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Karrie's Kisekae Uploads

PostPosted: Mon Dec 03, 2018 3:08 pm
by thicceater
Apparently i can't use Kisekae to make art pieces in my actually gallery
That's...pretty disappointing. So apparently i have to post them in the forums. It's not so bad i guess, hopefully i can figure it out, as i've never actually used the forums in all my time being on Eka's :)

Re: Karrie's Kisekae Uploads

PostPosted: Tue Dec 04, 2018 11:21 pm
by Erecant
Huh, I could swear I've seen some Kisekae things in galleries. Maybe they've just been worked around by using extensive descriptions as a story space, or done as comic style. idk.

Anyway, welcome to forum activity, always fun to see what people can do with Kisekae.
