Vore in daily life

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Vore in daily life

Postby fragout » Mon Apr 01, 2024 1:25 pm

Hey there, new person here, joined out of curiosity and wanting some questions answered.

How does vore affect your daily life? when going about your day, do you think about vore often? and how do you feel when someone IRL mentions vore? do you tell them that you're into it or do you hide it?

I'm interested to find out as I've been wanting to learn some more about this stuff, it's pretty interesting and I feel like vore probably does affect most people in some way.

I'm all ears to any thoughts you have.

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Re: Vore in daily life

Postby Eka » Mon Apr 01, 2024 1:51 pm

and how do you feel when someone IRL mentions vore?

Never happened in the last 20~ years outside of specific gatherings that I know through vore community.

Honestly can't think of a reason why anyone would talk about a random fetish irl especially to people whom you don't know well, and if you already know them well it probably means they are talking about it cause of you.

fragout wrote:I feel like vore probably does affect most people in some way.

It doesn't. A vast majority of the people I talked to do not participate in it in any form outside of visiting a website or two.

If vore affects your daily life you are probably thinking about it too much, to be honest with you.
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Re: Vore in daily life

Postby fragout » Mon Apr 01, 2024 2:12 pm

Fair enough, I'm not well versed in this thing, I was just interested to hear what stuff some people here have to say.
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Re: Vore in daily life

Postby Ghrelin » Mon Apr 01, 2024 3:54 pm

fragout wrote:How does vore affect your daily life?

It doesn't affect anything aside from what type of content I look at online or write/draw for myself in my private time.
when going about your day, do you think about vore often?

Not at all, unless I see something that reminds me of it or gives me an idea for a future image/story/character design.
and how do you feel when someone IRL mentions vore? do you tell them that you're into it or do you hide it?

The closest this has ever come to happening is when a friend was sharing random images they found in a chat to shock or gross people out, and one of them was vore involving popular video game characters. I just kind of shrugged it off and said I've been on the internet too long to be surprised by any of the things they were sharing. No reason for me to mention my own interests there; I don't think bringing it up would be appropriate.
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Re: Vore in daily life

Postby IddlerItaler » Mon Apr 01, 2024 4:58 pm

fragout wrote:when going about your day, do you think about vore often?

Does occasionally daydreaming about your next vore story or the worldbuilding of your fantasy universe (which involves vore) count? When I'm taking care of business, vore fantasies or pictures are also usually involved.

and how do you feel when someone IRL mentions vore? do you tell them that you're into it or do you hide it?

Never happened to me though I'm far from the most social person IRL. If someone mentioned it to me, chances are it would be a joke and I would laugh with them and remain discrete, but I could open up and discuss it if the context were appropriate (say, if I were at a party and people were bringing up fetishes)
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Re: Vore in daily life

Postby twistedSirens » Mon Apr 01, 2024 5:44 pm

fragout wrote:How does vore affect your daily life? when going about your day, do you think about vore often?

Yes, it is a constant and reoccurring thing for me. I am daydreaming almost all the time and vore just so happens to be one of the things I daydream about alongside stuffing.

Considering that I have a fetish for bellies, it's not too surprising that vore is something I daydream about daily. But, I have never dreamed about vore before, despite it constantly being on my mind.
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Re: Vore in daily life

Postby pendingdeletw02gb523942 » Mon Apr 01, 2024 8:14 pm

How does vore affect your daily life? when going about your day, do you think about vore often?

It doesn't, other than that maybe one meal a month (if I'm lucky) is paid for by donations I get from people who enjoy my vore game. I don't typically think about vore in my day to day life. I do constantly come up with story ideas (for both vore and non-vore projects) while I'm doing other stuff, but they typically aren't related to anything that's going on in my life, ideas just come to me at random.

how do you feel when someone IRL mentions vore? do you tell them that you're into it or do you hide it?

I've never seen someone mention vore outside of the internet. However, people do say things that can be interpreted a certain way by a vorish mind. That's always interesting. I always make note of those moments, but that's it. I've only ever told two people that I'm into this, one was a girlfriend and the other a friend who was a psychology student interested in studying fetishes. I would never, ever even consider sharing that info with someone unless I knew them extremely well.

