Ravenous - The Daily Life of a New Pred

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Ravenous - The Daily Life of a New Pred

Postby phoneuser1992 » Mon Jul 29, 2024 10:43 am

I saw a few Interactive stories on here that took the form of the OP writing the primary story while in chunks between there would be voting going on as to what would happen next and I thought perhaps I could give it a try. This probably will be a pretty long opening post for the thread, but is unavoidable if I want to accomplish everything I am aiming to get done in this opening post. Namely, I want to introduce y'all to the general rules for how I'll work this, explain the gamified bits of the story (at least enough that everyone knows how things interact - if you want maximum details pm me later), provide a fair bit of general world building up front that would be a nightmare to work into things while following all you pervs votes, give a nice long form first bit of story that starts with some voracious action and Pred to Prey struggles before I finally leave a number options that you can vote on for how the story continues.

1) I am the World Master. I control the plot progression, calculate the results of the gamey bits (this involves some dice rolls and math!) and turn both into the writing that makes up the story. I will provide multiple [options] for the next 2-5 significant choices for the various characters to make to continue the plot.
2) You are the players. You vote on what the main character, Hazel Chase, will do and exercise a measure of control over other characters as I present you with options for what they might do. For example, during a Prey's attempted escape from Hazel, I'll offer general and vague strategies the Prey might employ and more fully explained choices Hazel might make to counteract. This control is collective and exercised by voting.
3) Voting is done by posting a reply with >your vote< and whatever else you want to say. IF your vote is not inside >these< I'll ignore it at best and at worst I'll take it as a vote for what not to have happen and bad things will follow.
4) I'll include a WRITE IN option for voting each time, but I retain the right to veto a WRITE IN even if it's the most highly voted option as well as the right to include what I thought was a cool WRITE IN idea even though it never got any votes. I don't want to discourage cool ideas from it, but I don't want to be beholden to writing something that doesn't fit and/or turns me personally off just because it happened to get some upvotes. I hope that can be understood by all. Good things will likely follow WRITE IN ideas that I enjoy :gulp:

Alright, I think that settles the Rules bit.


This is the gamification explanation bit. If you want to skip down to the World Building, look for the next line of *** and if you want to get to the vore look for the 3rd line. Below the 4th line will be options for next time.

So, I've personally developed a system for simulating a struggle between Preds and Prey as the one fights to subdue and digest while the other fights for freedom and life. It uses dice for RNG everywhere needed and makes use of a number of stats that come out of levels. Every character has levels in Prey and Strength that work synergistically to determine how capable of escaping a Predator alive they are. This includes characters like Hazel who are Pred capable - sometimes a Pred finds themselves in a gut as well. Preds have levels in Pred, Charm, Gluttony and Digestion in addition to Strength and Prey, and can make use of the stats gained from Charm even after getting swallowed, which makes Preds automatically more dangerous Prey than others of their level.

A lot of experience points are derived from the way that a fight goes... If a Pred wins without exerting much active Strength than (shocker) she will not get much experience in the Strength category. On the other hand, if her active use of muscle throughout the entire fight was the key to victory then she'll get much higher amounts. I have mathematical formulas, albiet somewhat Alpha stage, for how this works on each different Category. After every Vore Encounter - even unsuccessful ones that didn't end with Hazel Chase digested - she will gain a measure of experience in each Category and an amount of FREE experience that I'll turn to all y'all to vote how gets used.

It would only be fair to give you an idea what each Category does though so I'll give a generality and keep this short instead of deep diving. Each Category has 25 levels, and every 5th level is a pretty hefty upgrade by design.

PREY - Determines Base health within a stomach, Base Dice Code used for damage within a stomach, is the sole source of Acid Resistance and provides a lot Static Damage when fighting from inside someone's gut. At later levels unlocks new options for actions.
PRED - Determines Base health as a Predator, Base Dice Code used against Prey, provides a lot Capacity, provides some Acid generation and helps set an Acid Cap, and at higher levels it provides a little Resistance to damage from Prey. At later levels unlocks new options for actions.
Strength - Enhances health slightly, significantly boosts Static Damage on active strikes, provides modest Resistance to all damage and at higher levels upgrades Base Dice Codes to an extent. Sole source of Stamina.
Charm - Enhances health significantly, boosts Resistance to all damage significantly, slightly increases Capacity at higher levels, and is the sole source of Crits. At later levels it unlocks Dazes (Super Crits) and Stuns (MEGA CRITS).
Gluttony - Enhances health modestly, boosts Acid Cap modestly, significantly increases Capacity, and provides modest Resistance to damage from Prey. At later levels it unlocks a second set of smaller Dice Code for Predator actions and occasionally increases the Acid generation.
Digestion - Enhances health slightly, greatly increases Acid Cap, unlocks passive dice based Acid damage for the Pred at Acid Cap, periodically Acid generation (it is the best source of this, but Acid generation is busted so it can't go up often), and modestly increases Capacity. At later levels it unlocks passive dice based Acid damage prior to reaching Acid cap that stacks with the passive damage that will be added at Acid Cap.

Capacity is a complex thorn in my side since it's a problem of Surface Area while each Prey is a matter of Volume. Which means that while saying that Prey 1 is X Capacity and Prey 2 is Y Capacity so eating both take X+Y Capacity is a semi-reasonable simplification if tightly limited to 3 or 4 prey maximum something much more complicated is required to handle the shape and expansion to go beyond that. Since I wanted the system to be able to handle an elite Super Predator eating a few dozen prey in one go... I had to tackle the difference. What that means for you guys is that each Capacity you add to Hazel carries a larger amount of "weight" for how much she could devour. I'll make sure everyone knows what options require her to OVERSTUFF herself to eat so many prey at once.

Fullness, the Prey side of Capacity that determines how much Capacity they use up, is calculated based on a formula that incorporates the number and the literal weight of the Prey. Bigger prey will always lead to higher Fullness provided they are enough bigger - but too many smaller prey will equally negate it. Since it's related to weight, women tend to be significantly less filling than men and Preds tend to the be most filling. When presenting [options] for someone Hazel Chase can eat I'll provide the prey's weight within a 5 pound accuracy and how much Fullness the Prey would be if they were her ONLY prey. 5 and 6 Fullness will be dominant, 4 Fullness means a tiny person while 7 Fullness requires a small giant.

Weight Gain depends on how much Fullness the Pred had at the end of struggling with her prey, how strong of a Pred she is (in every Category - running high stats requires lots of Calories) and how long she spends digesting with how much effort added in. If she sleeps her prey off she's gonna take forever to flatten her gut and in the process she'll get fat, if she focuses a lot of energy on manually mashing up her prey to shrink that belly down in a couple hours she's gonna burn tons of the calories off just doing the high energy digestion. At a more middle ground route, if she spends some hours in the gym or otherwise highly physical activity without specifically putting effort into speeding her digestion it will end with more modest results both ways.

OVERSTUFFING. All Preds can push past the limits of their Capacity by up to 50% of the numerical value of their Capacity stat. It incurs increasing and potentially harsh negs, but it trains Gluttony EXTREMELY well. Since it's scaling off the Surface Area for that 50% it means that you might be surprised just how early it allows a Pred to have additional extra prey over their supposed limit.

RESISTANCE. All resistance is applied only one time per turn regardless of the number of actions or sources of damage applied against that Resistance.

Multiple Prey share their Resistances with each other and have independent attacks and stamina - meaning that a group is much much much more dangerous if they are high enough level to have decent attack, Acid Resistance and Resistance. Health remains independent and damage is applied in roughly even manner to all Prey - the Pred has a very very very hard time specifically targeting someone, but the Prey equally struggle to specifically protect a weak link to maintain damage output.

TURNS during a Vore Encounter go as follows.
ACID deals damage to Prey
Prey go by turns
Pred goes
Acid is generated and/or passive damage is applied.
New turn
ACID deals damage to Prey

Whenever health goes to 0 the fight ends and if it comes down to turn order than the highest item on the priority list gets the W.


The world is modern, but with Vore and Predators included since ancient times. So there's cell phones and cars, pizza delivery and take out, airplanes and skyscrapers. The political world is an interconnected mess, there's sprawling megalopolis and super cities along with tiny rural locations where everyone knows everyone else in the most tight knit fashions. First World countries enjoy extreme technological and militaristic advantage, while some of the worst off Third World countries are still fighting with sticks and steel. Some few hundred years ago an era of Revolution coincided with the explosion of technology in what later became known as the First World countries - tyrannical regimes overthrown and democratic (at least on the surface) leadership emerged.

Mostly, those tyrannical regimes were led by Predators. In the era before modern weapons allowed anyone to kill at hundreds or thousands of yards, the iconic strength of Predators and their ability to literally devour the opposition made them an irreplaceable resource for war and they were both common enough and rare enough to make up the upper ranks of society by themselves. When they fell from power, Preds had their work cut out for them to maintain a proper presence and livelihood in the new societies. Ultimately they succeeded after a fashion, and there was no dedicated war of extermination against the Preds of any country - though various amounts of their former privileges were stripped away and in some countries actual restrictions were placed on them. But nowhere was the act of Vore itself equated to murder legally.

This is because Predators are not man-eaters entirely* by choice. They are obligate man-eaters, unable to indefinitely sustain life without at least occasional meals of grown humans. Stronger Preds end up needing to eat Prey FAR more often, up to needing a few each day or a grand feast once a week or so - while weaker Preds may be able to go a full month between Prey if they have the resources to stuff themselves to suppress the urge temporarily. Plenty of Preds hunt Prey significantly more often than they strictly need to though.

Of course, simply making it legal for Preds to hunt Prey is about all they really needed. Predators are extraordinarily powerful and durable, and pack extreme weight into seemingly slender forms. Their muscles, organs, bones and even their fat are condensed relative to how capable they are. A Predator is fully capable of looking like a model and having more mass than a sumo wrestler... which is vital to them being able to move with nearly no impediments after eating said sumo wrestler. Initially the strength and durability are shocking only in contrast to their apparent size, but at later levels it becomes absolutely super human... enough to lift an 18 wheeler and survive a .50 Cal to the chest (if taken to the hospital in a reasonable timeframe).

It is important to note that in this world, all Predators are women. But very far from all women are Predators. Only about 1 in 1,000 as a global average, though in some countries it is as rare as 1 in 100,000 or as common as 1 in 100. The ratios never get more extreme then that since even in the countries that have had the most Preds eliminated during the purges of dynasties a few hundred years ago have had the Pred population rebound since then and there is no such thing as a country that can sustain more than 1 in 100 Preds needing to regularly eat out of that 100 no matter how strongly the country encourages childmaking to maintain population.

The genes for Preds are passed down through men until it reaches the eldest daughter born to any man with a Pred for mother, grandmother or further back the family tree. So 3 brothers born to a Pred could give rise to a maximum of 3 new Preds. This also means that no Pred ever directly gives birth to another Pred and created the importance of human men who could spread the bloodline of Predators even during the days of tyranny. While never scientifically proven, it has been theorized for centuries that the more generations skipped before a new Pred is born, the more powerful that Pred will be. Hazel Chase comes as a surprise when she's a Predator - it's been enough generations that nobody realized until events begin that she was of a Predator bloodline.

The story takes place/begins in a First World country that stripped all privileges from Predators, and only places restrictions on the age of Prey that can be legally hunted. There's classes that can be taken, by people of age to be hunted only, that teach people how to maximize their chances of escaping a hungry Predator, with a teacher who is legally required to spit out students after letting them get first hand experience. There's sports that revolve entirely around Vore as a key aspect. There's rumors that some extremely powerful Preds are on the government's payroll for assassinations, executions and more.

