Baldur's Gate 3: Devouring and Digesting

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Baldur's Gate 3: Devouring and Digesting

Postby Squidpad » Wed Jan 17, 2024 5:02 pm

EDIT: Quick hotfix uploaded to Nexus; should fix a few major issues. If you encounter a bug, please open an Issue on the GitHub (preferred), or make a post on the Nexus in the "Bugs" section (less preferred). If you post about it in this thread, there is a very high chance that I will not see it, as it may get lost in everyone else's posts. Additionally, if you do report a bug, please include the steps required to reproduce it, as well as your mod load order, so we can discern if the issue is due to a mod conflict of some kind. If you open the issue on GitHub, you'll be provided with a template to fill out; Nexus does not provide this functionality.

Been a while, but I finally managed to cobble together enough free time to get things functional enough to release. This is a fairly major re-write of nearly the entire mod, but it's definitely been worth it.
I give no guarantee that your old saves will work with this new version, and recommend starting a new save. While I can't recommend continuing an older save, if you must, make sure that there are NO prey inside of any pred, as the way we store that information has drastically changed, and any prey will be deleted when loading the old save.

I HIGHLY recommend reading the very short wiki I've written (available here), as it gives very basic information for installing and using the mod. If you are asking for help either installing or using the mod, it will be assumed that you have read this. I plan to update it further in the future to be more detailed, but at the moment, it will provide enough info to get you started.

Download links provided below:

If any of you take nice screenshots/video, I'd be happy to take a look at them and add them here and/or to the Nexus page.
If any of you are skilled at drawing icons or similar and would like to make some for us, feel free to PM me and we'll talk
Finally, if any of you are experienced with Baldur's Gate 3 modding, or coding in general, and would like to contribute, also PM me (either here or on GitHub). If there's interest in this, I'll put some effort into sprucing up the documentation to make things easier.

Spoiler: show

  • Prey are vulnerable to area-of-effect attacks and surfaces. Currently my first focus for bug fixes.
  • When attempting to swallow someone, the success chance will always be listed as 100%, which is not always the case. I know how to fix it, it's just gonna be a pain. Plan to do so soon.
  • It is extremely easy to swallow many enemies. This is due to most enemies not having any skill proficiencies; this is also another easy but annoying fix.
  • When swallowing an enemy from stealth in certain situations, combat will not start. Still investigating how to fix.
  • Sometimes enemies will target prey that they shouldn't be able to. Shouldn't happen often, but can happen.
  • No bellies for Dwarves, Halflings, or Gnomes yet
  • Weight Gain only increases the size of your belly, and it uses the same scale as swallowing prey
  • Item vore is prone to occasional issues; use at your own risk

Content to be added Soon™:
Spoiler: show

These are things that are either mostly already done, or significant work has been done to make implementing them easily.
  • Spells
  • Subclasses, for preys and preds
  • Consumable and Magic Items
  • Customizable probabilities for individual races to be preds

(Keeping original post for archival reasons)
Spoiler: show

Sat down and cobbled together a semi-functional vore mod for Baldur's Gate 3
Currently no screenshots as there's nothing really special to see, you just use the "Swallow Whole" action on a creature, it plays Astarion's "Bite" animation, then they disappear. This is a proof of concept, not a full release.

You can get it from the GitHub here:
Not putting it on Nexus in this state, will do so once more feature-complete and less buggy (also this helps prevent people from using Vortex)

Usage Instructions and Mechanics:

    - Equip "Ring of Gluttony" or "Potion of Gluttony" from the tutorial chest (the chest in the Nautilus near where you find the slate that unlocks Shadowheart's pod. If you're already past the tutorial, use this mod to summon it
    - You should now have 2 spells "Swallow Whole (Lethal)" and "Swallow Whole (Endo)" You can lethal swallow anyone with a successful contested Athletics check. Endo always works, but only on allies.
    - After you swallow someone, you'll get some temporary spells: One to regurgitate all prey, the other to "Move Prey to Pred" (Prey are made invisible and incapacitated when swallowed, and are unable to move on their own. For performance reasons, they only teleport to your current position at the start of a combat turn or when you cast this spell)
    - When you swallow someone, a "Weight Placeholder" will be placed in your inventory to represent the weight of your prey. You have a cumulative -1 to AC and Dex saves per swallowed prey as well. You can't drop it, but it'll be removed when you lose your prey.

