I’m ready to accept my fate.

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I’m ready to accept my fate.

Postby Kerhs » Sun Feb 09, 2025 8:03 pm

I've been spending my whole life denying the truth. Pretending to be something other than what I really am. But, I've finally realized what I truly am. What I was always supposed to be. I'm food.
I'm ready to be taken away by a predator, to be shown whare I belong on the food chain. I want to be stripped completely naked and vulnerable, teased and prepared and swallowed alive. I'll go willingly as I slide down, trapped in a stomach until I'm broken down and softened up for a lovely trip down the intestines. I'll be gone forever, never to be seen again. At least, not until I end up in the toilet...

Hello! I'm a male prey-leaning switch looking to rp based loosely on this prompt, but I am open to other ideas too!
I’d prefer to message on Discord, but messaging here is good too. Feel free to ask for my Discord!

Oral Vore
Detailed, Realistic Anatomy
Gentle Preds
Human Characters

Same Size (Non-negotiable, DO NOT ASK ABOUT THIS)
Sweat/Scent Play/Dirty Preds
One-Line/Excessively Short Writing

For any more information, feel free to message me! My DMS are always open to anyone.

Last bumped by Kerhs on Sun Feb 09, 2025 8:03 pm.
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