Ryonasaga Discussion

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Re: Ryonasaga Discussion

Postby Bob_Grue » Sun Jul 26, 2015 2:42 pm

Vexing. My own initial experiments also yield no results.
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Re: Ryonasaga Discussion

Postby michishirube44 » Mon Jul 27, 2015 6:18 am

I've read all text files but there seems to be no ways to interact with LP in skill, etc.
I'm afraid that getting damaged with zero HP is the only one.
Sorry for my late post.
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Re: Ryonasaga Discussion

Postby lantismckavanagh » Fri Jul 31, 2015 3:34 am

Uhm... I noticed recently that the Rsaga warehouse published a handful new enemies and characters, coolio!

Other than that, I also noticed that the skill CombinationBodyPress is not working anymore. It causes a crash when the IA uses it and it's pretty tedious.

I grasped some of the game's language, but this one is pretty complex. I'll attach it so that eventually somebody better than me at this can spot the issue.

Spoiler: show
namej = 集団のしかかり事件
comment = 同種族で一斉にのしかかり攻撃をする。
skillkind = Punch
skilltype = Attack
needLV = -
needsklLV = -
useHPdef = 0
useMPdef = 0
targetselect = 0
chargetime = 0
windowsizex = 285
skillCG = OFF


; ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー攻撃参加条件ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー

chr_target = E,eajnum ; 攻撃中のキャラを操作対象にする
input_{181} = 1 ; 攻撃に参加
input_<183> = 1 ; 現在の参加人数
input_{41} = chrpos_0_x ; 元x座標を記憶しておく。
input_{42} = chrpos_0_y ; 元y座標を記憶しておく。
input_<20> = eacnum ; <20> = 攻撃中キャラのキャラ番号

input_<0> = 1 ; <0>に1を代入
into_101 ; goto_101からここに飛ぶ
chr_target = E,<0> ; <0>の隊列のキャラを操作対象にする
if_or eform_<0> = -1 ; キャラがいない時
if_orE <0> = eajnum ; <0>が使用者本人の時
goto_102 ; into_102に飛ぶ

chr_target = E,<0> ; 攻撃に参加できるキャラは?
if jdgCnd_Attach = 0 ; 既に吸い付き状態のキャラは不参加
if eform_<0> = <20> ; 攻撃中のキャラと同じキャラ
input_{181} = 1 ; 攻撃に参加
input_{41} = chrpos_0_x ; 元x座標を記憶しておく。
input_{42} = chrpos_0_y ; 元y座標を記憶しておく。
input_{182} = <183>*3*minus ; 進行時間
input_<183> = <183>+1 ; 参加人数を1人増やす

into_102 ; goto_102からここに飛ぶ
if <0> < btlemax ; <0>がbtlemaxより小さい時
input_<0> = <0>+1 ; <0>を1増やす
goto_101 ; into_101に飛ぶ

; 捕獲しているキャラは、参加できない
input_<0> = 1 ; <0>に1を代入
into_103 ; goto_103からここに飛ぶ
chr_target = P,<0> ; <0>の隊列のキャラを操作対象にする
if pform_<0> = -1 ; キャラがいない時
goto_104 ; into_104に飛ぶ

chr_target = P,<0> ; プレイヤーを操作
if jdgCnd_Capture = 1 ; 捕獲されている
chr_target = E,Captureejnum ; 捕獲しているキャラの番号
if {181} = 1 ; 攻撃に参加予定だった場合
input_{181} = 0 ; やっぱり不参加
input_<183> = <183>-1 ; 参加人数を1人減らす

into_104 ; goto_104からここに飛ぶ
if <0> < 5 ; <0>が5より小さい時
input_<0> = <0>+1 ; <0>を1増やす
goto_103 ; into_103に飛ぶ

; ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー攻撃モーションーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー

chr_target = E,eajnum ; 攻撃中のキャラを操作対象にする
input_<90> = eLV/5 ; 攻撃を継続するフレーム数 ; LV÷5
input_<90> = 3*<183>+<90>+40 ; +人数×3+40
input_<80> = 1 ; <80>に1を代入
into_81 ; goto_81からここに飛ぶ

input_<0> = 1 ; <0>に1を代入
into_105 ; goto_105からここに飛ぶ
chr_target = E,<0> ; <0>の隊列のキャラを操作対象にする
if_or eform_<0> = -1 ; キャラがいない時
if_orE {181} = 0 ; 参加していないキャラの時
goto_106 ; into_106に飛ぶ