Current Features:

    - Swallow Action to eat things, either lethally or non-lethally
    - Can voluntarily regurgitate things you've non-lethally swallowed
    - Having creatures in your stomach weighs you down, dependent on your maximum carry weight
    - Can digest creatures
    - Player characters can vore other things (and each other)

Planned Features (far off, obv need things properly functioning first):

    - AI-Controlled characters able to vore things
    - Other types of vore
    - Vore-related subclasses, spells, feats, and items

Known Issues (there's a lot):

    - When a creature is downed due to digestion damage, they reappear and lose the Swallowed condition. I know how to fix, just haven't gotten to it
    - No option to regurgitate prey one at a time, been stuck on this one for a while
    - Moving to a different Region with prey in your stomach, then regurgitating them crashes the game. Working on a workaround. For now, just don't eat anything on the Nautilus, then you should be good to go for essentially all of Act 1, save for the area with the Monastery
    - Sometimes the Weight Placeholder isn't removed properly. Investigation ongoing
    - A thousand other things I haven't had time to test. If it hasn't been mentioned here or anywhere else in this thread, make a post about it. (please use the search function to check if someone has reported your bug before reporting, just for the sake of my sanity)

Currently Impossible due to engine/script extender limitations:

    - Dynamic visuals. If any of y'all know blender we could do something hacky with force-equipping vanity outfits, actual belly deforming is a ways off
    - Animations. Genuinely close to support here with, but this would still require someone with blender knowledge to make animations
    - Individual prey being added as unique weight placeholder objects in your inventory. Currently can't modify item templates via scripting with the script extender, but this is a planned feature by the creator of the SE (though it's considered low priority, please don't harass him)

Installation Guide

- Install Script Extender from here
- Follow this guide

How You Can Contribute:

    - If you have skill modeling bodies/animating in Blender: I have a short list of things that would be amazing to have, PM me and we'll talk business there.
    - If you have skills with BG3 Script Extender/Lua in general: Feel free to fork and submit a pull request to the GitHub, I'll take a look at it and if it works, I'll merge it. If my shitty documentation makes you want to pull your hair out, please let me know which function(s) I need to comment better and I'll get on it.
    - If you have skills with the non-code side of BG3 Modding, either look up how to fork a repository and and make a pull request on your changes to my non-code stuff, or just PM me a .txt file with your cool stuff. I check PMs way less often though.
    - If you have no applicable skills, but plenty of "ideas," feel free to post them here, but know that I'm a LONG way away from being able to take requests for novel features.

Modding Resources:

    - If you have trouble installing the mod/it's not showing up at all, it's on your end. You're far better off asking for general help in the Larian Discord Server in the #bg3-mods-support channel than here. While I am happy to help with issues that are specific to my mod, I am not here to mod your game for you, and will ignore such requests, for the sake of my own sanity. (Also try practicing with other mods first, since asking for help about a non-nexus mod based around a strange and obscure fetish in a public discord is generally frowned upon.)
    - DO NOT USE VORTEX MOD MANAGER. If you are using Vortex, I make no promises that ANYTHING will work. As the guide above says, use BG3MM instead.
    - I am happy to take suggestions for new features, but you shouldn't have any expectations that they will be added. I'm a one-girl team, and there's still a lot to do.
Last edited by Squidpad on Fri Jul 12, 2024 1:40 pm, edited 8 times in total.
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Re: Baldur's Gate 3: Devouring and Digesting (Proof of Conce

Postby Squidpad » Wed Jan 17, 2024 5:05 pm

Reserved for future stuff, in case I need it
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Re: Baldur's Gate 3: Devouring and Digesting (Proof of Conce

