Rina's Journey - Expansion. (01-16-22) Bug Fix release V0.3

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Rina's Journey - Expansion. (01-16-22) Bug Fix release V0.3

Postby equino » Sat Jan 08, 2022 12:50 pm


It's been requested that I make an entirely new thread for the work that I've been doing on Rina's Journey. I've gotten permission from VoreSkeeter to continue their work on the game. I will say don't expect this game to get an update every month, or even every 3 months. This game and expansion is free, and I do have a full time gig that does consume most of my time. I'm also the only person working on the code, sprites, and what art edits I'm able to cobble together.

Anyways, that all being said the game is (I think?) now in a state where it's ready to be shared with you guys.

For those of you who have played the original Rina's Journey, the main story continues after dealing with the plant girl. This for the most part is all new content.

I've also finished a bunch of unfinished/old scenes that were left in the original code but were never completed and tied them back in the main game as well as added some of my own scenes to that.

What the game contains:

Sex - M/F, F/F

Vore - Oral, UB, Anal, CV, Full Tour.

Some vore is fatal some is not.

Pred type: M/f, F/f, F/F, ?/F

Anthro Pred, Neko Pred/prey, Human Pred/Prey.

Crush - avoidable if you don't get stepped on...

If you have played my previous release here is everything new:

Spoiler: show
without spoiling much here is what is in so far for the next release as far as content goes:

one Pred-hunt style mini-game featuring the cat girl.

one body map scene/mini-game with the cat girl and Rina.

one new mouth map (really happy with this one.)

a belly map with companions.

New character introduction with a unique and useful ability.

Male wolf pred sprite vore scene and some lewds. (Skippable to just a belly if you want to skip it.)

lore and story building.

An extra Tammy Estelle scene and interactive maps.** New, had an idea while playtesting, and went with. ^^;

If you didn't play my previous release here is what that also included:

Spoiler: show
Continued the plot post Plant girl scenes. Once the plant girl scenes are finished, the path that is blocked by the plant girl should open up allowing the group to visit a broken bridge where they will meet a fairy. This will open up a path for new scenes with the cat girl and the Witch. You have two choices at the witch's house one continues the story and one results in a game over if you decide to visit her.

After visiting the witch (you can skip the scene, just make sure to use the potion first or else you'll get a game over if you go this route.) you will eventually end up in the sewers. You'll need to escape the sewers and hopefully after you exit can find a familiar face to help continue. After this rescue, you will return back to the house and will be treated to a scene between Tammy and the Cat girl. This sets things up for the new content I'm planning for the next release.

New scenes/expansions to existing content not related to plot general info, less spoilery:
Spoiler: show
Cat Girl House -
If you choose to "Run" from the cat girl and are Digested, instead of sleeping in bed, you can take the Cat Girl to go and visit the girls. This unlocks one of the WIP scenes that VoreSkeeter was working on that I finished. (ending.) Might expand more on this later allowing the CG to visit other locations while you stew inside.

When in the Cat girl's mouth if you decide to get swallowed on your own, you'll get another completed WIP belly scene where you listen to the CG talk to Hilda about the problem she's having. You can escape (New escape route 1) this scene or stay and get digested and get an ending. If you try to escape the cat girl and are swallowed and burped out, when you try to escape when you select the option to leave you can go back to the CG and she'll eat you if you talk to her (with an ending). Otherwise you can leave the house. (see Escape route 1). Possible places to go: Back home to continue the story, or go to the Inn and meet your end.

Escape Route 1 Plot progression path:
Go back to the house and slip under the door to Hilda's room to trigger a finished WIP scene. It's similar to the default vore scene but it does have a few different options, where you can either admit that it's Rina (plot Progression), say it's nothing and Hilda tells the cat girl to swallow her food (ending) or go down willingly. (ending)

If you decide to try and get Hilda's attention the game, get swallowed, and then burped out, the game will progress normally with you given the option to stay or go, if you go, you'll be sent right to house where the scene will progress as normal. (Escape Route 2)

More details on optional endings (spoilers.)

Spoiler: show
Escape Route 1 optional content (endings):
If you escape the cat girl you can leave the cat girl's house. Once out of the house you can, as of right now go two places besides already existing content. You can either return to your house, or try to hide in the inn. Going to the Inn is a dead end if you stay, with multiple ways to die. There are UB, OV, CV scenes in the Inn, with multiple parts based on your choice after getting caught.

