A Safe Place to Stay

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A Safe Place to Stay

Postby Guy8136 » Sat Jun 12, 2021 1:12 am

A splash of water rushed over Thomas as he tried to run for cover. Thunder roared far above him, and a flash of lightning warned what was to follow. A second drenching followed the first as he came upon a massive crevice blocking his path. If he could only cross it there was a place for cover just beyond. With the impending flood coming he had no choice but to act or be washed away, possibly resulting in his death. He jumped.
Miraculously he was able to grab the other side of the canyon and pull himself up the other side. He rushed to the edge of the rocky path to find the cover and safety he so desperately needed. As he nestled against the back of this natural tent he’d come upon, he drifted off to sleep hoping he would be able to find something to eat the next day. His cover happened to be a few clumped blades of grass nestled on the side of this concrete passageway, and the great canyon he’d cleared was a mere crack in the walkway he’d just traversed.
The sidewalk looked different in his eyes.
Life had always been difficult for Thomas as a micro. Being three inches tall presented enough difficulties on its own, but in such a crazy world as his there came extra stressors. Avoiding being crushed, snatched up by some bird, and falling into deep crevices most wouldn’t think twice about stepping over were part of his daily routine. It was a different kind of existence, but it wasn’t the most farfetched by any means. Hell, he lived in a place where talking animals were commonplace, so it wasn’t the strangest thing to encounter a micro every now and then. However, it did used to be a bit more common to see his kind.
Years ago, well before Thomas had been born, micros were just another race engaging in the vibrant society everyone had created. They were able to attend schools and take jobs alongside macros with a smooth integration process that rarely left little to be desired. Micros coexistence with the others had become the status quo, and those opposed to them were far outnumbered by those who viewed them as productive members of society. Of course, things couldn’t stay that way.
There were those that went out of their way to make micros’ lives hell because they were seen as lesser and not deserving of the same rights. Some of those opposed were violent and went out of their way to hurt, maim, or even kill any micros they’d encounter because there was little to no penalty for doing so. Some were squished, smothered, or hidden away in small prisons where no one might ever find them. They were practically viewed as sentient toys. Many tinies died within a short period that led to some heavy discussion as to how to address that problem. Micro, macro, and even some animal activists made it clear that they needed protections afforded to them as it was difficult to defend themselves from such larger people. So laws were passed to assure their rights as legal citizens. Everyone thought that would be the end of it. There were still those extremists who weren’t deterred by the legal consequences of assaulting or killing a micro, but for the most part everything started to return to normal. Micros were the same as everyone else, just a bit smaller. All was well, and things could get back on track for the tines….
…until the virus.
Soon after the laws were passed micros began to drop like flies from some airborne sickness that none could identify. The virus only affected micros and killed within days of contraction. There were some who theorize that a variation of this deadly virus could have mutated to only cause illness in tinies, but that was an optimistic outlook. Most theorize that some malicious actor had created this virus specifically to target micros, as it wasn’t an unjustified conclusion after the recent treatment of them. By the time everyone joined forces to find a formidable cure irreversible damage had been done.
Somewhere between 90-95% of the micro population had been eradicated, Thomas’s own parents among them. Tiny offices and universities closed down entirely as they were hardly necessary anymore and soon after viewed as wastes of space and resources. The world no longer needed to cater to a smaller population. So why would it? This world Thomas had been growing accustomed to was a cold and uncaring one, and he’d imagine any other micro (of which he’d seen very few of these days) would feel the same.
* * *
Valerie walked home in a huff. Not only was she exhausted after spending all night studying in the library, but she totally bombed the test she was prepping for this morning. She didn’t know why it was so difficult for her to grasp the core concepts of this class. Hell, it was the second test she’d failed this semester. If she fucked up on the next one she’d have to retake the class and wouldn’t even get to graduate on time. Valerie couldn’t decide if she needed sleep or a heavy drink more. After consideration that it was only nine in the morning she decided on the former.
The rain had stopped earlier that morning, but the sidewalk and surrounding pavement were still riddled with puddles. The sun shining did little to raise her mood, but it was better than a gray sky welcoming her after her failure. She kept walking. Out of the corner of her eye she saw a squirrel dash towards the edge of the sidewalk to investigate something. Maybe it’d found a bug, or a few worms washed out from the ground after the heavy rains. Val thought nothing of it until she saw a flash of bright red cloth struggling among the grass, almost in fear of the squirrel. Now it was her turn to see what was going on. She shuffled a little more quickly to shoo the rodent away so she could get a better look at what had been so interesting. As she bent down her jaw dropped. She couldn’t believe her eyes.
* * *
Thomas awoke to far off rustling. He felt completely drained as sleeping on hard concrete under a few blades of grass left much to be desired. The sun shined through and warmed him up a bit, so it wasn’t the most unpleasant feeling, but his appreciation of that fact was quickly interrupted. Rustling became stomps as a quivering snout forced itself into his makeshift shelter to investigate. He sat very still. Thomas had heard stories of micros being mauled by even the smallest creatures so he was not taking a chance in outrunning a curious squirrel at the moment. He needed to remain calm and think of the smartest and safest way out of this situation.
“Nice squirrel, eaaaaassssssy…” his voice was shaky
As he began backing toward the grass forest behind him the squirrel suddenly jolted its head back, watched for a few seconds, then bolted.
“Thank fuck” he thought
His heart felt like it was pounding out of his chest. Thomas managed to catch his breath, but about froze up immediately after. If the squirrel was stomping than whatever was approaching now shook the ground like earthquakes with every step. The sun was blocked out. Two massive feet shuffled to a halt in front of him. Thomas wasn’t so quick to judge but looking at the shoes he guessed they belonged to a macro woman. Or maybe he supposed just a human woman, as there wasn’t much reason for distinction in size anymore. He slowly backed the furthest he could in the grass while still able to peek out. A face loomed into view, and she spoke.
* * *
“I thought you guys were all gone I haven’t seen a micro in like five years!!” Val said with a little too much enthusiasm.
The tiny cowered behind the grass barely peeking to see if she was still there.
“How long have you been out here? Are you alright? Did that squirrel hurt you??”
Val continued to berate him with questions he was clearly too in shock to answer.
“Come here little guy I won’t eat ‘cha” she said with a smile, hand outstretched.
Thomas was visibly reluctant at first, but realistically, what choice did he have? If he ran off into the grass she’d just chase after anyway. And she did look trusting. She had a pretty face that felt easy to trust. He held his breath and stepped forward. The giant hand wrapped a little too firmly around him and what little breath he had left was quickly squashed out of him.
*gack “…..eaaaa-ssssy” he coughed back lightly at her.
“Oh my god I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to squeeze you that hard are you alright??”
Val loosened her grip enough so Thomas sat freely on her open palm. She laughed nervously as her cheeks began to flush.
“Yeah sorry about that. I may have gotten a little too excited there. I just haven’t seen a micro walking around in so long you guys are like really a rare find. NOT that you’re like a prize to find I know you guys are people too.” She blushed even harder.
“It’s ok.” Thomas finally caught his breath.
“I just have a hard time trusting you macros lately cause…. Well, you know.”
A dark look flashed across his face, one that was brief, but not so brief that Val didn’t take notice.
“Well don’t worry little man, you can trust me!”
She smiled big to show off her pearly whites and plump lips, something Thomas immediately took note of.
“I’m Valerie, but you can call me Val!”
Thomas took a minute to take everything in. Her blonde hair and blue eyes complemented her round face nicely. Her smile was one that radiated warmth, and for the first time in months Thomas felt like he could let his guard down. She really was cute, even for a woman 1000x his size.