Predators experience an "awakening" around 17-19 years old, entering a "feral" hunger where they will attempt to devour anyone they can get their hands on no matter who it might be. The "feral" state also reemerges whenever a Pred tries for too long to suppress her more normal urges to eat someone and starves herself to the point her body demands the sustenance that it will starve without. (Somehow I doubt we're ever going to let Hazel undergo a second "feral" state lol.) In the extraordinarily rare event that a Predator in a "feral" state cannot find ANYONE to successfully digest, the Predator dies of starvation within 24 hours.

Oral Vore is the only kind of Vore known to be practiced. There are rumors of experienced and capable Predators that can manage Anal Vore, but the world as a whole dismisses this as superstition and flights of fancy. Though, perhaps it is more real than that - one just needs enough capability and the knowledge of how to work such a skill? (I'm open ended here, but not unless we are dealing with Preds that are level 10 or so out of 25.)

Most Vore in this world is Fatal. However, due to technological advances, there are a few methods of Reformation. There's also rumors of a more mystical way to return to life - but it's by its very nature virtually impossible to verify except by those who claim to have experienced it.

There is a pill that causes a Predator that takes it to reform an exact copy of the LAST prey that they ate (in multi prey situations, the last prey to succumb to digestion) within their womb. There's a few problems though. The pills are expensive, costing $1,000 each and costing much more if you want to buy them in bulk since there's only a single manufacturer, and that Pred CEO has no interest in selling the formula OR in flooding the market. For another, while you retain memories and your body is reformed, the mass of your body doesn't come from nowhere. It comes right off the Pred, and it massively drains her potency (experience/levels) as well. Furthermore, each pill only drags about 10 pound towards reforming you, so if the Pred only takes one pill you'll be reformed as a slightly big baby version of yourself and have to grow up all over again. It takes 10 pills to be remotely confident of coming back as an adult - and sometimes that's shaky. It's best to know how much you weigh and calculate the number of pills it takes to regain that. So if you're counting on these pills and are fairly average sized, you best hope your Pred can stand to lose 150-250 pounds and can be trusted to actually take ALL of them.

There's a technology at hospitals that allows one to store memories and some base DNA and grow back a body when biomass is donated in a sealed chamber. It's much more reliable, but the memories only go to the last time you updated them, there's only a handful of chambers in the country that are sold on auction anytime they come available again - typically going for tens of millions of dollars. The biomass generally is donated by Preds - something about their biomass is different than a normal human's and the properties are essential to the process. And like the pills, the mass the Pred loses is directly connected to the mass reformed in the chamber... however, this process wastes more biomass in conversion. Much more. Typically half of the price of the chambers ends up being given away to dozens of Preds that donate the required biomass to reform someone. Great way for a Pred to make money while losing weight though. Still saps experience/levels though.

As for the mystical rumor... sometimes you'll hear of someone experiencing a "time lapse" instead of dying and returning to an extreme memory in time. A wedding, a funeral, losing virginity... awakening as a Pred. It's claimed that those who experience this return with all their memories to the body they had back then in the shape it was in at the time, though the subconscious memories provide the body with roadmaps to become more capable than before. (Experience gain increases!) Supposedly only the person that "time lapsed" is aware of the alternative future where they were digested, and can freely explore other actions than what they took before to prepare or to completely avoid the situation where they were eaten.


Hazel was having a wonderful time as the clock chimed 10 pm. Her friend Jennifer was over to celebrate her 18th birthday which had recently passed and they were enjoying a sleepover together. Some might say it was a childish way to celebrate, but Hazel Chase didn't care what such uptight folks thought, if she said it would be fun than it would be fun! Something was odd though. She'd had more cake than anyone else, eaten a double portion of supper before that - and Hazel NEVER got seconds - yet she'd barely been satisfied for an hour before she'd started to get hungry again. Now, hours after the meal, Hazel's mind kept getting stuck on food instead of whipping Jen at cards.

"Whatcha thinking about dork?" Jennifer teased as Hazel stared off into space. "If you're not careful you're gonna lose another hand and then you'll owe me all your lunch money." The blond 17 year old girl was fairly short, still shy of 5 foot and maybe 130 pounds or so (5 Capacity). She carried it well, having large D cup breasts that constantly made Hazel jealous and just enough ass to claim an hourglass shape. Meanwhile Hazel was at least 3 inches taller and could generously be described as "slender" or "slim". She preferred the more blunt "scrawny". Hazel hadn't needed a bra until she was 16, and had spent all years telling herself she was just a late bloomer and she'd catch up... that certainly never happened. She still wore the same training bras she used at 16 and they fit perfectly. Nothing downstairs either, her ass was nearly nonexistent. The only thing sshe had bigger than Jennifer was her belly and her height - a fact that occasioned a lot of teasing both ways.

Shaking herself off, Hazel looked at the cards in her hand and on the table again. An Ace and a 6 in her hand, and the turn on the table was the Ace of Hearts, Jack of Hearts, Jack of Spades and the 6 of Clubs. "Nothing important. Call." Hazel replies, unable to suppress a grin. Two pair, not bad at all. We'll see who ends up on top.

Jennifer lays down the River, the 6 of Hearts. She smiles slightly. "I think you've gotten distracted thinking about the half a cake downstairs. Your sweet tooth is about to cost you soooo much more. Hurry up and bid, we can get something to eat after this hand."

Hazel shrugs, trying hard to conceal her excitement. A Full House! She actually has a Full House for this round, there's basically no way she can lose anymore! She'd been doing poorly all night, and had lost 3 dollars to Jennifer out of the $10 they'd started with. The pot already held another $2, one of the biggest pots yet. But she could make it bigger, right? "I'll Raise $1." She states as calmly as she can, hoping to pull Jennifer into betting heavy instead of cutting her losses.

A small frown appears on Jennifer's pretty face. The short blonde considers and then looks over at Hazel. "You've got 3 of a kind, don't you? Either that or you've actually figured out how to bluff. Alright, I'll play along. I'll match and Raise you..." Jennifer makes a show of counting exactly how much Hazel has left. "$5. So, are you All-In or are you gonna cut your losses?"

Knowing her friend, Jennifer must have cards that can at least beat a 3 of a kind or she would never pull a stunt this. The cards were to scattered for a Straight, but... there's three Heart cards on the field. If both Jennifer's cards are Hearts, she could be planning a Flush. It would still lose to Hazel's Full House. "Call, I'm all in. Show them." Hazel declares with great confidence, laying down her Ace and Six proudly.

"Oh." Jennifer groans. She tosses her cards onto the River face down. "You know, this is why I told you we shouldn't play poker. You win, let's go downstairs and have some cake." The pair gets up and heads into the kitchen, each taking a slice and heading back to Hazel's bedroom.

Right as she closes the door behind her, Hazel feels the most intense pain of her life suddenly gouge her in the gut. Like a black hole had spawned in her stomach. She stumbles forward, dropping the plate with her cake onto the floor, icing getting all over the playing cards. A pained groan echoes in her ear as she feels her stomach roar. Hazel needed to fill the abyss inside her, and pulled herself towards the ruined cake on the floor as her stomach makes a hideous sound of need.

<12 Consume>

In a moment Jennifer was at her side, completely filled with concern. "Are you okay, where does it hurt? Should I call someone?" Jennifer turns her back to her friend, holding the sides of Hazel's face in her hands. In a shocked moment she feels them both suddenly vanish into something wet and looks back, seeing her elbows vanishing into Hazel's ravenous gullet. Her mind froze at the impossibility and by the time she thought to scream her head was already descending into the taller brunette's throat, completely muffling the noise.

With a ravenous fury Hazel kept swallowing, her mind picturing her friend as the most delicious ice cream cone with double scoops. Her tongue relentlessly traveled across flesh anywhere it could be found and unconscious movements of her hands stripped her friend nude as she gulped down the mounds of breast fat Hazel had always envied much more than she let on. The hands popped into Hazel's stomach and the immediate sense of relief washing through her gave Hazel the drive to accelerate her consumption

Everything was dreadfully tight, and the darkness around Jennifer was terrifying and disorienting in equal amounts. She couldn't do anything but kick her legs anymore, her arms crushed to her sides by the tube that was feeding her into the deadly gut of her own best friend. Part of her realized that it was pointless to continue to resist being swallowed, but Jennifer had absolutely no confidence she could escape on her own. She was too young to take any classes for escaping a Predator, was too small of build for athletic activities and a weakling all around. At least Hazel was fairly active and sometimes kept up with the boys in P.E.

A wonderful sensation greeted Hazel's taste buds no matter where her tongue roamed as she rapidly filled her gut. The stomach was divine, the ass was meaty and the brief taste of pussy had made her swallow impulsively at the wonder of it all. Even the legs were a delight in their own way, especially as the flailing finally got contained and a long simple slurp ended Jennifier's stay outside of Hazel. Her gut groaned as it started to work right away and the haze fell away from Hazel's mind as pain caused her to realize she'd had eyes that may have been bigger than her stomach. She'd OVERSTUFFED herself in her desperation to eat whatever... more accurately, whoever... was available.

<Hazel starts with 1 Exhaustion>
<Hazel deals reduced damage and is more vulnerable to damage>
<0 Acid damage>

The stomach still gearing up, Jennifer remains safe from any acids for now, having more to worry about from disgusting remnants of Hazel's birthday cake than anything that would sear and melt her down. Enraged at the shocking turn of events and panicked about her own odds of survival, Jennifer wildly Thrashes without regard for her rapidly depleting Stamina.

<Hazel takes 3 damage, Jennifer gains 1 Exhaustion>

"OWW!" The newly born Predator yelps as a foot bulges her gut wildly to her right side and then a fist rams straight out from her middle. "Stop Jennifer, that hurts!"

"Make me you bitch! You ate me!!! Let me out of here!!!!!!!!!!" Jennifer screams.

"Fine." Hazel groans and attempts to flex her stomach muscles to put some Squeeze on her friend to make the fighting stop.

<Jennifer takes 1 damage>
<Acid increases by 1>
<Jennifer takes 1 Acid damage>

The sudden pressure was obviously experimental, but it still shoved Jennifer back in on herself pretty forcefully. The realization that Hazel hadn't put nearly all her strength into that adds fuel to the fires of Jennifer's fears. As she feels the acids already starting to rise Jennifer becomes convinced that she needs to escape as soon as possible or it will be too late. Right now it's only a few inches deep and only vaguely tingles, but at the rate it's flooding in she'll be half covered in very little time. "Hazel, please! You're going to digest me if you don't. Let. Me. OUT!" Jennifer yells, punctuating every word with a vigorous kick or punch. As far as the blond girl is concerned, she can't exactly miss so she might as well hit as hard as she can. But her Stamina is starting to run dangerously low as she continues to Thrash within Hazel's belly.

<Hazel takes 2 damage and Jennifer gains 1 Exhaustion. Jennifer is at 2 Exhaustion. At 3 Exhaustion Jennifer will not have the Stamina to fight back and will have to Rest to shrug off some of her Exhaustion.>

The aimless struggle inside of her is painful and uncomfortable, but at the same time Hazel is finding that the dull aches are far more manageable than she initially thought they would be. But since her friend is still determined to fight, this time Hazel doesn't plan to hold back anymore. "There'll be time to figure out what to do after you quit fighting me!" Hazel growls as she Squeezes hard on her friend.

<Jennifer takes 3 damage. Due to how Exhausted Jennifer is she takes 1 extra damage.>

Bruises form as Jennifer is pummeled by a strong force pressuring her from all sides, especially her extremities that are extended from putting blow after blow into the stomach walls around her. Realizing that she's too tired to keep fighting the way that she has been, Jennifer pauses and tries to calm herself down and take deep breaths.

<Acid increases by 1>
<Jennifer takes 2 Acid damage. Due to how Exhausted Jennifer is she takes 1 extra damage.>

The acids rise up to Jennifer's navel as she sits in the fetal position, panting. The tingling is getting to be more like an itching, but Jennifer is also getting accustomed to the sensation. Jennifer is well aware that if she doesn't get out of Hazel in time that itching will develop into an agonizing series of acid burns. But now that she's calmed down somewhat, it seems like the potency of the acids isn't increasing so much as the volume is. Still bad news, but far more manageable. "So what are we going to do Hazel? I know you don't want to digest me, right? I'm your best friend!"

