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Whoo.out anything that can b e picked up.

Posted by Mitch 17 years ago


Well, the past few days have been interesting.

It's been raining non-stop here, which is odd for Nebraska. We almost never get rain any more...

I decided to get some PC games. Among them were The Wheel of Time, which is proving to be very good. (I love anytrhing having to do with the concept of Time, it's just so damn intriguing!) The other one was Black & White. Kind of like Sim City, only you play a god and have a giant creature at your disposal. It's basically a vorer's playground with that thing. You can get it to eat people, rocks, its own waste (Hey, it tried it on its own, I swear!) or about anything that you can give it.

Today, a comission I'd requested of someone was finished. Heheh, it looks great. I might do a bit more business with that person.

Today I'm trying to figure out what's wrong with my 200 GB hard drive. It's been locking up and crashing a bunch of programs, since it's primarily what I use instead of my C: Drive. I'm running CHKDISK to see if there's any errors on it. It hasn't moved past 0% of stage 4 for an hour. That's really pissing me off.

Today's been good and bad so far, and I'm hoping it gets better.
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