I do think that many (not most, but many) people do feel a certain way when they see/hear/read vorish stuff, even if they're not actually vore fetishists. They're not necessarily turned on by it, but they find it interesting. Kids in particular often have this interest, sometimes it goes away as they grow up, sometimes not. I wouldn't be surprised if there's some biological or evolution reason why this exists, and if that's the case, it probably does affect many more people than we think.
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Re: Vore in daily life

Postby ppht723 » Tue Apr 02, 2024 5:49 am

do you tell them that you're into it or do you hide it?

are you KIDDING ME, have you heard people talk about vore? i'd be shot if i told anyone.

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Re: Vore in daily life

Postby ArcaneSigil » Tue Apr 02, 2024 6:32 am

I think if vore were possible irl... I'd get sleep much more than I do now.

I'd have a preddy girlfriend who would make it her life's mission to make sure I get enough sleep. She'd spend the night every night and around about probably midnight or so she'd swallow me, or unbirth me, tell the people I talk to regularly on Discord and Skype and what not that I'm "tucked away for the night" and I'll be back tomorrow.

She wouldn't give me a choice. We'd keep it between us that that's how she deals with it, but I wouldn't get to make the choice to get offline myself and just go to sleep. She'd make the choice for me but all because she's looking out for my stupid, sleep deprived, arse. If I don't actively pay attention to the time, I will spend 24 hours, give or take a couple, wide awake. Screwing around on Discord, watching tiktoks, so on and so on. Can't do that if I'm stuffed in a belly or a womb without access to my electronic devices.
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Re: Vore in daily life

Postby theonlymatt » Tue Apr 02, 2024 6:12 pm

Doesn't really change things. Basically changes the stereotypical sex fantasies you might have about an attractive stranger and replace then with vore ones. But I don't do that much.
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Re: Vore in daily life

Postby Doku » Wed Apr 03, 2024 8:39 am

fragout wrote:Hey there, new person here, joined out of curiosity and wanting some questions answered.

How does vore affect your daily life? when going about your day, do you think about vore often? and how do you feel when someone IRL mentions vore? do you tell them that you're into it or do you hide it?

It never affects my daily life in any salient way. My fetishes and paraphilia are for private moments, away from other people's influence who are not on some level involved in the existence of them. When I encounter people, I do not experience erotic attraction towards them within the framework of this fetish.

It happens from time to time, though extremely rarely. It's generally only one person in my life, who is widely familiar with meme culture and who occasionally encounters weird stuff online, so they might make a random crack or joke about something they saw in a dark corner or meme on the web. I'd say it's... every few months? Maybe? It makes me slightly uncomfortable, as I am aware the person is uncomfortable with extremes of paraphilia like this, and they are laughing in a "that isn't in the room" sort of way, so I don't engage it further, but I take no real personal offense, as I see endosomaphilia as an incredibly fringe paraphilia to begin with, so I do not expect positive reactions. The last time that I had someone who was a friend/acquaintance and not extremely emotionally close to me/fully 100% trusted aware of the fetish was someone who shared a similar appreciation of violence and the macabre (albeit through other methods), so we would chat about that from time to time. I was never uncomfortable with them due to content, but I admit I was attracted to them and that was slightly less comfortable for me, as I was at the time in a committed relationship to someone else so the conversations felt a little close to 'cheating.' We eventually curtailed them out of mutual respect for our paramours, but maintained contact and made occasional cracks that would always make mutuals in that era a little uncomfortable, as we both had incredibly dark senses of humor.

That social circle and I have distanced ourselves over time as people move, and I am no longer nearly as exhibitionist as I once was. That performative side of me makes me cringe to this day, as really? My paraphilia are meant to be truly private things. Nobody needs to know anything about such things with regards to me, and knowing them won't end well.

fragout wrote:I'm interested to find out as I've been wanting to learn some more about this stuff, it's pretty interesting and I feel like vore probably does affect most people in some way.

I'm all ears to any thoughts you have.