Postby CraftedLotus » Wed Jan 17, 2024 6:58 pm

Best of luck and have fun coding.
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Re: Baldur's Gate 3: Devouring and Digesting (Proof of Conce

Postby calldahotline » Wed Jan 17, 2024 7:06 pm

Oo, nice. Thanks for starting the work on this.
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Re: Baldur's Gate 3: Devouring and Digesting (Proof of Conce

Postby Rubiont-47 » Wed Jan 17, 2024 11:16 pm

Any screenshots how is that looks ingame? Video?
Sorry for my bad english.
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Re: Baldur's Gate 3: Devouring and Digesting (Proof of Conce

Postby DarkRain » Thu Jan 18, 2024 2:43 pm

Very cool that put the beginning of the vore mod for bg3 :)
The problem with the fact that the characters appear on the ground after digestion is probably due to the fact that in the game in the characters can not die, perhaps we need to wait until there will be a mod for death and study its code, or we will look for a way to remove the character from the game
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Re: Baldur's Gate 3: Devouring and Digesting (Proof of Conce

Postby Squidpad » Thu Jan 18, 2024 6:48 pm

DarkRain wrote:Very cool that put the beginning of the vore mod for bg3 :)
The problem with the fact that the characters appear on the ground after digestion is probably due to the fact that in the game in the characters can not die, perhaps we need to wait until there will be a mod for death and study its code, or we will look for a way to remove the character from the game

Characters can absolutely die, by being downed and failing 3 death saves. I'm going to assume by "die," you mean "die and can't be revived," which is also possible, via flagging the damage source with a death type that doesn't make a corpse, like "Disintegrate", which is used by the spell of the same name.
I said I know why they reappear on the ground and just haven't gotten around to fixing it; it's because
Spoiler: show
the DOWNED status gives you the Boost "StatusImmunity(SG_Condition)", and the status that handles being eaten lethally, "SP_Swallowed_Lethal", has "SG_Condition" in its StatusGroup list. Just haven't gotten around to fixing it yet since a small part of my implementation relied on it being in that status group, and I was working on other stuff. Regardless, this is mostly irrelevant as I'm likely going to change the DeathType of getting digested to "Disintegrate", given that being downed makes you autofail Strength saves, so you'd never be able to escape at that point anyhow. As far as removing them from the game, that's also trivial, I can just teleport them out of bounds and make them invisible, then the game will automatically cull them when it's doing cleanup (like when changing regions)
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Re: Baldur's Gate 3: Devouring and Digesting (Proof of Conce

Postby GREGOLE » Thu Jan 18, 2024 7:18 pm

As a person who has a blast playing voracious D&D on the tabletop, I'm happy to see this beginning to take shape, even if it's only a zygote for now. It seems like some of the stuff that's actually necessary might require future releases of the game's assets, but even just a "bite opponent. They vanish. The game tells you they were eaten" mechanism seems like it'd be fun for roleplaying purposes. Gods know I'm still doing Theatre of the Mind stuff while playing vanilla BGIII just because of the limited assets.

Hell, there being a bite animation at all is nice, given how a lot of past vore mods have had to settle for "They vanish after you punch them" or "they just vanish period".
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Re: Baldur's Gate 3: Devouring and Digesting (Proof of Conce

Postby Squidpad » Thu Jan 18, 2024 7:58 pm

GREGOLE wrote:As a person who has a blast playing voracious D&D on the tabletop, I'm happy to see this beginning to take shape, even if it's only a zygote for now. It seems like some of the stuff that's actually necessary might require future releases of the game's assets, but even just a "bite opponent. They vanish. The game tells you they were eaten" mechanism seems like it'd be fun for roleplaying purposes. Gods know I'm still doing Theatre of the Mind stuff while playing vanilla BGIII just because of the limited assets.

Hell, there being a bite animation at all is nice, given how a lot of past vore mods have had to settle for "They vanish after you punch them" or "they just vanish period".