Toy - The Cat Girl will masturbate with you and then leave you inside. After that, She will need to talk to the man who appears to continue the scenes.
They will have sex with you stuck in the middle. (I might have screwed up the direction portion on that, so if it doesn't start with enter key, you might need to just hit your right arrow and then try again.)
There's multiple sex positions that you are welcome to check out, once you select finish after climaxing, you will end up in the CG's Vag experiencing sex from inside. Your options here are limited, you can either bring the cat girl (and her partner) to orgasm by rubbing the walls, or try to escape via the *ahem* Male exit.
Male exit leads to a CV, where you have two possible scenes from there. Either touch the Teste and be absorbed (ending 1), or rub the walls and cause the man to seek out help. (ending. 2)

If you select Snack you will be placed inside the cat girl's mouth, as she looks for something to wash you down with. Again the man appears and you experience a BJ from inside a mouth. Routes here are either being CV'd with same CV endings as above, or going down the throat, where your final moments are going to be experiencing what it's like to be in a stomach while the owner performs fellatio, including the shower at the end...(ending.)

Escape Route 1/2 Your House endings:

If you get swallowed in the main house via Escape route 1 (I think I also did it for Route 2, but you might have to try it to find out.) The cat girl will have slightly different text based on how you were swallowed and will mention that she stole the stone. She will go home as normal, and rather than having the game end after the restroom, you can take the Cat Girl back down to the main house to make good on her promise to dine on Rina's friends using the stone. (friend snacks) (Right now ALL of the original cat girl swallows you in your own home routes lead to this, might remove it if they are causing issues.) Then you can visit your friends in the morning as the cat girl and enjoy some tasty snacks.

Friend Snacks - You will have to eat both Tammy and Estelle before you can dine on Hilda. They will shrink and attempt to run away. Hilda won't shrink as much, creating a far nicer meal for the Cat girl. ends with belly bulges and the came concludes when you exit the house with small ending dialog.

More detailed info post fairy:
Spoiler: show
After opening the chest, and linking back up with your friends, you should be able to exit the bridge map which should take you straight to home. There you'll find yourself awake, and the rest of your friends asleep. Talk to the CG to start the next route.
At the Witch's house, you open the chest without talking to her (ending), or talk to the Witch about the potion. (Sex scene.)

New Cat Girl belly unlocked post Witch scene:
New belly. You can rub the walls now, hopefully my random dialog generator is working (3 interactions). You won't digest automatically, you have to decide what you are going to do, by interacting with the entrance to the intestines. You can either play dead/try to worry the cat (ending), or journey deeper into the cat girl.

New Intestines: if you go deeper, the cat girl's body will automatically pull you through her body, until you reach the large intestines. after that, the controls are yours. When you reach the end of the large intestines and interact with the... um... boulders... you should get a scene where the CG returns to the house from the Witch and has to fess up to what she's done. This scene is the same if you tried to fake her out, except that one is fatal.

There are two exits from the sewers for now. One is a fatal ending, the other is an escape route.

Sewer Exit:
No fatal ending for now, but you need the CG to save you from a rat or two, and then talk to her to get back home. Might add on to this area later to allow you to explore some of the paths out of the sewer exit map.

A note on bugs:

You are welcome to either DM me directly, or post here if you run into any bugs. I know for a fact that the Lesbian couple that live near the cat's house is still broken. I haven't really looked into it too much lately, but I did go through and add number tiles to each of the duplicate rooms used throughout the game, so if you encounter a bug or want to provide extra info (like on the maid couple) be sure to include what number and if it was red or black with your bug report. It'll help me knock em out faster.

You'll need the runtime package for RPG Maker XP:

https://dl.degica.com/rpgmakerweb/run-t ... tp104e.exe

(If that link doesn't work go here and then click on RPG Maker XP)


I've also included a scene flow chart which should help you make sure you've seen all the scenes. The chart starts with the cat girl encounter since that's pretty much where all my content begins.

(This is the full game.)
Game files:
mediafire.com/file/0g6162aglsqjaod/Rinas_Journey%252C_Expansion_v0.30.rar/file (Current build.)
Mega Link:
mega.nz/file/2WwlVYjT#zWkmvwuyiCEWYfcN6tFPx61h5n9sFrg14h1dE5t8Yr0 (Current build.)

Next build progress - including this so we can avoid the "Is this still being worked on" questions. Will update as I make progress.
Spoiler: show

Next build:
Wolf Village map - 25%
Sprite work - 40%
Body Maps - 0% (working on photoshop'n images)
Scripting/writing - 15%
Current scenes planned:
1 mass sprite vore scene(s). plot driven.
1 feeding a GTS Sphinx. (non-player.)
1 optional sheath/CV male wolf scene. (player opt ending.)
1 body map wolf girl/hybrid. oral vore or UB. (player opt ending.)
1 Cat girl sprite sex scene. (animation done. need writing and map work.)

