Vorecade, the place for Vore games.
Hey there! After a long absence, I've decided to return to it and re-make Vorecade from ground up!
Vorecade is a platform where you can find dozens of Vore games in one and convenient place, without the hassle of checking if the game you're playing has updates or finding new interesting games!
Website link: https://vorecade.com
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/vorecade
Discord Server: https://discord.gg/FFvktzvZcM
Features of Vorecade:
Supports Windows and Web/HTML based games.
Allows you to Auto-update all of your games out of the box, even the launcher itself can auto-update itself so you won't have to deal with those individually.
Vorecade is designed to be portable, so you can just copy&paste Vorecade wherever you want it to be.
Integrated CDN Service for games to be distributed on, so you won't have to use 3rd party file hosters to host your game files.
Advanced analytics for Game developers with crash logs and anonymous gameplay stats with support for custom analytic events.
Planned Features:
Cloud saves for games
Vorecade Workshop (For mods etc.)
Vorecade Galleries
Vorecade Forums
Any great ideas you might have!
And here are some screenshots:
Even more images
Spoiler: show
Note: The replies and posts below are for the old Vorecade.
Changelog is available in the replies section.
Please do tell me your opinions and ideas, I appreciate them!
Old website link (UNMAINTAINED): https://old.vorecade.com
Some old history (Old post)
Spoiler: show
Hello all!
This is a project that I started about 3 months ago, After a long journey I'm excited to tell you all about it!
What is this?
Vorecade is a Game manager app + Web listing program, made for vore games. Aiming to gather browsing/downloading/updating vore games in 1 place. (maybe you can call it Steam for vore games)
So, what can I do with it?
Good question! I got this idea when I had to constantly check forums for game updates for my vore games.
You can browse for new releases,
You can download and install games we have on the system,
You can update installed games when they receive an update without even leaving the app,
Sounds cool! How can I add my game/Download it?
Website link: https://vorecade.com/
And you can download the runnable program from here or in case it doesn't work for you, here.
You can add your game at https://vorecade.com/addgame (Requires an account)
I found a problem with the website/app. How can I report it?
Oh no! You can report it either here posting a comment or sending a PM to me explaining what happened.
Discord: https://discord.gg/rem3TJuRes
image removed.. discord very cool.
And here's some screenshots
[spoiler]image removed.. discord very cool.
image removed.. discord very cool.
image removed.. discord very cool.
image removed.. discord very cool.
You can now delete games in your profile.
Fixed some bugs when logging in & registering.
Known update problems in the app were fixed.
Localization system added to the client.
Russian & Turkish were added as language options.
Auto Update Implemented
Download code has been 60% rewritten
Added last played data with the option to disable it.
Total game size has been added to the Settings page
Some behind-the-scenes stuff for the upcoming updates and some code cleanup
Default launch page changed to "Explore", although if you are offline you'll launch into the "About" page as before
Added playtime counting with the option to disable it.
Fixed a bug with the settings, causing the settings to reset after a restart.
Added calendarFormat string for languages that doesn't use MM/DD/YYYY
Game Pages
Anonymous Stat Counters for game developers
Game Comments
Game Ratings
Client & Website Recoloring
Direct Download Link Support
Favicon (Website Icon) has been added why this late? idk
Client's window is now resizable!
Known bugs fixed.
Client's RAM usage while installing/updating a game has been decreased by 2-3 times
Games are now sorted by their popularity (Play count) in the website and the client.
Game developers now can see how many times their game has been downloaded.
For players, you can opt-out at anytime from that from the client's settings.
Images being saved incorrectly when a game is edited is fixed.
Dark Theme Added
Tag Search Added
Tag preferences added.
Changelogs for games added.
API Documentation in the website has been moved to our Discord server.
"Stable" and "Beta" release branches added.
Some bugfixes has been done.
Fixed HTML Game Bugs
For extracting downloaded games, switched to 7-Zip
Added automatic history synchronization.
02.02.2022 >(two.)<
Added support for Vorecade CDN
Optimized RAM usage of extraction method
Fixed 7-zip (again)
SPANISH ADDED thanks to LAMROJA from the forum thread <3
Material Redesign! please prepare your eyes for some eyecandy :3
Auto Bug Reporting if i screw something up, at least I can get the info I need quicker lol
RECENT GAME CARDS now you don't miss out info about the next newest thing!
Bugfixes as always, never forget to add new ones tho
Stability improvements:
Now, background errors will be presented to you so you can also see what has actually went wrong.
Async IO (Should freeze less when doing FS intensive tasks, although not complete)
Fixed an issue where some games wouldn't install due to filename issues.
Fixed an issue where some games wouldn't install correctly due to folder structure issues
"dest Already exists" error fixed
Fixed when games wouldn't update when they are actually updated.
Fixed update button still appearing after an update.
Groundwork for the database based data storage.
Known game installation errors fixed.
Mostly background changes.
Switched to the now-faster vorecade.com domain.
Updates now have a progress-bar so you'll know if it's doing something or if you are staying there watching it do nothing.
Workshop is coming soon!
More Download Buttons in Convenient Places!
Fixed some ENOENT errors
Switched to a central database rather than individual files in client.
This effectively fixes all of the ylvgm.json related issues.
I want to translate it!
[spoiler]Here's the localization file. You can translate it and send it to my PM box when you are done with it.
