ryanshowseason3 wrote:UnseenOmegon wrote:Anyone know if there's a way to see the original cutscene after Mercy eats you and she first speaks directly to the player? Even after starting a new game, she still remembers and I can't see the original cutscene.
You would have to delete save data. By design narrative wise she is aware of events in all playthroughs. Her save data might not carry over between versions though.
I think it doesn't, since I generally do one playthrough each version and don't think I've ever seen her show knowledge of previous playthroughs or break the fourth wall. Also, on the topic of her, I think it'd be nice if you could get the free item in exchange for getting eaten for stuff you have the money for, since if you do well at making money it means you can never get eaten by her.
On another topic had something....interesting things occur while doing an unusual run. In order to accumulate a ton of high growth freshman I savescummed to make sure any freshman with a rating over 6 would get eaten by another freshman, then I'd go into the belly to get them off as they died and then recruit their replacement. This of course tanks my clique rating, an intended feature, but, perhaps because of that, nothing BUT freshman showed up, so this whole sequence just kept repeating every day, with my clique rating going lower and obituaries piling up. Something about this, whether it was the encounter every day, the obituaries, whatever, seriously screwed up the event queue. I got almost 0 opportunities to hangout with friends and prom 1 got outright skipped. I got up to the part where you pick out a date and then prom just never happened. Veronica got seriously confused, started giving lines out of order, the galpal I turned into dress filler I don't think ever returned, and the queen vote stayed up all the way to prom 2 of freshman year, which at least managed to happen, but even then things were still enough out of whack that Veronica showed up AFTER it finished to taunt me about how badly I was losing the vote. There was some other oddities going on, and maybe some events skipped (at the very least I only got like 2 anal preds in all of freshman year, without willing prey being on to clog the queue, so I'm thinking they got muscled out), but prom was the most blatant and memorable one. Things calmed down and eventually got back into order once I stopped the feeding cycle at least.
Personally, I wish more events could happen in one day, cause I feel like I almost never get to see some events (gym teacher anal lesson for example) that I suspect are getting pushed aside by other events.
Oh right, and this is a bug that's been around forever but I keep forgetting to mention it: if you clear a seduction/digestion word at the exact moment it reaches the bottom then even though the word clears it acts as though there is a word there until you clear the next one. Not a big deal, cause its so rare, which is why I kept forgetting about it.
Edit: Nvm on things returning to normal. Had a prom end, the queen vote disappeared, and then another prom happened like a week or two after. So HOPEFULLY after this everything will be back to mostly normal.