Fallout Vore 3.0

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Re: Fallout Vore 3.0

Postby MisterMan32 » Sun Jan 14, 2024 7:30 pm

Quick question: how do I set up the Thicc Vore sliders so that my character gets huge badonkers after digesting a lot of prey without anything else changing with her model?
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Re: Fallout Vore 3.0

Postby ArgusCalthus » Fri Jan 19, 2024 7:29 pm

so your mod says it works with Coldsteelj's weight gain mod, yet the bellies do not show up becuase something is conflicting between the 2 mods, is it a load order issue or something else? and i've been trying to figure out how to use bodyslide to make textures for he bellies to work with another mod that im using but i keep failing to figure that out. any suggestions?
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Re: Fallout Vore 3.0

Postby LHC » Sun Jan 21, 2024 9:28 am

I'm having an issue where, when my character loses weight in-game (the game engine, apparently, not the Fallout Vore mod) my character looks almost inside out:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UyN6hn ... drive_link
I managed to reproduce the effect in bodyshape, actually:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Yu3sgG ... drive_link

While I obviously didn't build the character like that, it still happens everytime 'Iose weight' in the game. Any idea on how to correct that?
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Re: Fallout Vore 3.0

Postby lyingunderfire » Wed Jan 31, 2024 3:44 am

TheMastermind wrote:
Dogebutbetter wrote:Kinda feel like someone should try to figure out the code and post some bug fixes you can patch in.

Modding isn't so simple as just knowing how to code.
Bethesda games have a lot of unique tools that you have to learn and the scale of this mod isn't small. Fixing this mod would be like trying to change the foundation of a building without it collapsing. It would be easier to knock it down and rebuild it entirely, but that's still not easy.

The developers abandoned it for a reason and the same goes for why nobody else picked it up. It's too much work to make it work.

Someone did pick it up with very sporadic updates. I haven't tried this version yet and it's been at least a year since it's last update.


It's mainly a refactor and removes some features that were causing issues.
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Re: Fallout Vore 3.0

Postby Theophany » Wed Jan 31, 2024 7:38 am

Last commit: Two years ago.
Give it up.
Fallout 4's Vore core foundation is flawed.
If anyone is gonna remake/rebuild this it'll be from scratch, also the next gen update will break this mod and a lot of others more than likely.
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Re: Fallout Vore 3.0

Postby Pathdrawsart » Sat Feb 03, 2024 1:31 pm

So question, for the folks who still read or know of the fallout 4 vore mods is there a discord or place i could ask for indepth help with which ones i *should* install? Bc im new to modding and dont know wether this, gats, or the post above 4.0 is good/compatible with say the anime race mod. Bc i tried and doesnt completely work bc i may just be missing things that a experienced modder knows how to fix;
Bc i know the discord link is long dead but i wanna know if theres any other places that still share/talk and help about this?
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Re: Fallout Vore 3.0

Postby futavorelover » Sat Feb 03, 2024 5:38 pm

Pathal0ne wrote:So question, for the folks who still read or know of the fallout 4 vore mods is there a discord or place i could ask for indepth help with which ones i *should* install? Bc im new to modding and dont know wether this, gats, or the post above 4.0 is good/compatible with say the anime race mod. Bc i tried and doesnt completely work bc i may just be missing things that a experienced modder knows how to fix;
Bc i know the discord link is long dead but i wanna know if theres any other places that still share/talk and help about this?

aside from here, the discord server for devourment (skyrim vore mod) would probably be the best place to try to ask for help i think the post on this site for it or maybe the loverslab page might have a link for it
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Re: Fallout Vore 3.0

Postby Kendri » Tue Feb 06, 2024 5:16 pm

Pathal0ne wrote:So question, for the folks who still read or know of the fallout 4 vore mods is there a discord or place i could ask for indepth help with which ones i *should* install? Bc im new to modding and dont know wether this, gats, or the post above 4.0 is good/compatible with say the anime race mod. Bc i tried and doesnt completely work bc i may just be missing things that a experienced modder knows how to fix;
Bc i know the discord link is long dead but i wanna know if theres any other places that still share/talk and help about this?

Version 4.00 on the github is incomplete - it's an alpha build. It has an overhauled ThiccVore system but aside from that it's not playable.

https://github.com/keilladraconis/Fallo ... tag/v3.1.1

I've found this a stable and reliable version of FalloutVore. It's the same as vanilla FalloutVore but with code optimizations and bug fixes. This is what I've been using for a while and haven't had *too* many issues. It plays fine with custom races, the only issues I've run into are texture incompatibilities with the equippable bellies or custom races having their own body nif that needs to be converted to support vore sliders in BodySlider. It's not perfect though because FalloutVore is ultimately flawed and buggy.

