Stellaris Vore Mod - Apex Xenos 0.3.2b by InternIsla

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Stellaris Vore Mod - Apex Xenos 0.3.2b by InternIsla

Postby Ouroborus » Tue Sep 11, 2018 7:50 pm

So I made a little vore mod for Stellaris, it adds traits, civics, government types and more!

If you want to get the current version that works with 2.8, get it here and please thank InternIsla for maintaining it!

Any ideas for events, anomalies, and the like are very much appreciated and can be easily shared on the discord server here:

Here's a link to mudkip01's species pack, to add a bit of variety to the galaxy

Rez's species pack is here,

Gutlover has some minor modifications here,

InternIsla has a post here explaining how to install the mod in the new launcher (with pictures!)

(Also, someone mentioned seeing this on Steam awhile ago. Just to be clear, do not upload this to Steam. This file is for personal use, do not redistribute it on other sites including but not limited to: the steam workshop, the nexus, etc etc. Please and thank you.)
Last edited by Ouroborus on Mon Jan 18, 2021 3:04 pm, edited 10 times in total.
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Re: Stellaris Vore Mod - Apex Xenos 0.1

Postby Turbotowns » Tue Sep 11, 2018 8:48 pm

Cool! I really gotta get this game, looks like a kinda risk/civ type game but entirely in space(like sid meier's starships, a spin off from beyond earth).
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Re: Stellaris Vore Mod - Apex Xenos 0.1

Postby Golnor » Tue Sep 11, 2018 9:23 pm

Just in case something weird happens to my loverslab comment,

The "Rule through Strength" civic only works when you have a democracy, unlike what the tooltip says.
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Re: Stellaris Vore Mod - Apex Xenos 0.1

Postby DroolingPred » Tue Sep 11, 2018 9:45 pm

I'll definitely be keeping an eye on this one. Can you designate race rights as prey?

From the screenshots, it appears that the traits/civics you have created may be on the powerful side. Are the mod files laid out in a way that makes those values easy to tweak? I wouldn't want to give myself an undue advantage, I like the game balance as-is.

As for events and anomalies, you may want to go through the currently existing ones and add vore-oriented choices.
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Re: Stellaris Vore Mod - Apex Xenos 0.1

Postby EnderDracolich » Tue Sep 11, 2018 10:47 pm

I'm kind of curious what the traits and civics actually DO. The game already has "processing" and "livestock" citizen rights, and "tasty" and "delicious" species modifiers. It also has an eating-focused civic for Hive Minds, "Devouring Swarm."

From the LL page, I get the feeling that this is more oriented towards normal, individualist empires, not swarms. There are leader traits, species traits, civics, and edictcs, correct? What do these actually allow? Just boosts to stats, or are there actually new diplo actions, species rights, etc?
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Re: Stellaris Vore Mod - Apex Xenos 0.1

Postby Bright » Tue Sep 11, 2018 10:51 pm

How about instead of a democratic election you call it the hunger games instead?

Now that i think about it, the end game events are pretty vorish.

Perhaps your colossus ship can be called planet eater?

Infiltration of a planet could have some vore events.
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Re: Stellaris Vore Mod - Apex Xenos 0.1

Postby Darian » Wed Sep 12, 2018 12:06 am

Man... I bought starbound because it had a vore mod... now I gotta buy Stellaris!
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Re: Stellaris Vore Mod - Apex Xenos 0.1

Postby Firon » Wed Sep 12, 2018 3:08 am

Darian wrote:Man... I bought starbound because it had a vore mod... now I gotta buy Stellaris!

don't just buy games because it's got vore the game for the game instead :/
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Re: Stellaris Vore Mod - Apex Xenos 0.1

Postby Ouroborus » Wed Sep 12, 2018 8:38 am

Golnor wrote:Just in case something weird happens to my loverslab comment,

The "Rule through Strength" civic only works when you have a democracy, unlike what the tooltip says.

Thanks, that's a pretty easy fix

DroolingPred wrote:I'll definitely be keeping an eye on this one. Can you designate race rights as prey?

From the screenshots, it appears that the traits/civics you have created may be on the powerful side. Are the mod files laid out in a way that makes those values easy to tweak? I wouldn't want to give myself an undue advantage, I like the game balance as-is.

As for events and anomalies, you may want to go through the currently existing ones and add vore-oriented choices.

