What Size Relationship For Predator and Prey Do You Prefer
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What Size Relationship For Predator and Prey Do You Prefer
I'm sure this has been done before but I'm just not finding it. This fetish has so many variations that it's staggering. It seems easier to find macro/micro vore, but on here I've been frustrated by a lack of RP partners into that. So now I'm curious which one is more popular. What do you prefer?
I prefer to be prey much smaller than the predator. Easily swallowable but big enough to feel. Around the size of the thumb compared to a human predator, maybe a bit smaller. It's the only scenario that allows the tongue play I'm looking for.
I prefer to be prey much smaller than the predator. Easily swallowable but big enough to feel. Around the size of the thumb compared to a human predator, maybe a bit smaller. It's the only scenario that allows the tongue play I'm looking for.
Last edited by fixated1 on Sun Dec 06, 2015 4:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
fixated1 - Advanced Vorarephile
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Re: What Size Relationship For Predator and PreyDo You Prefe
When I've played on either side, I've always like the size difference to be a bit mismatched. I like preds that tower over their prey by a few feet. That way you still get the swallowing and the belly bugle with smaller prey then as to having the prey being bite-size. Then again, you can eat a bunch of micros and get the same result if you really wanted to.
BL1GHT - Somewhat familiar
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Re: What Size Relationship For Predator and PreyDo You Prefe
I prefer giant sized predators, but not crazy big, only around 100 feet tall with a human sized prey.
I do also enjoy similar size, as belly bulges, small ones have been growing on me, like a 10 foot tall man or creature with a short female or child as prey.
Either way though for me it's a requirements to have the predator bigger then his prey.
I do also enjoy similar size, as belly bulges, small ones have been growing on me, like a 10 foot tall man or creature with a short female or child as prey.
Either way though for me it's a requirements to have the predator bigger then his prey.
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Current character focus: Chris Redfield!
coop500 - ???
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Re: What Size Relationship For Predator and Prey Do You Pref
I've always been extremely partial to samesize.
EmissaryOfRainbows - Intermediate Vorarephile
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Re: What Size Relationship For Predator and Prey Do You Pref
Similar size, I suppose. Basically both the size of normal humans, but the pred being tall and imposing and the prey being short and scrawny. Allows for the pred to joke like "you're so short I could totally eat you up ha-ha" before they actually realize they can.
hernextmeal - Intermediate Vorarephile
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Re: What Size Relationship For Predator and Prey Do You Pref
I would say I like predators to be realistically sized. Realism is a big thing for me in vore- thus the prey can be bigger than bite sized (in fact I prefer that to an extent), but the prey needs to be able to be eaten in only a few feasible swallows for it to be fun IMHO.
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GBBG - Participator
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Re: What Size Relationship For Predator and Prey Do You Pref
The throat and stomach bulges are important to me, but I also find same-size vore a bit ridiculous at times. Preferably the prey requires some effort to gulp down, but the process itself (in terms of realism) is somewhat feasible.
RuffledFerret - Intermediate Vorarephile
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Re: What Size Relationship For Predator and Prey Do You Pref
I'd say that's true for me too. I like a realistic amount of throat/stomach bulge as you would imagine for something like a dragon swallowing a human or something.
Often the birds I like have a bit of a gullet bulge as they swallow something down.
RuffledFerret - you wrote a vore story with a fox pred I liked a while ago. Is there any way I can "watch" you? I didn't see that option on your userpage.
Often the birds I like have a bit of a gullet bulge as they swallow something down.
RuffledFerret - you wrote a vore story with a fox pred I liked a while ago. Is there any way I can "watch" you? I didn't see that option on your userpage.
Writing a vore novel. Check out an excerpt over in work to be shared!
GBBG - Participator
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Re: What Size Relationship For Predator and Prey Do You Pref
Personally I prefer when the predator is about twice as big as the prey ( like a 12 ft tall humanoid compared to a 6 ft tall human. ) I don't mean twice the mass but twice the size, which would means a lot more then twice the mass.
Why do I like this size relationship? Because it makes the best bellies! You see I do like bloated, round bellies but I don't like them too big, so this size relationship gives me the perfect sized tummies, not to big but also not to small either. Same size vore makes bellies too big for my taste and macro/micro vore gives you no belly at all... I can manage with either of those, like if someone wants to roleplay those its not a turn off but I do prefer when the pred is about twice the size of the prey.
Why do I like this size relationship? Because it makes the best bellies! You see I do like bloated, round bellies but I don't like them too big, so this size relationship gives me the perfect sized tummies, not to big but also not to small either. Same size vore makes bellies too big for my taste and macro/micro vore gives you no belly at all... I can manage with either of those, like if someone wants to roleplay those its not a turn off but I do prefer when the pred is about twice the size of the prey.