“I’m Thomas” he did his best to smile back
“Well Thomas, when you’re not getting harassed by wildlife what’re you doing out here? Cause in case you haven’t noticed this isn’t the safest place for someone your size to be” she chuckled
“Oh I just love it out here. I’ve always been looking for a rugged and painful existence so I thought hitting the road on my own with only the clothes on my back would be an enlightening experience.”
“Cute and sarcastic. Well aren’t you just a catch.”
Thomas blushed.
“But really, are you all out here on your own?”
She looked genuinely concerned.
“Well yeah ever since everything went to shit and all our facilities started closing down I haven’t had much choice. I haven’t even seen another micro in years.”
Val’s face quickly turned sympathetic.
“And it turns out after most of us were gone some macros didn’t take kindly to me shacking up in holes in their wall so I’ve kinda just been a drifter since.”
“That just seems like a good way to get yourself hurt….. or worse.” said Val.
She didn’t want to use the word ‘killed’ and make him even more uncomfortable. She’d heard stories of what happened to some of the straggling micros in her lectures. Val listened more.
“Well a sympathetic macros kinda hard to come by these days. Most of you guys, excluding you of course, just see us as pests.”
The gears began to turn in Val’s head, so much so that even Thomas began to notice. He politely sat still and let her think on whatever it was she had cooking up.
Would they mind if I brought him home to stay with us for a bit? Would it be safe for him? I mean it had to be compared to what he was used to out here. I mean he’s a person though not some pet I can just bring home and burden them with. Ohhh but he was just so cute they’d LOVE him. But what if they didn’t? Ah well that’s their problem because this little man needs help and I’m NOT gonna leave him out here to fend for himself.
Val made up her mind.
“Well little man, I have a proposition for you.” Val said a little too excitedly. “What if you came to stay with me for a bit? I could give you a safe place to stay and could help you get back on your feet so to speak, and at least get you away from those ravenous squirrels for a bit.” She blushed awaiting his answer.
Thomas had to think hard about this. Macros were dangerous and could crush him with one misstep or not looking before they sat down. But, she did save his ass once already today and she seemed genuine in her care for his wellbeing. And hell, anything beat sleeping out in the wild every night. In the end he couldn’t think of a good reason not to trust her.
“Sure, why not, as long as you don’t have any overly curious pets that might maul me.” He chuckled nervously.
“Do you live alone?”
Val smirked a bit and answered.
“Well no I’ve actually got a roommate, Jesse, and she’s got a dalmatian but they’re just the sweetest I can’t imagine they’d be opposed to letting you stay with us for a bit. And also don’t be alarmed but Lula’s a talker so I’m sure you’ll get to know her pretty well too.”
Thomas assumed Lula was the Dalmatian. He hadn’t met a talking animal since he was a kid. They were even rarer than his own kind, at least they used to be before the virus. But still, you didn’t get many opportunities to meet them, so he was pretty intrigued.
“Yeah she’s so caring and fun just totally like Jesse oh my god I love them. It’ll be fun” Val kept on.
“So, should we get going?” she interjected.
While the skeptical survivalist side of Thomas told him maybe this wasn’t the best idea, the other side heavily weighed the pros. At the moment he couldn’t think of anything better than changing into a dry set of clothes and sitting by the heater with some food in his belly for a while. He was reluctant at first, but he’d made up his mind.
“Yeah let’s hit the road!”
Hopefully he wouldn’t regret this.
* * *
It took about 15 minutes for them to finally get back to Val’s apartment. On the way she’d explained that she was a student at the local university trying to finish up her degree on time.
“So what’s your degree in? What’re you looking to do?”
“Well it’s funny you ask that cause I’m actually studying to go to law school after undergrad with a specialization in micro law.”
Thomas’s eyes lit up.
“You’re joking.”
“Haha no really, it’s always been something that’s interested me especially with all the controversy over your guys’ protections these days. I mean without many of you guys left SOMEONE’S gotta speak up for you right?”
Thomas sat in total awe leaving Val to blush for a bit at his silence.
“Are you ok? That blank look on your face is freaking me out a bit.” She said nervously.
He took a minute to regain his composure.
“What? Yeah it’s just….. that’s insane. I was studying the same thing back in school before I had to drop out.”
“Wait no way that’s awesome! But why’d you have to drop out what happened? You weren’t a bad student were you?”
“No, the opposite in fact. I was top of the class actually, even among the macros.”
“So what happened?” Val asked with a genuine hint of concern.
“Well, the virus came and I had to go look after my parents. They caught it just as I was entering my junior year. I was pretty broken up about it, but I just couldn’t afford to stay in school while leaving them to suffer like that. Not that a degree in micro law would do me any good now. I mean look where you found me. Halfway between squished into the concrete and chewed up inside a deranged squirrel.”
Val chuckled a bit at his levity. This was a strong little man, she thought, and so caring too. She’d have to do her best to do right by him this poor little guy deserved some sort of win, and soon.
“Yeah so if you need any help with your classes I’m your guy.”
She couldn’t believe her luck.
“It’s even funnier you say that cause I’m actually in desperate need of help” she nervously chuckled. “I’m about one bombed test away from flunking out of the class entirely.”
“Well I guess it’s a good thing you ran into me then! When’s the next test coming up?”
“Hold that thought little man we’re actually here.”
Val walked up the steps to the third floor entrance of the apartment with Thomas held securely in her palm.
“I’ll introduce you to the girls then we can get into how you’re gonna save me from totally failing this class.” She said as she opened the door.
The apartment was pretty generously sized for housing just two girls and their dog. The door opened into a small mudroom filled with their dirty shoes and coats hanging on either side. Val brought him down into the kitchen and placed him down onto the small wooden island in the center. Thomas took a minute to appreciate his new surroundings. Val could tell he was a bit overwhelmed.
“Yeah I know it’s a bit much but Jesse’s parents are old money types so they kinda set us up with some sweet digs for college kids.” She said to break his silence.
“Yeah holy shit no kidding. This place is massive, and you know you can appreciate that with ME saying it.” he chuckled.
“Jesse! Lula! C’mere i got something to show you guys.”
Thomas looked up at her for a second, though she didn’t seem to notice. He would’ve preferred ‘someone’ rather than ‘something’ but she was probably just excited. He let it slide. A brunette woman and Dalmatian came into view around the corner. Jesse was a bit taller than Val. She was wearing blue light glasses with her hair up and in pajamas so Thomas assumed she’d either just gotten up or never went to sleep in the first place. Lula came in and sat down next to Val. She stood a few feet off the ground with a blue collar around her neck. A small bell took the place of a nametag, which really wasn’t necessary when the dog was literally capable of telling someone their name. Jesse was the first to speak.
“We found this new show on Netflix where it’s like survivor, but they make baked goods and vote each other off.”
Lula interjected.
“Yeah we’ve kinda been watching it since 3 in the morning but we can’t stop everything looks amaaaaaazing I keep salivating at every round.”
“Which I don’t even get because half the stuff on there involves meat which you don’t even eat haha.” Joked Jesse.
“Yeah well all the vegetarian stuff still has me drooling.”
“Psshhh you’re missing out meat is awesome.”
Val butted in.
“ANYWAY!” she exclaimed. “You’ll never guess what I found, or should I say WHO I found walking home from the library this morning.”
She gestured with her hands toward the island next to the vase Thomas was standing under.
“Ta-daaaaa! He’s a real micro I saved from a squirrel earlier and his name’s Thomas!” she giggled.