<Jennifer loses 1 Exhaustion from Resting>

A myriad of thoughts fill Hazel's mind. She needs time to sort them out and decide what she wants to do now that the situation has reached this point. "Give me a minute to think, please. I'm still trying to understand exactly how all of this happened in the first place."

<Hazel loses 1 Exhaustion from Resting>


Options time!

>How does Hazel react to suddenly becoming a Pred and already having her more attractive friend locked up in her gut? (Pick one)
[Try to justify/explain what gripped Hazel while she was devouring Jennifer and tell her you're scared it will happen again if you throw her up.]
[Realize that she might be able to take from Jennifer all the features that Hazel has been jealous of]
[Attempt to come up with a plan to both get Jennifer OUT and very very very quickly get someone else IN] (feel free to include suggestions for names and/or relationships of who they might plan to switch Jennifer with)

>Regardless of Hazel's exact response, it's clear that she's in no rush to let Jennifer out - How does she respond? (Pick one)
[Gets frustrated/scared and defaults back to trying to fight her way out in a rage/panic]
[Tries to be reasonable... no point in pissing Hazel off until she can at least regain her strength for a more careful fight]
[Fully supportive. Thinking about it rationally and calmly, Jennifer thinks she has 0% chance of escape by force and bets the farm on convincing Hazel to willingly let her out.]

> In the event that Hazel ends up dealing with prey that fights back - either Jennifer or someone they use as a replacement belly stuffer - she's currently got really basic options. (Pick up to 3, you can pick the same move multiple times)
[Rest - regain some Stamina and kill time while your Acids deal with your prey.]
[Squeeze - bully your prey some with an easily repeatable amount of pressure. Deals 1 Dice Code plus modifiers from Static, OVERSTUFFED and Exhaustion as damage]
[Crush - Bear down on your prey with maximum power, restricting their ability to fight back. Costs 2 Exhaustion since Hazel's belly is past it's limit, making it take a lot more effort to exert so much power. Deals 2 Dice Code plus modifiers from Static, OVERSTUFFED and Exhaustion as damage and grants increased Resistance for that turn.]
[WRITE IN] (If I like it, I'll figure out what mechanical effects it has.)

> Degree of immersion desired on the gamified effects vs story (Pick one)
[We want exact stats for everyone]
[Keep it like it is. Relevant changes announced as they occur and experience the characters slowly getting a feel for their limits.]
[Dial back the numbers shared, we want the play by play sure... but we don't need to know what move was used and exactly how much damage it did.]
Last edited by phoneuser1992 on Sat Aug 03, 2024 5:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ravenous - The Daily Life of a New Pred

Postby Karl » Mon Jul 29, 2024 2:02 pm

This seems to be interesting! For options, I'll go with these.

[Try to justify/explain what gripped Hazel while she was devouring Jennifer and tell her you're scared it will happen again if you throw her up.]

[Gets frustrated/scared and defaults back to trying to fight her way out in a rage/panic]

[Crush - Bear down on your prey with maximum power, restricting their ability to fight back. Costs 2 Exhaustion since Hazel's belly is past it's limit, making it take a lot more effort to exert so much power. Deals 2 Dice Code plus modifiers from Static, OVERSTUFFED and Exhaustion as damage and grants increased Resistance for that turn.]

[Keep it like it is. Relevant changes announced as they occur and experience the characters slowly getting a feel for their limits.]

EDIT: Decided to change my vote, if that's alright.
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Re: Ravenous - The Daily Life of a New Pred

Postby phoneuser1992 » Mon Jul 29, 2024 7:08 pm

You can always change your vote prior to me sitting down to write the next section. Glad you think it seems interesting!
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Re: Ravenous - The Daily Life of a New Pred

Postby phoneuser1992 » Tue Jul 30, 2024 3:21 pm

Alright, the votes are in. I had hoped to get more than one voter, but I guess either I've got a lot of lurkers waiting to see if I'll actually keep this thing running before they get involved or this forum is even more slow than I thought. In either case, waiting something like a week to try to score another couple votes will work against me, against my motivation and against my creativity. So - without further delay - I'm gonna start writing the next section.
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Re: Ravenous - The Daily Life of a New Pred

Postby phoneuser1992 » Tue Jul 30, 2024 6:11 pm

>Try to justify/explain what gripped Hazel while she was devouring Jennifer and tell her you're scared it will happen again if you throw her up.<

"I get it, I'll hold still for a little while, but just promise me you're going to get me out!" Jennifer complains, hugging her knees.

Hazel nods, trying to retrace what happened. "We came upstairs with the cake... I closed the door and my stomach just suddenly was so... empty... it hurt more than anything." She mumbles to herself.

A bad feeling came over Jennifer as she listened, especially since she couldn't see the subconscious nod of affirmation to her requested promise. She thought Hazel had ignored her. "That's really not nearly as important right now as getting me out Hazel. I promise, I'll help you figure this out once you get me out of here!" Her voice shakes, her fragile composure so recently regained under the most intense pressure it's ever been tested with since it's Jennifer's life that is at stake here.

<Acid increases by 1>
<Jennifer takes 3 Acid damage>
<Jennifer has lost 1/5th of her health. Things are not looking good!>
>Gets frustrated and defaults back to trying to fight her way out in a rage<

"I don't know if that would do much good actually. I know I fell, but I was so hungry that the cake all over the ground looked like the best food ever and when you grabbed my face... at least I assume that was you?" Hazel rambles, still focused on putting the pieces together.

Meanwhile, potent acids were now starting to lap at the bottom of Jennifer's breasts and she could feel the itching starting to morph into a burning in places. She could feel the threat growing with each moment that she stayed still. "There's no time for us to sit around thinking about what happened while you're fucking digesting me in here damn it!" Jennifer screams and starts to Thrash against Hazel's stomach once more. Her stamina hasn't recovered fully though, and the amount of force she can exert is reduced as a result.

<Hazel takes 4 damage. This damage is reduced by 1 due to Jennifer's Exhaustion, resulting in only 3 damage. Jennifer gains 1 Exhaustion.>
>Crush - Bear down on your prey with maximum power, restricting their ability to fight back.<

The sharp pain finally yanks Hazel off her attempt to retrace the events leading to Jennifer ending up in her gut. Not the most patient or reserved of people, Hazel snapped. "I told you to STOP FIGHTING ME!" Taking a deep breath, Hazel crushes the contents of her belly as hard as possible, holding the intense pressure until her air runs out and she's forced to relax enough that her diaphragm can expand and draw air into her lungs.

<Jennifer takes 6 damage. Hazel negates 3 damage from Jennifer's Thrash this turn. Hazel gains 2 Exhaustion.>
<Hazel has reduced her damage taken to 0>

The predator wasn't the only one struggling to breath as the stomach walls press so tightly against Jennifer that her form is clearly outlined outside and her head is nearly submerged in the acids that rise with the reduced space. With so much effort being put into the Crush, the frantic attacks might as well have been striking tire rubber and Jennifer realizes with mortal terror that it's completely and utterly pointless for someone as small and unathletic as her to even bother trying to deal damage while Hazel is pinning her so completely.

<Acid increases by 1. Acid cap has been reduced due to Hazel being OVERSTUFFED. Acid has reached the maximum of 4 and will no longer increase.>
<Jennifer takes 4 Acid damage. Due to Jennifer's Exhaustion, the damage is increased by 1.>
<Jennifer has lost over 2/5ths health. Jennifer is wearing down!>
>Gets scared and defaults back to trying to fight her way out in a panic<

Panting, Jennifer is wild eyed by the time the horrifying pressure abates, and quickly pulls her arms and legs out of the awkward position they'd been locked into. She breaths rapidly, intending to rest up to fight back. She's going to need her strength back before she can even try to overcome the fearsome, forceful power Hazel just displayed. Especially since she knows her friend well enough to know it's not going to be over until Hazel has completely exhausted herself.

<Jennifer loses 1 Exhaustion.>

Hazel takes a few deep breaths. It had taken more out of her then she'd expected, but she'd also exerted more force than she anticipated she could. Even better, once she'd tensed her muscles so much she both stopped her prey from moving and made it easy to shrug off some of the blows she'd most recently endured. But after having been given so many chances to stop fighting back, Hazel knew Jennifer wasn't going to give up unless she completely Crushed her spirit and mentally braces while filling her lungs with air. Then bares down on Jennifer, Crushing the blond as hard as she can again.

<Jennifer takes 4 damage. This damage is reduced by 1 due to Hazel's Exhaustion, resulting in only 3 damage. Hazel's Exhaustion increases by 2. Hazel is at 4 Exhaustion. At 6 Exhaustion Hazel will not have the Stamina to fight and will have to Rest to shrug off some of her Exhaustion.>
<Hazel has level 3 Strength! Characters having level 1 or higher Strength have enough Stamina to reach 6 Exhaustion, but higher levels of Exhaustion incur stiffer penalties. Hazel's Strength also provides +1 Static Damage and +1 Resistance, offsetting her OVERSTUFFED penalties.>

Jennifer had placed her fists locked into each other before the second long pressure locked down on her, which kept open a small pocket for the acids to stay in and kept them below her nose despite the increased acid level. With her body more braced and less actively seeking to fight back, Jennifer was more prepared to tolerate the force this time and took deep breaths. She didn't dare underestimate Hazel's fitness. A short time later the force recedes, allowing both a brief respite.

<Acid is at the Acid Cap!>
<Jennifer takes 4 Acid damage.>

At least the acids weren't climbing anymore after getting just slightly above Jennifer's nipples. But after the amount of time she'd spent soaking and the way Hazel's stomach walls had pressed and messaged the acids deeper into her skin Jennifer was burning all over. But her fear kept her still, almost hyperventilating as she gathered her strength and Stamina. She figures Hazel can do that Crushing maneuver one more time and even in her pain Jennifer knows she CANNOT directly fight that.

<Jennifer loses 1 Exhaustion from Resting. Jennifer has regained all of her Stamina and will no longer benefit from Resting.>

Taking deep breaths, Hazel rallies herself to push right up to and past her limits again. Hopefully when this is over, Jennifer will at least stop resisting out of fear of retaliation and they can finally focus on figuring out what to do about this mess instead of fighting each other so had. A final deep breath and Hazel puts everything she's got into Crushing Jennifer one last time. Though Hazel can tell as soon as she starts that she doesn't have nearly the amount of power to put into it that she used to have.

<Due to Hazel's Exhaustion, her Predator Dice Code is reduced in size from d4s to d2s.>
<Hazel deals 4 damage. This damage is reduced by 3 due to Hazel's Exhaustion, resulting in only 1 damage. Hazel's Exhaustion increases by 2.>
<HAZEL IS AT MAXIMUM EXHAUSTION! Hazel will be forced to rest next turn!>
<Jennifer has lost 3/5ths of her hp! Jennifer is really starting to feel the pain!>

Feeling the pressure only slightly surpass what she'd dealt with from Hazel just Squeezing her, Jennifer smiles. She wouldn't admit to herself that she'd played the long game out of pure fear what would happen if she tried to directly face off against the overwhelming power Hazel had initially used, but it had paid off after a fashion. Her burns were getting worse and her muscles ached while Jennifer's lungs were starting to make known their objection to the acerbic air in the sloshing gut, but Jennifer could feel Hazel's stomach muscles sluggish around her even in their passive messaging. Now was the time to counter attack!


