-If you eat Arnold before talking to Edith, you can no longer get her pie because her introduction dialogue gets skipped.
-If you eat the guard captain and choose not to grope her, you softlock the game as you can't move and Hazel does not hop off the bed naturally.
-Leofstan does not disappear after eating him.
-There doesn't seem to be any change in available interactions between the faungirl and Balion after you interact with both; or, if you can set them up in any way, I was too smooth brain to find it.
-Hazel's image got stuck after eating Darla. This was fixed after moving to a new stage of digestion, but it happened on the last build too with the Axolotl and had to be fixed by triggering a new scene. Unsure if these are related but I thought it might help to know.
-Darla's passive doesn't tell you what buff she gives.
-Belle's passive cuts off what buff she gives you (at least for me).
-Axoltl and Sleeping Avix passives have minor spelling mistakes.
-If you eat Edith instead of giving her the letter normally, you can get another one from Bobert - not sure if that's on purpose. Additionally, if you do finish the quest, you can keep interacting with Bobert to farm him for gold or keep eating him like Leofstan.
-Despite the Draper sisters being willing prey, the digestion flavor text paints them as unwilling if you eat Beatrix, take a nap, and then Ursula feeds herself to you while you sleep. (I understand this may be part of the digestion system itself so it's not a huge deal, just mentioning it.)
-There's a magic skill you pick up at some point which has no name or description and seemingly does nothing. I assume this is a placeholder for something.
-Rodnus' quest to get the berries for the guard captain is still untitled. It also has some minor spelling/grammar issues, particularly in spacing between words. The objective is also also some standard text. (I assume all of this is known & going to be worked out, but wanted to mention just in case).
-Some doors require you to interact with them to enter, while others automatically move you. It may be good to make this consistent in some way in the future.