“Hey….. uhhhh yeah so I’m Thomas.” he was so nervous he had no clue what else to say.
Should he say anything else? They just sat there gawking at him for what felt like minutes. He could feel beads of sweat starting to drip down the back of his neck. His initial instincts told him to run, but he knew he was safe. Val assured him of that right?
“Oh my god he’s adorableeeeee.”
Thomas looked over to see it was Lula who spoke first. ‘Why did everyone always think he was so cute?’ Jesse soon followed suit.
“Yeah he’s a cutie holy shit I thought all the micros were gone I haven’t seen one in forever.”
“Not only that but he used to study micro law so he can help me not fail!”
“Thank god, you seriously needed it,” said Jesse
She looked him over again.
“But why exactly did you bring him here?”
Val flushed a bit in the face, clearly a bit worried her roommates wouldn’t be too keen with her plan to virtually adopt a micro she’d found outside twenty minutes ago.
“Well he needed a place to stay… and it’s dangerous out there for such a little guy… and I could really use some help with my exams.” Val was almost pleading
“I mean look at his cute little face!! Would you leave that to the wolves outside?”
Thomas could tell this was quickly devolving into a last ditch effort. But Lula and Jesse weren’t eyeing him in any sort of alarming way that might indicate they’d TOTALLY leave him to the ‘wolves outside.’ Especially Lula. She looked like she’d just like to take him, snuggle him up into a blanket, and keep him there forever. It was a bit of weird vibe but he didn’t think much of it. Better caring than sinister.
“Ok he is like the cutest little thing ever.”
Jesse leaned in a little TOO close.
“So cute I could just eat ‘chu uppppp” she said with levity.
Thomas backed into the vase and cringed at the thought. He’d heard stories of some macros being so cruel as to eat another person but didn’t know any personally that had experienced it thank god. He couldn’t imagine much worse fates.”
“Jesse stop!! Don’t even joke about that you’re totally freaking him out right now.” Val quickly reached down to put up a barrier around Thomas with her arms.
“Oh my god I’m kidding that sounds gross I’d never actually do that.”
Jesse looked over to Lula.
“No promises for Lula though.”
Lula looked back up at Jesse, genuinely hurt.
“I would NEVER even joke about that stuff why do you think I’ve been vegetarian my whole life. I respect all sentient people no matter how little they are I wouldn’t even dream of doing such a terrible thing.”
She directed her attention to Thomas.
“Don’t worry little one I really wouldn’t hurt a fly and I’ll make sure to protect you from anyone or anything that would ACTUALLY do you harm.”
Lula glared back up at Jesse.
“Oh c’mon you know I’m the same I wouldn’t eat him or any other micro. Sorry Thomas that was a bit of a sick joke I swear I don’t wanna hurt you either.”
Thomas stood there in silence trying to take all that in. Val was calming down a bit and Jesse and Lula did look genuine when they said they didn’t want to hurt him. Especially Lula. She really looked like she meant it when she said she wouldn’t want anything bad to happen to him. I definitely trust her more than Jesse at this point.
“Anyway I know Val kinda just laid everything out right there, but what do you guys actually think about me crashing here for a bit? I’d really appreciate it. And I’ll do my fair share of chores and stuff too!” He said hopefully. “Well whatever I can manage to do at my size anyway…. hehe.”
Yeah that nervous laugh at the end definitely sold ‘em bud. You’re gonna be back out on your ass in the next five minutes.
Jesse and Lula gave each other a look and turned their attention back to Val. They spoke in unison.
“How could we say no?”
* * *
Thomas tried to sit comfortably atop Val’s desk, watching intently as she logged into her computer. She’d found some old dollhouse they assumed the previous owners had left there, conveniently with all the fixings Thomas could practically use. He now had a bed and even some spare clothes to wear, though the coarse shorts he was currently wearing were used to covering wooden dolls, so the chafing was real. Val pulled up her notes and showed them presented them to Thomas.
“So anyway our next test is coming up in a week and I am like SO lost right now.”
“Is it gonna be on this stuff here?” he asked
“Yeah basically why micros were granted legal protections in the first place.”
“Well that’s an easy one it’s cause we’re people too.” He responded shortly.
“We’ve been going over it in class and we’re even supposed to keep up with current events like Mayor Abbey’s proposal to take away your guys’ protections.
Thomas had heard of her. Back when he’d been studying at his own university her anti-micro movements had begun to gain ground, although, she was just a state representative at the time. Now she was the actual mayor. Now she had power.
“Yeah I know that dreadful woman.” He paused. “She resents us for what we are, like we can help it, and just says we’re a waste of protections and resources.”
Val waited to see if he’d say more. He sat for a minute stewing in something. Obviously, this was a sore subject for him.
“She’s a spiteful bitch.” Val smiled down at him.
Thomas smirked back up.
“Yeah she is.”
He continued.
“Anyway go to this website called TinyNotes I used it all the time back in class it has like everything you could want for studying. Dates, events, key contributors to the movement, all that stuff. Sometimes I think it might’ve been what gave me such an edge in school.” He said as he blushed a bit.
Val typed in the address and her eyes lit up with exactly what Thomas had promised. There was no way she could fail her test with all this to pull from. This little man was a fucking blessing. As she sat there taking notes Thomas continued to pick at his new clothes. Val took notice.
“Sorry we don’t have actual tiny clothes for you I hope these are ok for now hehe.”
“It’s ok it’s really not a big deal it’s better than being stuck in those damp rags I’d been living in.”
“I’ll see if I can order you some proper clothes.”
As she changed pages an interesting ad caught his eye.
“Woah woah woah scroll back up what was that??”
Val scrolled back to the top of the screen and clicked the happy micros in the ad. She read the words aloud.
“Micro Sanctuary: A place for every tiny person to call home and be reunited with more of their kind.”
Thomas’s heart began to race. He hadn’t met another tiny in years, let alone a whole colony of em living in their own utopia, away from the dangers of the macro world. Val kept reading.
“A utopia of your own, away from the dangers of a macro world. Holy shit sounds like a paradise for you guys. Apparently there’s well over a few hundred of em and they’re growing every day.” Her eyes kept scrolling.
“OH MY GOD you guys have your own beach?? Dude we gotta check this out this place sounds like heaven. The number’s right here should I call?”
Thomas was overwhelmed. This place did sound like heaven. To be reunited with his own kind sounded like exactly what he needed right now. No more squirrels, no more fear of being crushed into the pavement, no more being harassed by big-ass bugs. He needed this.
“Yes please.”
After a quick call Val set up a meeting for two days from now. Thomas was psyched. The woman on the phone sounded very optimistic about him being let in so he was totally relieved. Apparently they tried to protect every micro they could find.
“Well aren’t you just lucky I found you.” Val interjected with a smile.
“Not as lucky as you were to find a micro as well versed as me that’s gonna help you ace this test. Now let’s get back to studying!”
* * *
Lula woke up to the sound of clattering in the kitchen ‘Hmm must be Jesse getting my breakfast ready’ She smiled and shuffled out of her bed in the living room toward the kitchen. As she walked past the mudroom she heard a little yelp. She backtracked and saw a tiny struggle next to Jesse’s shoes. Behind her flip-flop cowered that cute little man Val brought in yesterday. What was his name again? Tim or Thomas or something? Yeah Thomas that was it. She glanced over towards the wall and saw the object of his fear. It was a little wolf spider, though she supposed it was giant to him. It was primed and looked ready to pounce on him. Oh hell no you are not laying one of your creepy little legs on that precious micro’ She launched into action and began barking at the spider shooing it back into the wall-crevasse it crawled out of.