> Jennifer has locked herself into trying to escape on her own at this point. Her own understanding of how much damage she's taken and how fast the acids alone might kill her is enough to keep her from even thinking about getting Hazel to let her out willingly. Especially after what she viewed as a betrayal at the start of this section. Which leaves how* she fights back.
[Conserves her strength and fights tactically, saving the burst damage until she's worn Hazel down]
[Blow through all her Stamina to try to nuke her way out while Hazel's vulnerable]

> Hazel has completely worn herself out in the fight and it was 10 pm when she ate Jennifer a while ago.
[Hazel falls asleep, Resting for the remainder of the battle]
[Hazel chooses to Rest while attempting to reason with her friend - scared she'll kill her if she's not careful.]
[Hazel Rests only once and then retaliates with Squeeze each turn, giving Jennifer the fight she's after.]
[Hazel Rests long enough to get back a certain amount Stamina (if you vote this option give a numerical value 2-4), but once she's fit to fight again she will Crush to try to bring Jennifer's struggles to a deliberate and permanent end.]

> You can ignore this if you want in voting, I put it under a spoiler for a reason. To respect others that don't want the spoiler, please do the same in your own voting for this option.
Spoiler: show
At this point Hazel is 100% going to digest Jennifer. Jennifer herself will ensure there's no collaboration to get her out anymore, leaving only the struggle. Jennifer has lost 3/5ths of her health and Hazel, who had the higher health to start with, hasn't lost even 1/5th of hers yet. Even with the added vulnerability due to Exhaustion that Hazel is suffering, Jennifer will be doing pretty good to keep pace with the Acid damage alone. So how will Hazel react when her friend perishes?
[Blames herself and thinks of herself as a murderer despite legal definitions exempting her from such accountability]
[Blames herself, but only in thinking she overreacted]
[Blames Jennifer for starting a fight]

> While being forced to Rest, assuming she didn't fall asleep, what does Hazel do?
[Just grits her teeth and endures the punishment.]
[Finds something in her room to try to take her mind off it.]
[Continues trying to explain what happened to her and how Jennifer got swallowed from her own point of view.]


Open communication regarding voting and section writing timeframes. I will leave voting open for a minimum of 24 hours before I even begin to write anything. I'm going to commit myself to communicating before hand if I'm not going to be able to write a section within 3 days of the last section going up. I will close voting with a message when I'm ready to write the next section and unless I'm interrupted in writing this and my last message are a decent example how long it will take me to push it out and how long I'd rather try to keep the sections. I don't like giving y'all little baby bites of story - that's why I give you multiple aspects of the upcoming section to vote on and direct me in writing. I'm looking forward to your feedback and votes!!!! :D :gulp:
Last edited by phoneuser1992 on Sat Aug 03, 2024 6:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ravenous - The Daily Life of a New Pred

Postby Karl » Tue Jul 30, 2024 9:51 pm

It lives! Don't worry mate, I'm sure most people are just lurking, they'll turn up soon enough. As for votes, thinking I'll go for this.

[Conserves her strength and fights tactically, saving the burst damage until she's worn Hazel down]

[Hazel Rests long enough to get back a certain amount Stamina (if you vote this option give a numerical value 2-4), but once she's fit to fight again she will Crush to try to bring Jennifer's struggles to a deliberate and permanent end.]
Let's do 3 for fun.

Spoiler: show
[Blames herself, but only in thinking she overreacted]

[Just grits her teeth and endures the punishment.]
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Re: Ravenous - The Daily Life of a New Pred

Postby infinitegest » Wed Jul 31, 2024 2:38 am

some nice work going on here! i'll throw my votes in the ring:

[Conserves her strength and fights tactically, saving the burst damage until she's worn Hazel down]

[Hazel Rests only once and then retaliates with Squeeze each turn, giving Jennifer the fight she's after.]

Spoiler: show
[Blames herself, but only in thinking she overreacted]

[Continues trying to explain what happened to her and how Jennifer got swallowed from her own point of view.], hopefully lingering on how good her best friend tasted...
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Re: Ravenous - The Daily Life of a New Pred

Postby 03082024 » Wed Jul 31, 2024 9:46 pm

Joining in now that there are more people!

[Conserves her strength and fights tactically, saving the burst damage until she's worn Hazel down] - mathematically, this is probably not the best option unless lowered HP increases further damage taken, but it's definitely the one that makes sense in-world.

[Hazel chooses to Rest while attempting to reason with her friend - scared she'll kill her if she's not careful.]

Spoiler: show
[Blames herself and thinks of herself as a murderer despite legal definitions exempting her from such accountability] - if it were anyone else who she had eaten, she might not consider herself at fault to begin with, but it's very different when the victim is a long-time friend.

[Continues trying to explain what happened to her and how Jennifer got swallowed from her own point of view.] - it's not going to help calm Jennifer down, but I feel like Hazel probably thinks it will.
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Re: Ravenous - The Daily Life of a New Pred

Postby phoneuser1992 » Thu Aug 01, 2024 7:41 am

Alright, voting is closed.

There's a clear winner in all but one category. That one is in a three-way tie. I'll have to act as tie-breaker on it, and I'm generally going to follow what best emotionally flows best from the other locked in parts or what I view as the best story option despite difficulties. When I don't see either being the case, I'll just figure out what got the vote earliest and do that lol. Seniority crops up everywhere, doesn't it? In this case, all three methods I plan to use for tiebreakers are in one spot - so we'll end poor Jennifer with a bang!

03082024 wrote:mathematically, this is probably not the best option unless lowered HP increases further damage taken, but it's definitely the one that makes sense in-world.

It actually doesn't make a lick of difference. The negs from Exhaustion are absolute, not relative. As long as you launch ANY attack while the other party is vulnerable you'll get the same amount of "extra" damage. Unless, at later levels, one side has enough Resistances that even WITH the advantage you can't penetrate without going harder. In that case you're so screwed that tactics make utterly no difference whatsoever though. You know what, I'm thinking about it...
Spoiler: show
It actually is the mathematically best decision. If Jennifer immediately went nuts she'd tire herself out, then her own blows would get weaker as fast as Hazel's recovering. But by taking it steady, Jennifer can reap the full benefits of kicking Hazel while she's down and then cut loose to maintain the DPR as Hazel recovers. If she times it right, that's how to get the most damage in before the acids do her in.

Anyways, I'm gonna get writing, so buckle up... there'll be an update in a couple hours. :gulp: 8)
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Re: Ravenous - The Daily Life of a New Pred

Postby phoneuser1992 » Thu Aug 01, 2024 10:21 am

<Jennifer takes 4 Acid damage>
>Conserves her strength and fights tactically, saving the burst damage until she's worn Hazel down<

As Hazel's belly relaxes, Jennifer pushes slowly out with her legs. The acids dig into her flesh as she does, making her grimace in pain, especially as the sore muscles work. At first there's no resistance to her push, but soon she can feel it taking a great deal more strength to get even an inch further, putting a surprising amount of pressure on Hazel's stomach with much less effort that the wild fighting Jennifer had been doing.

<Hazel takes 0 damage. Due to how Exhausted Hazel is she takes 3 extra damage.>
<Hazel has 2 Resistance, 1 from Strength and 1 from Charm! 1 of these 2 points is being negated by OVERSTUFFed, but Hazel has still reduced the damage from all of Jennifer's attack by a modest cumulative amount.>

Panting, Hazel groans as her belly's shape warps and a tight spot forms. "What are you doing in there? I..." A pained breath interrupts her. "I thought we'd gotten past you trying so hard to fight me already? Please just listen to me."

This was well within Jennifer's expectations and matched her hopes. As long as she could do enough damage on the sly while Hazel was worn out she could make everything else work. "I'm trying to stretch. After getting tossed in here and rolled into a ball and mashed I'm stiff. I'm gonna stretch my arms next, so just deal with it and say whatever you got to say."

<Hazel loses 1 Exhaustion from Resting. Hazel is at 5 Exhaustion. Hazel may move again and can use any ability she has learned, even if it will put her beyond 6 Exhaustion.>
>Continues trying to explain what happened to her and how Jennifer got swallowed from her own point of view.<

"Right." Hazel sighs, deciding to put up with it while working out whatever madness came over her. "So... we got into the room, I felt like my stomach just... I don't know... imploded on itself or something. It was terrifying and painful and the next thing I knew I was on the ground, trying to eat off the floor and suddenly this giant ice cream thing is grabbing my face and I swear it told me to eat it."

<Jennifer takes 4 Acid damage.>

"You mean to tell me I'm in here because your dumbass hungry brain thought I looked by the perfect side for the cake you dropped on the floor!?" Jennifer growls. Tucking her legs back in, Jennifer pushes out her arms as far as they'll go and feels her body suddenly shift as the stomach twists her sideways to better accommodate the position she's trying to take. Her head goes under the acids and a burning feeling explodes in her eyes as she remerges hacking and coughing.

<Hazel takes 3 damage. Due to how Exhausted Hazel is she takes 3 extra damage.>

Hazel yelps at the sickening shift inside her stomach. "Hey! Be careful in there okay?" Shaking her head she tries to get back on track.

Jennifer growls. "That's all I get? No checking to make sure I'm okay after your stupid stomach acid gets in my eyes!?"

<Hazel loses 1 Exhaustion from Resting.>

"Not my fault you didn't brace yourself before stretching, and it wasn't exactly the nicest feeling over here either." Hazel fires back, not about to let herself get guilted over her body's natural reaction. "But yeah, I guess that's what I brain chose. Say, what's the name of that ice cream you brought for Thanksgiving last year?"

<Jennifer takes 4 acid damage>
<Jennifer has lost 4/5ths of her health! JENNIFER IS IN MORTAL PERIL!>

A long pause came as Jennifer processed the question and tried to clear the acids from her face. An effort doomed to failure since her hands were even more acid covered than her face. "Friendsgiving ice cream? You envisioned your friend giving herself to you as a damn ice cream and you randomly envisioned FRIENDSGIVING as the flavor!?!?!?! I REFUSE TO BUY THIS F***ing BULLSHIT!" Infuriated beyond all reason, Jennifer lashes out, kicking one leg after the other and focusing on a single spot.

<Hazel takes 6 damage. Due to how Exhausted Hazel is she takes 1 extra damage. Jennifer's Exhaustion increases by 1.>
<Hazel has lost 1/5th of her health. Hazel is starting to feel some pain!>

Hazel groans, her eyes popping as she is now enduring a great deal of pain - the most she's felt from anything Jennifer's done and now it's adding up. "I-" Hazel grunts, enduring kicks that regularly interrupt her pleas for understanding. "-Promise you - its not - like that! Ow, ow, ow. That was - just the - best icecrEAM" Hazel yelps the end of the word as another kick slams home.

"Yeah right! If you loved it that much you'd have remembered the name of the flavor!" Jennifer growls, paying no heed to the acids slapping up and landing on her face. Her entire body is in pain now, but she knows that it has reached the point of do or die and she's not going to let up until the bitter end. "Just admit you invited me to this damn sleepover to eat me you murderous disgusting pig!" She snaps furiously, hurling insults that only years of knowing each other made possible.

<Hazel loses 1 Exhaustion from Resting. Hazel has 3 Exhaustion remaining.>
>Hazel Rests 3 turns, then Crush to try to bring Jennifer's struggles to a deliberate and permanent end.<

When Jennifer and Hazel had met, Hazel was considerably overweight. She loved sweets, enjoyed eating and wasn't very active. She'd been mocked severely in school, with disgusting fatty and pig being some of her elementary school bully's favorite barbs. Jennifer had protected her, had encouraged her to diet and helped her to start exercising and transformed a lot of her life. Without Jennifer, Hazel would still be at the mercy of such scorn from everyone.

And exactly because of that, the words from Jennifer were absolutely unbearable. With tears going down her face, Hazel decided it was time she stood up for herself and left her protector behind for good. Especially since her protector was nothing more than another sadistic bully.

