Vore in High Fidelity

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Vore in High Fidelity

Postby MirceaKitsune » Tue Jan 05, 2016 5:41 pm

Many Second Life users have probably heard of High Fidelity... the upcoming successor to SL, which supports a ton of mind-blowing features for VR. Out of sheer curiosity, I must ask whether anyone from our lovely community decided to bring vore on board yet :) I wouldn't be surprised if not, considering HIFI is in early Alpha stage and barely yet usable... still a fun thought to start pondering however!
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Re: Vore in High Fidelity

Postby crowbarman » Sat May 21, 2016 10:21 pm

Wow, this sounds really cool. I wish the Vive was cheaper, so i could actually get one to use on this.
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Re: Vore in High Fidelity

Postby darknessblades » Mon Sep 05, 2016 12:52 pm

crowbarman wrote:Wow, this sounds really cool. I wish the Vive was cheaper, so i could actually get one to use on this.

vive or oculus will be cheaper in about 2-4 years, then VR is really populair and there is more competition thus meaning cheaper and better models.

since there are only 2-6 models (china ones included)
its still expensive.

if you want to make it from a phone you need to spend about 300$ (50 for a good headset with lens relocatability) and a highend- chinaphone with a 2k screen a good CPU (8-16 core) and minimum 3GB ram.

then you can use the phone as a vr headset (1 downside is that its not as good as a vive or oculus)

also high fidelity needs a good PC, (anno 2015) since older pc's or laptops dont meet the minimum specs
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Re: Vore in High Fidelity

Postby Nuelaar » Thu Sep 15, 2016 1:20 am

I have just bought a Vive headset and will report back sometime in the next few days when I finally get it shipped here and get a chance to use it.
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Re: Vore in High Fidelity

Postby Nuelaar » Mon Sep 19, 2016 9:04 pm

Nothing that I could find :(
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