“That’s right and STAY OUT.”
Lula stood for another few seconds to make sure it didn’t come back.
“Wow thanks Luna you really saved my ass back there.”
She heard a nervous chuckle from behind her and turned to face him.
“Haha no problem little guy I wouldn’t dream of letting anything hurt anything as adorable as you.” She paused. “It’s actually LULA though.” She shyly giggled back
Thomas’s face flushed with embarrassment.
“Oh my god I’m so sorry I guess I’m still just a little on edge after almost being taken for that spider’s lunch.” He blushed more.
“Well we can’t have you getting gobbled up while you’re staying with us. We wouldn’t be the best house guests then now would we?” she batted her eyes at him
“Well thanks Lula, it really looks like I owe ya one after that.”
Thomas went in for hug.
‘She couldn’t leave him hanging there, but how exactly did she want her to hug him back? Ah well he is adorable standing there like that I’ll humor him.’
Lula bent her face down to meet him with her snout just inches in front of him. He wrapped her arms and gave her the biggest hug he could manage, obviously appreciative of her efforts to save him. Thomas backed up and headed back towards Val’s room.
“Thanks again Lula! Guess I’ll be seeing you ‘round the house.”
He waved and ran off.
Lula had to sit there a minute taking everything in, one thought newly present in her mind.
He smelled good.

* * *
Val sat in the waiting room patiently, the woman at the help desk typing away at her computer, not looking up from her monitor. Thomas was perched in her hand just twiddling his thumbs, obviously nervous.
“Calm down man I’m sure you’re a shoe-in for this place. Like the article said they’ve never turned down a micro in need of sanctuary.”
He lightened up a bit at that.
“Yeah, I know you’re right. This would just be really great for me it almost sounds too good to be true.”
They had to let him in they just had to.
There appointment was set to begin in a minute. They approached the desk.
“Hi! Excuse me I’m Valerie I had an appointment about the micro sanctuary?”
The woman at the desk looked up warmly and smiled. Her eyes fixed on the tiny man situated on Val’s open palm.
“Welcome you guys! I’m Cassandra, I’ll be giving you guys the virtual tour of the MSP today! And who’s this handsome little man we have here?”
Val and Thomas stared blankly back at her.
“The MSP?” Thomas spoke up.
“Right! Sorry the Micro Sanctuary Program just takes a bit longer to say.” Cassandra retorted. “You looking to get settled with us Mr. uhhhhhh…”
“Well Thomas I’ve got a feeling you’re just gonna love it here. We’ve set up all the accommodations on a beachside reservation just for little people like you. Macros aren’t even allowed on the premises as to avoid…… “
Thomas let her trail off, not paying much mind to her words. She’d put up a slideshow that had ensorcelled him with images of hundreds of tinies just like himself going about their everyday lives. They were attending schools, getting jobs, falling in love. It was everything life was supposed to be. No one was worried about being trampled or carried off unwillingly. It was perfect. Cassandra’s voice came back to attention.
“….. original founder just thought it would be easier for everyone. I mean we really do care about you guys here. You’re people too.”
Just then the tv in the waiting room switched to the local news. Mayor Abbey’s face was front and center, with an alarming headline at the bottom.
“Micro’s to potentially have their citizenship revoked by Mayor Abbey this weekend as she sets to sign controversial bill into law. The law would strip micros of their protections and the heftiest legal penalty for harming or killing a micro would be a four-hundred dollar fine. Micro protections protestors are expected to gather at the courthouse this Friday in a last ditch effort to stop the bill. More to come at..”
The newscast cut out. Cassandra stared daggers at the tv, the remote in her hand.
“I’m sorry I just couldn’t watch any more of that woman she makes me sick. A bunch of us are actually going down to that protest on Friday to make her listen to reason. I’m not confident we’ll be able to do anything, but we have to try. For you guys.”
Cassandra looked down at Thomas and he felt something he hadn’t felt in a long time. He felt validated. There were good macros. Val, Jesse, Cassandra, and even Lula cared about him, and they recognized he was a person. It felt good.
“Thomas and I were just talking about her the other day maybe we should go check it out?” interjected Val.
She looked down to Thomas.
“Um, aren’t you forgetting something?” he snapped back with a smirk.
“Oh dammit you’re right the test. Well, I mean, I can’t take you but I could ask Jesse and Lula to if you were interested?”
Thomas had to think for a minute.
“Nahhhhhh….. I don’t think a big rally with a bunch of massive people that could crush me in an instant sounds like my scene.” He laughed. “Not that I’m not all for the movement I really appreciate what you guys are trying to do for us.”
He looked back up at Cassandra.
“Don’t sweat it little man. Even if she does pass this shitty bill you’ll be protected by us when you get to the reservation. We’re a private-owned business so we can do as we damn well please when it comes to protecting you guys. You’ve got nothing to worry about.” She ended the sentiment with a wink. “Does Saturday work for you guys?”
Thomas spoke up before Val even got the chance to open her mouth.
“Yes, oh my god yes! Thank you thank you thank you! You’re the best Cassandra!”
“Well isn’t someone excited?” val commented.
Cassandra typed a bit more into her computer then turned to grab something out of the drawer behind her. She pulled out a tiny little anklet, almost like one you’d put on people under probation. It was the perfect size for Thomas. Val was the first to ask.
“What’s that thing?”
“Oh this? This is a little tracker anklet for Thomas until we get him to the reservation. It’s just so we can keep our eyes on him and see if he’s getting himself into any trouble. She winked again. If he gets lost or something in the next few days come down here immediately and I’ll be able to open up the app and tell you where he is.” She said directly to Val.
“Is all this really necessary?”
“It’s actually standard with micros here so we can protect him or find him if he gets into any danger.”
Thomas didn’t think anything of it.
“Hey I mean better safe than sorry.” He chuckled. “Now you’ll know if I fell down in between the couch cushions or something.”
“Hey if you’re cool with it, I’m cool with it.” Said Val.
Cassandra got down into the nitty-gritty.
“Now don’t go trying to cut this thing off or anything I’m the only one that can remove it. If you guys break or damage the tracker it’s gonna be five hundred bucks to replace it so be careful. You guys meet me here this Saturday and we’ll drive you off to the reservation from there. If you guys miss the meeting it’ll be a hundred dollar charge cause we had to bring the van out and you’ll have to wait another week. Got it?”
She smiled again.
“Sorry I know that was a lot I just have to let you guys know what’s going on.”
“No problem Cassandra thank you so much for meeting with us today!” Said Val.
“Yeah thanks I really appreciate you guys taking me in like this we wouldn’t miss the van for anything.” Added Thomas.
He and Val waved goodbye and made their way towards the exit. Cassandra yelled out to them one last time.
“Bring him back in one piece now!”
* * *
Thomas awoke the next day to sun shining into his eyes. He smiled. Things were finally starting to work out for him. He put his hand up onto the pane-less window at the foot of his bed and hoisted himself up. Walking out onto his little dollhouse porch he stretched with a yawn. He may have overslept a bit. There was a pleasant aroma in the air, one that made his mouth water upon sensing it. Thomas knew what that was. Peanut butter. Somebody was up to something special in the kitchen. He threw on his uncomfortable little clothes and made a beeline out of the room.
Jesse and Lula were mixing something on the countertop. He yelled up at them.
“Hey guys! What’re you up to?”
They both looked down at him.
“Oh hey Thomas! We’re just doing something for Val while she’s off at class.”
