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Small update on everything Posted 5 years ago
Hello everyone who is still around! I just realized that I posted my last journal like a year ago and I don't believe it is fair for me to say that I am going to write stuff then disappear for another entire year. I just wanted to give a small update for anyone who is interested about what is currently happening.

First things first, I have to pull the "I've been busy with IRL stuff" card. After 2 years of studying at a local community college, I finally got enough credits and a high enough GPA to be able to go to one of my favorite Universities (also saving dat monay by going to a community college instead of a 4 year to start). I have also been working to help pay for my current classes (summer classes, woohoo) and save enough for the ultimate transfer. Because of...
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The next VT episode is in the works Posted 8 years ago
Hi guys, i just wanted to give you all a bit of an update. I am working on VT, but I am also working on two other projects at the same time. The next VT episode will be done by the end of this year though, so keep your eyes out!
Vore tournament of some sort. Posted 8 years ago
Hi there everyone! As you can see, I'm lenumanuma and I would like to welcome you to my blog. So, I was thinking, what can I do as a writer to improve and get me writing more? Well, I think I finally found my answer. I am going to do something similar to a vore tournament! It will be a weekly thing, and your characters can fight it out for a chance to be the winner!

I have not decided on how many people I want to be in in it yet, so that's a problem. I'll probably have a total of 12 characters in it, but that is not official.

The rules to the tournament are pretty simple. When we begin, there will be 2 teams. I will write about the characters and the story, but inside of the description will be a question for all of the competitors. This question could be...
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