Bug reports from this version.
Blue hair girl scenes 4/5 fixed. the 5th might have something off in one of the belly scenes but it wasn't a show stopper.
Fixed Tammy looping on first try. You -might- get a repeat dialog on day 2 if you visit again, but it should only popup once. (A perm fix is in place on my end *I think* testing now.)
Foot dodge mini-game hangs up. (fixed.)
Missing fade transition when exiting the tent. Wait 100 frames and you should be able to move. (fixed.)
Don't talk to the fairy a second time before going to the chest. Will lock up game. (Fixed.)
Potentially after being freed from the Cat girl's mouth back at Hilda's place you potentially could get sent to the wrong map. Fixed and added an animation to locate the player. (fixed.)
On the morning of Day 2 interacting with sleeping tammy jumps to about half way through another scene. Don't interact with sleeping tammy for now, go to the stool if you want to play.(fixed.)
Soft Lock after Rescued by the Cat. (fixed.)
You can move around the tongue in the tent scene. (fixed.)
Not fixed yet:
In one of the blue girl/Lesbian couple scenes, the contents of the belly just sort of drop off screen. Will fix in next release.

Release content notation bit of spoilers:

Spoiler: show

current release plans, content might change if plot dictates.

General expansion stuff, Witch intro, sewers v0.20 done.
Elf girl introduction, plot setup v0.30 <---- you are here. Released.
Wolf Village Phase I, v0.4 <--- Next release.
Wolf Village Phase II v0.5
Fairy village and Mage/Mystic settlement Phase I. v0.6
Mage/Mystic Settlement Phase II, Northern Human village v0.7
Royal City v0.8
??? v0.9
???x2 v 1.0

Thank you for coming to my PRED Talk.
Last edited by equino on Tue Mar 15, 2022 12:15 pm, edited 14 times in total.
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Re: Rina's Journey - Expansion. Content date (01-08-22)

Postby Yoshi174 » Sat Jan 08, 2022 1:15 pm

Not super pleased time is wasted implementing M/F scenes....kinda takes away from the spirit of the original being purely F/F...

and the maid/blu haired girls scenes always ran perfectly for me or close enough
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Re: Rina's Journey - Expansion. Content date (01-08-22)

Postby equino » Sat Jan 08, 2022 1:38 pm

Yoshi174 wrote:Not super pleased time is wasted implementing M/F scenes....kinda takes away from the spirit of the original being purely F/F...

and the maid/blu haired girls scenes always ran perfectly for me or close enough

There's like 5 scenes in there with the blue haired girl, and some of them got broken along the way. It's on the list to resolve.

As far as the M/F scenes, they are completely avoidable (Don't go to the Inn when you flee the cat girl via the voluntary swallow event in her house when Hilda knocks...) except for the male pred event which is important to the story going forward, and the lewd portion of that scene can be skipped. I've got a female wolf sprite that can be used in place of that so I might make that an option in the next release, so that's a good point.

That being said, in the wolf village there's going to be multiple huts that will have different scenes with F pred, M Pred, Couple predation, M/F and F/F sprite boink'n. With the Male content as avoidable as possible. Thief is male for now, so there will be at least one more encounter where the thief is going to end up inside a monster gut. The scene will be skipable but the bulge wont be... New content is going to be around 65% female only, with 35% being either male or both male and female.

As far as "time wasted" that's more up to me since I'm doing this in my free time.
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Re: Rina's Journey - Expansion. Content date (01-08-22)

Postby runeguden » Sat Jan 08, 2022 1:39 pm

Yoshi174 wrote:Not super pleased time is wasted implementing M/F scenes....kinda takes away from the spirit of the original being purely F/F...

and the maid/blu haired girls scenes always ran perfectly for me or close enough

I agree with this
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Re: Rina's Journey - Expansion. Content date (01-08-22)

Postby voraciouser92 » Sat Jan 08, 2022 1:44 pm

equino wrote:
Yoshi174 wrote:Not super pleased time is wasted implementing M/F scenes....kinda takes away from the spirit of the original being purely F/F...

and the maid/blu haired girls scenes always ran perfectly for me or close enough

There's like 5 scenes in there with the blue haired girl, and some of them got broken along the way. It's on the list to resolve.