“Oh yeah? What’s that?”
Jesse bent down to pick him up to bring him to the countertop. Lula was the first to answer.
“We’re making peanut butter cookies!!” she said with an exorbitant amount of enthusiasm.
“Yeah we’re thinking of throwing her a surprise slash ‘good luck’ party before she totally aces that test on Friday. She is gonna ace it right?” she looked down quizzically at Thomas.
“Yeah, I mean, she’s been studying super hard lately and keeps acing the pop questions I’m giving her so I’ve got a good feeling about this Friday.”
“Well aren’t we just so lucky to have you around?” Jesse smiled back.
Thomas looked up at the bowl he knew was filled with delicious cookie dough. He tried to hide it, but in the end his stomach betrayed him. *grrrrooooowlll. Jesse and Lula both smirked down at him.
“Hahah oh my god was that you? Thomas if you’re hungry all you gotta do is ask!”
She hoisted him up onto the side of the bowl which he straddled. He reached down into the bowl and pulled a tiny little handful up to his face. He engorged himself in a totally improper way. Lula and Jesse giggled at him. He didn’t care. This was bliss.
They laughed some more and continued on with their baking, thinking of more ways they could surprise Val. After a minute Jesse’s phone buzzed and she took it off the counter to look. She gave it a quick glance then sighed.
“What’s wrong Jesse is everything alright?”
Thomas looked over at her malcontent face and back over to Lula. She had a look of sympathy in her eyes. Clearly something was going on. Jesse finally spoke.
“Ugh it’s just this guy at work. He’s super cute and funny and I want to talk to him so bad I just…”
She trailed off, obviously getting worked up again.
“He just hasn’t met you yet I’m sure you’ll catch is eye soon.” Lula said trying to be supportive of her owner.
“I just…. can’t seem to get him to notice me. Like…. at all.”
“Well have you ever approached him?” Thomas interrupted.
Jesse looked down at him like he was an alien. Like what he’d just suggested was the most preposterous thing in the world.
“No way, I don’t have the confidence to just ‘walk up to him’ and be like ‘hey I think you’re perfect please come sweep me off my feet.’” She looked about ready to give up.
“Well why not just act more confident? You’re a pretty, smart, and caring woman you shouldn’t have any reason to be shy around him.” Thomas said.
“Aww you’re sweet Thomas, but I just get so nervous and I feel like sometimes I come off as geeky. I mean look at me I can come off as a bit of a nerd sometimes.”
“Well,” began Thomas “..maybe you just need a new look? Get some new clothes to help you feel more confident? That’s a huge one I know helped me back in the day.”
He could tell Jesse was thinking about it.
“Maybe you’re right I could use a wardrobe update. Would you be willing to help me pick some stuff out? Tell me what looks good?” she asked with her fingers on the side of the bowl.
“Sure, I mean, after you guys were kind enough to take me in I’d do anything I could to help you guys out! You’re my friend now Jesse.”
Thomas smiled wide back up at her. She threw her hands up in excitement.
“Oh my god you are the sweetest little man I can’t wait to do makeshift fashion shows for you!”
As she said that the bowl started to wobble a bit and Jesse reached down to stop it from toppling over. But it was too late for Thomas. He’d already lost his balance. Thomas tumbled down into the bowl trying to grab hold, but slipping and sliding along the side, covering his front with peanut butter. Jesse immediately reached in to pluck him out.
“Haha…. oops.” She put him back down on the countertop next to the sink.
“I’ll uhhhh go get a washcloth or something to wipe you off.” Jesse giggled as she quickly made off for the bathroom.
Thomas sat there picking at the peanut butter and shoveling it into his mouth.
“What a klutz huh?” he asked Lula.
“Yeah she can be a bit clumsy sometimes, but she means well. I think all our washcloths are dirty too so it may take her a minute to find one for ya.” She said, winking at him.
“Well hopefully I’m not sitting like this too long cause being this sticky is NOT comfortable lemme tell ya.” he laughed
“Yeah hopefully that spider doesn’t come back for you now you’d be practically irresistible.” She giggled back at him.
‘Haha yeah let’s hope not.”
Lula gave him a good look over, and she had an idea.
“Well if it’s bothering you that much I could just get all that off for ya real quick!” she offered.
Thomas was confused as to what she meant.
“I mean if you’ve got a spare washcloth tucked into your collar by all means go for it!” he joked.
She smiled.
“Alright don’t be weird about this ok?” she said as she lunged forward.
“Weird about wha……”
Thomas was about to yelp as Lula’s massive tongue emerged from her maw and smacked into him, soaking him in her slobber. Her breath washed over him. Lula’s eyes immediately shot open, and glazed over.
Oh my.
Her tongue stayed a little bit longer than it should have as it worked its way up his body and left his hair in a cow-lick, a resounding slurp ending the unpleasant experience. She pulled her tongue back into her maw, staring intently at him. That was when Thomas saw it. Something that gave him an uneasy feeling. Her tongue peaked back out just between her lips and slid across them.
She wetted them.
He might not even have noticed it if it hadn’t happened right in front of him.
It was subtle.
It was nerve-racking.
Thomas backed up and stood a few feet from her snout, totally boggled.
“Lula…. I… uhh.. that was….”
She interrupted him.
“Oh I think I hear uhhh…. Jesse calling my name.” she looked panicked. “Be right there!” she backed down from the counter and left the room in a hurry.
Thomas stood soaked on the counter, no longer covered in peanut butter, but left standing in Lula’s slobber. Jesse came back into the room, washcloth in hand.
“Finally found one it was buried in the back of our linen close!.” She exclaimed. “Now let’s get you all cleaned u…… Oh!”
Thomas was thinking what to say. This whole situation had gotten weird fast.
“Looks like you just jumped in the sink and washed yourself huh? Well thanks for making me go digging through the closet for nothing!”
He paused.
“Uhhhhh yeah I uhmmm….” He looked to where Lula had left. “Yeah I was just getting impatient and…. fig…ured I’d just do it myself haha.” he laughed nervously.
Jesse took a minute thinking about his thought process.
“Ok weirdo, well anyway here’s a towel so you can dry yourself off. I gotta get these babies in the oven before Lula comes back and eats em all. She LOVES peanut butter!”
He began to wipe himself off with the towel. She probably just loved the taste of the peanut butter. I got nothing to worry about. He began to comfort himself.
“Heh, yeah, me and her both.” he said back.
Lula was the sweetest animal she wouldn’t ever want to hurt him, right. I mean hell, she just saved me from that spider a few days ago. And besides, she’s totally vegetarian. Yeah she wouldn’t mean me any harm. Thinks I’m too cute right? He’d calmed himself down with his rationale.
Yeah, it was definitely just the peanut butter.
* * *
Lula rustled in her sleep. Her face kept scrunching up. She kept shifting in her bed, unable to find the most comfortable position. Eventually, she stopped moving and drifted off into what should’ve been an easy sleep. Her imagination took over.
She and Jesse were back in the kitchen making cookies for Val’s party. All of a sudden Thomas walked into the room to ask what they were up to, same as before, only this time he came out in just his underwear. Even more adorable to her. Jesse lifted him up to the counter and set him back on the bowl where he went to town on the cookie dough.
