Baldur's Gate 3: Devouring and Digesting

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Re: Baldur's Gate 3: Devouring and Digesting

Postby anonymoose122345 » Fri Oct 04, 2024 5:26 am

Since NPC monsters are able to eat other characters, will druid wildshapes and summoned creatures/familiars be able to do the same? Or is that already in the mod and I'm just being dense
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Re: Baldur's Gate 3: Devouring and Digesting

Postby 12451 » Sun Oct 06, 2024 7:28 am

anonymoose122345 wrote:Since NPC monsters are able to eat other characters, will druid wildshapes and summoned creatures/familiars be able to do the same? Or is that already in the mod and I'm just being dense

I dunno about wild shapes, I think they have a hardcoded set of skills that cannot be edited during the game's runtime. Maybe I'll add a custom wild shape with swallow ability in a future update.
Summoned creatures are considered temporary by the game, meaning sometimes they aren't saved to the save file. This is likely to break something if they are a pred, so I automatically assign them the prey role. When they die, their corpse is deleted by the game, so if they are a prey and they are digested, I replace them with a fake weight. It's only downside is that it's not affected by gradual digestion.

Also, I uploaded a new release and a hotfix on github. Please reset vore through MCM before updating from the previous release (!!!
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Re: Baldur's Gate 3: Devouring and Digesting

Postby StandardUser » Sun Oct 06, 2024 1:38 pm

Hey so, I'm trying to use the new update and everything seems to be working fine but for some reason bellies don't appear. Is it because I'm still using version 6 of bg3?
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Re: Baldur's Gate 3: Devouring and Digesting

Postby Hoodoo » Sun Oct 06, 2024 8:16 pm

For the custom race bellies, can you explain a bit more how that works?

I have the Tabaxi Mod, and I was trying to enable to vore bellies for them. What do I have to put in the text file?

If there is a specific race name that is specific to each modded race, for example like Human(Larian), where would I find this?
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Re: Baldur's Gate 3: Devouring and Digesting

Postby DarkRain » Sun Oct 06, 2024 11:47 pm

StandardUser wrote:Hey so, I'm trying to use the new update and everything seems to be working fine but for some reason bellies don't appear. Is it because I'm still using version 6 of bg3?

same problem, bellies don't appear
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Re: Baldur's Gate 3: Devouring and Digesting

Postby TerletPaper » Mon Oct 07, 2024 1:01 am

Can I safely launch the old version on the new BG3 patch to reset vore through the MCM, or will that cause other issues?
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Re: Baldur's Gate 3: Devouring and Digesting

Postby 12451 » Mon Oct 07, 2024 4:44 am

StandardUser wrote:Hey so, I'm trying to use the new update and everything seems to be working fine but for some reason bellies don't appear. Is it because I'm still using version 6 of bg3?

Patch 7 renamed the main subraces. So I renamed them in the code as well. You can see all the changes here (the red lines are the old names, the green ones are the new ones)
If you really want to continue using patch 6, you can go to the new CustomRacesBellies.json (located in AppData\Local\Larian Studios\Baldur's Gate 3\Script Extender), and add all the old subraces that support bellies in CustomRaceAliases, like "BlackDragonborn" : "Dragonborn", "HighElf" : "Elf", etc.

Hoodoo wrote:For the custom race bellies, can you explain a bit more how that works?

I have the Tabaxi Mod, and I was trying to enable to vore bellies for them. What do I have to put in the text file?

If there is a specific race name that is specific to each modded race, for example like Human(Larian), where would I find this?

First, you need to find the name of the race. If a character is a party member, it's fairly simple. You select them and write console command: _P(Osi.GetRace(Osi.GetHostCharacter(), 0)), it should return the name of the character's race.
Then you go to CustomRacesBellies.json. The easiest way to add a new race is to make it use bellies of another race. Basically add "Your modded race name" : "Base race" to the end of CustomRaceAliases. If a modded race has only 2 body shapes, you can use HalfOrc or Githyanki as the base race. If a race has 4 body types, you can use Human. The modded and base races should have the same skeleton, or maybe not, I haven't tested it.