Generally? Vore is not likely to affect your day to day if your paraphilia is not central to your core identity. It is, at most, antecedent to my core identity and the older I get the more that I am becoming aware that I am not simply bisexual, but somewhat on the Gray spectrum. My libido has been for decades a dodgy, hit or miss thing and my interest in sex or erotic content comes and goes like the ebb and flow of the tide, but far less predictably. I am also not automatically interested in Vore as content when erotically aroused, so this means that it's just less likely to show up.

If vore is a key component of your self identity, then you're more likely to experience thoughts related to it on a regular basis. If so, you do you, and stay safe out there. I won't judge though I will note that one's paraphilias are not always the most healthy thing to make central to core identity. Not to make a dad joke too blatantly, but you are more than what you eat.
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Re: Vore in daily life

Postby thirdaltaccount » Wed Apr 03, 2024 3:23 pm

fragout wrote:Hey there, new person here, joined out of curiosity and wanting some questions answered.

How does vore affect your daily life? when going about your day, do you think about vore often? and how do you feel when someone IRL mentions vore? do you tell them that you're into it or do you hide it?

I'm interested to find out as I've been wanting to learn some more about this stuff, it's pretty interesting and I feel like vore probably does affect most people in some way.

I'm all ears to any thoughts you have.


"How does vore affect your daily life? when going about your day, do you think about vore often? "

Yes to the second question. More than it probably should to the first. My million-miles-an-hour mind arbitrarily decided that it absolutely had to deconstruct what vorearephilia does to me, and every little psychological facet that entails. And then it's a feedback loop of trying to psychoanalyze myself, and then psychoanalyzing myself for psychoanalyzing myself, and so on and so forth. If I'm ever idle, I'm probably in some stage of that psychoanalysis loop. That, or considering writing. Never really in the moment. There was another thread about this last year - viewtopic.php?f=18&t=66112 - that tackled the same question. I'll TLDR my response: I avoid certain phrases (ala. "swallowed whole" or anything similar). I also like hammocks, and car rides for reasons that I have vaguely pinpointed. It's all odd. Oh, and if I'm ever cold, then it really gets me. I'll get totally irrational and start craving heat with some inhuman drive. Also, vorearephilia might make me more cold-intolerant? I'm not sure, but I loathe the cold. It triggers something visceral. I don't think there's a psychologist trained enough to figure it out. Vore is a very broad spectrum, with vorarephilia stemming from any number of stimuli or factors, and people will both interpret and handle it differently. Some people, like yours truly, are affected more than others who have vore as a supplement to baseline attraction. Each and every one of us is unique and has a different experience.

"and how do you feel when someone IRL mentions vore? do you tell them that you're into it or do you hide it?"

IRL, it's like a trigger word. It's like my own name, it causes me to snap to attention and tune in. Obviously, like most, I try to hide this and any conversation including it causes me to be on my guard. I've told some close friends and confidants, most of whom have reacted relatively positively. Surprisingly enough, people who have had at least some exposure to it through the internet will be very tolerant and understanding if you just rationalize and try to foster understanding. They aren't all vicious monsters who will deride you. Any close friend worthy of the name will support you. But that's an aside. It's not something I hear in casual conversation much. Not many people decide to talk about vore on a whim.
Always either cold or tired. Unsure whether to blame the phenomenon on vorarephilia or not. Probably looking into it too much.
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Re: Vore in daily life

Postby EroticFlames » Mon Apr 08, 2024 4:24 pm

I completely avoid trying to blend it into my own life but I can think of so many instances where it has come up, and every time it has I feel kinda full alert. I haven't told anyone, I did come close to once ages ago. Most contexts are like "Oh god not that shit lmao" and I've gotten pretty good at just laughing along with it.

In terms of how its effected me... I'm not sure. Years of it being in my peripheral and hell, pretty much my main sexual interest, I sorta blame it for some of my insecurities? I'm kinda ashamed of this kink, knowing it's something I'll probably never be able to divulge to anyone. Generally I blame it for why I'm not as sexually attracted to people.
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Re: Vore in daily life

Postby CruorAmbrosia » Mon Apr 08, 2024 9:50 pm

fragout wrote:How does vore affect your daily life? when going about your day, do you think about vore often? and how do you feel when someone IRL mentions vore? do you tell them that you're into it or do you hide it?