But yeah as Theopany said, FalloutVore development is effectively dead.
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Re: Fallout Vore 3.0

Postby Sausy » Wed Feb 07, 2024 7:53 pm

I keep getting weird textures on the skin and the black shoulder bug, I haven't got a chance to try the mod yet because this bug is annoying
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Re: Fallout Vore 3.0

Postby Pathdrawsart » Wed Feb 07, 2024 11:13 pm

I appreciate the finds but i also after a tiresome week of no sleep managed to get it to work all bc i was missing 1 mod that made it all go around,
But a question is there a command or such that i can do to turn myself off from being a pred? Bc i did it by mistake thinking getting perks would help my companions like piper but it doesnt… and im too far away from me to load from save to undo it. Also if theres a way to make companions get perks and such im all ears
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Re: Fallout Vore 3.0

Postby futavorelover » Thu Feb 08, 2024 2:00 am

Pathal0ne wrote:I appreciate the finds but i also after a tiresome week of no sleep managed to get it to work all bc i was missing 1 mod that made it all go around,
But a question is there a command or such that i can do to turn myself off from being a pred? Bc i did it by mistake thinking getting perks would help my companions like piper but it doesnt… and im too far away from me to load from save to undo it. Also if theres a way to make companions get perks and such im all ears

Don't know about undo-ing pred status but adding perks to companions is easier, open console command click on the companion in question type "addperk (perk ID)" then hit enter and it should say something about adding the perk to them (for perks that have mutiple ranks there are seprate ID's for each rank). To get the perk ID's in question will take a bit, you'll use the help command to find them. So like "help diet 4" will pull up things with diet in it which should give the iron diet perk identically putting grub should pull up glowing grub's ID, both of which are tiered perks which will show 3 different ID's each one adding a rank. so basically you'll use the help command to find the ID's for each perk inserting a related word to the perk you're wanting so you can get the ID, then click on the companion you want to add it to and use the "addperk" command, alternatively if you know the companions ID you can instead type (companion ID).addperk (perk ID)
You can also doing this adjust their vore stats, "setav (stat ID) #" is the command for that doing the same help command thing to pull up the stat ID's
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Re: Fallout Vore 3.0

Postby OnyxBunnler » Mon Feb 12, 2024 2:03 am

Absolutely love the mods progress so far! Though it does glitch out semi frequently due to me being a total gutslut...but anyway I wanted to reply to thank you for making this mod and that the discord link does not work
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Re: Fallout Vore 3.0

Postby HuskyWolf3 » Mon Feb 12, 2024 8:16 am

How to make clothes stretch on a standard male body? I installed the mod via Votrex using this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pnTWg_Pgzm4
And the belly also goes through the clothes: https://ibb.co/2nCK7hJ
I would like the clothes to stretch like in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Az-_J-HOlYY&t=902s
Is it possible to somehow fix this, or is there no way to expand clothing on standard male bodies?

Also in the video from Skyrim Vore the character has a capacity of 18, and I have 15, but at maximum fullness the stomach is not so big: https://ibb.co/5FT572L
When I upgrade to capacity 18 will I be the same size or is something going wrong?
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Re: Fallout Vore 3.0

Postby CrusaderSweetie » Thu Feb 15, 2024 3:09 pm

I'm having a rather odd problem. I can't get the hunger syringes to actually load into the syringe rifle. At first I thought it might be a compatibility problem with Syringer Overhaul, and took a look in FO4Edit, but could find literally no difference in code between the hunger syringes and any of the ones used by either vanilla or that mod. And then I removed that mod just in case, used all three different syringe guns I could find in the console... nothing.

It just doesn't consider hunger syringes ammo, and I have no idea why.

Any help would be appreciated.
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Re: Fallout Vore 3.0

Postby CrusaderSweetie » Thu Feb 15, 2024 3:22 pm

I mean, I can just use hunger grenades, but that isn't as fun.
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Re: Fallout Vore 3.0

Postby CrusaderSweetie » Thu Feb 15, 2024 4:34 pm

Update: Modifying an existing syringe's effects to match the Hunger Syringe works perfectly, but the original hunger syringe still doesn't work. Not sure how to fix it properly, so I'm keeping with my hack solution for now.
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Re: Fallout Vore 3.0

Postby FloraPikOmni » Sat Feb 17, 2024 9:35 am

Discord link is dread. Can we get a new one?
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Re: Fallout Vore 3.0

Postby princejaxonhellsing » Mon Feb 19, 2024 10:32 pm

FloraPikOmni wrote:Discord link is dread. Can we get a new one?
The server was deleted a while ago.
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Re: Fallout Vore 3.0

Postby wiseguy288 » Wed Feb 21, 2024 2:58 pm

So yeah, I'm experiencing the same trouble with Cold Steel as everyone else is, I swallow and no belly. If I could either get a set of instructions on what to do, that'd be amazing
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Re: Fallout Vore 3.0

Postby RandomInjury » Fri Feb 23, 2024 3:35 am

lyingunderfire wrote:
TheMastermind wrote:
Dogebutbetter wrote:Kinda feel like someone should try to figure out the code and post some bug fixes you can patch in.

Modding isn't so simple as just knowing how to code.
Bethesda games have a lot of unique tools that you have to learn and the scale of this mod isn't small. Fixing this mod would be like trying to change the foundation of a building without it collapsing. It would be easier to knock it down and rebuild it entirely, but that's still not easy.

The developers abandoned it for a reason and the same goes for why nobody else picked it up. It's too much work to make it work.

Someone did pick it up with very sporadic updates. I haven't tried this version yet and it's been at least a year since it's last update.


It's mainly a refactor and removes some features that were causing issues.

Do we know if they ever fixed the Saving Issue with FoV? New functions are nice and all, but my main concern is that I'd like my file to not spontaneously combust because it's been running FOV for too long.
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