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Orctober 2023 - Concluded! Posted 5 months ago
Zo! I will now consider Orctober 2023 concluded!

Sadly I didn't get to 31 again, haha. Man, I was ten off this year too. Just got way too busy and sick. Why is October always such a busy month, haha.

But hey, I'm at least reasonably happy with the 21 stories I /did/ do! :D

The biggest casualty of this is that I didn't spend the month commenting on /other/ people's stories and pictures nearly as much as I wanted to. :( A good chunk of the fun of the month is seeing what other people come up with, and I know /I/ like comments. Definitely will be throwing around a lot of comments in the near future.

Still! Thanks to people who commented! I find comments really encouraging, even if they're one word comments. I will go catch up on...
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Orctober 2023 - Visions of Greenskins! Posted 6 months ago
Orctober 2023 - Visions of Greenskins!

Once again, another Orctober is upon us! Huzzah!

For those who are unaware, this month is Orctober! The aim is for artists to draw pictures of orcs for the month, but I'm not an artist - I'm a writer! Thus every day in Orctober, I intend to write an orc story!

My one real requirement is that they will be at least 500 words and have an orc in it.

Last year, I didn't /quite/ make it - but hopefully this year will be different! Although life is looking /really/ busy, unfortunately.

My writing is basically always m/m, will be mostly oral or cock vore, and will probably involve underwear in some way.
Also, you know, orcs.

Please comment!
I love comments!
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Orctober 2022 - Conclusion! Just missed it! Posted 1 year ago
Welp! It's been a bit, haha, but I hereby consider Orctober 2022 concluded!

I didn't /quite/ get to 31 stories haha. I actually had hit 28, but I /really/ wanted to get the final Selected story in there despite losing free time, haha.

Still, 29 is pretty good! I was /ridiculously/ busy this month, so I'm happy I at least got that far! The reason stories started to go up in big chunks is that I found myself without internet for awhile in there, and would thus write offline and then post them as soon as I could.

Sadly, I'm not as keen with the quality of them this year. I'm not /un/happy with them, but it definitely wasn't the quality improvement that I'm used to seeing. That's two years in a row I feel this way, so maybe that is just a fact if...
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Orctober 2022 - 31 Tuskman Squads! Posted 1 year ago
Orctober 2022 - 31 Tuskman Squads!

Back to October, back to Orctober!

For the uninitiated, this month is Orctober! Aimed for artists to draw pictures of orcs for the month, but I'm no artist - I'm a writer! Thus every day in Orctober, I will write an orc story!

My one requirement for myself is that they be at least 500 words. Doing this helps my writing a bit, even though last year I didn't get it done. But hopefully this time I do!

My writing is basically always m/m, will be mostly oral or cock vore, and will probably involve underwear in some way.
Also, you know, orcs.

Please comment!
I love comments!
I want comments!

I do try to respond to every comment, but sometimes I get busy and/or...
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Orctober 2021 - Conclusion! Posted 2 years ago
Welp - I'm more than a few days late, haha, but I will officially consider Orctober concluded!

Unfortunately I didn't make it to 31 stories this year. I was pushing to try to get #24 out, but sadly at this point I can safely say that's not happening, haha. Oh well - I definitely gave it a hard attempt, and 23 stories isn't too bad!

Sadly, that does mean that Selected is going to have to wait until later to get its sequel. Hopefully later doesn't mean 'until next year', but given how busy I got over Orctober we'll have to see.

It's strange too - this wasn't a lack of ideas or anything, I just couldn't actually focus on things. Then again, I had a ton of personal problems going on, as everything seems to wait until October to land every year,...
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Orctober 2021 - Sharpening my Tusks! Posted 2 years ago
Orctober 2021 - Sharpening Tusks!

It's that time of year again - for the uninitiated, this month is Orctober! A lot of artists draw pictures for the month, but I'm not an artist, I'm a writer. Thus, every day this month, I will write an orc story!

My one requirement for myself is that they be at least 500 words. Every time I do this it ends up helping my writing considerably, so I am definitely looking forward to doing it this year ^_^

I'm hoping this will be year 3 where I /succeed/ haha, and get all 31 stories completed!

My work is basically always m/m, will be mostly cock vore and oral vore, and will probably involve underwear in some way. I have some weirdness that I like with merging and transformation too.
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Orctober 2020 - Complete! Huzzah! Posted 3 years ago
And Orctober is complete! :D

Huzzah! Thirty one orc stories!

Once again this takes a lot of preparation. There is no way I can do these without having some spare time amidst this, which ended up happening. Due to unfortunate circumstances, mind you, but I got a chunk of time to write and got a bit of a head start then.

I am super burnt out though, haha. Phew!

Content wise, 22 oral vore, 14 cock vore. 7 involved melting or liquid shifter of some sort, and then a couple transformation and a directly merging one. Based on last year's, apparently that's relatively normal for me, haha.

I still have set 'rules' for each race, which is neat to me haha. There's then enough variety to mix things up, but this amuses me more...
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Orctober 2020 - The next Cycle! Posted 3 years ago
Orctober 2020 - The next Cycle!


For the uninitiated - this month is Orctober! A lot of artists draw pictures, but I'm not an artist, I'm a writer. So every day this month, I'm gonna write an orc story!

My one requirement for myself is that they be at least 500 words. I don't care if they end up feeling padded out, or repetitive - but every time I do this it helps my writing considerably, so I am hoping it continues that pattern! ^_^

Last year I got all 31 stories done! :D Hopefully this can be the second year in a row where I do!

My work is basically always m/m, will be mostly cock vore and oral vore, and will probably involve underwear in some way. I have some weirdness that I like with merging and...
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I love comments! Posted 3 years ago
I wanted to take a moment to make it clear - I'm a big fan of comments :D Please comment on things that interest you do so so!

Now, obviously don't be a jerk, and I'm not looking for a full dressing down on why you thought something was terrible, haha. But I try to respond to all comments (If you posted one and I didn't respond it's because I completely missed it and am sorry!) and I really do like getting them. It's super encouraging to find even one word comments on my things.

Phew! While a lot of people have gotten a lot of free time lately, my free time has basically evaporated. Except this is starting to wear on me, haha, so I've begun to push a little and actually got some writing done!

Looking forward to Orctober :D Which is likely to be...
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Orctober 2019 - Complete! Huzzah! Posted 4 years ago
Orctober is now officially complete!

First of all HUZZAH I actually completed one fully! Thirty One orc stories! :D Writing every day!

Part of this was luck - I had a sequence where I basically got a two week break from all the crazy at the perfect moment to, well, /write/. But whyever the reason, woohoo I got 31 stories done! :D

And while, um, my brain is indeed on fire, it's /less/ on fire than normal which is good. Still pretty tired though.

I'm then pretty happy with the quality of stories therein this year. Most of these weren't...
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