As far as the M/F scenes, they are completely avoidable (Don't go to the Inn when you flee the cat girl via the voluntary swallow event in her house when Hilda knocks...) except for the male pred event which is important to the story going forward, and the lewd portion of that scene can be skipped. I've got a female wolf sprite that can be used in place of that so I might make that an option in the next release, so that's a good point.

That being said, in the wolf village there's going to be multiple huts that will have different scenes with F pred, M Pred, Couple predation, M/F and F/F sprite boink'n. With the Male content as avoidable as possible. Thief is male for now, so there will be at least one more encounter where the thief is going to end up inside a monster gut. The scene will be skipable but the bulge wont be... New content is going to be around 65% female only, with 35% being either male or both male and female.

As far as "time wasted" that's more up to me since I'm doing this in my free time.

Maybe you should like doing a thing on the game when you ask to people of they want male Pred or not as same as if they want scat or not
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Re: Rina's Journey - Expansion. Content date (01-08-22)

Postby DarkRain » Sat Jan 08, 2022 2:04 pm

woo, this is a great game
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Re: Rina's Journey - Expansion. Content date (01-08-22)

Postby psicotik » Sat Jan 08, 2022 2:15 pm

Won't comment on the male addition, as I skipped it.... but the new interactions with Carmen are great.
You were right about the new mouth map, and I only wished that she would play a bit more with Rina. Same as the belly map, both inside and outside, as interacting with the digestion was a great touch.
Found some clipping issues, need to do a replay and take notes of them

equino wrote:I've got a female wolf sprite that can be used in place of that so I might make that an option in the next release, so that's a good point.

I would be glad for that to be honest, and I don't mind tweaking the files to swap them.

And I love the new character! I think that she does fit in the game, her intro was really on point with the spirit of the original game, and I can't wait for her to officially join the party.

Again, thanks for taking your time with the game!
Sorry for my English, it's not my main language ;)
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Re: Rina's Journey - Expansion. Content date (01-08-22)

Postby LamiaEnjoyer » Sat Jan 08, 2022 3:02 pm

Is this the full game or just the expansion, where do I get the previous release if this is just expansion
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Re: Rina's Journey - Expansion. Content date (01-08-22)

Postby GameOfPickles » Sat Jan 08, 2022 4:11 pm

What a blast from the past! This was always one of the games I was disappointed got dropped, so that's awesome you're continuing it. I always remembered reading about some scene that wasn't implemented with the cat girl and the fairy village. :gulp:
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Re: Rina's Journey - Expansion. Content date (01-08-22)

Postby fsatti2000 » Sat Jan 08, 2022 5:17 pm

One bug I experienced at the start (did totally new, go left and watch cinematic) when you're given to Tammy, and you get to choose where, it just keeps looping that over and over. I am about to try again and see if it happens again.
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Re: Rina's Journey - Expansion. Content date (01-08-22)

Postby fsatti2000 » Sat Jan 08, 2022 5:23 pm

fsatti2000 wrote:One bug I experienced at the start (did totally new, go left and watch cinematic) when you're given to Tammy, and you get to choose where, it just keeps looping that over and over. I am about to try again and see if it happens again.

Same thing with skipping cinematic.
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Re: Rina's Journey - Expansion. Content date (01-08-22)

Postby psicotik » Sat Jan 08, 2022 5:29 pm

GameOfPickles wrote:What a blast from the past! This was always one of the games I was disappointed got dropped, so that's awesome you're continuing it. I always remembered reading about some scene that wasn't implemented with the cat girl and the fairy village. :gulp:

When Equino said that there was a minigame hunt, I thought that he implemented it... but the one we got is great too!!

For those that doesn't know the storry about the fairy village scene:

The Cat girl was going to have a pretty much normal personality besides the fact that her feline instincts gave her a almost
uncontrollable urge to catch and eat mouse girl's and pretty much any other tiny humanoid's.
I actually already had a map planned out for a village of Fairy's that the party was going to have to visit. I was going to make
a scene where as the party moved through the village, The Cat Girl would hang back a bit and discreetly toss fairy's into her mouth,
By the time they made it all the way threw the village. She would have pretty much eaten the entire villages population, (Probably Like 15 - 20 Fairy's)
Without the others in the party noticing. Once the group was done getting the quest item from the fairy queen She'd
discreetly reunite the queen with the rest of her people. As the party left the village Hilda or Maybe Rina would mention that
they hadn't seen any of the fairy's in awhile and the The Cat Girl would say "Oh im sure their around here somewhere" while
rubbing her belly. The scene would end with the group leaving the town and The Cat girl looking back at the empty
village for a few moment's before burping up the tiny queens Crown laughing to herself before catching back up with the group.
Sorry for my English, it's not my main language ;)
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Re: Rina's Journey - Expansion. Content date (01-08-22)

Postby equino » Sat Jan 08, 2022 8:04 pm

fsatti2000 wrote:One bug I experienced at the start (did totally new, go left and watch cinematic) when you're given to Tammy, and you get to choose where, it just keeps looping that over and over. I am about to try again and see if it happens again.

