Femboy Fox Pred looking 4 Preys with bare Navels :3

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Femboy Fox Pred looking 4 Preys with bare Navels :3

Postby Laharl » Thu Feb 13, 2025 2:26 am

Hi I'm Laharl, I have a Vore- and a belly button fetish and I'm looking for preys with the same fetishes.

I'm more interested in furry characters, but humans are okay too, I also roleplay with IRL-Content if interested.

Important for me would be: NO ONE LINERS.

And logically, the Preys need a exposed belly button. (Be it by wearing a crop top or something similar)

I can speak English, but my native language is German.

I prefer to roleplay on Discord.


Story Ideas

- You change your clothes in your hotel room while my fox sees you and then vore you after some teasing.

- We are at a vore party, you see me vore someone and then want to be vored yourself by me.

- We watch at night TV until my stomach growls and you offer yourself to be my food.

- It's my Birthday and you do anything on my Wishlist... the last Wish will be your Digestion.

- You are a Vore Scientist, who wanna know, how the digestion of a pred works, so you let yourself getting eaten by me.

- You are a babysitter who gets vored by me.

- Tribal Sacrifice

- Any other Ideas you got and that I might enjoy.


Charakters I own...

- Laharl Redginald Foxdevil: Slim Purple Femboy Foxdevil.

- Zone Grimm: Chubby Red Dragon Girl.

- Myself: I think, I don't need to explain that...



- Digestion and Death (No Perma, the Character is just for this Roleplay dead, you know like Kenny from South Park)
- Some Details in Turns (With focus on the belly buttons movements)
- Characters with exposed Bellybuttons

- Oral Vore
- Navel Vore
- Female Preys
- Femboy Preys
- Furry Preys
- Teasing (With focus on the belly buttons movements)
- Willing Prey (Prefered)
- Being Pred (Prefered)

- All other Vore Types
- Unwilling Prey
- Being Prey
- Human Prey (IRL)

- Hard Vore
- Save Vore aka. Non-Digestion
- Pedo, Necro and Zoo (People who enjoy this are disgusting)
- Anal Vore
- Scat
- Herms
- Macro and Micro
- Bondage
- One Liners
- Pregnancy
- Pain and Blood
- Farts, Etc.

Last bumped by Laharl on Thu Feb 13, 2025 2:26 am.
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