Eventually, Thomas slipped down into the bowl. He climbed back out on his own, only this time, he was covered from head to toe in that delicious peanut butter. Jesse ran off to find the washcloth. ‘Hey Lula would you mind helping he out with this?’ She looked at him with her tongue almost flopping out of her mouth. A small pool of drool had accumulated on the countertop just below her excited maw. Maybe he meant for her to fetch her something to wash off with, but she didn’t care. She lunged forward and began lapping at him furiously. She even let out a soft moan after the first few licks. She kept licking at him well past the point of no peanut butter and he began to resist. She pinned him to the counter with her tongue and didn’t let up. Oh my god he tasted delicious. After another minute of molesting the little man with her tongue she backed off. Thomas stood back up.
‘Uhm well thanks I guess Lula, not exactly what I had in mind but hey at least I’m not HEY!’
Lula lunged back in with her front fangs just barely gripping onto his underwear, and carried him off the counter.
‘Lula what gives what’re you… woooah.’
She tossed him up in to the air and watched him for a second as everything seemed to slow down. Lula opened her maw wide, making it the only place he could possibly land. And he fell. Thomas smacked right down onto her tongue and wasn’t even given a chance to compose himself before he was slurped inside.
Lula suckled on him for a few minutes, drooling onto the floor as she did so. She paused for a minute, and watched in the mirror as Thomas fought and squirmed in her mouth. Little bumps were made in her cheeks with each struggle. Lula tilted her head back and, in one fluid motion, swallowed. Her throat squirmed and wriggled all the way down as her snack was really putting up his best fight. The lump disappeared past her collarbone and he was gone. Lula sighed with pleasure, letting her tongue loll out of her mouth, more slobber dripping to the ground. She turned her head to see Jesse in the doorway, her mouth wide open. She’d seen the whole thing.
‘Well some vegetarian YOU are!’
Lula stared back at her and blushed heavily.
‘Guess I need to find a new fashion partner then, now that Thomas is dog food. I hope for your case he at least tasted good.’
Jesse left the room with a ‘harumph.’
She sat a little longer and smacked her lips in satisfaction.
He did.
Lula’s eyes shot open. As she lifted her head from her pillow a long string of saliva followed her. There was a pool of slobber on the floor. She’d drooled in her sleep. She licked her lips and regained her composure. Her mind raced.
‘Thomas was her friend! We told him we’d keep him safe and here I am having dreams where I gobble him right up. And she’d never eaten meat her entire life! She’d always recognized if she were sentient then most other animals must be too. Especially micros! Why was her brain betraying her? She’d never want to hurt precious little Thomas. And everyone else was getting along great with him. What would they say if I just up and swallowed him? ‘Hey guys you know that cute little man we’ve been taking care of the past few days that’s become like our new best friend? Yeah, well, I ate him.’ She couldn’t do that to them. She couldn’t do that to HIM!
She tried to lay back down to sleep, but her mind kept going.
My god, his taste though. It was the most amazing thing. Was her dream really what she wanted deep down? She’d never experienced anything like it. Too bad she’d never get to experience it again.
She bit her lip, then ran her tongue back over it.
Oh, but one more lick couldn’t hurt right? One more slurp and she’d be satisfied? For sure.
Lula quietly made up her mind.
She had to have another taste.
Lula crept out of bed and quietly sauntered down the hallway. She walked past Jesse’s room and heard a powerful snore. At least one of em’s asleep. At the end of the hallway was Val’s room. The door was slightly ajar, just enough for her to squeeze through. Lula did her best to tiptoe though the doorway as it made a slight creek. She cringed, but could hear calm rhythmic breathing coming from Val’s bed. She was asleep. Over in the corner was the dollhouse where Thomas was sleeping. Quietly, she snuck over to take a look through the window. There he was laying on his bed. He slept without any covers and in his underwear.
Just like in her dream.
One more time she had to consider what she was doing. This is wrong. He’s a person not some little dog treat. Ohhhhh, but she just had to try him one more time. Like she said. Just one more lick. That’s all she needed. She wrestled further with her thoughts. I mean, he’s asleep. It’s not like he needs to ever even know. That did it for her.
She lunged her snout in through the window until it was hovering just above him. Lula opened her mouth and slid her tongue out, dragging it sloppily from his head down to his feet. She kept her tongue there a bit longer. My god Thomas. What’re you doing to me? She had to stifle a moan. Lula pulled away and left another string of slobber from his chest to her tongue, which eventually settled to the floor of his tiny bedroom. She pulled her mouth out and put her eye back up to the window to see if he’d been disturbed. He rustled uncomfortably, but didn’t seem to wake up. Mmmmmmm. Heavy sleeper. Fuck, why did he have to taste soooooo good?
She pulled away from the dollhouse for a moment. This was her chance. No one would need to know. She could say he got lost or that spider came back and got him. Lula really did mean for it to just be one more lick, but something came over her. She had to have more. She snaked her long tongue back in through the window to settle at his feet, ready to slurp him in. Just as she was about to make her move….
“….huh… Lula?”
Val’s voice almost froze her in her steps. She pulled her snout out just in time for Val to turn on her bedside lamp.
“What’re you…” she rubbed some sleep out of her eyes and yawned. “What’re you doing in here?”
Lula had to think quick.
“I uhh thought I saw something come into your room so I just uhhhhm…. came to make sure Thomas was alright hehe.” She prayed Val wouldn’t catch her bluff.
She looked back in to see he still hadn’t woken up.
“Yup all good he’s totally fine! Guess it was a false alarm.”
Lula sat up and smiled as bright as she could.
“Oh uhmmm… well ok, thanks I guess. You can get outta my room now though I got….” Val yawned again. “I got a big test tomorrow so let me get some sleep.”
“Yeah, I’ll uhhh, I’ll let you get back to it then hehe.” She laughed nervously
Lula quickly left the room and tried to get back to sleep. If Val hadn’t woken up just then. If she hadn’t stopped her. Would she have eaten him? Her body betrayed her as she began to salivate at the thought. Hopefully she could get back to that dream.
* * *
Thomas woke to the sound of Val shuffling frantically about her room, packing her bag with her notes and everything else she needed for the test. He swung his legs over the side of the bed only for them to land in a sticky puddle.
What the?
Actually, now that he’d noticed it, he felt sticky and gross all over. He knew they were in the middle of a heat wave, but damn. Did I really sweat that much? He smelled himself. It was awful. He had to get out of this room and get a shower ASAP. Thomas threw on the dirty shirt he wore yesterday and walked out to meet Val.
“Big day today huh?” he asked with a smile. “Think you’re ready for this.”
Val responded nervously.
“Well I feel better about this test than I did with the last two, but to say I feel GOOD about it would be a bit of an overstatement.”
“Aw don’t worry I’ve got total faith in you. I trained you well.” He winked up at her.
She looked down at her friend endearingly.
“I’m actually so grateful for your help. I swear after I go and totally ACE this test we are partying tonight!”
Thomas couldn’t wait. It’d be nice to let loose a bit. He’d found somewhere to restart his life and Val was about to ace this test thanks to his help. Things were all coming together for him. It was a good feeling.
Val picked him up and walked into the kitchen.
“SURPRISE!” shouted Jesse and Lula
Val just stood there a bit confused.
“Woah guys did you do all this for me?”
Jesse answered.
“Well we’re not celebrating JUST yet but we just wanted to throw you a good luck party before you set off! We made your favorite cookies too! Even Thomas pitched in and helped.” She smiled over at him
Thomas’s eyes dashed over to Lula as he remembered that stint from yesterday. He smiled over to her awkwardly. She was already staring at him. He looked away nervously.
“Aww, you guys, thank you! This is amazing now I’m definitely gonna go kick that test’s ass!” replied Val
There was a ring at the doorbell. Everyone was confused, except Val who’s smile shifted down towards Thomas.
