I’ve thought about making a comic book about someone who gets shrunk at a festival concert like Coachella, and I was talking about it with someone who attends concerts like that, and she said they get dirty and stinky at those events.
The foot fetish people like it when a woman has stinky feet, so I was wondering how vore enthusiasts felt about a pred with a stinky mouth?
This will help me when writing a comic and drawing it out, I would like to know what the majority preference is.
Do you want your preds to have clean mouths?
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Do you want your preds to have clean mouths?
Everyone has a plan until they end up in someone’s belly!
GastricAztec - Advanced Vorarephile
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Re: Do you want your preds to have clean mouths?
As much as I like pristine mouths with pearly white teeth, messy mouths with chewed-up food are awesome. Underrated too. They are so rare compared to food in stomach and other foodplay.
Rotten teeth and such aren't really a turn-on for me though.
Rotten teeth and such aren't really a turn-on for me though.
IddlerItaler - Intermediate Vorarephile
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Re: Do you want your preds to have clean mouths?
Clean mouth is pretty much a requirement for me, but I’m *much* less picky about the cleanliness of the rest of someone’s insides- funny, that!
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Lonnie - Somewhat familiar
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Re: Do you want your preds to have clean mouths?
Sometimes I like drooling maws.
Not really a fan of food being present, mostly because in my universe and scenarios the prey are "the food".
Not really a fan of food being present, mostly because in my universe and scenarios the prey are "the food".
FunnelVortex - Participator
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Re: Do you want your preds to have clean mouths?
IWhen a mouth is *too* clean, I think it loses a slight predatory edge, personally. It really depends on what kind of dirtiness we are talking about, though. Bad breath can be a nice addition, though not when it is exaggerated; bad breath is a case of less is more.
UnsureWithName - New to the forum
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Re: Do you want your preds to have clean mouths?
Depends upon the scene. Maybe the predator has just had an appetizer and there's still some leftover in there. Maybe you're part of a meal, and there's something else in there with you. Maybe you were dirty and they nommed you up with what all of that. Breath can demonstrate hunger, thirst, lust, danger....
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Re: Do you want your preds to have clean mouths?
Okay because by messy do we mean messy with FOOD because absolutely. But like??? I've never been into smelly breath so that's a no Drool is a must though if you mean that
NotSymph - New to the forum
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Re: Do you want your preds to have clean mouths?
NotSymph wrote:Okay because by messy do we mean messy with FOOD because absolutely. But like??? I've never been into smelly breath so that's a no Drool is a must though if you mean that
Just messy in general, bad breath and teeth that haven’t been brushed in a couple of days, food in the teeth
Everyone has a plan until they end up in someone’s belly!
GastricAztec - Advanced Vorarephile
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