<Jennifer takes 4 Acid damage>
<From her history as a little piggy growing up, Hazel has level 1 Gluttony. It grants her 5 extra health and 1 Acid cap!>
<From her history of changing her life and slimming down, Hazel has level 1 Charm. It grants her 10 extra health, 1 Resistance and a 1d4 Crit die with a 5% chance to apply!>

"Got nothing to say? Did I hit the nail on the head you useless piglet!? Prove me wrong and LET ME OUT!" Jennifer screams, kicking and flailing. Part of her realized just how spiteful she was being, how deep the scars that those words left on Hazel's young heart were, how much it would hurt Hazel. She didn't care. She was about to die, and it was all Hazel's fault and Jennifer just... didn't care anymore. All she wanted was to live, to love a man and marry him, to have kids and grow old with a family of her own. Hazel was robbing her of that, so Jennifer would do whatever it took to hurt Hazel as much as possible as the only revenge she'd get.

<Hazel has taken 2 damage. The Exhaustion of Jennifer and Hazel cancel out damage adjustments. Jennifer gains 1 Exhaustion.>

"Take it back." Hazel growls, tears still going down her cheeks as years of memories and so very many instances of bullying flash through her mind. "You know I'm not that girl anymore. Take it back." At the end Hazel can't keep an intimidating tone and chokes some tears as she begs Jennifer to recant.

"No! You were born a little pig and now you've grown up into a big bad Predator SWINE!" Jennifer screams, deliberately mocking.

"You asked for this." Hazel cries. Then tightens her stomach muscles as much as she can, her emotional pain and anger strengthening her.

<Due to Hazel's Exhaustion, her Predator Dice Code is reduced in size from d4s to d2s.>
<Hazel has rolled a crit! Hazel will add 2 damage to her total!>
<Hazel deals 6 damage. Hazel and Jennifer's Exhaustion cancel out each other's damage mitigations. Hazel negates 2 damage from Jennifer's Thrash this turn. Hazel gains 2 Exhaustion. Warning, Hazel is at 5 Exhaustion!>
<Hazel has reduced her damage taken to 0>
<Jennifer's remaining hp is a negative value! Jennifer has lost! Jennifer will be digested, but at least she won't experience anymore agony as her body becomes fuel for her Predator>
<Experience will be calculated after Hazel has absorbed her Prey!>

Hazel could feel things snapping as she bore down, but she didn't care anymore. Her eyes were still wet, but red was the only color she could see anyways. How dare Jennifer do that to her? She had to have known what those words meant to Hazel. How could she betray her and rip open the scars of ancient history? How could she scream with such hate at her best friend and so thoroughly distrust Hazel? Even after she'd already promised to let Jennifer out! How could...

>Blames herself, but only in thinking she overreacted<

Why wasn't Jennifer moving anymore?

Hazel gasped, seeing spots from how long she'd held her breath and exerted the absolute maximum strength she still could, and pants. She must have kept that up for at least a couple minutes! She hadn't meant to hold it that long, she'd just wanted to make Jennifer hurt enough that she'd apologize for the hateful comments! "J-Jen? Are you okay? I..." Hazel swallows guiltily. "I'm sorry, I got carried away. I'll get you out of there, just hold on. I need to look up how a Pred can force herself to vomit. Please say something and let me know you're okay?"

The silence stretches, only broken eventually by a gurgle from within her gut. And then a belch that leaves a thick, meaty taste in her mouth as the truth sinks in. "I... I digested her. Just like that." Hazel sits up on the floor and looks at the cards still laying there, cake smeared on the back of the cards Jennifer had discarded. Hazel picks them up and looks at the hand she'd gone all in against.

A pair of Jacks in her hand and there had been 2 Jacks in the Flop. She'd had the win from the start. Jennifer had baited Hazel into betting everything against her 4 of a Kind and then deliberately lost when she saw Hazel had a Full House. "You couldn't do it when you saw I was actually playing well. Not on my birthday... You thought I'd earned a win that hand just by doing better than you expected, so you folded at the last possible second." Hazel felt her spirit crush, left the cards where they were and got in her bed.

She cried herself to sleep, knowing her friend was gone and she was the one that did it.


> Hazel wakes up 7-8 hours later. Her stomach is roughly the same size, but much more pliable. In game speak, she's still at 5 Fullness despite spending all night on it.
[I hate alarm clocks. Time to get ready for school... preferably before anyone sees this gut]
[I'm not going anywhere today. I just want to stay here and cry.]
[Tells her family what happened and decides together what she should do]
[Panics and does everything she can think of to make her stomach shrink ASAP. Ends up late for school with a (hopefully) smaller belly.]

> We need new Characters! Family options. PLEASE HELP WITH NAMES ^^; :silly:
[Mom and Dad, Hazel's an only child.]
[Mom, Dad and 2 brothers. Hazel's the middle child.]
[Mom, Dad and 2 sisters. Hazel's the oldest (duh, if she wasn't than her big sis would be the Pred per World Building)]
[Mom, Dad, 2 brothers and 2 sisters. Hazel is the second oldest with one older brother.]
[WRITE IN] (highly welcome. I suck at generating characters)

> We need new Characters! Who does Hazel know at school that reaches out to her despite her either not attending for the day or having an extremely obvious gut announce her predatory awakening? (vote for everyone you want to appear at some point in the future. Depending on how far we get it might be that nobody gets used next time, but the sooner I can start thinking about them the sooner I can implement them properly. They'll appear in the order of most votes.)
[Jacob, Jennifer's boyfriend. AWKWARD lol.]
[Smith, Hazel's boyfriend. I wonder if this changes anything...]
[Jane, a highly competitive cheerleader. Pick unfamiliar or bully. Jane showed up at school with a huge gut last week, and has her eye out for other girls her age awakening.]
[Alice, a fairly fit and tall girl. Pick friend or bully.]
[Patrick, the football star. Bully.]
[WRITE IN] (highly welcome. I suck at generating characters)

> The government isn't a fan of leaving Preds running around every last high school by ones or twos. Every county has exactly 1 (one) PRED high school and forcefully transfers girls that awaken there after they finish processing the paperwork for it. Parents are paid for letting their kids attend there and if you're even a day late paying for school once in your kids educational career you'll be forced to enroll your children there for high school, providing a surprising number of Prey students swimming with the concentrated number of newly awakened Preds. At these schools, Preds who are students are legally allowed to eat other students instead of only being allowed to eat people who are 18 or older. How long will that take for Hazel to get transferred and what kind of reputation does the local Pred high school have?
[A week. It's nearly a ghost town, tons of Preds who have snatched up every Prey student that arrives. Likely Hazel will need to prove that she's the more dangerous Pred quickly or she'll be as much on the menu as anyone.]
[7 business days. There's a dozen or so Preds and hundreds of Prey students, but the classes on Escaping a Predator are reportedly excellent. It makes for a solid challenge if you try to snag the wrong student, but there's always students that sleep through classes as well. Hazel will inevitably become familiar with the other Preds, and it could be friendly or it could be nasty.]
[2 weeks. There's enough Preds to ensure a constant amount of dismissal paperwork being processed, which bloats the timeframe, but there's 5,000+ students total. Plenty of easy Prey to hunt, and Hazel should be able to avoid other Predators if she wishes.]
[WRITE IN] (time for transfer is directly linked to school size, so the bigger the school the longer it takes and the smaller the school the less time it takes... explain school size after stating the timeframe, like the options I wrote)
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Re: Ravenous - The Daily Life of a New Pred

Postby 03082024 » Thu Aug 01, 2024 4:25 pm

[Tells her family what happened and decides together what she should do] - with parents living at home, even if Hazel tries to do somethin else, they'll almost certainly find out before long.

[Mom, Dad, 2 brothers and 2 sisters. Hazel is the second oldest with one older brother.] - this many people shouldn't be too difficult to keep track of, especially given the older brother is probably away most of the time, but it still gives us enough people just in case the number goes down over time.

[Jacob, Jennifer's boyfriend. AWKWARD lol.] - he sort of makes sense to be one of the first to come asking, if only because he might have been called by Jennifer's parents when she didn't come home, and might also know where she was before disappearing.

[7 business days. There's a dozen or so Preds and hundreds of Prey students, but the classes on Escaping a Predator are reportedly excellent. It makes for a solid challenge if you try to snag the wrong student, but there's always students that sleep through classes as well. Hazel will inevitably become familiar with the other Preds, and it could be friendly or it could be nasty.] - if there were too few Prey students in the school, there would be a lot more incidents outside of it, and the government's incentivized to keep it big enough to avoid that. They also wouldn't want to be paying more people to go there than they have to.
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Re: Ravenous - The Daily Life of a New Pred

Postby Karl » Fri Aug 02, 2024 5:25 pm

Ok, I am back after a short vacation. Gonna vote for these.

[Panics and does everything she can think of to make her stomach shrink ASAP. Ends up late for school with a (hopefully) smaller belly.]

[Mom and Dad, Hazel's an only child.]

[Jacob, Jennifer's boyfriend. AWKWARD lol.]

[Jane, a highly competitive cheerleader. Pick unfamiliar or bully. Jane showed up at school with a huge gut last week, and has her eye out for other girls her age awakening.] Bully.

[2 weeks. There's enough Preds to ensure a constant amount of dismissal paperwork being processed, which bloats the timeframe, but there's 5,000+ students total. Plenty of easy Prey to hunt, and Hazel should be able to avoid other Predators if she wishes.]
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Re: Ravenous - The Daily Life of a New Pred

Postby phoneuser1992 » Sat Aug 03, 2024 2:11 pm

Alright. I think I know what I'll do for now. I won't be able to write tomorrow, so I'll move this thing along again so that we're looking for votes to come in during that timeframe anyways. This will probably be a somewhat shorter section, but it was easy enough to limit what would happen when and how previously. Now the world is opening up from my side and needs to be narrowed down through the votes to something I can still write on and direct us through. Anyways. We'll be following these story branches.

Spoiler: show
[Panics and tries everything she can think of to make her stomach shrink ASAP. Ends up late for school with a (hopefully) smaller belly.] I'll blend this with the other voted for option, having the logical family member to still be in the house when Hazel's late butt comes out of her room talk with her about what should happen and convincing her that even if she is late she needs to go to school and face the music given how things will change in her life after an awakening.

[Mom, Dad 2 brothers and 2 sisters. Hazel is the second oldest with one older brother.] I have no clue what names everyone will have yet, but I'm working on it and on some general characteristics they could have. The absolute hardest part of character creation to me is coming up with a name. I generally end up either recycling names - leading straight to recycling character traits instead of making someone unique and new - or using something stupid to generate a name. I cannot stress how much I would appreciate help naming these 6 characters or how much easier it would make writing them sooner rather than later.

[Jacob, Jennifer's boyfriend. AWKWARD lol.] It does make sense he'd be one of the first to find Hazel at school, but not necessarily over Hazel's own boyfriend... assuming she had one and since nobody voted for that I'll just assume her scrawny ass was single. Another reason for her to be jealous of her best friend, which was some portion of their dynamic.

[Jane, a highly competitive cheerleader. Bully. Jane showed up at school with a huge gut last week, and has her eye out for other girls her age awakening.] This will be fun. I mean, we all knew Hazel wasn't going to be the ONLY Predator she knows. But since there's already friction between them and Jane's such a competitive character there will be plenty of opportunity for... escalation.

[2 weeks. There's enough Preds to ensure a constant amount of dismissal paperwork being processed, which bloats the timeframe, but there's 5,000+ students total. Plenty of easy Prey to hunt, and Hazel should be able to avoid other Predators if she wishes.] Obviously, since we activated Jane, Jane will also go to this school. Since we hard locked Jane as an enemy - I mean a bully - Hazel needs as little other concerns as possible until she faces the boss lol. This is the easy mode school and I'd rather not SPOILER anytime soon even if it will allow Hazel to go further and further.
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Re: Ravenous - The Daily Life of a New Pred

Postby phoneuser1992 » Sat Aug 03, 2024 5:28 pm

Hours pass as Hazel sleeps fitfully, her massive gut doing what it can to rise to the monumental challenge of breaking down Jennifer's corpse into nutrients for the budding Predator. While only the effort to suppress and eliminate the struggles of Prey can be failed, albeit something rare to fail at, a Predator has to expend immensely more energy and effort breaking down and digesting her Prey. For the first, it only requires enough damage to bring an end to life while the other requires molecular level destruction of every last pound of Prey within her. And Hazel is still OVERSTUFFed by Jennifer's body, reducing the effectiveness of her stomach's steady efforts. Her belly works slow and steady while she sleeps, taking a route of maximum efficiency rather than attempting to rush through the task.