TerletPaper wrote:Can I safely launch the old version on the new BG3 patch to reset vore through the MCM, or will that cause other issues?

Yes, you can
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Re: Baldur's Gate 3: Devouring and Digesting

Postby Anonymous111 » Mon Oct 07, 2024 7:34 am

any possibility for CV graphics similar to how oral vore has belly graphics?
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Re: Baldur's Gate 3: Devouring and Digesting

Postby Hoodoo » Mon Oct 07, 2024 9:23 pm

12451 wrote:First, you need to find the name of the race. If a character is a party member, it's fairly simple. You select them and write console command: _P(Osi.GetRace(Osi.GetHostCharacter(), 0)), it should return the name of the character's race.
Then you go to CustomRacesBellies.json. The easiest way to add a new race is to make it use bellies of another race. Basically add "Your modded race name" : "Base race" to the end of CustomRaceAliases. If a modded race has only 2 body shapes, you can use HalfOrc or Githyanki as the base race. If a race has 4 body types, you can use Human. The modded and base races should have the same skeleton, or maybe not, I haven't tested it.

This worked perfectly, thanks so much for the help!

Admittedly, the best you can do for furry modded races is pick a human skintone that sort of matches the fur, but it's good enough!

This does make me want to create a submod using the proper fur texture, though I'm curious how much work that would be.
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Re: Baldur's Gate 3: Devouring and Digesting

Postby 12451 » Tue Oct 08, 2024 7:03 am

Hoodoo wrote:This worked perfectly, thanks so much for the help!

Admittedly, the best you can do for furry modded races is pick a human skintone that sort of matches the fur, but it's good enough!

This does make me want to create a submod using the proper fur texture, though I'm curious how much work that would be.

Right now, I haven't added support for custom belly sets, but it's pretty easy to unpack and edit the mod itself.

If the UVs match for the original and modded bodies, you can duplicate an existing belly set and change it's material. If they don't, you'll have to make your own bellies.
I don't know how to check if they match or not, perhaps test it by replacing the material used by the bellies with the material used by the modded bodies, more info below.

If they match:
Spoiler: show

0. Get the modders multitool. Also, I recommend Visual Studio Code, or at least Notepad++ for editing the text files.
1. Use it to unpack the race mod.
2. Find the visual resource for the race's body. It should be in an something.lsf.lsx file, somewhere in the 'Public' folder. The file starts with something like '<region id="VisualBank"><node id="VisualBank">'. It should also have links to the body model, like '<attribute id="SourceFile" type="LSString" value="Generated/Public/Shared/Assets/Characters/_Models/_Creatures/Bugbear/Resources/BUGBEAR_Body_A.GR2" />'
3. What you need is the MaterialID used by the body
Something like:
<node id="Objects">
<attribute id="LOD" type="uint8" value="0" />
<attribute id="MaterialID" type="FixedString" value="d783dd93-a694-3c5b-e31f-78de0f2ad85a" />
<attribute id="ObjectID" type="FixedString" value="BUGBEAR_Body_A.BUGBEAR_Body_A_Mesh.0" />
4. Now unpack DevouringAndDigesting, or you can clone it from github directly (from the dev-2 branch), which I recommend. If you're cloning it from github, the mod files are in the DevouringAndDigesting folder, everything else is not a part of the mod itself.
5. First, you need to test if the UVs match or not. Go to DevouringAndDigesting\Content\Assets\Characters\Humans\[PAK]_Female_Belly. You'll see 6 files there, open the one that matches the shape of your body. DGB = Dragonborn, HUM = Human, F = Female, FS = Female Strong. Every race other than Dragonborn are using human bellies. Now, replace every instance of MaterialID with the MaterialID from your race mod.
6. Save the changes, pack the mod. Drag and drop DevouringAndDigesting folder into the multitool. You can check the 'Pack .paks to Mods folder instead of zipping'. It will automatically replace the old version of the DevouringAndDigesting mod in the mod folder.
7. Launch the game and see if the textures align properly. If they don't, the UVs don't match.
8. Revert the changes to DevouringAndDigesting. If the UVs match, continue, if they don't, go to the next section of the guide.
9. Now, duplicate one of the DevouringAndDigesting\Content\Assets\Characters\Humans\[PAK]_Female_Belly files, the one that matches your body shape. Rename it to something comprehensive, like RaceName_F_NKD_Body_A_Mesh.lsf.lsx Once again, replace the material. Now, you'll have to generate unique uuids for each one of them, replacing the old uuids in <attribute id="ID" type="FixedString" value="old uuid" /> You can generate them with multitool (v4 UUID Generator). Yes, you'll have to go through all ~72 bellies
10. Don't close that file. Now, open DevouringAndDigesting\Public\DevouringAndDigesting\CharacterCreation\CharacterCreationSharedVisuals.lsx
11. Find the section related to your body shape, duplicate it. For each duplicated CharacterCreationSharedVisual, copy your generated uuid from the previous file into the field VisualResource, and also generate a new UUID for the each duplicated CharacterCreationSharedVisual. These UUIDs will be the ones used in script.
12. Now go to DevouringAndDigesting\Mods\DevouringAndDigesting\ScriptExtender\Lua\Tables\BellyTable.lua
13. First, go to BellySets table and duplicate a belly set for your body shape. Rename it however you like, and replace all UUIDs with the CharacterCreationSharedVisual UUIDs generated in step 11. Do the same for AllBellies table.
14. Now go to BellyTable table and add a new entry for your race. Alternatively, add a new entry in CustomRacesBellies.json. Use existing ones as an example. Unlike the belly set, the name of the race in the table should match the name of the race in game 1 to 1
15. Pack the mod and see if it works.

