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Worldbuilding Server Ad Posted 1 year ago
Hello there. Are you a fan of worldbuilding? Do you like kink worlds that have very clear effort and thought put into their creation, history, cultures, fauna, and flora? Do you like things like speculative zoology and culture creation? If you answered yes to any of these question, then I highly recommend the worldbuilding server I've made, Terravora. It may not be everyone's cup of tee as it focuses more on the "world" part of "kink world," but we always appreciate new members no matter what part of the process they're most interested in. Here is the link to the server:
Planned Story Posted 4 years ago
So my friend and I were doing an RP based on Jurassic Park, but with our waifus as the characters. I asked on the forums if I should make it into a story, and some people think I should do it. So why not? I'll do it.

Thought just a warning: If you are expecting an over the top sexual vore parody of the film (something like Natsumemetalsonic's Voralien comic) then I'm afraid you might disappointed.

This story is mainly an adaptation of the original novel by Micheal Crichton (which if you have not read, I highly recommend, it's amazing). There is some vore and busty women added in, but it is mainly a straight adaptation of the novel.

I will try to post the first chapter whenever I can, though I do not have much time to do stuff like that, but...
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If anyone wants to RP with me, click this link for information. Posted 6 years ago
Vore Rp Posted 7 years ago
Hey guys, I'm a newcomer to this this site and I am looking for anyone who wants to do a vore RP with me, if you so, send me a private message. I ONLY do fatal vore. :gulp: :gulp: :)