Assuming you played vorish DnD in 5e within the past few years and used rules found either here or through a google search, there's a very high probability that I actually wrote the rules you used :). Mine were the most popular set for quite a while, and even then the dude who passed me just forked my rules and added a bunch of bloat.
I abandoned that project a while back and left it to someone else, and though I'm definitely going in a different direction with how I'm plotting out the implementation of this mod, there's def going to be a lot of inspiration coming from that old brew, at least once the framework is up and running and I can move on to more frivolous things, like vore-related spells, features, and items.
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Re: Baldur's Gate 3: Devouring and Digesting (Proof of Conce

Postby giannifrazzi » Fri Jan 19, 2024 10:03 am

For being a proof of concept it seems a great. And even without having animation frameworks and still at the start of the modding community for the game it's well made.
But I would ask if bellies are alredy implemented because when playing I devoured someone the belly didn't display, because for what I've seen in the other post about if it was possible to make a vore mod for the game in the last posts there is a pair of images with bellies. And if it is written in the first post I can't see it(maybe I'm blind or stupid).
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Re: Baldur's Gate 3: Devouring and Digesting (Proof of Conce

Postby Nuenshi » Fri Jan 19, 2024 7:00 pm

giannifrazzi wrote:For being a proof of concept it seems a great. And even without having animation frameworks and still at the start of the modding community for the game it's well made.
But I would ask if bellies are alredy implemented because when playing I devoured someone the belly didn't display, because for what I've seen in the other post about if it was possible to make a vore mod for the game in the last posts there is a pair of images with bellies. And if it is written in the first post I can't see it(maybe I'm blind or stupid).

I think those images were for a different mod for pregnant bellies or something, used as an example, or that's what it seemed to me. No bellies at the moment it seems.

Anyway, haven't tried the mod yet as I'm a little pooped out on BG3 right now, but I'll definitely be checking this out sometime. Really interested to see the unique subclasses etc. that are planned, because I love when vore is integrated into the game mechanics.
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Re: Baldur's Gate 3: Devouring and Digesting (Proof of Conce

Postby Aeries » Sun Jan 21, 2024 5:35 pm

Ahoyhoy. I'm a 3D artist over here, so if you need some mesh edits for bellies or such, lemme know.
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Re: Baldur's Gate 3: Devouring and Digesting (Proof of Conce

Postby Squidpad » Mon Jan 22, 2024 2:13 am

Aeries wrote:Ahoyhoy. I'm a 3D artist over here, so if you need some mesh edits for bellies or such, lemme know.

Sent you a PM!
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Re: Baldur's Gate 3: Devouring and Digesting (Proof of Conce

Postby ian66613 » Mon Jan 22, 2024 3:53 am

Meanwhile, I'm here waiting for playable pixies. Even though they'd be super tiny. Maybe if they get added, this can work in tandem with it.
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Re: Baldur's Gate 3: Devouring and Digesting (Proof of Conce

Postby Squidpad » Mon Jan 22, 2024 10:35 am

giannifrazzi wrote:For being a proof of concept it seems a great. And even without having animation frameworks and still at the start of the modding community for the game it's well made.
But I would ask if bellies are alredy implemented because when playing I devoured someone the belly didn't display, because for what I've seen in the other post about if it was possible to make a vore mod for the game in the last posts there is a pair of images with bellies. And if it is written in the first post I can't see it(maybe I'm blind or stupid).

I decided not to do anything with Sindae's pregnancy bellies and leave the mod with no visuals for a few reasons:
Spoiler: show
    - First and foremost, a belly sized for a normal pregnancy, even at fetishist sizes, is simply not large enough to capture a vore belly, at least in my eyes. I wouldn't really be satisfied with it.
    - As it stands right now, BG3 only has limited capability for dynamic appearance modification (essentially adding pre-built meshes to characters, like horns, wings, or in our case, a fixed-size belly mesh), and absolutely no way to dynamically deform models (which is like what Devourment does, where the belly grows and shrinks continuously. This is ideal but likely far off).
    - There's also a decent amount of 3D modeling talent within our community, and given that this model would be a placeholder anyway, I'm not too concerned with quality, so finding a modeler who can make a purpose-built mesh isn't a huge hurdle (in fact, I've already corresponded with two)
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Re: Baldur's Gate 3: Devouring and Digesting (Proof of Conce

