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Birthday Posted 3 weeks ago
So its my birthday today. Everything is going well, just taking one day at a time.
I hope ya'll doing well.
A light in the dark Posted 1 month ago
I return from my dreary life to share a link. Been waiting for this on pc.
2024 Posted 3 months ago
Its a new year. For those that are interested I'm still alive, and sorry for not doing much of anything. Its been difficult. Its been 8 months since my last post and whilst I wish I could say its gotten better that would be a lie.

But yep, wishing you all a better 2024, myself included.
Nothingness Posted 1 year ago
So despite my best efforts I've slipped back into depression. And some of you may notice I have not written much... at all.
Well that's because I feel nothing. Started off slow, but a couple weeks ago I completed a project that took me two years to finish and I felt nothing. No pride, no happiness, just a blank void. And that's when I thought about how muted everything had been for a long time. And once I noticed, it all fell apart and now I feel nothing.
Apathy is a truly insidious beast.

I'm writing here to vent more than anything, no one in my rl is really there to talk to. They don't understand this sadly. I'm open to any suggestions... that are free as I am flat broke, see previous post.

Anyway if you stuck with it this far I will hopefully...
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Surprise taxes, in need of money so..... (Gone) Posted 1 year ago
I'm in desperate need of some cash. Just finished a long term project and want to get back into writing.
So I want to open up for 1 1000-2000 word story that I will work on this weekend.
So if you see this and want a short story that will be written to my standard and full of all the disgusting kinks you could ever want, you know you want em, then PM me. This is 1st come, 1st serve and there is 1 slot.

Once I've done that story I may hope up to more.
2 cents a word, probably going up with inflation after this >_>

Someone snapped this up in less than 10 minutes. Will open more slots once this one is done.