Whereaminow27 wrote:When all the Subscriber content makes it way to the Free edition, I wouldn't mind donating some money even monthly.
If you had released the content, and taken donations, instead of Server paywall, you wouldn't have Server costs to begin with. -_-
Seems like you chose the server to justify the paywall to begin with. I got no problem with you going paywall. Good for you, but you keep saying your not begging for money, but at the same time, implying like IT IS ONLY A DOLLAR, why shouldn't you get the paywall, I mean it is just one dollar. -_- Paywall is still a paywall.
Also it seems several of your supporters, or commenters above have been misinformed, when they say ****** ALL THE CONTENT ***** will be released for free eventually. All that content you said for Subscribers WILL NOT be released for free. You already stated that fact a while back. Only the game content/update will be released eventually for free.
Tier 1 = Game updates, basically new content. So if new races get added, that would be an update. Remeber you don't get the Subscriber Content with TIER 1, just the new content as it gets added, right then and there, and then after a while, itll get added to the free version. Basically it is just new content, which if you subscribe to that 1 dollar, you get access to it right now instead of waiting for a period of time until it get added to the free version.
Highter Tiers = Subscriber only content ( Never will be released on free version ) Server Only.
All Create your own custom companions, Start with a full Party, share, and the other stuff us High Tier. This is what everyone is having the problem with. They Paywall subscribe only content. IF he hadn't make this server only, he wouldn't need to pay for a server, and thus could either get more money for himself, but then he wouldn't be able to just I require paywall to fund the server, etc. It is a can of worms. Depending on what you chose, they can get expensive. But If he really wanted to not do some crap, he could have had it all for free, and Tier systems for support, Tier 1, no wait for new content, Tier 2 2-4 dollars Choose which content should be added next and then have tier 3 or w/e and kept going for bonuses on up, except this is just my opinion, and opinions are just like a--holes, everyone has one.
I went through this paywall crap before, had like a ton of artists I followed, and donate then suddenly 30 of them decide, we are going to go paywall, a few chose 5 dollar paywall, others started at 10, etc. I really would love to see one of these idiots who love paywalls, decide to support 50 or so artists. Can't afford, everyone says oh it is cheap, but it adds up so fast you wouldn't see it coming.
This is a Really Awesome Game !!!!!!! I would support this game already except I don't support paywalls.
This game deserves some Donations, or Subscribers if you do support paywalls!