Postby Bonetly » Tue Jan 23, 2024 7:36 am

You're a saint. Very happy to see BG3 will be complete with your mod
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Re: Baldur's Gate 3: Devouring and Digesting (Proof of Conce

Postby Thunderclese4 » Wed Jan 24, 2024 3:12 am

Since you plan on adding more content later on. Might I suggest simply using all the Vore DND 5e Homebrew that is already posted here.
Lots of Vore-related subclasses, spells, feats, and items in just the first link alone.
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Re: Baldur's Gate 3: Devouring and Digesting (Proof of Conce

Postby Squidpad » Wed Jan 24, 2024 10:37 am

Thunderclese4 wrote:Since you plan on adding more content later on. Might I suggest simply using all the Vore DND 5e Homebrew that is already posted here.
Lots of Vore-related subclasses, spells, feats, and items in just the first link alone.

Might want to check the author on the post you linked
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Re: Baldur's Gate 3: Devouring and Digesting (Proof of Conce

Postby 12451 » Wed Jan 24, 2024 3:35 pm

I have some previous experience with Divinity modding, so this mod caught my attention. I wanted to change a thing or two, but fell down a rabbit hole and ended up pretty much completely rewriting the mod.
Here are the things I did:

    1. Multi-prey and nested vore (voreception) are implemented, both work without nested tables.
    2. Remade the weight placeholder system. Now it adds 1 item for 1 point of weight, and it's probably more reliable than changing stats of a template, especially when multiple predators are involved.
    3. Added bellies. I have some basic blender skills, so they are not the best, but it's better than nothing. They work for human-like female characters, there are 5 bellies for both normal and strong body shapes, they dynamically change with the weight of prey. The bellies use human skin material, so they work well on humans, elves, half-elves, but might look a little bit weird on orcs, Githyanki and Tieflings. They do not work for males, short races, and Dragonborn.
    4. Digested prey can no longer be regurgitated, until they are "fully" digested. The weight of a dead prey will be reduced by 20 on a short rest, and by 70 on a long rest. They prey can be released when their weight is less then 1/5th of their original weight. The bellies become smaller when the weight of the prey is reduced. Also, I added two methods of removing dead prey - absorption and disposal. Absorption gives you prey's items and teleports their body far far away, disposal places prey's body near the pred. Regurgitation does not work on dead prey, and absorption and disposal does not work on non-digested prey. Corpses of "temporary" characters (like summons) are not saved in the save file, so they are immediately absorbed on death to avoid any issues.
    5. Removed "Move Prey To Me", the performance cost of teleporting prey to pred is probably minimal, and always keeping living prey near pred might cause less issues in the long run. Dead prey are teleported far far away, until they are either absorbed or disposed of.
    6. Changed a lot of other death-related things to make digestion more stable, for example prey have their death saving throws disabled until they are released.
    7. Fixed a lot of small stuff, like the "Stuffed" status being removed on long rest, game causing everyone to regurgitate their prey on loading save, "Digestion Tick" spamming combat log, visual effects from "Slow" status (red legs) being applied to preds, etc.
    8. Removed "Regurgitate One" for now.
    9. Testes most of the stuff. There are probably some bugs that I missed, but the mod is mostly playthrough-ready, unless you deliberately try to break it.

I don't remember how to use GitHub beyond downloading, so I uploaded .pak of my version of the mod to mediafire, here's the link (OUTDATED):

EDIT: uploaded v2 version as a fork on Github with some additional changes.
    1. Added item endo vore. Has no real gameplay purpose. Not fully tested.
    2. Made vore cost action + bonus action, because it was too strong
    3. Fixed "Can fit prey" check, free space in pred's stomach wasn't divided by 1000
    4. When swallowing downed characters, they will now regain one hp
    5. Increased delay between the start of swallowing animation and prey disappearing

Should I make a pull request, or should this fork be separate for now because of the amount of changes?
Last edited by 12451 on Thu Jan 25, 2024 7:06 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Baldur's Gate 3: Devouring and Digesting (Proof of Conce

