17....18....19....20! Saria gasped for air as she finished her routine workout in the training room. She put the barbell down and grabbed a nearby towel, using it to wipe away all the sweat from her body. Staying in good shape was important for her, as she was a role model for Ifrit, and those around her too, countless people in Rhodes Island admired her dedication to work, albeit she frankly was a workaholic, she just refused to admit it. After wiping all the sweat off, she puts it in her bag and walks to the showers. She recounts her plan for the rest of the day: "Assist Doctor with his work, go to the cafeteria for dinner, ask the Doctor if there's any more work and if not, finally head to her private quarters for rest." Simple, and routine.
After arriving at the showers, she places her bag on a bench and undresses herself, placing the workout clothes in the bag. At this point, her mind goes on auto-pilot and she doesn't remember much, only that she came out of the shower and swore she could've heard one of the doors closing. "Someone else?" She thought to herself, she checked her bag for anything missing, but everything was in the same place as she put it originally. "Weird." Saria then put on her normal clothes and grabbed the bag. Her next destination would be the -GROWL- the cafeteria for dinner. She placed a hand on her stomach and sighed, thankful that no one else heard that apart from her.
The Rhodes Island Landship was fairly big, and as such it took Lady Saria a decent while to travel over to the cafeteria, time in which her stomach kept getting more and more angry that it had nothing to devour. As she approached the cafeteria, she could hear quite the commotion in the hallway. Rhodes Island, compared to Rhine Labs at least, was too noisy, and everybody should focus on their work. She had brought this up to the Doctor several times in the past, and it seemed like she'd have to do it again today. As she got closer and closer, the commotion only grew in noise. -GROOOWWLLLLLL- Her stomach reminded her that she should hurry up already and find out what happened. As she turned a corner, there was a crowd of Operators all visibly frustrated standing in front of the door that opened to the cafeteria. She froze in place, listening to the angry operators.
"What do you mean the Cafeteria's closed for tonight!?"
"Again, I'm sorry, but an altercation has occurred in the cafeteria, and it will be closed down for the rest of the night, c-"
Saria was frustrated, to say the least. With nothing to eat, she'd have to go to the Doctor and see if he had anything lying around. -GROOOOOWWLLLL- Cleary, it was upset. The operators turned around to see what had caused such a sound, but alas there was no one.
Saria breathed a sigh of relief that no one had caught her, or come looking for her after that embarrassing moment. At this point, her stomach was starting to hurt, and her mind becoming somewhat dizzy. She couldn't just devour any of the Rhodes Island operators, the thought of that made her cringe. Saria looked around and realized that an elevator near the Doctor's office wasn't that far away. She hurriedly started to make her way over, as her mind started racing about any other ways to get food. Caught up in her world, she realized way too early that something was wrong.
-WHOOSH- a sudden gust of wind, almost like a Tornado, knocked her into the wall -THUD-, with such force that any other operator would've been knocked out on the spot.
Saria didn't have to look far, or even look for that matter, to see who had attacked her, for as soon as she tried to get up, she was pinned onto the cold hard floor -THUNK-.
Just who could be attacking her with such ferocity!? She opened her eyes, only for her heart to sink. It was none other than Rhodes Island Caster, Ho'olheyak. She tried to free herself from Ho'olheyak's grasp, but she couldn't. It didn't help that the kukulkan's tail had wrapped around her too, further hindering any more of her attempts.
"G-Guh..W...what the hell do you want!?" replied Saria, staring at Ho'olheyak.
"Well, I imagine your stomach already knows, but the cafeteria's closed down for the rest of the night. And I'm pretty hungry, so why not catch two birds with one stone?" She smirked, before opening her mouth and revealing its insides to Saria. Her sharp teeth, and the ridiculously long tongue, had started to lick Saria all over her face. Saria squirmed trying to break free, but it was to no avail.