“Aaannnnnnnd, that’s not the ONLY surprise of the day.”
Val put Thomas down on the counter and rushed to the door. They heard her exchange some words with the delivery man before she shouted ‘Thank you!’ and came back into the room, a small box in her hand.
“What’s that?” asked Thomas.
She said nothing and proceeded to open the box and pulled something out before she balled it into her hand.
“Well, you know how I said I was gonna get you some fresh clothes that were way comfier than that doll stuff?”
Thomas responded.
“I went to one of those custom shirt sites and I made you this!” She outstretched her hand. “It was actually one of the only places that conveniently had micro sizes so I knew I just had to.”
` Thomas looked into her hand and saw a white t-shirt with a picture of the whole gang. Val, Jesse, and Lula were all sitting there smiling for the camera.
“It’s for you to remember us by when you know, you’re off living in the new micro colony.” She paused for a bit looking sentimental. “Wouldn’t want you to forget the three of us when you’re all gone.” She sniffled
“Wow thank you guys this is awesome!” He threw off his gross shirt and immediately changed into the new one. “And it’s super soft too. You guys have literally been the best hosts I can’t say enough how thankful I am you guys took me in.”
Thomas continued.
“And don’t worry, once I’m good and settled I’ll come back to visit you guys. I mean hey I’ll be damned if I’m missing your guys’ graduation!”
“Haha we’re gonna hold you to that little man.” Jesse said.
Val looked down at her watch.
“Shit, I gotta go before I miss this test I’ve been prepping all week for. It’d be a shame if it were all for nothing.” She made for the door. “And when I get back it’s time to PARTAYYYYY!” she started walking out. “You guys play nice!”
Val slammed the door behind her.
“So,” said Thomas as he took a tiny-sized bite out of his cookie, “one of you guys carry me over to the bathroom? I need a shower cause I woke up covered in stink!”
Lula blushed.
* * *
Thomas stood on the edge of the desk, watching the computer monitor intently. Jesse walked back into the study where the three of them were watching the news. It was too hot in the living room, and the window was jammed. The study was the only room they could blast the fans and have an open window at the same time so it was ideal in this dreadful heat.
“What do you think of this? Thomas?” asked Jesse, trying hard to get Thomas’ attention.
He didn’t want to look away from the screen. They were-live covering Mayor Abbey signing that new bill today, totally stripping him of his citizenship, and all the protections that came with it. Jesse asked again.
“Huh?” he turned around.
“What do you think of this? Would it get your attention?”
“Jesse you look amazing there’s NO WAY he could possibly ignore you now.” said Thomas.
Jesse smiled as blood flushed to her cheeks.
“Oh stop, you’re gonna make me tear up.”
“How come you didn’t ask what I thought?” interjected Lula.
“Because Thomas is a man and actually knows what they like so he’s obviously my guy for this.”
Lula huffed.
“Oh c’mon Miss Grumpy, you’re just upset cause we ran out of your food this morning. I told you I’d get some as soon as Val’s back.”
Her belly grumbled in response.
“She should be back in like half an hour you can be patient. Now I’m gonna go try on one last outfit I think might be THE one.”
Jesse skipped back to her room.
Meanwhile, Lula was starting to lose her cool.
Fuck he looks good. Her stomach growled again. Just standing there all cute and delectable. God I just wanna shove him in my mouth right now. The fans were blowing his scent around everywhere, and it was becoming increasingly hard to ignore. What kind of soap did he use? Caramel? It was something sweet and amazing whatever it was. Thomas stood there watching the screen, totally oblivious. If only he knew the dog behind him was contemplating scarfing him down any minute.
She should do it. Wait, Jesse and Val couldn’t get into trouble if something did happen to him, could they? I mean he was still a little person with protections, but wasn’t that the whole point of the law that lady was signing right now? Was she willing to risk that? Oh god she wanted him so badly. She wasn’t sure she could help herself around him, especially after missing her breakfast.
Lula had a flashback to her dream and began to drool.
The monitor cut back in.
“And with that Mayor Abbey has signed the bill into law and micros have officially lost their citizenship status.” said the telecaster. “This also means the maximum legal penalty now faced for hurting or even killing a micro is set at a four hundred dollar fine. A sad day for any micros still out there.”
Lula sat back and licked her lips hungrily.
That did it for her.
“Well there it is.” said a defeated Thomas, totally unaware of Lula sneaking up behind him.
He wasn’t legally a person anymore.
“I literally have no words.” he said as he began pacing around the desk.
And besides he was leaving tomorrow.
“It just feels like a punch in the gut.”
He could get picked up by some animal or squished at that sanctuary anyway.
“Betrayed really, by the people who promised to protect me.” Thomas kept on.
This could be her last chance.
“This is bullshit.”
If anyone was gonna get to eat him,
“What the hell are we gonna do now?”
It was gonna be her.
Thomas turned around towards Lula, who already seemed to be giving him her undivided attention.
“It’s as if something could happen to me RIGHT NOW and the worst someone would get would be a….”
Lula lunged in and snuck her tongue between his legs as she brought her awaiting maw down on top of him. Her lips stopped at his knees and enclosed around him as she lifted him up off the desk. A wet spot of drool remained where he stood. He began to panic immediately and squirmed with all his might against her assaulting tongue. His legs were kicking frantically outside her mouth and the only thing that could be heard besides the slurping were his muffled cries for help. Lula moaned with her mouth full as she continued to taste every bit of Thomas. Her slobber leaked out the sides of her mouth. Finally, she slurped the rest of his legs into her mouth and held him there. He continued to fight for his life inside her mouth as she walked over to the mirror. She could see the little indents in her cheeks from his attempts to get out of her smelly maw. Just like in her dream. She couldn’t wait any more. She had to have him now. Lula tilted her head back and swallowed him. An obvious lump traveled down her throat but got stopped at her collar, as it was tight around her neck. This wasn’t as smooth as I thought it would be. She strained her face and swallowed again.
The little bell around her collar rang as her snack fought his way down past it and into her waiting stomach, the muffled screams fading with it.
Lula sighed in satisfaction, letting her tongue roll out of her mouth and hang there for a moment, as she fully appreciated just how tasty her little friend was. She felt him wriggle in her stomach, slowly losing the energy to fight.
Fuck, that was even better than the dream.
Should she feel bad? Thomas was now nothing more than a snack for her hungry dog belly. She gave a soft moan. And a delicious one at that. Hopefully the others wouldn’t be too broken up about him getting eaten and all. She just couldn’t help herself.
Lula heard footsteps approaching. Jesse was coming back.
* * *
Jesse was changing into her final outfit when she heard something. It almost sounded like yelp coming from the office. A quick one followed by soft squelching sounds. Jesse made her way back over towards the office. She heard another sound.
That was Lula’s collar bell. Fuck she must’ve gotten into something. God Dammit. I told her I’d get food in like 10 minutes why couldn’t she just wait. Lula gave an exasperated sigh. Yeah she definitely just ate something she wasn’t supposed to.
If only she knew just how true that statement was.
I leave her for 5 minutes.
Jesse turned the corner to see Lula sitting there, her tongue lolling out of her mouth with a satisfied look on her face.
“What was that noise?” she asked
“What noise?” said a seemingly oblivious Lula.
Jesse stared at her.
“That yelp like a tiny little yell just a second ago. You didn’t hear that?”
Jesse continued staring at her, but then put it out of her mind. Her eyes drifted over to the desk where Thomas had been sitting. All she saw was the newscast rolling, her little friend nowhere to be seen.
