Hey, I started a weekly shoutout series that I'm running from my blog posts where I link/shoutout stories where a character gets unbirthed, cock vored and then used to impregnate someone else, or simply soft vored which results in the character somehow getting reborn as the pred's offspring.
I will be honest the series did start off as a cock vore and rebirth story shoutout series so the earlier weeks primary only have those kind of stories but I started this series in hopes of helping others find stories that involve the prey being reborn in one way or another, so please if that idea interests you please have a gander at my blog. Link will be below.
As of this writing I have 25 weeks worth of shoutouts.
Weeks 1-9 can be found on my deviant art or fur affinity accounts
If you know of a story that involves some kind of vore and rebirth and you believe it deserves at shoutout feel free to post it in this thread and I will likely add it to future shoutout.
Vore that leads to Rebirth Story Shoutout Series
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This section is for any artist, writer, animator, or any form of creation to share their work in order to receive comment to improve themselves better.
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Re: Vore that leads to Rebirth Story Shoutout Series
Just released week 26's shoutout if anyone was interested in reading it.
One thing I forgot to mention in my original post is that I alternate between shouting out cock vore focused stories and unbirth focused stories and this week is an unbirth week so please have a look if unbirth is your kind of jam.
One thing I forgot to mention in my original post is that I alternate between shouting out cock vore focused stories and unbirth focused stories and this week is an unbirth week so please have a look if unbirth is your kind of jam.
deathjump9000 - Been posting for a bit
- Posts: 37
- Joined: Thu Oct 03, 2024 1:49 am
Re: Vore that leads to Rebirth Story Shoutout Series
Hey Week 27 is out and its cock vore week. One thing I forgot to mention is that when its cock vore week I will only shoutout one story as I'm actually almost out of cock vore rebirth stories to shoutout, but I have quite a few unbirth ones thus that is the reason why I shoutout at least 3 stories when it is unbirth week.
Anyway, link below
Anyway, link below
deathjump9000 - Been posting for a bit
- Posts: 37
- Joined: Thu Oct 03, 2024 1:49 am
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