Domain: Animation and art style changes (5/25/20)

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Domain: Animation and art style changes (5/25/20)

Postby MiaNoms » Fri Sep 06, 2019 9:12 pm

Hello everyone, and welcome to my Domain!


All animations have been made by yours truly, frame by frame, and the entire story also written by yours truly. I noticed that a lot of the current vore-based games out there had really no story, no real connection to you and he characters, or growth of those characters. While there are a few exceptions to this rule, I decided to make a game that was so in detail, that even those outside of our community may even enjoy it for simply what it is: a game!

What is currently in the game as far as vore/sexual content goes: F/F, F/M, giantess, monster girls, oral vore, unbirth, AV, soul vore, same-size, sex, digestion, breast-play, femdom, food transformation, breast expansion
What I plan to add: Move of the above, BV, more sex/sexual themes.
What I don't plan to add: Male preds, scat, CV, furry/anthro.

This game is 100% free to play; however, 99% of the content post the initial release has been commissioned in! The characters, ideas for the animations, where Domains take place, and so on? All added by patreon/discord users! I am currently backed up by 3 full Domains (each which usually takes around 45 days to complete) so expect plenty of future updates full of unique characters and scenarios!

Update 4/9/20: What's new?

The "post-game" after the previous Domain finished is now extremely lively. There's tons of fun to be had in Mia's bar: "The Mouse Trap!" 3 new battles, a bunch of new animations, dialogs, and story, depending on how you played! There's also new summons, and well, a bunch of small side stuff added to make the game really feel alive!

What's next?

A new Domain featuring a Kitsune-theme shrine. Expect a lot of puzzles, very few direct battles, some in-depth story, and choices that will further skew whichever timeline you are currently on. This is still considered chapter 1 of 3 of this game, with give or take 10 endings planned atm. I imagine this project will thus take a few years to 100% complete.

Game link (Windows): ... XOFghBIOd4

Latest screen shots:



Vs ophelia 4.png


Please feel free to join my discord server and chat about the game/post about any bugs you find. Heck, join it just to have fun with us! It's become quite lively and we're all very friendly! Also, if you like the game and the concept, consider joining my Patreon. Absolutely everything that's been added to this game after it's initial release has all been commissioned/rewarded via Patreon, and all future content as it stands is looking to go that way too, as there's already 3 more Domains full funded!

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Re: Domain

Postby lapraslunch » Fri Sep 06, 2019 11:46 pm

Ooohh~ This looks like it has some real potential~ :D
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Re: Domain

Postby Jadex » Sat Sep 07, 2019 12:04 am

thanks for sharin mate, looks pretty neat
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Re: Domain

Postby BetsonJay » Sat Sep 07, 2019 12:11 am

Nice! Story is almost always neglected in these kinds of games. Can't wait to play!
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Re: Domain

Postby RC8015 » Sat Sep 07, 2019 12:16 am

This looks really cool! Keep it up, that sounds like a real work intense, but also good game.
Also with different paths and all this.... so even worth to play the game over and over again, like my current favorite, God Complex!
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Re: Domain

Postby Bright » Sat Sep 07, 2019 7:26 am

Sounds like you put a lot of good effort into this game. Would love to play it.
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Re: Domain

Postby MiaNoms » Sat Sep 07, 2019 7:44 am

Thanks for the positive outlook, all! So far only two people have volunteered to test the game for bugs, so I'm going to run through every possibility on my own again and see what I find. I can always reupload fixes at a later date, so expect a link later on today for sure. I'll be editing the original post as well, as I forgot to add what is currently in the game and what to expect in the future.
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Re: Domain

Postby RC8015 » Sat Sep 07, 2019 7:54 am

I love testing, but I have limited data volume each month for all devices, so I can't download new games and version too often. Without this limitation I'd ove to test.
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Re: Domain

Postby Archangel64 » Sat Sep 07, 2019 9:59 am

i´ll have an eye on it, the pics and that stuff looks very good so far, can´t wait to play it, but i have to
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Re: Domain

Postby MiaNoms » Sat Sep 07, 2019 10:16 am

Archangel64 wrote:i´ll have an eye on it, the pics and that stuff looks very good so far, can´t wait to play it, but i have to

Not for long. Link up! Hopefully I smashed al the bugs! Probably not, but I'm sure you can all help me with that!
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Re: Domain

Postby Blargh62 » Sat Sep 07, 2019 12:35 pm

I can't even seem to complete first tutorial battle. Just no idea what to do after she swallows Molly - everything is ineffective.

Also i don't like that you can't save everywhere - i just have to watch and skip same dialogue over, and over and over and over and over...
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Re: Domain

Postby mcpreyboy » Sat Sep 07, 2019 12:52 pm

Can't download it says that the folder link is no longer available ^^;
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Re: Domain

Postby VVV » Sat Sep 07, 2019 1:07 pm

i cant get in ethier?
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Re: Domain

Postby MiaNoms » Sat Sep 07, 2019 1:17 pm

Blargh62 wrote:I can't even seem to complete first tutorial battle. Just no idea what to do after she swallows Molly - everything is ineffective.