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kernac - Overlord of the Rose
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Re: What Size Relationship For Predator and Prey Do You Pref
Yeah, i would second Kernac that i don't like the bellies to be too big...i also don't like the bellies to be too small...
The perfect scenario for me is when the female pred is larger than the prey....so she can tower over him, dominate him...then ingest him into her body.....there still is a struggle...a fight of sorts...but it is futile...a sandwich that fights back will nontheless end up getting devoured....and then with a little *burp*..."all gone!"
The perfect scenario for me is when the female pred is larger than the prey....so she can tower over him, dominate him...then ingest him into her body.....there still is a struggle...a fight of sorts...but it is futile...a sandwich that fights back will nontheless end up getting devoured....and then with a little *burp*..."all gone!"
- azfault
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Re: What Size Relationship For Predator and Prey Do You Pref
I perfer the prey is about 1/10 to the pred , pred can just swallow prey in real life ,and pred's throat muscles and stomach wall can warpped the prey tightly, I like the sence of prey crushed by powerful muscles and digested alive slowly. If the prey is too big ,that is unrealistic to swallow whole ,and if it too small , the prey is too weak and will die in a short time.
- flx22112211
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Re: What Size Relationship For Predator and Prey Do You Pref
I usually prefer same size, but I like the idea of macro/ micro. Then again I'm not super picky about the sizes of the pred or prey.
TempestWind - Been posting for a bit
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Re: What Size Relationship For Predator and Prey Do You Pref
For me it depends. I like hardvore and I like both same-size and macro/micro. If I'm going to be slaughtered and eaten as meat it's always same-size, because then I like it to be as realistic as possible. But if I'm going to be eaten alive it's macro/micro, either in a size where I can be put whole in the mouth and chewed, or in a size of a perfect meal which is eaten bit by bit. So it's really hard to choose, but I chose same-size because that's my favorite scenario.
Litenosöt - Somewhat familiar
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Re: What Size Relationship For Predator and Prey Do You Pref
For me it's similar size, with the prey being the size of a volleyball and the pred being normal human size.
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AzurePheonix - Advanced Vorarephile
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Re: What Size Relationship For Predator and Prey Do You Pref
AzurePheonix wrote:For me it's similar size, with the prey being the size of a volleyball and the pred being normal human size.
The size distance is close to what I have been liking too! That small belly bulge is making it hard for me to choose something like this or giant/tiny.
Writer of wholesome fandom M/F vore.
Current character focus: Chris Redfield!
Current character focus: Chris Redfield!
coop500 - ???
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Re: What Size Relationship For Predator and Prey Do You Pref
I have to admit I prefer macro-micro preds. However, there are certain exceptions. I like same size or slightly bigger or smaller preds as well. However, I would prefer these pred to be somewhat less human or humane.. Jabba the Hutt, a giant Boa constrictor, a naga.. Not like I would dislike a giant naga too though! But I would probably avoid a giant Jabba the Hutt.
Midir - Intermediate Vorarephile
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Re: What Size Relationship For Predator and Prey Do You Pref
I personally prefer the predator and pretty to be a bit closer size-wise... as someone who usually role-plays as feral creatures that are around as big as a large house, human sized prey are perfect. You can eat one and be satisfied or be a total glutton and scarf two or three. For me a big part of playing pred is to fill up on prey; that size difference is perfect for that.
Literal same size is fine too, but I prefer the pred to be some sort of anthro at that point... humans are for eating, after all!
Literal same size is fine too, but I prefer the pred to be some sort of anthro at that point... humans are for eating, after all!
Nice open window you have there. It would be a shame if I slithered into it and devoured you.
SlitheringSnake - Been posting for a bit
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Re: What Size Relationship For Predator and Prey Do You Pref
when I do a macro/micro scene I like for the prey character in question to be around 3.75 to 4 inches tall while the pred is around average human height which would be 5-7 feet tall. That makes the prey the perfect size for food prep scenes like making the prey into a sandwich and stuff. though for cooking scenes like oven roasting and such I prefer the prey and pred to be around the same size. guess it depends on the scene really.
Celestia - Somewhat familiar
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Re: What Size Relationship For Predator and Prey Do You Pref
Same size is difficult for me to suspend disbelief for, it's a personal preference thing. I just find it difficult to accept that level of stretching and fitting is all.
Rhysion - Somewhat familiar
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Re: What Size Relationship For Predator and Prey Do You Pref
I prefer the predator big enough to swallow the prey without any cartoon physics, but not so big that the prey is barely noticeable.
- dragonlover81
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