Updating links now with some quick bug fixes.

Fixed most of the blue hair girl scenes. the only thing that might not be 100% is one of the belly maps where Rina might miss the opening/fall through the floor... but it doesn't stop the game.

Tammy should be fixed too. She might repeat her day 1 dialog once on day 2. I'll probably end up splitting those maps because they don't play nice together.
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Re: Rina's Journey - Expansion. Content date (01-08-22)

Postby equino » Sat Jan 08, 2022 8:08 pm

psicotik wrote:
GameOfPickles wrote:What a blast from the past! This was always one of the games I was disappointed got dropped, so that's awesome you're continuing it. I always remembered reading about some scene that wasn't implemented with the cat girl and the fairy village. :gulp:

When Equino said that there was a minigame hunt, I thought that he implemented it... but the one we got is great too!!

For those that doesn't know the storry about the fairy village scene:

The Cat girl was going to have a pretty much normal personality besides the fact that her feline instincts gave her a almost
uncontrollable urge to catch and eat mouse girl's and pretty much any other tiny humanoid's.
I actually already had a map planned out for a village of Fairy's that the party was going to have to visit. I was going to make
a scene where as the party moved through the village, The Cat Girl would hang back a bit and discreetly toss fairy's into her mouth,
By the time they made it all the way threw the village. She would have pretty much eaten the entire villages population, (Probably Like 15 - 20 Fairy's)
Without the others in the party noticing. Once the group was done getting the quest item from the fairy queen She'd
discreetly reunite the queen with the rest of her people. As the party left the village Hilda or Maybe Rina would mention that
they hadn't seen any of the fairy's in awhile and the The Cat Girl would say "Oh im sure their around here somewhere" while
rubbing her belly. The scene would end with the group leaving the town and The Cat girl looking back at the empty
village for a few moment's before burping up the tiny queens Crown laughing to herself before catching back up with the group.

Yeah I've got a notepad with the dialog ideas for that. Fairy village is after the group get's past the wolves/deals with their issue.
But yeah there's 100% going to be a scene similar to Mr. Snake from Bad Guys XD.
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Re: Rina's Journey - Expansion. Content date (01-08-22)

Postby Skeiron » Sat Jan 08, 2022 8:12 pm

I find it somewhat surprising, and a little bit insulting, that the first thing that is mentioned is how development time is "wasted" on content that someone does not personally enjoy. You realize that there would most likely be no development time in this project at all otherwise, right? Maybe be a bit appreciative instead of complaining that not everything that is released, for free I might add, is tailored to your tastes specifically?
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Re: Rina's Journey - Expansion. Content date (01-08-22)

Postby strawhat64 » Sat Jan 08, 2022 8:34 pm

Hmm, found a bug with the village girl that tries to stomp you. After you manage to escape the game soft-locks because of her repeated dialogue.
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Re: Rina's Journey - Expansion. Content date (01-08-22)

Postby empatheticapathy » Sat Jan 08, 2022 9:00 pm

Is there any male prey anywhere in the game?
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Re: Rina's Journey - Expansion. Content date (01-08-22)

Postby equino » Sat Jan 08, 2022 10:32 pm

empatheticapathy wrote:Is there any male prey anywhere in the game?

As of right now no.
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Re: Rina's Journey - Expansion. Content date (01-08-22)

Postby equino » Sat Jan 08, 2022 10:35 pm

LamiaEnjoyer wrote:Is this the full game or just the expansion, where do I get the previous release if this is just expansion

It's both combined into one game.
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Re: Rina's Journey - Expansion. Content date (01-08-22)

Postby NovaDragn » Sun Jan 09, 2022 12:38 am

Hmm cant get pasted when you get back to your house with the catgirl chasing you, then you have to talk to hilda( just says she doesnt notice you) so i did the whole tam thing, arse just goes back to you needing to play with her Mouth = death and Vag brings you back to big mode. when you talk to her again it just goes to her digesting you :(
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