"Ohhh, someone isn't so thrilled to become part of me tonight, aren't they? Don't worry, my stomach will happily accommodate you in, teehee." At that point, Saria's eyes locked in with Ho'olheyaks, as her tongue retracted and her mouth loomed over her, slowly approaching to devour Saria's head. Saria began to brainstorm, anything, just to not become this snake bitch's nutrients for tonight. Yelling? No, who- her thought was broken by saliva dripping down from Ho'olheyaks mouth onto her face.... She had to act. Now.
Saria realized Ho'olheyak had restrained most of her body, except her head. As she moved in to swallow Saria's head whole, the Defender Operator headbutted the Caster's head with her own, sending her back wincing in pain.
"GAH, You bitch!" she exclaimed, as blood began to drip slowly from her face. Saria wasn't just any normal Rhodes Island Operator, there is a reason most of her assistance on the battlefield is her medical Arts. But this time, Saria was going to put to an end what she failed to do in Columbia. The brief momentary respite that Ho'olheyak had given her was all that Saria needed. She hurled herself at Ho'olheyak. No more restrictions. No more laws to keep her down. No more Lady Saria. No more Rhodes Island Operator. It was just Saria. The ensuing punch from Saria sent Ho'olheyak flying into the nearby wall, leaving a visible outline as she slumped over. "T-t...I knew you were powerful, but I... Hey...Hey, I didn't mean it! There are cameras around yknow!" As Ho'olheyak slowly began to plead for her life, Saria grabbed her by the neck and pinned her to the wall. "I will finish what I failed to do in Columbia. "...? H-Hey I'm protECTED! YOU CAN'T DO THIS! H-HELP, SOMEONE HE-" Ho'olheyak frantically began to squirm, but it was futile. All her pleas fell on deaf ears, as Saria opened her mouth, revealing her fangs. A wave of hot air hit her in the face, reminding her of the impending doom she was about to face. "P-plEase I'll do anyfing, i bewg you please!" Ho'olheyak was on the verge of tears, but Saria didn't care. She shoved Ho'olheyaks head into her mouth and began to gulp her down. Part by part, Ho'olheyak slowly vanished into the Vouivre's throat, and eventually, stomach.
Saria was breathing frantically after having finished devouring Ho'olheyak. She put her hand on the stomach and began to pat the outline, her clothes almost ripping. -BUUUURP- "Excuse me." She said, a force of habit. She looked around, and there was no one. Saria stared at the outline in the wall as her stomach began audibly starting to digest the Kukulkan inside, who began trying to trash around, but of no use. For Ho'olheyak, this was the worst scenario possible ever. Inside, it was pitch black, she couldn't see anything, but she could hear Saria's audible gasps for air, and the digestive juices within the stomach bubbling. "T...t...this bitch swallowed me whole....this is it...I'm not going to continue my bloodline....I'm going to end up as a Vouivre's fucking meal....." Ho'olheyak began to cry, but alas Saria didn't care. She couldn't go to the Doctor like this, so she'd have to go to her Private Quarters and digest Ho'olheyak there, and any traces of her.
"Ah, morning Saria. You didn't come back yesterday after your workout session, I imagine because the Cafeteria closed due to an altercation involving some operators..." said the Doctor, with his back towards her, looking at some paperwork.
"Correct. I apologize for not staying true to the schedule I had established with you beforehand, but I would have been a hindrance towards your duties had I come back yesterday." Said Lady Saria, in the professional tone the Doctor had ever grown to somewhat detest more and more. Why couldn't she just be herself? He turned around to gaze at her. He was about to say something, but whatever he said he realized would probably end up in more trouble than just not talking. Was Saria's tail always like that? Was her chest always like that? He didn't care, for as long as Saria was there to help him with his paperwork, that's all that mattered to him.
"Doctor, your operators are way too noisy-
So this is the first vore-related work I've made regarding two characters in Arknights. Any critique is appreciated! I know I can improve in several areas, I just don't know where. Which is why I'm posting it here.
Two birds, one stone [Arknights] [F/F] [Oral Vore]
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