[Start] ; 移動力の計算。
chr_target = E,<0> ; <0>の隊列のキャラを操作対象にする
if {182} = 0 ; 進行時間が0になった瞬間、
goto_501 ; ★★func1★★ ; 進行時間0の処理
into_502 ; 戻ってくる

; [1]----------------------------------------------------とびかかる
chr_target = E,<0> ; <0>の隊列のキャラを操作対象にする
if {182} >= 0 ; 進行時間が0以上の時
if {182} < {90} ; 進行時間が{90}以下の時
chr_plspos = {37},{38} ; キャラに向かって移動
input_{38} = {38}+{39} ; 重力加速がかかる

; [2]----------------------------------------------------のしかかった瞬間
[Start] ; 攻撃がヒットした瞬間の処理ーーーーその1
chr_target = E,<0> ; <0>の隊列のキャラを操作対象にする
if {182} = {90} ; 進行時間が{90}の時 ; ちょうど着地した瞬間
goto_511 ; ★★func2★★ ; のしかかった瞬間の処理
into_512 ; 戻ってくる

; [3]----------------------------------------------------吸収攻撃中
[Start] ; 攻撃がヒットした瞬間の処理ーーーーその2
chr_target = E,<0> ; <0>の隊列のキャラを操作対象にする
input_<1> = {90}*2 ; とびかかる時間の2倍
if {182} > <1> ; 一定時間過ぎたら、 ; のしかかった後吸収
; 小カウントをとって、数フレームに一回吸収ダメージ。
input_<1> = <183>+4 ; (参加人数+4)
input_<2> = {182}\<1> ; 一時計算 ; カウントを<1>で割ったあまり
if <2> = 0 ; 6フレームに一回ダメージ
sys_SE1 = Sasu1 ; 効果音再生
chr_target = E,<0> ; <0>の隊列のキャラを操作対象にする
input_<9> = con/30+1 ; ダメージの計算 ; 体力÷30+1
int_attribute_Suck = <9> ; 打撃ダメージ
chr_target = P,{10} ; 攻撃対象のキャラを操作対象にする
chr_getDamage ; ダメージを与える
input_<9> = lastDmgHP*minus ; ダメージの計算
int_DamageHP = <9> ; ダメージを代入
chr_target = E,<0> ; 攻撃中のキャラを操作対象にする
chr_reduceDamage ; 与えたダメージを吸収

chr_target = P,{10} ; 攻撃対象のキャラを操作対象にする
random_<100> = 5,8 ; <100>に5~8を代入
chr_voice1 = <100> ; ダメージボイス再生
chr_setvib = 2,0 ; 横方向に2振動
chr_changeState = DownDamage ; ステートを"DownDamage"に変える

chr_target = E,<0> ; <0>の隊列のキャラを操作対象にする
input_{182} = {182}+1 ; 進行時間を1増やす

into_106 ; goto_106からここに飛ぶ
if <0> < btlemax ; <0>がbtlemaxより小さい時
input_<0> = <0>+1 ; <0>を1増やす
goto_105 ; into_105に飛ぶ

if <80> < <90> ; <80>が<90>より小さい時
input_<80> = <80>+1 ; <80>を1増やす
wait = 1 ; 1フレーム経過
goto_81 ; into_81に飛ぶ

; ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー吸い付き状態にするーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー

input_<0> = 1 ; <0>に1を代入
into_107 ; goto_107からここに飛ぶ
chr_target = E,<0> ; <0>の隊列のキャラを操作対象にする
if_or eform_<0> = -1 ; キャラがいない時
if_orE {181} = 0 ; 参加していないキャラの時
goto_108 ; into_108に飛ぶ

chr_target = E,<0> ; 配列呼び出しのためにターゲット
chr_target = P,{10} ; 攻撃対象のキャラを操作対象にする
input_<1> = pow/10*3 ; 腕力
input_<2> = con/10*3 ; 体力
input_<50> = 35-<1>-<2> ; 吸い付き状態になる確率
if_or jdgCnd_Stun = 1 ; スタンしている時
if_or jdgCnd_Faint = 1 ; 気絶している時
if_or jdgCnd_Coma = 1 ; 昏倒している時
if_or jdgCnd_KnockDown = 1 ; 戦闘不能の時
if_orE jdgCnd_Frozen = 1 ; 凍結している時
input_<50> = 100 ; 確率を100%にする