I'm not sure about race rights, as I know the slavery system is hard-coded so it might not actually be possible to change unfortunately.
The modifiers are very easy to change actually, under each trait and civic there is a section called "modifiers { effect = amount_of_effect }" set up just like that, all you have to do is change the number values. ( 0.15 is +15% and so on)

I'll probably hit those up first to learn the system, then start on my own if I can

EnderDracolich wrote:I'm kind of curious what the traits and civics actually DO. The game already has "processing" and "livestock" citizen rights, and "tasty" and "delicious" species modifiers. It also has an eating-focused civic for Hive Minds, "Devouring Swarm."

From the LL page, I get the feeling that this is more oriented towards normal, individualist empires, not swarms. There are leader traits, species traits, civics, and edictcs, correct? What do these actually allow? Just boosts to stats, or are there actually new diplo actions, species rights, etc?

The traits provide a couple of bonuses to food, happiness, and governing ethics attraction but are mostly there to be triggers for getting the civics. "Rule through Strength" is going to be the only way to get the vore level leader skill (Currently, until the level up events for the vore skill it just causes leaders with strong bonuses to show up), "Vore-based darwinism" gives a lot of combat bonuses and a pricey edict to further enhance their abilities. "Unbirth absorption" gives large bonuses to leader exp gain and level cap.

So yes, boosts to stats for now but they're there to be event triggers for later on in development.

Bright wrote:How about instead of a democratic election you call it the hunger games instead?

Now that i think about it, the end game events are pretty vorish.

Perhaps your colossus ship can be called planet eater?

Infiltration of a planet could have some vore events.

Not sure if I can change the names of elections without modding in a new authority type, but that might be cool to do in its own way, if it's possible

Infiltration events are a great idea, thank you
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Re: Stellaris Vore Mod - Apex Xenos 0.1

Postby zarpaulus » Wed Sep 12, 2018 8:38 pm

The "Non-Lethal Vore Predator" trait I can see in the screencaps gives you twice the happiness bonus of Charismatic (1 point), increases population growth to a greater degree than Rapid Breeders (1), and provides twice as much food as Agrarian (2 points). Yet it only costs two points.

I'd suggest dropping some of the bonuses and/or increasing the point cost. I can see it decreasing migration attraction on account of freaking foreigners out.

I don't suppose you've considered putting this on Steam Workshop when you've tweaked it more?
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Re: Stellaris Vore Mod - Apex Xenos 0.1

Postby Ouroborus » Wed Sep 12, 2018 9:19 pm

zarpaulus wrote:The "Non-Lethal Vore Predator" trait I can see in the screencaps gives you twice the happiness bonus of Charismatic (1 point), increases population growth to a greater degree than Rapid Breeders (1), and provides twice as much food as Agrarian (2 points). Yet it only costs two points.

I'd suggest dropping some of the bonuses and/or increasing the point cost. I can see it decreasing migration attraction on account of freaking foreigners out.

I don't suppose you've considered putting this on Steam Workshop when you've tweaked it more?

Yeah, I mostly threw in the bonuses as placeholders while I work on the civics and government types. Some of the stronger bonuses are going to have some drawbacks in the form of events but I haven't gotten to that just yet.
As for the workshop, no. I don't know steam's policy on fetish content, whether this would be classified as fetish content, and having to fight over technicalities if it technically isn't.
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Re: Stellaris Vore Mod - Apex Xenos 0.1

Postby EnderDracolich » Thu Sep 13, 2018 12:00 am

Oh, tis a shame you need democracy to use the Vore traits. I detest democracy in Stellaris, because of the way it's handled. I play all the other auth's more than I play Democracy. Stellaris democracy is more like a straw-man of what people think Democracy is than an actual democracy; you still have total, absolute power with no checks and balances, no impeachment system, and general no limits on your power, but you have an insanely short term limit. IRL, democracy doesn't work that way; which countries are democratic VS not is based on the relative power of the government, and how much control the people have over it, not how long the leader serves. A president who serves for life is still a president, a dictator with total power is always a dictator, even if he only serves for four years.

Anyway, the mod looks nice, but It's not for me. I don't do Stellaris democracy, for the reasons listed above, and the mod's main feature (traits for leaders) is locked behind Democratic authority.
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Re: Stellaris Vore Mod - Apex Xenos 0.1

Postby Absentia » Thu Sep 13, 2018 12:50 pm

EnderDracolich wrote:Oh, tis a shame you need democracy to use the Vore traits. I detest democracy in Stellaris, because of the way it's handled. I play all the other auth's more than I play Democracy. Stellaris democracy is more like a straw-man of what people think Democracy is than an actual democracy; you still have total, absolute power with no checks and balances, no impeachment system, and general no limits on your power, but you have an insanely short term limit. IRL, democracy doesn't work that way; which countries are democratic VS not is based on the relative power of the government, and how much control the people have over it, not how long the leader serves. A president who serves for life is still a president, a dictator with total power is always a dictator, even if he only serves for four years.

