Redfield Seeking

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Redfield Seeking

Postby Redfield » Mon Feb 03, 2025 11:25 pm

Hi long time Rper here, looking for someone who's interested in doing an RP. I am able to RP on the forums or over Discord

My Likes Are:

Anthro Preds: (Foxes and wolves mostly)
Monster Girls (Lamia, centaurs etc)
Human Prey/Predator
Female Prey/Predator
Male Prey/Predator
Soft or Hard Vore
Underage (I am ok with this as long as no Sex is involved)
Anal Vore
Rough or Gentle
Rp's with stories
Grab and Gulp

My Dislikes are:


I prefer playing Prey, but am willing to Playing Pred

The current Ideas I have Include:

Spoiler: show
A very rich girl, arrogant, proud, a little egotistical, very intelligent and highly confident in her beauty and popularity. Finds herself elected to the student council, unfortunately for her none of her groupie and/or slaves made it onto the council with her. So she's stuck with four girls she doesn't have quite as much control over (Yet)

One night after work at the council has ended, she realises she has left her phone back in the council room. (Located on the first floor for reasons) she returns through the empty campus to see the door open, peering inside. She spies a pair of legs smoothly slide down through the mouth of a predator. There is the uniform of her fellow council member nearby, either they'd just been eaten or they were the predator. The president now sets about trying to discover the identity of this predator and bend them to her will as a possible slave, perhaps gradually coming to be willing to be the Pred's meal.

While the predator for their part becomes aware the president has come on to them and sets about trying to get the president to beg to be eaten by them while eating a couple of other girls in the progress of course.

This one has more potential for Hard vore and cooking, though neither is needed.

Spoiler: show
A Young Fox moves into a town populated by Anthro's, Demi-Furs and Humans. One week after they have moved in they find the need to hunt, which is when they come across a rabbit (Either a full Anthro or preferably Demi) . To them this Rabbit looks like the most enticing thing they have seen and they begin making dinner plans. Unknown to them, this rabbit is themselves a predator and they may soon find themselves on the menu if there not careful.

Last bumped by Redfield on Mon Feb 03, 2025 11:25 pm.
Posts: 8928
Joined: Sun Mar 03, 2013 3:19 am

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