If they don't:
Spoiler: show

1. You'll need some blender experience.
2. Download blender and this addon
3. I won't write the whole guide for blender here, maybe I'll add it to the wiki later, but tl;dr below.
4. Get the blender file and the python script next to it from DevouringAndDigesting repository on github.
5. Locate and import the body model of your modded race. Duplicate it. One of them will be your reference, don't edit it.
6. Delete everything except the belly portion from the other (don't touch the skeletons for either of them).
7. Go to the object properties on the right panel and under BG3 settings set lod level to 0, lod distance to 40, Export order to 1
7. De-triangulate. Subdivide. Triangulate. You may get some weird geometry in some places. You can manually fix it, but make sure you don't break the UV.
8. Create a basis shapekey and a shapekey named VORE. Look at other bellies for example.
9. (hardest part) Make sure you freeze the edge vertices in place before sculpting (I don't remember how to do that). Sculpt the VORE shapekey, so it will have about the same size as other bellies at Value = 1. I do this with mesh symmetry enabled, mostly in sculpt mode with Inflate, Blob, Grab, Deform, Smooth, Flatten brushes.
10. Open the python script. Add a new entry in the "body" table. Make sure every other entry in this table has Enabled set to False.
11. The name of the entry is the name of the belly mesh. Should be the same as the original body name. BelliesCount is the amount of generated bellies. For default scaling, don't change BelliesStep and BelliesSliderStep. Armature is the name of the armature of the belly mesh. File is the name of the output mesh file. Slot is the visual slot used by the belly. Most races don't use DragonbornTop slot, so it's safe to use it. Or you can choose another, like DragonbornJaw, DragonbornChin, Hair DWR, Beard, Horns, Test(idk what it's used for). Material is the material of the body of your race.
12. Now go to blender, open the scripting tab, and run the script. Blender will freeze while it's exporting meshes.
13. You'll have 3 files. One with VisualResources, one with CharacterCreationSharedVisuals, one with lua tables (you don't need the numbers at the bottom). Copy their contents to DevouringAndDigesting mod so it's similar to the existing bellies, like I described in the first section. Except you don't need to changes UUIDs, because they are already generated by python.
14. Pack DevouringAndDigesting and run.
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Re: Baldur's Gate 3: Devouring and Digesting

Postby 12451 » Tue Oct 08, 2024 7:40 am

Anonymous111 wrote:any possibility for CV graphics similar to how oral vore has belly graphics?

