

After that I'll be open to art trades and the like.

And Charlie Kitsune, please...
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"Gettin' On a Ways" Posted 15 years ago
Thank the stars, I'm on my feet! I've emptied out my current vore folder into my gallery, so I'm going to need ideas for my next few pieces. I'm readily accepting requests from anyone who wants to do so, so feel free to contact me with any ideas you'd like to see illustrated in Glorious Vorious Technicolor!


Liath Macha, King of Stallions

These users are now on my request list:
1 )
2 ) Psyman
3 ) Reiko
4 ) Drake_451
5 ) Rat Haus

*This is five spots, and that's I'll I can handle for now. I'll let you all know as this opens up. Until then, you'll be put on a waiting list. Thanks!

6 ) Alexander_the_ant
7 ) ...
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