random_<49> = 0,99 ; <49>に0~99を代入
if <49> < <50> ; 変数<49>が変数<50>より小さい時
chr_target = E,<0>
sys_settargetparty = 1 ; ターゲットパーティをプレイヤー側に
sys_settargetchara = {10} ; ターゲットを変更。; 吸い付きのために必要か?
chr_target = P,{10}
chr_addCondition = Attach ; 吸い付き状態にする
chr_setgrd = 0 ; 防御状態の解除
chr_target = E,<0> ; 攻撃中のキャラを操作対象にする
chr_addCondition = Attach ; 吸い付き状態にする
chr_setCndtim_Attach = -20 ; 経過時間を-20にする
chr_setAttachpos = E,2 ; 敵の口の座標で吸い付く
chr_setAttachpos = P,0 ; プレイヤーキャラの腰の座標に吸い付く
input_{184} = 1 ; 吸い付いたことを記憶しておく

into_108 ; goto_108からここに飛ぶ
if <0> < btlemax ; <0>がbtlemaxより小さい時
input_<0> = <0>+1 ; <0>を1増やす
goto_107 ; into_107に飛ぶ

wait = 1

; ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー敵を元の場所に戻すーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー

input_<90> = 5
input_<80> = 1 ; <80>に1を代入
into_82 ; goto_82からここに飛ぶ

input_<0> = 1 ; <0>に1を代入
into_109 ; goto_109からここに飛ぶ
chr_target = E,<0> ; <0>の隊列のキャラを操作対象にする
if_or eform_<0> = -1 ; キャラがいない時
if_or {181} = 0 ; 参加していないキャラの時
if_orE {184} = 1 ; 吸い付いたキャラの時
goto_110 ; into_110に飛ぶ

[Start] ; 移動力の計算。
if <80> = 1 ; 最初のフレームだけ
chr_target = E,<0> ; <0>の隊列のキャラを操作対象にする
chr_changeState2 = Stand ; 敵のステートを"Stand"に戻す
input_{90} = 5 ; ステップ数
input_{31} = chrpos_0_x ; 始点のx座標
input_{32} = chrpos_0_y ; 始点のy座標
input_{37} = ({41}-{31})/{90} ; x座標の速度
input_{38} = ({42}-{32})/{90} ; y座標の速度

chr_target = E,<0> ; <0>の隊列のキャラを操作対象にする
chr_plspos = {37},{38} ; 移動

into_110 ; goto_110からここに飛ぶ
if <0> < btlemax ; <0>がbtlemaxより小さい時
input_<0> = <0>+1 ; <0>を1増やす
goto_109 ; into_109に飛ぶ

if <80> < <90> ; <80>が<90>より小さい時
input_<80> = <80>+1 ; <80>を1増やす
wait = 1 ; 1フレーム経過
goto_82 ; into_82に飛ぶ

; ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーースキルの終了ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー


; ★★func1★★ 進行時間が0になった瞬間の処理
; label_501:関数呼び出し 502:return 503:キャラ選択ループ
[Start] ; 移動力の計算。
chr_target = E,<0> ; <0>の隊列のキャラを操作対象にする
random_<10> = 1,5 ; 隊列番号1~5
input_{10} = <10> ; ランダムでターゲットを決定
if pform_{10} = -1 ; キャラがいない場合
goto_503 ; キャラが見つかるまでループ

if Aninummax2_StepForward >= 1 ; StepForwardステートが設定されている場合
chr_changeState = StepForward ; 敵のステートを"StepForward"に変更

[Start] ; 移動力の計算。
chr_target = P,{10} ; 攻撃対象のキャラを操作対象にする
input_<33> = chrpos2_Down_0_x ; 終点のx座標;ターゲット座標をもらう。
input_<34> = chrpos2_Down_0_y ; 倒れた時の腰のy座標
chr_target = E,<0> ; <0>の隊列のキャラを操作対象にする
input_{90} = 12 ; ステップ数
input_{33} = <33>+Attachform_x ; 終点のx座標
input_{34} = <34>+Attachform_y ; 終点のy座標
input_{31} = chrpos_0_x ; 始点のx座標
input_{32} = chrpos_0_y ; 始点のy座標
input_{37} = ({33}-{31})/{90} ; x座標の速度
input_{38} = ({34}-{32})/{90} ; y座標の速度
input_{39} = 5 ; 重力加速度
input_{38} = minus*{39}*{90}/2+{38} ; 重力加速でy初速を調整
goto_502 ; return