>Jennifer's remains will require 275 damage before Hazel's stomach can shrink to 4 Fullness!<
>Hazel deals Acid Cap to her Prey's remains each 15 minutes while Asleep. Hazel's current unadjusted Acid Cap is 6.<
>Hazel is OVERSTUFFed. While her Prey is struggling, her Acid Cap was reduced by 2. While her Prey is being digested she has her full Acid cap but her Prey gains 1 Resistance.>
>Hazel deals 160 Acid damage over 8 hours of the night and wakes up.<

Hazel groans and slaps at the offending alarm clock next to her bed telling her that it was time for her to awaken. She looked at the time groggily, the events of last night firmly pushed out of her mind by the subconscious and her tiredness. 6:15 am. Hazel has an hour and some few minutes before the bus arrives to pick her, Jennifer and her siblings up for school. She stretches and feels the full weight of her belly, the memories returning in a rush. "Oh no... Jen... I'm sorry." Hazel says softly, rubbing the distended belly carefully.

She stands up and resolves herself, trying to examine the damage. "You haven't gotten any smaller even after my belly worked on you all night. Where was this stubbornness when it might have saved your life? You do seem a lot softer though, more like a gel then meat." Hazel got caught up in rubbing harder and harder, a fascination pulling her in deeper before she pulled herself back. There were much more immediate concerns to deal with.

<Panics and tries everything she can think of to make her stomach shrink ASAP. Ends up late for school with a (hopefully) smaller belly.>

"I've got to get ready for school... and I really can't go like this!" Hazel remarks, sitting on the bed with her shirt rolled well over the curve of her extensive belly. "What will Jacob say if he sees me stuffed like this and you're nowhere to be found?" Hazel shrank in on herself at the thought. Jennifer's boyfriend was someone she was close to, someone she'd carefully hidden a crush on since she didn't want to fight with her best friend over a boy. If some other Pred had eaten Jennifer, maybe Hazel could muster the courage to make a move after the right amount of time... but if Jacob saw her like this and knew Hazel was the one to eat his girlfriend then any hope would be dead.

A worse thought also came to Hazel's mind. JANE. The raven haired cheerleader was the most vicious bully Hazel had ever dealt with, and she'd shown up at school with a full gut last week. Physical, aggressive and competitive, Jane had already eaten a few other students since that day and if Hazel wasn't very careful Jane might decide that removing competition was the way to establish herself as the queen bee for the little time remaining before she was transferred to the... "Damn it. I'm going to be stuck with that crazy bitch for the rest of high school, aren't I? And the one good thing me and Jennifer thought there was in Jane awakening was that she'd be forced to finally leave."

It was almost enough to make Hazel decide to stay home, but she knew that wouldn't work unless she convinced her parents to play along and tell the school she was sick or something. "I at least need to do something about this gut. If I can get it down to something manageable, maybe I can pretend I ate someone earlier in the day and Jennifer just disappeared somehow?" Hazel tried to convince herself. Then sighed. "No telling how possible it will be unless I put everything I've got into shrinking this damn gut."

So, after cracking her neck and taking a deep breath, Hazel trying the Crushing move that had been so effective against her friend's fighting resistance and bears down with a great deal of force on the body to try to Rapidly digest her friend.

>Rapid Digestion deals (Acid cap)*1.5 + Crush damage (2x Pred Dice and Gluttony Dice + Strength Static) + Strength Static every 5 minutes. Currently for Hazel this means 2d4+2 damage and 9 Acid damage. There is a limit to how often it can be used.<
>Hazel deals 14 damage to her prey<

Hazel feels something break off of Jennifer's body and the soft gel-like substance gives much more easily to the pressure than Jennifer's living body had. She relaxes and takes a few deep breaths, looking at the clock. It was 6:25am, and the bus would arrive at 7:30am. "Focus Hazel, you can do this. Just make sure you pace yourself, this won't be done all at once."

And so Hazel fell into a pattern. She'd Crush her prey's body as hard as she could for as long as she could keep up the pressure and then relax and take some time to get her breathing normal again before repeating it. Each time she smashed down she could feel it making clear progress in breaking down her prey to a size that would be less obvious and more manageable.

>Hazel deals 14 damage to her prey<
>Hazel deals 13 damage to her prey<
>Hazel deals 17 damage to her prey<
>Hazel deals 16 damage to her prey<
>Hazel deals 18 damage to her prey<
>Hazel deals 16 damage to her prey<

Sweat slowly dripped off of Hazel as her stomach stubbornly refused to shrink. Jennifer was clearly getting more mashed up and stirred around in the acids, but Hazel had vastly overestimated how much effect she could have. It was five minutes to 7:00am and Hazel's gut still was absolutely enormous, just soft and mushy instead of carrying a clear outline of a person. Hazel could still feel Jennifer's bones maintaining somewhat of a structure inside her, but it felt like that structure had broken in places and was more piled together than balled up at this point. "Come on, I'm not giving up yet. I can still keep going, and I think I can feel something getting ready to give."

There was a knock on the door. Mom's voice comes through the door, gentle and reassuring. "Hazel, Jennifer? Breakfast is ready downstairs. I've told the girls to shower in my bathroom and the boys are already done so you can come down once you've gotten yourselves cleaned up."

"Right." Hazel answers, trying to sound sleepy and out of it. "We'll get moving soon." Hazel listens closely as her mother's footsteps recede and gets back to the task at hand.

>Hazel deals 13 damage to her prey<
>Hazel's belly has shrunk to 4 Fullness in size! Jennifer's remains will be able to take a total 188 damage before shrinking further.<
>Hazel is no longer OVERSTUFFed! Hazel's prey now takes full damage from her digestive efforts!<

As Hazel pressed home another forceful Crush, she felt something give as the body of her prey collapsed on itself, letting her belly shrink several inches in girth all around. Immediately Hazel felt a strain relax deep within her, as the tension of something stretched beyond its intended limits subsided. She hadn't even really noticed it after waking up, but once it vanished Hazel couldn't help but realize just how BIG Jennifer had initially been in her gut. Even after how much her stomach just shrank, it was immediately obvious that anyone with a gut this size must be a Pred that has recently eaten someone, but now the belly was more akin to the size of a child then an adult and was clearly advanced in processing whoever occupied the space within. "Making headway, don't let up now Hazel." The newly minted Predator encouraged herself, not satisfied with this yet. She wanted to shrink her belly into the uppermost ranges of a pregnancy belly before school if she could. Yes, everyone at school knew she wasn't pregnant, but if her stomach was that small she could much more easily pretend that she'd eaten someone around suppertime instead of after her family went to sleep, right?

>Hazel deals 14 damage to her prey<
>Hazel deals 14 damage to her prey<
>Hazel deals 17 damage to her prey<
>Hazel deals 16 damage to her prey<
>Hazel has used Rapid Digestion to its limit. Hazel must wait a minimum of 4 hours before she can make use of Rapid Digestion again!<

No matter what Hazel tried she couldn't manage to keep up the pace she'd set herself before. Her stomach muscles protested the idea of maintaining such pressure when she tried again and Hazel simply didn't have the energy left to keep trying so hard anyways. After the initial shrinkage Hazel wasn't able to make progress like before. Her stomach could only make acids so fast and once Hazel had manually broken her prey into chunks and mashed them together she was pressing against relatively undamaged meat that more stiffly resisted her efforts. She still was dealing some damage and keeping things moving but clearly it would take a lot more time to reduce her stomach's size further, and it was already 7:20am. The bus would be here in just 10 minutes and Hazel was absolutely covered in sweat from the intensity and duration of her insufficient efforts.

A louder and more insistent knock sounds against the door. Mom's voice is impatient and allowed for no objections this time. "Hazel, Jennifer. I know you probably stayed up late having fun, but it's a school day and you girls know you can't just skip because you feel like it. Everyone's done with the showers and the bus leaves in 10 minutes. If you can't make that I'll drive you both. Just try to hurry."

Hazel knew there was exactly one answer she could give without getting in a heap of trouble. "Yes Ma'am." She grabbed her school uniform and some undergarments and made her way to the bathroom. She rushed through the shower, finishing every step properly in the least amount of time she could. It still took a lot more then 10 minutes with how in the way her belly was and how much hair she had to shampoo and conditioner.

>Active Digestion can be done at rest by a Predator Squeezing their unresponsive meal or can happen automatically if a Predator is being sufficiently active and/or stressed. Active digestion deals (Acid cap)*1.5 + Squeeze damage every 10 minutes<
>Hazel deals 13 damage to her Prey<

Coming out of the shower, Hazel swiftly throws on her clothes, trying to get ready to go. She knew there would no longer be a way to hide things from anyone soon, and that she'd have to answer her mother's questions starting from the moment she went downstairs. But there was nothing else for it but to bite the bullet and have a talk.

>Hazel deals 11 damage to her Prey<

Downstairs Hazel finds her mother in the kitchen pacing with the car keys in her hand. Everyone else was already gone for the day. Dad would have left the house for work first, Rowan to college a few minutes behind him and everyone else would have caught the bus that Hazel missed. Hazel is still breathing heavy from the rush to get ready after the intensity of her workout, but she calls out as she enters the kitchen to her mother. "I'm sorry Mom. There was something... unexpected I had to deal with last night. Can we talk before we get in the car?"

"You're- is that-" Mom says as she sees Hazel for the first time this morning, stopping her pacing and sitting down at the breakfast table. She sets the keys on the table and puts her head in her hands, rubbing her temples with the palms of her hands. "You awakened and ate Jennifer out of all people?"

Hazel pulled a chair out from the table and sat down. She leaned forward intending to reach across the table and grab her Mom's hand. Her still huge gut got in the way, squishing into the table painfully long before Hazel could reach across both it and the table. So Hazel leaned back instead. "Yes. Honestly, I finally understand why families that know their daughters are going to awaken try so hard to control things when it happens. If I'd been babysitting, I'd have ate the kid. If nobody was home I'd have gone to the neighbor's house and eaten the first person I saw. If Jennifer wasn't staying over I'd have gone into one of my siblings rooms or I'd have screamed with how much my empty stomach genuinely hurt and eaten whoever came running. I was out of my mind with hunger and pain, completely unprepared, completely unsupervised by anyone who could handle the situation and no matter were I was I'd have tried to eat whoever was closest."

>Hazel has dealt 12 damage to her Prey<

To her surprise, Hazel saw her mother nod. "That fits what I've heard from the few Predators I've known. Not one of them liked talking about it in any kind of detail, but they all would say that there was nothing that could be done about the urge when they awakened. Most of them had been better prepared and it was still rough." Mom stands up and comes around, hugging Hazel closely. "You must be feeling scared and guilty right now baby, but don't worry too much. Your family will always be here for you, no matter what changes occur in the future. You can count on us, and talk to us, about anything baby."

Hazel blinks her tears away and wraps her arms around her mother, letting herself feel protected and loved for a little while. Scared she might breakdown into tears again if she says much about what happened last night, Hazel forces herself to focus on the future. "What do we do now Mom?"

"I'll take you to school and we can talk on the way." The smile on her mother's face makes Hazel feel calmer. It was a long drive to the school Hazel currently attends, as the nearest school is actually the local 'Pred High' causing the family's house to be almost 30 minutes from Hazel's current high school. Together the mother and daughter got up and got in the car.