I wanted to add this, but I'm not skilled enough in 3d modelling, and it turned out very ugly and I kinda dropped the idea. If someone knows blender and wants to help, pm me.
The task is:
Spoiler: show

0. Import the penis from bg3
1. Make the penis erect. I've seen a couple of mods like this, idk how to do that, but I don't want to steal assets from other mods
2. Make it bigger (optional)
3. Add a shapekey for balls size.
4. Once a workflow has been found, do the same for other body shapes, and maybe dragonborn, or I can do this myself
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Re: Baldur's Gate 3: Devouring and Digesting

Postby Azuris » Fri Oct 11, 2024 5:54 pm

12451 wrote:
Anonymous111 wrote:any possibility for CV graphics similar to how oral vore has belly graphics?

I wanted to add this, but I'm not skilled enough in 3d modelling, and it turned out very ugly and I kinda dropped the idea. If someone knows blender and wants to help, pm me.
The task is:
Spoiler: show

0. Import the penis from bg3
1. Make the penis erect. I've seen a couple of mods like this, idk how to do that, but I don't want to steal assets from other mods
2. Make it bigger (optional)
3. Add a shapekey for balls size.
4. Once a workflow has been found, do the same for other body shapes, and maybe dragonborn, or I can do this myself

If CV is added at some point, will there be an option to enable it to work with female characters as well for futa/herm preds?
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Re: Baldur's Gate 3: Devouring and Digesting

Postby 12451 » Fri Oct 11, 2024 7:19 pm

Azuris wrote:If CV is added at some point, will there be an option to enable it to work with female characters as well for futa/herm preds?

It already does work for them (minus the visuals), I think? If I remember correctly, it checks for the penis tag on a character.
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Re: Baldur's Gate 3: Devouring and Digesting

Postby limen » Sat Oct 12, 2024 10:41 am

Someone can explain how the spell rebirth work?
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Re: Baldur's Gate 3: Devouring and Digesting

Postby 20threeyears » Sat Oct 12, 2024 11:28 am

limen wrote:Someone can explain how the spell rebirth work?

Basically revivify but with belly
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Re: Baldur's Gate 3: Devouring and Digesting

Postby limen » Sat Oct 12, 2024 2:33 pm

Basically revivify but with belly

i have tried it but when i consume a pg it stay inside the belly, i have tried also a long rest but it didn't work
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Re: Baldur's Gate 3: Devouring and Digesting

Postby giannifrazzi » Tue Oct 15, 2024 5:20 am

limen wrote:Someone can explain how the spell rebirth work?

How did you get the rebirth spell?
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Re: Baldur's Gate 3: Devouring and Digesting

Postby limen » Tue Oct 15, 2024 10:16 am

giannifrazzi wrote:
limen wrote:Someone can explain how the spell rebirth work?

How did you get the rebirth spell?

by level up the cleric
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Re: Baldur's Gate 3: Devouring and Digesting

Postby Alicy » Fri Oct 18, 2024 3:20 pm

For some reason with this mod only, I cannot start a new game or load an existing save file with this mod, i tried other mods, and they all work fine except this one.
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Re: Baldur's Gate 3: Devouring and Digesting

Postby Azimuth11 » Mon Nov 11, 2024 10:23 am

Hoodoo wrote:
12451 wrote:First, you need to find the name of the race. If a character is a party member, it's fairly simple. You select them and write console command: _P(Osi.GetRace(Osi.GetHostCharacter(), 0)), it should return the name of the character's race.
Then you go to CustomRacesBellies.json. The easiest way to add a new race is to make it use bellies of another race. Basically add "Your modded race name" : "Base race" to the end of CustomRaceAliases. If a modded race has only 2 body shapes, you can use HalfOrc or Githyanki as the base race. If a race has 4 body types, you can use Human. The modded and base races should have the same skeleton, or maybe not, I haven't tested it.

I don't have a CustomRacesBellies.json file in the Script Extender directory. I made it and added the following:

"Tabaxi_Caracal" : "Human",
"Tabaxi_Andean" : "Human"

And it does not add the bellies. Any help? Thanks
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