Anyway, the mod looks nice, but It's not for me. I don't do Stellaris democracy, for the reasons listed above, and the mod's main feature (traits for leaders) is locked behind Democratic authority.

actually you don't have to play as a democracy, the only trait that is locks behind democracy is "rule through strength", but I believe that is a bug giving that the tooltip implies other government types are options, which might be caused by the very recent update to the game, but yeah you don't have to be a democracy.
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Re: Stellaris Vore Mod - Apex Xenos 0.1

Postby Ouroborus » Thu Sep 13, 2018 4:02 pm

EnderDracolich wrote:Oh, tis a shame you need democracy to use the Vore traits. I detest democracy in Stellaris, because of the way it's handled. I play all the other auth's more than I play Democracy. Stellaris democracy is more like a straw-man of what people think Democracy is than an actual democracy; you still have total, absolute power with no checks and balances, no impeachment system, and general no limits on your power, but you have an insanely short term limit. IRL, democracy doesn't work that way; which countries are democratic VS not is based on the relative power of the government, and how much control the people have over it, not how long the leader serves. A president who serves for life is still a president, a dictator with total power is always a dictator, even if he only serves for four years.

Anyway, the mod looks nice, but It's not for me. I don't do Stellaris democracy, for the reasons listed above, and the mod's main feature (traits for leaders) is locked behind Democratic authority.

As a matter of fact, I also dislike playing a democracy and the authority required for that perk has already been changed to Dictatorship. What I originally wanted to do was have an Imperial authority with whichever leader that manages to usurp the current ruler being designated as the heir but I don't believe it's possible to do. I think a council of the strongest predators in the empire deciding on who the next ruler makes the most sense for the perk.

Absentia wrote:actually you don't have to play as a democracy, the only trait that is locks behind democracy is "rule through strength", but I believe that is a bug giving that the tooltip implies other government types are options, which might be caused by the very recent update to the game, but yeah you don't have to be a democracy.

This bug has already been fixed for 0.2, I'm just finishing up some government types, personalities, and dialogue for the NPCs. I've finished personalities for governments using the unbirth and darwinism civics, and am currently working on the prey personality. I might add in a personality type for the nonlethal vore predator if there's a demand for it, but as for right now, .2 won't include it
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Re: Stellaris Vore Mod - Apex Xenos 0.1

Postby EnderDracolich » Thu Sep 13, 2018 11:05 pm

Thanks for the reply. I will download it when it updates. It sounds like your putting work into polishing it up more! Is this your first mod for a PDX game, or have you done this before?
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Re: Stellaris Vore Mod - Apex Xenos 0.1

Postby Ouroborus » Fri Sep 14, 2018 12:23 am

EnderDracolich wrote:Thanks for the reply. I will download it when it updates. It sounds like your putting work into polishing it up more! Is this your first mod for a PDX game, or have you done this before?

It's my first mod, but I do have coding experience and 1500 hrs in paradox games, with 200 of those being Stellaris. I really, really enjoy Stellaris but some parts of it are certainly lacking. Leaders particulary feel shallow and I felt I could bring some depth to them, and add some new AI types to bring more variety to my playthroughs
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Re: Stellaris Vore Mod - Apex Xenos 0.1

Postby Kejpi » Fri Sep 14, 2018 12:32 am

definytli will watch how this will shape. Keep up the food work(also i think its unfair for rule thru strength etc is locked to demographyc etc.. it should be for all..even xenophile emipires)
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Re: Stellaris Vore Mod - Apex Xenos 0.1

Postby Entirely_Logical » Fri Sep 14, 2018 9:12 am

It seems curious to me that the mod is for a slightly out-dated version of the game, though it SEEMS to work fine with the latest patch.
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Re: Stellaris Vore Mod - Apex Xenos 0.1

Postby swish » Fri Sep 14, 2018 9:43 am

Can't wait to watch what you will do with this mod, I'm enjoying my playthrough with it installed already though.
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Re: Stellaris Vore Mod - Apex Xenos 0.1

Postby Absentia » Fri Sep 14, 2018 4:44 pm

Yeah to be fair I tested it on .3 instead of .2 version, having had a chance to really play through again with it yet, it's on the top of my to do list, this has some excellent empire role-play potential
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