“Eh whatever, where’s Thomas? I gotta show him this last outfit.”
Lula had to think fast.
“Uhh, I don’t know.”
“What? What do you mean you don’t know you were the only other one with him you had to have seen where he went.”
Lula started blushing.
“You REALLY don’t know where he is?”
She nodded her head ‘no,’ almost embarrassed.
Uh oh. She thought.
Something was coming back up.
She nodded no again to try and seal the deal.
Jesse made her way towards the desk and began to look down to the floor.
“Alright, ……well shit we gotta find him before something ba……”
Lula belched the loudest she ever had, a little white ball coming up with it and floating down onto the floor. It squelched onto the ground, accompanied by her slobber. Jesse immediately turned her attention to her.
“Haha my god Lula was that you?” she smirked over at her.
Her eyes drifted down to the white cloth on the floor, and her face turned to one of deep concern at a horrible realization. She stared blankly for a minute, at a loss for words.
“hehe eh….. excuse me.” Lula said softly.
Lula’s ears shot down in embarrassment. She didn’t know how to respond.
“Uhhhh, well…… you see..”
“He was our friend!!” Jesse began to panic. “And you’re a VEGETARIAN I’ve never seen you eat meat in your life…… like what?!?!”
Lula sat still trying to think of a good explanation as to why she’d just swallowed their good friend whole.
“Why would you do that?” Jesse pushed.
“Well when we were making cookies….. and he got that peanut butter on himself and you know I LOVE peanut butter and I licked it off him and I didn’t think it was gonna be weird, but it was and then I couldn’t stop thinking about how good he tasted and then it was just…… Oh I just couldn’t help myself.”
Jesse looked dumbfounded.
“Well spit him up!”
Lula was immediately reluctant, and began to back away.
“Lula spit him up right now!”
“I don’t even know how to do that and it’s probably too late anyway at this point.” countered Lula, obviously unwilling to give up her meal.
“I mean how are we gonna explain this to Val like ‘hey sorry I know you trusted me to watch this little man while you’re off taking your super important test for like TWO hours, but hey, sorry my dog just swallowed him.’”
Just then the phone began to ring. It didn’t continue ringing for long, and went to voicemail.
“Hey Val, this is Cassandra with the MSP. I’m just calling to remind you of yours’ and Thomas’ meeting tomorrow. Just a reminder there is a fine if you guys don’t show up. We wouldn’t want him to miss the bus now haha. Anyway just be here 15 minutes early to sign some paperwork and we’ll get Thomas all settled. Byeeeee.”
Thomas was already settling quite nicely in his new home. And the bus was her gullet. She made sure he didn’t miss that. Thought Lula as she smiled and licked her lips again.
“Oh fuck and they had their meeting tomorrow?? What the hell are we gonna do?” asked Jesse.
Just then the front door opened and Val’s voice rang through.
“Guess who just TOTALLY KILLED her exammmmmmm!” she yelled.
She walked into the study where they were arguing, pointing two thumbs directly at herself.
“This girl.”
Lula and Jesse stood there exchanging glances across the room.
“Oh and hey I heard you were out of dog food this morning so I picked up some on the way back from class.” said Val smiling.
Jesse blushed.
“Yeah…… I think Lula actually…… got her fill of food.”
“Oh yeah? What’d you do get into something you weren’t supposed to haha?” she asked glancing around the room. “Hey, also, where’s Thomas?”
Lula and Jesse glanced at each other.
“Yeah…… sooooooooooo…….. uhmmmmmm…….. about that………..” Jesse winced.
“Lula kinda ate him.”
* * *
The MSP building was busy Saturday. Cassandra sat at her help desk typing away furiously at her computer. Lula and Val sat across from each other in the waiting room. Jesse sat between them. Cassandra finished typing and called out to them to come up.
“Valerie! How nice to see you again! You guys ready?” she asked with a cheery smile.
Val gave a weak smile.
“Uhhhm yeah so…”
Jesse butted in.
“Hi, I’m Jesse and this is Lula.”
“Oh, hello there. More acquaintances of Thomas I’m guessing? Wow he did a good job making macro friends!” she glanced up over the desk. “Where is he by the way? Wouldn’t want him to miss his big day!”
“Heh…… yeah about that….”
Cassandra cut her off.
“Did you guys lose him?” she genuinely looked excited like she didn’t get to use the trackers very much. “Oh don’t worry I’ll be able to find him super quick he’s probably just stuck under the couch or something.”
She started up the app. Jesse continued.
“No no you don’t need to do that he actually…. uhm…”
“No it’s really no trouble at all!”
Cassandra looked down at the screen.
“I rarely ever even get to use this thing! But hey this is exactly why we have it right? I’ll find him in a……”
Her eyes went wide. She said nothing. She peaked over the desk, casting a sinister look at Lula.
“Heheh….” She chuckled nervously.
“You didn’t.”
Lula sat still with a bashful look on her face, cheeks flushing.
“Yeah she uhhh…. might’ve swallowed him.”
Jesse continued.
“But hey I mean we uhhh…. still showed up to the meeting so there’s no fine right? We don’t have to pay anything?”
Cassandra sat there dumbfounded. She sat a minute longer and got to typing on her laptop. After a few more minutes she addressed them.
“Well I’ve just cancelled Thomas’ admission and you did show up for the meeting so we won’t charge you for that. You did however damage his tracker anklet as they weren’t designed to take into account whether or not the micro wearing it was….” she cringed. “….ingested.”
She typed more on her computer.
“So that’s gonna be five-hundred dollars.”
Jesse looked over to Val.
“Don’t you look at me. I told Thomas I was gonna protect him. That he’d be safe staying with us. Don’t worry little man it’s just my roommate and her vegetarian dog it’s not like she’ll SWALLOW you or anything! No! It was YOUR dog that made a snack out of him!”
“Val c’mon…”
“No way. You’re paying for him cause it was your dog who ate him.”
Val turned around and made her way to the exit. Jesse stared down at Lula as she pulled out her purse.
“Five-hundred dollars.” She shook her head. “You better be good on dog treats cause he’s the LAST one you’ll get for a while.”
Lula smacked her lips and her mouth watered at his mention.
She wished she could do it again.
Jesse redirected her attention to Cassandra.
“Also like….. since that bill got passed yesterday we don’t have to like…. also pay that fine do we… heheh? she asked nervously.
“While there’s no LEGAL action we can take against you guys…. well….. I can’t say im not deeply disappointed. I really liked Thomas.”
So did I. thought Lula
She handed over the money to Cassandra and they followed Val out.
Cassandra yelled after Lula.
“I hope you’re happy with yourself!”
She was.
Val walked about thirty feet ahead of them on the way back. Jesse spoke first.
“Don’t worry, I’m sure she’ll be talking to you again soon, she just needs some time.”
“Yeah I mean I SAID I was sorry.” said Lula.
“No you didn’t.”
“And I’m not.”
Lula belched softly, and she tasted him again.
“Hey I mean, at least her little friend helped her pass that test before you slurped him up right?”
Lula licked her lips again, daydreaming of his flavor, and burped again.
Her tongue lolled out of her mouth.
“So….” Jesse asked. “….how was he?
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Re: A Safe Place to Stay

Postby Reborned » Fri Jun 18, 2021 6:51 am

For me the safest place is a yacht, nothing bad can happen to it, you can live on it! I will buy a yacht of the brand Galleon https://galeonyachtsforsale.com/ while choosing which model. Who has a desire to buy a yacht of this manufacturer! I have always dreamed of having my own yacht and this year's dream will come true.
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