Postby Squidpad » Thu Jan 25, 2024 6:21 am

12451 wrote:I have some previous experience with Divinity modding, so this mod caught my attention. I wanted to change a thing or two, but fell down a rabbit hole and ended up pretty much completely rewriting the mod.
Here are the things I did:

    1. Multi-prey and nested vore (voreception) are implemented, both work without nested tables.
    2. Remade the weight placeholder system. Now it adds 1 item for 1 point of weight, and it's probably more reliable than changing stats of a template, especially when multiple predators are involved.
    3. Added bellies. I have some basic blender skills, so they are not the best, but it's better than nothing. They work for human-like female characters, there are 5 bellies for both normal and strong body shapes, they dynamically change with the weight of prey. The bellies use human skin material, so they work well on humans, elves, half-elves, but might look a little bit weird on orcs, Githyanki and Tieflings. They do not work for males, short races, and Dragonborn.
    4. Digested prey can no longer be regurgitated, until they are "fully" digested. The weight of a dead prey will be reduced by 20 on a short rest, and by 70 on a long rest. They prey can be released when their weight is less then 1/5th of their original weight. The bellies become smaller when the weight of the prey is reduced. Also, I added two methods of removing dead prey - absorption and disposal. Absorption gives you prey's items and teleports their body far far away, disposal places prey's body near the pred. Regurgitation does not work on dead prey, and absorption and disposal does not work on non-digested prey. Corpses of "temporary" characters (like summons) are not saved in the save file, so they are immediately absorbed on death to avoid any issues.
    5. Removed "Move Prey To Me", the performance cost of teleporting prey to pred is probably minimal, and always keeping living prey near pred might cause less issues in the long run. Dead prey are teleported far far away, until they are either absorbed or disposed of.
    6. Changed a lot of other death-related things to make digestion more stable, for example prey have their death saving throws disabled until they are released.
    7. Fixed a lot of small stuff, like the "Stuffed" status being removed on long rest, game causing everyone to regurgitate their prey on loading save, "Digestion Tick" spamming combat log, visual effects from "Slow" status (red legs) being applied to preds, etc.
    8. Removed "Regurgitate One" for now.
    9. Testes most of the stuff. There are probably some bugs that I missed, but the mod is mostly playthrough-ready, unless you deliberately try to break it.

I don't remember how to use GitHub beyond downloading, so I uploaded .pak of my version of the mod to mediafire, here's the link:

Very nice. If you could make a pull request on GitHub (it's very easy, just look up one of the many guides), I can possibly integrate some of your code (and you'll permanently be listed as a contributor). As it stands now, I'll take a look at some of your changes and add some if that's cool with you.

UPDATE: merged a bunch of your changes.
Spoiler: show

Def needed some refactoring since there's been a lot of changes that are in the repo but not in the release, mostly code cleaning from my new collaborator, vivi344, and just a lot of mistake fixing overall (since the initial release was made in like a total of just a few hours lol). A lot of the smaller stuff had already been fixed, but some of your changes were stuff I hadn't gotten to yet due to some irl busyness getting in the way, so big thanks from me. Definitely brings us closer to a point where I'd consider this a viable release, but there's still a bit I'd like to do before then.
As far as the continuous prey teleportation goes, I'd had previously implemented it, and while it worked totally fine on my desktop, it totally tanked the framerate on my laptop (which is just above minimum specs for the game). In the interest of making the mod super accessible, I wanted it to be heavily optimized, but realistically I can just make it a toggleable feature via the console (which I'm going to be doing with a lot of features going forward).

Thanks again for your work! I'm going to push the combined release onto GitHub within the hour; if it's not too much trouble, would you be willing to edit your link out of your post after I do? Something I've noticed is that people sometimes get confused when there's a bunch of different links floating around and I want to minimize that as much as I can (you'll of course get a shoutout in the main post, even if you don't end up on the repo as a contributor).
Last edited by Squidpad on Thu Jan 25, 2024 12:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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