- Code: Select all
"welcomeScreen": {
"morning": "Good Morning and Welcome, ",
"afternoon": "Good Afternoon and Welcome, ",
"night": "Good Evening and Welcome, ",
"description": "Ever wanted to access your favorite V games without going through the hassle of browsing 20-30 pages of posts? Or checking for updates?",
"easy": "It's Easier Now",
"explore": "Explore!",
"features": "Features",
"ezBrowsing": "Easy Game Browsing",
"ezBrowsingDesc": "You can easily browse through our game repository and download them if you're interested",
"autoUpdate": "Automatic Update Checking",
"autoUpdateDesc": "We automatically check for updates for every game you install. We don't automatically download them unless you tell us to do so.",
"noBg": "No Background Processes",
"noBgDesc": "Well, there's not much to talk about it.",
"licenses": "Open Source Licenses"
"myGames": {
"error": "An Error Occurred",
"noGames": "You don't have any games",
"explore": "Explore!",
"failLaunch": "Failed to launch game\nMaybe you renamed the game folder/executable?",
"delete": "Delete",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"youSure": "Do you really want to delete?\nYou can find it in Recycle Bin If you want to recover it.\nTHIS WILL ALSO DELETE SAVEGAMES!",
"failDelete": "Failed to Delete game.\nMaybe you renamed the game folder?",
"deleted": " has been Deleted.",
"play": "Play!",
"version": "version",
"lastUpdated": "Last Updated",
"title": "Downloaded Games",
"description": "Here you can see your downloaded games. You can press \"Play!\" to run it or \"Delete\" to delete it.",
"lastPlayed": "Last Played on: ",
"totalPlaytime": "Total Playtime: ",
"playDate": "Played on: "
"explore": {
"explore": "Explore",
"gameCount": "We currently have {GAMECOUNT} games!",
"failConnect": "Failed to Connect",
"cantFetch": "Can't fetch game listing",
"retry": "Retry",
"failJSON": "Failed to load ylvgm.json of game: ",
"failLaunch": "Failed to launch game\nMaybe you renamed the game folder?",
"downCancel": "Download Cancelled",
"downFail": "Download Failed",
"downBtnCancel": "Cancel Download",
"downComplete": "Download Complete!",
"play": "Play!",
"megaNotice": "Progress status for mega downloads are not available & cancellable due to library limitations",
"unknown": "Unknown",
"download": "Download",
"mb": "MB",
"unknownSrc": "Can't download from Unknown sources",
"updateAv": "Update Available!",
"forum": "Forum Post (External)",
"gdrive": "GDrive Support is coming soon",
"developer": "Developer",
"source": "Source",
"cantConnect": "Can't Connect To Game Listing Server",
"noInternet": "You are offline",
"init": "Initializing...",
"version": "version",
"lastUpdated": "Last Updated",
"tags": "Tags",
"loading": "Fetching Games",
"tagSearch": "Search By Tags",
"search": "Search By Name"
"settings": {
"title": "Settings",
"lang": "Language",
"save": "Save Changes",
"langNotice": "Changes will take effect when you change to a another page",
"gameSize": "Total size of installed games: {SIZE}MB",
"lastPlayed": "Save Last Played Data",
"playTime": "Save Playtime",
"statCounter": "Send Anonymous Gameplay Data to Game Developers",
"statCounterDesc": "This is used to calculate popular games ranking and help game developers know how many people play their games.",
"statCounterDesc2": "No personal info is collected.",
"statCounterDesc3": "Learn more about this here",
"login": "Login",
"username": "Username",
"email": "Email",
"password": "Password",
"noAcc1": "You don't have an account?",
"noAcc2": "Register Here!",
"loginBtn": "Login to an Vorecade Account",
"loginDesc": "You can login to your Vorecade account to comment on games and rate them.<br>If you encounter errors while commenting, try logging in again.",
"theme": "Theme",
"lTheme": "White Theme",
"dTheme": "Dark Theme",
"logout": "Logout",
"uSettings": "User Settings",
"branch": "Release Branch",
"sBranch": "Stable",
"bBranch": "Beta",
"playHistory": "Save Gameplay History",
"dataNotice": "Data related to gameplay is saved locally if you are not logged in. Otherwise, it'll be saved to your Vorecade account and can be synchronised between different devices.",
"syncData": "Synchronize Cloud Data",
"manualData": "Manually Upload Data"
"navbar": {
"explore": "EXPLORE",
"games": "GAMES",
"about": "ABOUT",
"settings": "SETTINGS",
"home": "HOME"
"gamePage": {
"gpButton": "Game Page",
"rating": "Rating",
"descriptionTitle": "Game Description",
"noDescription": "No Description Provided",
"noComments": "No Comments",
"commentTitle": "Comments",
"firstComment": "Be The First One To Comment!",
"cmntRegular": "Post Your Comment",
"review": "Review:",
"poster": "Posted By:",
"commentGamename": "Commenting on: {GAMENAME}",
"commentNotify": "Your username and comment will be publicly visible",
"urcomment": "Your Comment",
"commentContent": "Minimum 10 Characters. Don't insult others and avoid sharing personal information.",
"cmntSend": "Send Comment",
"escWarn": "Press ESC To Close This Menu"
"home": {
"historyTitle": "Games You've Played Recently",
"totPlaytime": "Total Playtime",
"installedGames": "Games Installed",
"urstats": "Your Gameplay Stats",
"recTit": "Recommended Games",
"noGames": "You don't have any games ;-;",
"noPlays": "You haven't played any games ;-;",
"failFetch": "Failed to Fetch Recommended Games"
"calendarFormat": "MMM Do YYYY"
Nerd details about the API and the app
[spoiler]App is made with Electron and uses Node.JS
The API documentation is available here https://vorecade.com/ylvgm/api
Also if you use Unity, thanks to HenBor you can use a Manager Plugin directly inside your game!
Library download link: https://mega.nz/file/DDRzBQLY#k2sIk1wyhZ2W2nu24f8sIlXX-7fsHNrD-7W1xwNLr7E