; ★★func2★★ のしかかった瞬間の処理
; label_511:関数呼び出し 512:return
[Start] ; 攻撃がヒットした瞬間の処理ーーーーその1
chr_target = E,<0> ; <0>の隊列のキャラを操作対象にする
if Aninummax2_Attaching >= 1 ; Attachingステートが設定されている場合
chr_changeState = Attaching ; 敵のステートを"Attaching"に変更

sys_SE1 = Dageki2 ; 効果音再生
input_{31} = chrpos_0_x ; 始点のx座標
input_{32} = chrpos_0_y ; 始点のy座標
input_{37} = {33}-{31} ; x移動量
input_{38} = {34}-{32} ; y移動量
chr_plspos = {37},{38} ; ぴったりと重ねる。

chr_target = E,<0> ; <0>の隊列のキャラを操作対象にする
input_<9> = con/6+3 ; ダメージの計算 ; 体力÷6+3
int_attribute_Beat = <9> ; 打撃ダメージ
chr_target = P,{10} ; 攻撃対象のキャラを操作対象にする
chr_getDamage ; ダメージを与える

random_<100> = 2,4 ; <100>に2~4を代入
chr_voice1 = <100> ; ダメージボイス再生
chr_setvib = 4,0 ; 横方向に2振動
chr_changeState = DownDamage ; ステートを"DownDamage"に変える
chr_addCondition = Fall ; 転倒する
if jdgCnd_Frozen = 1 ; 凍結してる時
chr_breakFrozen ; 氷が割れる

goto_512 ; return

;input_{37} = {33}-{31}/{90} → input_{37} = ({33}-{31})/{90}
;input_{38} = {34}-{32}/{90} → input_{38} = ({34}-{32})/{90}
;input_{37} = {41}-{31}/{90} → input_{37} = ({41}-{31})/{90}
;input_{38} = {42}-{32}/{90} → input_{38} = ({42}-{32})/{90}

I also noticed that they put the development of the functions of the skill after the skillend tag. Putting them inside didn't sort any result though.
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Re: Ryonasaga Discussion

Postby lantismckavanagh » Fri Jul 31, 2015 3:43 am

Sorry for the double post, but I can't seem to find an edit button in the forum's layout.
By the way, I believe I found the issue, even if I can't fix it.

Something must be wrong in one of the two functions outside the SkillStart - SkillEnd brackets.
Tried cutting them off, and the skill doesn't crash the game, even if all it does is popping a "Miss!" on the enemy's head.
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Re: Ryonasaga Discussion

Postby ptbptb » Mon Aug 03, 2015 7:25 am

Is there a separate thread for RyonaRPG or should that be discussed here?
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Re: Ryonasaga Discussion

Postby michishirube44 » Mon Aug 10, 2015 4:13 am

lantismckavanagh wrote:Other than that, I also noticed that the skill CombinationBodyPress is not working anymore. It causes a crash when the IA uses it and it's pretty tedious.

Thank you for reporting a bug. A volunteer has fixed it and some others.


... and added a new skill named DevilMeal_Field.
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Re: Ryonasaga Discussion

Postby Minininja » Mon Aug 10, 2015 1:37 pm

Hey, I am finding this for the first time. Do I need to download all the stuff on each page or is there a most current version that would do?

Here's what I am looking at.




what do I need to download from these?
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Re: Ryonasaga Discussion

Postby michishirube44 » Tue Aug 11, 2015 4:17 am

Minininja wrote:Hey, I am finding this for the first time. Do I need to download all the stuff on each page or is there a most current version that would do?

Here's what I am looking at.




what do I need to download from these?

Latest package is core0095.7z(June 30th, 2015), and some patches are below:
Overwrite them and add in StartData/***.txt.(Details are in Bob_Grue's blog.)

Bob_Grue has the English patch, and I added the translations of some new contents in it.
(please correct if there are some wrong translations since I'm not an English speaker.)
create Language folder and put it in.
(38.92 KiB) Downloaded 701 times
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Re: Ryonasaga Discussion

Postby Minininja » Tue Aug 11, 2015 11:04 pm

michishirube44 wrote:
Latest package is core0095.7z(June 30th, 2015), and some patches are below:
Overwrite them and add in StartData/***.txt.(Details are in Bob_Grue's blog.)

Bob_Grue has the English patch, and I added the translations of some new contents in it.
(please correct if there are some wrong translations since I'm not an English speaker.)

Thanks for all the help.
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Re: Ryonasaga Discussion

Postby Minininja » Tue Aug 11, 2015 11:30 pm

added the updates, but where do I add the english.txt you attached?
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Re: Ryonasaga Discussion

Postby michishirube44 » Wed Aug 12, 2015 12:00 am

1) Unzip Ryonasaga.
2) Add updates.