> Mom will want to ease Hazel's new worries as proactively as possible. What worries exclusive to Predators does her mother choose to attempt to set her daughter's mind at ease about? (Pick 2 different options, it's a long drive and there's lots she can discuss.)
[Dealing with urges to devour people.]
[Availability of legal local Prey that a newbie like Hazel can handle. There's some people at the high school over the age limit, but what other options are there?]
[How the new diet will effect her body.]
[The social status impact of simply being a Predator.]
[How her actions as a Predator could effect her reputation going forward.]

> How does Hazel respond? (pick 2 responses. That's 1 for each "Mom's topics" you voted for.)
[Listens carefully. Mom's found either the topics that Hazel was already most bothered by or Mom brought up things that Hazel hadn't considered yet.]
[Listens respectfully. Mom is talking about something important enough to Hazel that she's willing to wait to bring up things that bother her more.]
[Changes the conversation to something irrelevant - trying to maintain normality through the transition.]
[Changes the conversation to something that bothers her more - trying to get the most helpful advice possible. (pick any of Mom's topics above that you didn't vote for Mom bringing up. That will be the topic Hazel's truly concerned about)]
[Tunes Mom out. While Hazel doesn't necessarily think Mom's wrong or giving bad advice, she simply doesn't care about the issue Mom's talking about and can't be bothered to change the subject.]
[Ignores Mom. Doesn't think what Mom has to say on the subject is worth listening to when Mom isn't a Pred herself and has no direct experience.]

> Who are Hazel's brothers? (Pick 2 names and declare one as older and the other as younger. The younger brother attends the same high school as Hazel, just as a Freshman instead of a Senior. The older brother is a Sophomore in College.) We'll do voting on some personality traits next time.

> Who are Hazel's sisters? (Pick 2 names and declare one as the youngest and one as the middle child. The youngest is in middle school, while the middle child is between the younger brother and Hazel in age and attends the same high school as Hazel.) We will do voting on some personality traits next time.

> How big of a general fuss does Hazel make when she comes into her first class late and clearly stuffed from eating someone?
[Not much. She's able to come in through the back and the teacher smooths everything out quickly.]
[A pretty notable stir. She has to come in through an entrance that lets everyone see her before she can find a seat.]
[Huge disruption. Jacob is in the class and everyone knows Jennifer should have arrived with Hazel. Nobody here is stupid, and things get out of hand when the class realize where Jennifer must be.]
Last edited by phoneuser1992 on Sat Nov 16, 2024 12:49 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Ravenous - The Daily Life of a New Pred

Postby 03082024 » Sat Aug 03, 2024 10:52 pm

Answering a bit out of order, names first.
Quiet themes are always nice, so we could go with Ash, Rowan, Heather, and Olive, since while some of these are a bit of a stretch, they're all names that are both colors and plants, same as Hazel's.

Now for the decisions:

[Dealing with urges to devour people] as the first topic, since it's just the most obvious to talk about. As for the response, [Listens carefully. Mom's found either the topics that Hazel was already most bothered by or Mom brought up things that Hazel hadn't considered yet], specifically the former. Hazel's still exhausted and still regrets what happened, especially because it could have gone worse rather than in spite of that.

For the second topic, [Availability of legal local Prey that a newbie like Hazel can handle. There's some people at the high school over the age limit, but what other options are there?] seems right, as they're going into problem-solving mode, maybe as much to distract her from beating herself up as over anything else. Again, [Listens carefully. Mom's found either the topics that Hazel was already most bothered by or Mom brought up things that Hazel hadn't considered yet] seems like it makes the most sense, because she might need to eat at two people before the school transfer, and putting aside matters of physical strength, she probably doesn't want to eat anyone who's terrified and fighting back.

Upon arrival, [Not much. She's able to come in through the back and the teacher smooths everything out quickly] - let's cut her a little bit of a break here and give her some time to pretend everything's normal, especially because, taking an aspect from the opposite extreme, Jacob probably is in the class, and is most certainly going to be confronting Hazel once everyone gets up. Though, of course, what will be far worse will be when she has to come face to face with Jennifer's parents...
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Re: Ravenous - The Daily Life of a New Pred

Postby phoneuser1992 » Sat Aug 03, 2024 11:19 pm

03082024 wrote:Answering a bit out of order, names first.
Quiet themes are always nice, so we could go with Ash, Rowan, Heather, and Olive, since while some of these are a bit of a stretch, they're all names that are both colors and plants, same as Hazel's.

I like the theming, but please specifically note which name is which sibling. Order of birth goes: Big brother (19 or 20), Hazel (just turned 18), Middle Sister (I'll say 16 with 95% certainty, might change it to 15), Little Brother (14 or 15, obviously not 15 if I decide that Middle sister is 15), Baby Sister (11 or 12 probably, might do 13 if I push upper limit on ages above her).

I'm guessing that Ash and Rowan are the brothers since Heather and Olive are very clear female names. Which means you're very clearly out of birth order. Maybe you provided the brothers in order of age purely among the boys and the sisters in order of age among themselves without Hazel listed? That's the best I've got and it's not a very good when I have to make that kind of supposition. Please clarify.

03082024 wrote:seems like it makes the most sense, because she might need to eat at two people before the school transfer, and putting aside matters of physical strength, she probably doesn't want to eat anyone who's terrified and fighting back.

Hazel's not going to get access to much of anyone who isn't terrified and fighting back. While those who can afford to throw away tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars on a willing meal could find takers among the desperate and the interested, nobody really wants to lose their lives just to feed a Predator without some form of additional incentive. STRONG incentive. Hazel can't provide that in any way right now, so she's gonna have to toughen up and deal with the fighting from her prey.

Spoiler: show
While Hazel could conceivably manage a double prey meal before transfering schools if we make it a goal, she could equally last two weeks without another prey if we swing full strength the other direction. As stated in the opening post, weak Preds can go as much as a month between prey. Right now, Hazel is absolutely a weak Pred. We'll see if she's still weak when she starts college, especially if folks wanna stuff her gut often :gulp: :D

03082024 wrote:Though, of course, what will be far worse will be when she has to come face to face with Jennifer's parents...

A fun idea. If Jennifer's parents are smart folks they'll handle things with Hazel's parents and leave well enough alone. If they let their emotions get the better of them and things escalate... :gulp: :gulp: :gulp:
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Re: Ravenous - The Daily Life of a New Pred

Postby Karl » Sun Aug 04, 2024 1:46 am

Good post. Just going to go with these.

[Availability of legal local Prey that a newbie like Hazel can handle. There's some people at the high school over the age limit, but what other options are there?]
[How the new diet will effect her body.]

[Listens carefully. Mom's found either the topics that Hazel was already most bothered by or Mom brought up things that Hazel hadn't considered yet.] For the first option.
[Changes the conversation to something irrelevant - trying to maintain normality through the transition.] Hazel would probably find that second bit a little uncomfortable.

[Victor] As the Older Brother.
[George] As The Younger Brother.

[Hope] As The Middle Sister.
[Ali] As The Younger Sister.

[Not much. She's able to come in through the back and the teacher smooths everything out quickly.] I want there to be a "Hey Hazel, you got any idea where Jennifer is?" moment between Hazel and Jacob.
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Re: Ravenous - The Daily Life of a New Pred

Postby 03082024 » Sun Aug 04, 2024 9:00 am

(clarifying the question about the names, yeah, I was listing them out of order, since I got them off of two separate lists. Putting all five names in order, I guess the one that springs to mind is different than the one I listed, being Rowan, Hazel, Heather, Ash, Olive, but the reason I sorted them is because I am not particularly attached to the order.)

Spoiler: show
The 'might need two' thing was me forgetting that the baseline need was one a month and thinking it was one a week.
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Re: Ravenous - The Daily Life of a New Pred

Postby phoneuser1992 » Mon Aug 05, 2024 7:41 am

Alright, voting is closed again peeps.

Family's names with be: Forest Chase (Dad), Willow Chase (Mom), Rowan Chase (Big Brother), Hazel Chase (This our delightful MC :D ), Heather (Middle Sister), Ash (Little Brother), and Olive (Baby Sister). Thanks to 03082024, we found a very nice theme and I'm running around the goalpost and back with it lol. It's almost like Mom and Dad looked at their own names and thought there was already a theme there and just went with it. Just nobody ask Dad to run :lol:

Everyone was unified, we want a nice and easy slip into the classroom after we arrive, very nice. Makes more room for me to exposition dump... I mean do a nice informative chat with Willow. ^^; Nobody heard that, right? :-D

As for what we talk about, Mom and Hazel will spend a lot of time focusing on the local hunting grounds available to Hazel and some pros and cons to each. It will be led into by a brief touch on why Hazel's going to have to deal with the new reality of her Predatory cravings, her need to eat live Prey, and we will follow up with Mom doing some teasing how Pred's bodies tend to develop after a little while. Teasing that isn't really appreciated... at the moment.
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Re: Ravenous - The Daily Life of a New Pred

Postby phoneuser1992 » Mon Aug 05, 2024 9:45 am

<Availability of legal local Prey that a newbie like Hazel can handle. There's some people at the high school over the age limit, but what other options are there?>

Willow Chase does her best to remain focused as she puts the car into reverse and backs down the driveway. Luckily she happened to have been forced to attend a Pred High growing up and still had a few Pred friends that she spoke with on a semi-regular basis, otherwise she'd have freaked out on learning her daughter was one. She knew there were a few things that all Predators were universally concerned about, and the first one that she knew her friends would highlight was the availability of Prey. Especially for a new Pred. Was it Ashley that had told her graduates of Escape classes were nearly impossible for a Pred to handle without getting some experience first? Or was that something Harmony said? Since most colleges offered such a class from Freshman year on and Predators were such a common part of life, most people that graduated college had taken at least one such class. So what were going to be Hazel's realistic options for hunting when she needs to? Willow knew she'd asked several of them how they handled it at one point or another, but those were conversations she'd had a long time ago now.

>To get a passing grade in most Escape classes requires either both a Prey and Strength level of 5 or a high enough Prey level to compensate for lacking Strength. Any live experience beyond the class itself only takes things further.<

Buckled up as best she could manage around the huge gut that steadily continued to work on her friend, Hazel waited for her mother to open up the conversation. It was around the time they got to the entrance to the neighborhood that Willow made her first comment. Her voice gentle and treading carefully, Hazel's mother guides her to consider a vital question. “Have you given any thought to how you're going to hunt in the future?” Hazel shook her head. Willow continued with the same gentle tone. “I know you probably don't really like the idea right now, but if you don't hunt then you will definitely end up feeling the same kind of craving as last night eventually. It's your body's way of forcing you past your inhibitions for the sake of survival. Preds, even new ones like you, need a lot more food to survive than the rest of us. I could double what I cook every night and you could be the only one eating the extra and it would only add a few days before you needed to hunt.”

<Listens carefully. Mom's found either the topics that Hazel was already most bothered by or Mom brought up things that Hazel hadn't considered yet>

Hazel blinks, turning to look at her mother fully. “Wait, so if I hadn't been able to eat someone last night?”

“You probably would be dead.” Willow confirms. “According to what Harmony has told me, Preds that enter that kind of state last for different lengths of time depending on how much reserves their bodies have to burn through, and you don't have much. I think Harmony told me the longest a Pred ever survived a feral state was a woman in solitary confinement in a prison 50 or 60 years ago. The woman was gigantic, she'd been locked up for eating the entire 3rd grade class she'd been teaching. Once she hit the feral stage in the high security cell she lasted just over a day. You'd have done well to live through the night if not for Jennifer.”

It didn't make everything alright, but learning that it had genuinely been Jennifer or Hazel last night... helped. Some small part of Hazel wanted to romanticize the events and rewrite history to say that Jennifer had saved her life by sacrificing her own. That would be so much easier to deal with. But Hazel was too honest to do that. “Thank you for telling me that Mom.”

