I have a few niche kinks; I will get those out of the way right now.
- Sub Pred/Dom Prey; this is a very rare one. If you have any interest in indulging it, I may just scream with joy. It probably sounds oxymoronic, and it is. Welcome to my confusing world.
- Platonic Pred/Prey; my second favourite dynamic. I enjoy the betrayal aspect that can come with it. If you have no interest in the above, this is my fall-back.
I like to portray femboys rather than manly-men, but also very much enjoy writing assertive, commanding, and confident personalities. In that respect, I also have always been very, very fond of shrinking violet-type preds in complete contrast, inexperienced and insecure about their status as preds. My usual archetype is prey who should not be capable of acting as confident and cocky as they are. That being said, if you happen to like the idea of putting an arrogant, cocky shrimp in their place, I also absolutely love that kind of scenario.
Now, for some general preferences:
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Some things I am not into:
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If I have not listed it in either, chances are I will be fine with it. I like to experiment with my kinks and tend to be the exact opposite of picky when it comes to what my roleplay partners want to do. I am a freak, so don't be afraid to also be a freak.
Finally, some settings or franchises I would be interested in roleplaying, be it with canons or OCs, in order:
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As a final aside, when it comes to OCs, I only have a few in rotation at any given time. If we end up doing something with OCs, then I will most likely make a new one on the spot unless one happens to fit what you are asking for.
PM me, mention what specifically appealed to you about everything I outlined, and I will send you my discord. Hope to see you soon!