Looking for Male Prey/Switch M/M cryptid rp

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Looking for Male Prey/Switch M/M cryptid rp

Postby MadHater » Sat Feb 08, 2025 1:10 pm

I'm currently looking for a partner who's down to rp! I adore horror settings! But I'm also good with modern-fantasy, multiverse, and a bunch of ideas and tropes!

And of course monster preds <3
I have a dilf cryptid pred myself!

For my kinks, I'm fairly open, but my favorites are:
Cumflation, Cock/anal vore, worship, smothering, digestion, disposal (scat/cum), musk, non-con, and probably more!

Limits are!
Endo (I dunno, I just don't find much appeal in it)
Filth (When it isn't related to vore)
And just stuff that's too nasty for my tastes like snot and such.

I would consider myself a literate rper! Like 2-3 paragraphs! Prefer rping on Discord!

So yeah! If you're interested, send me a message!

Last bumped by MadHater on Sat Feb 08, 2025 1:10 pm.
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