Willow smiles. “Not a problem sweetie.” They come to a stop at a red light, with a park on their left. Willow points to it. “Lots of people that regularly work out in the outdoors think that being in good shape is enough to protect them from a Predator, but from what Ashley has told me, it makes a lot less of a difference than people think. If you found a jogger in the park, especially if you caught them after they finished their workout, you'd have a much easier time than if you tried someone less physical who knows how to get out of a stomach like your mother does.”

>Athletic people who are not directly involved in sports often have level 5-10 Strength.<
>People who underestimate Predators due to their own fitness tend to be level 0 or level 1 Prey.<

“You know how to escape a Pred?” Hazel asks, surprised by the amount of confidence with which her mother had said that.

Willow laughs. “I didn't survive at a highschool full of Preds and then four years of college dating one of the most attractive guys by a fluke dear. You'd have a better chance of holding down your father and Rowan at the same time then you would against me alone. That's how big of a difference having enough experience dishing damage to a Predator's gut makes.” Willow is quiet for a few minutes. “If I hadn't had Ashley and Harmony backing me up it wouldn't have mattered though. Preds can get stronger much faster then Prey can learn to get away, and I had some vindictive bitches after me. The kind that would keep trying until they succeeded.”

>Willow Chase is a level 10+ Prey with experience escaping multiple Preds and escaping a few Preds more than once.<
>Passive Digestion occurs when a Predator is conscious, but inactive and not under sufficient stress to simulate strenuous activity. Passive Digestion deals Acid Cap + Gluttony Dice Code damage every 10 minutes.<
>Hazel currently does not have a Gluttony Die!<
>Hazel deals 6 Acid damage to her prey<

That was something that gave Hazel a lot of food for thought. “So where else can I find people that don't have the proper skills to resist? I'm not really a fan of running down someone that might be more fit then me if I can help it. Strength is one thing, but speed and stamina are another.” Hazel jokes lightly.

>People with Strength higher than level 5 have the Stamina to withstand up to 9 Exhaustion.<

The light turns green and Willow gets them rolling again through the dense city streets. Morning traffic has yet to subside, despite it being 8:10 am. “Ashley would tell you to treat the Mall as your personal buffet. True, they used to be better populated with young folks hanging out, but there's still enough shoppers to give you a selection. Guys tend to be stronger and more confident due to their strength, while girls are more likely to have put some effort into learning the proper skills. For some reason, when Preds like a guy that a prey girl is dating they tend to try eating her before anything else, so most girls either learn the hard way to stay away from anyone that the Preds are remotely interested in or get good at getting out real quick.”

>Without working out, girls tend to have level 0 – level 4 Strength. Guys that don't work out tend to have level 2 – level 6 Strength. Remember, level 5 is a BIG deal compared to most levels.<
>Men who only have theoretical knowledge on how to escape a Pred tend to be level 0 – level 3 Prey. Women who only have theoretical knowledge on how to escape a Pred tend to be level 2 – level 5 Prey. Again, level 5 is a BIG deal.<

Immediately Hazel's mind goes to Jacob and Jennifer dating. Her face flushes and she mentally backtracks and slams the door shut on that line of thinking as firmly as she can. “I didn't mean to though...” She whispers.

“What was that dear?”

“Nothing Mom, keep going.” Hazel denies much to fast, and her face grows redder as she realizes it.

Willow didn't pursue the matter, despite being very sure she knew what was going on. “If neither the Mall or the Parks are good and you can't make yourself target a classmate that's of age then there's really just two last places. There's the Vore Club and there's the People Sandwich. I'd suggest staying away from either one though. For one thing I doubt you can keep anyone working at the People Sandwich down.”

“The owner is the only girl that had a higher score in the Escape classes than me and she's trained her people very, very well. She charges a lot for Preds that want to take advantage of the... uhm... Special. She's very clear that keeping your meal down is up to you though, and there's no refunds in the event that the Prey gets back out. In fact, the fine print says that the Pred has to cover the hospital bills if the employee escapes but is hurt enough to warrant a trip to the ER." Willow chuckles. "I didn't think she'd find people crazy enough to do it, but it seems that any employee who becomes the Special and survives gets to keep most of the cost of themselves as a tip. Makes it a sky high wager, but when each escape earns something like $1,000 or so, there's some people who think enough of their skills to try it. Sucks for them every time Ashley comes to visit me though. Nobody escapes her anymore, and I saw her put 3 Specials down at the same time."

>The employees at People Sandwich will not resist being swallowed, but are always formidable Prey. Expect either level 7 - level 11 Prey and level 7 - level 11 Strength, with one of the two almost always being level 10 or level 11. Makes for excellent training against single powerful threats.<
>Ashley, one of Willow's old friends from Pred High, is a Professional Predator Vore Athlete, and has gone to the Olympics before. She is level 15+ in all aspects, with an unknown number of specialties that may exceed level 20.< (I reserve the right to adjust things so that only Ashley's weakest point is below level 20 if it comes to it, but I honestly figure more on 1-3 things she's good at getting over level 20. Level 20 is insanely good at Category.)

Hazel nods. "Sounds like somewhere I might try if I get good, but not really something that'll do me much good right now Mom."

Willow smiles. "It costs extra, but you can order one of the other customers for your Special as well. Which is why I don't let anyone else go there and I only visit with Harmony or Ashley. Just be careful some other Pred doesn't order YOU, okay hon?"

"Oh." Hazel could see things going sideways pretty fast if she went to the People Sandwich and didn't have a proper feel for her new identity yet. "What about the Vore Club? Isn't that the place Rowan went for a Frat party his Freshman year and you and Dad threatened to kick him onto the streets and stop paying for his college if you ever heard of him visiting again??? That place sounds way more dangerous!"

>Hazel deals 6 Acid damage to her prey<

Road construction up ahead pulls traffic into a rolling parking lot as Willow nods. "For me or any of the rest of the family it IS far more dangerous. But you are a Pred, and where the People Sandwich makes it's money by exploiting the hunger of Preds, the Vore Club makes money by sensualizing the digestion of some poor soul. Harmony works as one of the dancers there, so I can get full details if you want, but in basic everyone that isn't a Pred that enters both pays a fee and gets their names added to a raffle multiple times. The higher the fee paid, the less times their names are added to the raffle, so the less risk of getting eaten they're at. Preds can join as Customers, Regulars or as Dancers and there's expectations laid out for each."

>Harmony is a Professional Predator Performer, and is level 10+ in all aspects, with her specialties exceeding level 15.<
<How the new diet will effect her body.>

"Upshot is that since the Vore Club makes money off of letting the crazy mob see a Pred devour and digest someone up on stage one night and come back the next day and see how much thicker she's gotten... The owners of the Vore Club have a vested interest in making sure they only give Preds someone they should easily be able to handle. Especially someone like you, who's just starting out and would easily show the results of a few big meals. For them it's a big draw to announce a newbie Pred looking to 'pop her Vore Cherry', Harmony tells me it drives the crowd wild."

>Prey at the Vore Club are sorted into Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced brackets. Right now Hazel would only be served from the Beginner bracket, and Prey there are never higher than level 2 in Strength OR level 2 as Prey - handpicked for being easy food. Makes for an ideal place to try multi vore once Hazel has the Capacity~<
<Changes the conversation to something irrelevant - trying to maintain normality through the transition.>

Hazel could kinda envision it. Up on the stage, watching some sorry sap get dragged to her and thrown down her throat by a crazed bunch that are just happy they weren't the ones picked to be food. Her belly thrashing around as she played to the crowd's bloodthirst, then brought the fight to a sudden and total end with an expert move. Coming back the next day and bouncing her new tits and asking who else wanted to add to them. It was hot, but at the same time... extremely disturbing. Face glowing a deep crimson, Hazel looked around for anything she could change the subject to.

"Heather's doing tryouts for the cheerleading team today, right?" Hazel vaguely recalls, hoping her face isn't half as red as she thinks it is.

"Last week. She failed, remember?" Willow corrects. She could tell it was a deflection and that Hazel had reached her limit in talking about the heavy subject, so she humors her daughter for the rest of the drive. Seeing the flush fade from Hazel's face and her daughter start to smile as they chat lightly, a bit of back and forth banter going, makes the mother glad to see Hazel is handling the transition so well.

>Hazel deals 6 Acid damage to her prey<

"Well, here we are." Willow sighs as she parks the car and gets out. "I've got to head to the principal's office to get the proper paperwork filled out and start your transfer. Take care today, and don't let anyone push you around anymore. Ashley and Harmony both told me that their bullies were the best meals they ever had. That was years ago, so maybe they don't think that way anymore, but keep it in mind."

Hazel nods, trying not to laugh at the image of trying to eat Jane. More likely she'd get eaten herself! But... if she worked at it, who's to say Hazel couldn't become the bigger and badder Pred and take care of the stuck up cheerleader for good? Thinking about this, Hazel slipped as quietly as possible into her math class. A few heads lazily turned to see who was coming in halfway through the period, but Mr. Stone snapped at the offenders before reprimanding Hazel for her tardiness in a more controlled and careful fashion.

'That's probably the lightest I've ever gotten off in his class before... I wonder why he's being so easy on me?" Hazel thought as she did her best to cram into one of the desks in the back and pressed her gut in just the right way to send a pretty large bubble of air up and out of her throat.


Wanting to hid herself, Hazel curled up with her face directed at the desk and her hands covering it while her hair provided a curtain to vanish behind. Thankfully, the worst that happened was some giggles before Mr. Stone forced the class back on task, strictly teaching them the principles of Algebra.


> How quickly do we advance the School day?
[Play by Play - details on each class's lectures, who answered the questions posed, what happened between classes, who had lunch with who... and kill the author as we spend probably 10+ updates getting Hazel back home :zombie: ]
[Key Interactions - Always maintain a solid grasp where we are and how we got there, but it only takes a paragraph or two to skip through the class and get to the moments when the students are free to mingle and talk. You know, the moments where actually important stuff like the confrontation with Jacob will happen? Then we go back to Play by Play. It shouldn't take more than 5-7 updates to get back home, right? ^^; ]
[One Sentence For a Knife on a Table - Absolute minimum time on anything that isn't important to the storyline, A and B plots, Rise and Falling action... and of course the voracious action that we're honestly here for. Properly develop Jacob and Jane and anyone else that will matter, but we can skip a class that DOES NOT matter beyond filling up the school day with a single sentence and GET ON WITH THE GOOD STUFF. Might be back home in 3 updates if lucky. :gulp:]

> How does Jacob react to the pretty easy to reach conclusion that Hazel has digested his girlfriend? He's somewhere in the Math class, so he'll be part of the next update... almost for certain.
[He's pissed as hell]
[He needs to understand why Hazel did it, and blames her when he understands.]
[He needs to understand why Hazel did it, and comforts her when he understands.]
[He's strangely quiet? Wait... is he blushing?]

> When does Jane show up? Depending on what's picked and how much minutia is included as we develop Hazel's school life out, this could be soon or really delayed - but best to lock in when we expect a bullying Cheerleader to show 8)
[She's supposed to be in the Math class as well... where is she?]
[Next Period]
[During Gym]
[Slides next to Hazel at Lunch]
[During one of the classes after Lunch]

> Apart from Jacob and a few other people that Hazel had close relationships with (willingly or not) most people are pretty scared of her now and give the new Predator a lot of space at school. Going out of their way to stay off the menu as best they can figure and being real obvious about it. How does Hazel take it?
[Gives her a little bit of confidence, reminds her that she's the one with the power now.]
[Goes to her head.]
[Makes her feel even more isolated then when she was a victim.]
[Doesn't bother her today. She's got too much on her mind with more important characters to even notice what the nameless and faceless crowd is doing.]
Somewhat familiar
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