Hello Fragout. Welcome to the community!
This may be quite a lot of NSFW things about myself, so feel free to skip things that are too much.
For me vore is quite a big part of my life. It is almost a "true" fetish, which I coined meaning that the specific fetish is the only thing that gets you off. Vanilla sex and the like has been quite bland for me. Sometimes even empty. Which sucks. Its only when I get into the headpsace of being prey do I really get to completion and full enjoyment.

I think its a little "dangerous" to constantly stay within the vore mindset/fetish. Though, I find it extremely easy to separate fantasy from reality. I do believe people should be able to express themselves however they like, BUT, there should be limits between reality and fantasy. For daily life, my mind does wander quite often. Funnily enough, I am always in vore mode. I just know when to express it or keep it more inside. Usually this just extends to ideas and fantasies that I come up with. If I'm at a restaurant, maybe I get an idea from that, like a prey restaurant, or even if I see a guy who's very attractive, just fantasizing about being eaten by them. I quite enjoy imagining alternate society vore worlds.

Some of my real life friends talk about vore jokingly, because of the meme's that have been seeded by some YouTubers. And possibly for the worse. I do like that vore is getting some of the spotlight, however, it normally isn't in the best light. I usually just brush off their remarks. I am pretty shy with it irl. But, since I am into quite a lot of other fetishes, I have to explain other fetishes since I am open about being explorative.

That leads me to my significant other. I told him about my fetish, and he tries to understands. Sometimes he tries to play along, but he doesn't understand at all. I do wish he was better at being able to play along, but he's subconsciously stubborn to change. I also have a body pillow with a massive tongue and mouth on it that I sleep with every night. So I feel like that would be a weird thing to explain to him if he didn't know about my interests.

I have been thinking about how to make IRL ways to experience vore. I have quite a lot of ideas, but haven't yet been able to build them. Hopefully I'll be able to start designing and building those ideas I have when I'm a little more financially stable.

fragout wrote:I'm interested to find out as I've been wanting to learn some more about this stuff, it's pretty interesting and I feel like vore probably does affect most people in some way.

I also have online friends who I talk to regularly who are voreaphiles like myself. So it is much easier to talk with them about things. I do recommend finding people/groups that you can vibe with. Not just with roleplay, but as real friends. Building a circle of people you can trust about things is wonderful. We use to do vore D&D, but we'd always get a few outside people that would mess up the vibe or try to god mode.

I think everyone should do their best to interact with vore in healthy ways. I feel like there are so many who get into the fetish negatively because they have trouble separating fantasy from reality. So do your best to come into the community positively and in healthy ways. Always have an open mind, but also don't be afraid to push away when needed.
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Re: Vore in daily life

Postby MasterMage13 » Tue Apr 09, 2024 1:33 am

fragout wrote:Hey there, new person here, joined out of curiosity and wanting some questions answered.
How does vore affect your daily life? when going about your day, do you think about vore often? and how do you feel when someone IRL mentions vore? do you tell them that you're into it or do you hide it?

It comes and goes, usually when I'm working on something I think about it a lot. Othertimes I might go a while without thinking about it. It's not really a big deal; it's a thing I'm into, in private, I don't think anyone I interact with in my daily life would understand or be cool with it, and it doesn't have anything to do with them, so, they don't need to know.

IRL, pretty much nobody ever mentions it. I know some people online outside the community that are into other stuff, they occasionally mention it. I kinda... outed myself to them... and they sometimes ask questions about it. That's it. I've never told anyone IRL. I'm pretty sure I've never heard the word "vore" spoken IRL.

I suppose, IRL, if someone I knew brought it up, and they mentioned that they were into it, I might possibly tell them. But then, its out there and you know what they say about secrets. Once you tell one person it isn't a secret anymore.

fragout wrote:I feel like vore probably does affect most people in some way.

I doubt that very much. I don't know in what context you're thinking, but... yeah I don't think the average person even knows that we're a thing. I mean, maybe it affects us, but most people have never even heard of it, or understand it if they have.
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