You can't win that fight. It's purely to give Rex false hope. If you listen to the dialog after Mia swallows Molly, she pretty much flat out states that the whole "tutorial" was just her messing with you and eating Molly. The only way past Mia is to escape her during the chase scene. As for the saving thing, I can probably change it to save anywhere outside of Domains if enough people complain. I'm old school and like save points, myself.

To everyone who can't download it: I'm reuploading a newer version that fixed a bug one of my testers found. ̶T̶h̶e̶ ̶n̶e̶w̶ ̶l̶i̶n̶k̶ ̶w̶i̶l̶l̶ ̶b̶e̶ ̶u̶p̶ ̶i̶n̶ ̶m̶a̶y̶b̶e̶ ̶2̶0̶ ̶m̶i̶n̶u̶t̶e̶s̶ ̶t̶o̶p̶s̶.̶ New link is up. There shouldn't be any other major bugs now, either, so the next upload will be up while I gather info on any smaller issues that are found. Then I'll fix those all at once for a final version of chapter 1.
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Re: Domain

Postby mcpreyboy » Sat Sep 07, 2019 2:54 pm

hmm something broke in those bugfixes. Cause when i start a new game it starts right in front of the frog girl and apparently right after escaping Mia, also Molly isn't in the party so in the battle with the frog girl she just enters a infinite loop of trying to gulp her when your health is low xD
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Re: Domain

Postby MiaNoms » Sat Sep 07, 2019 2:59 pm

mcpreyboy wrote:hmm something broke in those bugfixes. Cause when i start a new game it starts right in front of the frog girl and apparently right after escaping Mia, also Molly isn't in the party so in the battle with the frog girl she just enters a infinite loop of trying to gulp her when your health is low xD

Oh jesus, I forgot to reset lol. Ok, one more time, for real this time...check it again in maybe 30 minutes. The file take a while to upload.
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Re: Domain

Postby Monopolus » Sat Sep 07, 2019 3:00 pm

I'm really confused on how to get the Mia scenes...also sometimes the combat with Froge glitches out where either:

A) Molly never appears, so Froge gets stuck slurping her up over and over, or
B) Both Rex and Molly's positions are shifted to the left, which throws off combat as a whole since it seems tied to 'tiles' that the fighters stand on.
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Re: Domain

Postby nullstuff » Sat Sep 07, 2019 3:19 pm

I'm still getting a broken download link unfortunately. :(
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Re: Domain

Postby MiaNoms » Sat Sep 07, 2019 3:24 pm

Monopolus wrote:I'm really confused on how to get the Mia scenes...also sometimes the combat with Froge glitches out where either:

A) Molly never appears, so Froge gets stuck slurping her up over and over, or
B) Both Rex and Molly's positions are shifted to the left, which throws off combat as a whole since it seems tied to 'tiles' that the fighters stand on.

It has to do with my upload. I changed the start location to test out that I fixed a bug, then forgot to reset it. Working on uploading a working version now, but mega is being iffy with me atm.

While looking at the tile issue, I noticed that I had a fix for it if you befriended Froge, but not for if you lost. The strange thing that's occurring now though is that attacks that are meant to change the targets "tile" aren't working properly, but the attacks that target certain tiles seem to work? I have a feeling getting the bugs out of Froge are going to take a few people battling her and telling me how it goes so I can get a bigger sample of who's doing what and how it effects other aspects of the battle. Of all the parts of making this game, getting the battles to work properly has been my biggest issue, since they're so different from a standard rpg maker battle. It's interesting, because I never had an issue with the battle system until I started changing up the order I did certain skills/etc, so there's clearly some gremlins deciding what happens a bit more based on how you chain your choices. Good thing I have a bunch of guinea pigs to test it out for me! :lol: Once I have all the issues figured out with Froge, it "should" translate to a smoother battle for future monsters as well. That's the theory anyway...

Update: I couldn't get the issue with the tiles to replicate itself, and I really expected to. I don't know if that's good or bad ^^; Anyway, another new upload up. I'm done messing with mega today, so I'll just take notes on how everyone's Froge battle goes and work on her tomorrow.
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Re: Domain

Postby Tilalumtar » Sun Sep 08, 2019 2:13 pm

I am actually seconding the suggestion of making saving accessible everywhere.

Also I have mixed feelings about those real-images-mix, where you edit those mouths in and stuff.
It's sorta freakin' me out. Does someone else think so?

Either way, if that's something you really can't or don't want to change, then go on with it.
I myself am enjoying the comedic parts of the game. They are quite something :3
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