You have done above. next:

3) Make Ryonasaga/Language folder.
4) Put my English.txt in Ryonasaga/Language folder.
5) Open Ryonasaga/StartData/option.txt.
6) Add a line below:
language = English

That's all. Enjoy!
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Re: Ryonasaga Discussion

Postby lantismckavanagh » Sun Jan 17, 2016 8:44 am

It's not clear why this game remains a lovely little time waster for me, but I'm still playing and tinkering with it from time to time.

I tried to make a CombinationPressCapture skill that makes all the reiterations of the same monster go for a capture move instead of a press move as in the already existing CombinationBodyPress move, but I can't seem to get it working.
Anybody made it already or is able to help me making one?

Difficulty spiker would be making alsoa CombinationParasiteEgg move, but the issue is the same as above.
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Re: Ryonasaga Discussion

Postby DollyFailFail » Sun Jan 17, 2016 11:02 am

So I'm having trouble getting the game to start, it flashes an image for half a second before going to a black screen that says:
does anybody know how to fix this?
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Re: Ryonasaga Discussion

Postby Evil_Lord_Proteus » Tue Feb 23, 2016 4:36 pm

Hey folks, it's been a very long time since I posted here, but I started crudely tinkering with RyonaSaga again, adding new victim characters like Tifa Lockhart, Akira Honjoji, Morrigan Aensland, etc...

But I was wondering, is it possible to increase the number of party members who can enter a battle? I'm hoping for 10 at the most.

Also, what vore content has been added to the game since ?
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Re: Ryonasaga Discussion

Postby lantismckavanagh » Tue Mar 08, 2016 4:20 am

Ah glad that you're working on it again Proteus, It still is my fave FF-like game.

Lot's of moves, some H, what can you possibly want more than that???

If you look at the Rsaga developer warehouse, you'll also notice that Ryonasaga is back to life in there too. Refreshing.

Did somebody understand how to use the build files in one of the last releases?
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Re: Ryonasaga Discussion

Postby michishirube44 » Sun Mar 13, 2016 1:02 am

Just uploaded latest package core0109.7z in /core. This file includes all files before Feb. 29th, 2016.
vore content :
- Soapland(new ally) can use anal vore with new item Speculum. (Yes everyone can use, but lack of sprites.)
- Beatrice(AnotherSuccubus) can use Devil'sMeal_Field, which can inhale any girls in her sight, not only allies.
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Re: Ryonasaga Discussion

Postby Draggony » Sun Mar 13, 2016 4:31 pm

Hello, I'd like to create some if not a lot of content for this game. Though I'm having a few issues with the game. Anyone knowing the ins and out of how this game works, may I have some of your time? PM or skype at Draggony924 :)
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Re: Ryonasaga Discussion

Postby Grompa » Sun Mar 20, 2016 3:25 am

Could anyone please point me towards a Skill Edit or Skill Creation tutorial? I found the other ones but could not find any for skills. Thank you very much!
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Re: Ryonasaga Discussion

Postby Evil_Lord_Proteus » Thu Mar 24, 2016 9:39 am

lantismckavanagh wrote:Ah glad that you're working on it again Proteus, It still is my fave FF-like game.

Lot's of moves, some H, what can you possibly want more than that???

If you look at the Rsaga developer warehouse, you'll also notice that Ryonasaga is back to life in there too. Refreshing.

Did somebody understand how to use the build files in one of the last releases?

That's good to know. Though I still would like to know if anyone has found out how to allow more than 5 characters in a fight.

At the moment I've added the following girls to the game in a crude and incomplete state.

Tifa Lockhart )Final Fantasy) (sprites are too big, need to rework her)
Mai Shiranui (King of Fighters)
Morrigan Aensland (Darkstalkers)
Lilith Aensland (Darkstalkers)
Chun-Li (Street Fighter)
Rose (Street Fighter)
Juli (Street Fighter)
Sakura Kusanago (Street Fighter)
Karin Kanzuki (Street Fighter)
Akira Honjoji (Viper H-Series)
Sailor Mars (Sailor Moon)
Sailor Jupiter (Sailor Moon)
B. Orchid (Killer Instinct)
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Re: Ryonasaga Discussion

Postby lantismckavanagh » Wed Apr 06, 2016 10:19 am

Ah that's a good amount of additions to the player rooster, props for the good job Proteus!!!

@draggony Check the first few pages of the thread, you should be able to find tutorials for more or less every editable aspect of the game. Good luck!
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