PMD: Sky Vore Update 4 SFW and Hiatus (2024-04-11)

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PMD: Sky Vore Update 4 SFW and Hiatus (2024-04-11)

Postby ExplosiveDragon » Tue Feb 27, 2024 12:28 am


TL;DR: Project is going on hiatus.

Basically, I’m not a coder. I’ve done one university-level programming course in my life, and that’s about my experience in the field. Adding new moves and debugging is a time-consuming process for me. One I’ve found I enjoy, but time consuming nonetheless. Recently I’ve found myself much, much busier. I just don’t have the time to dedicate to this project, especially considering that this isn’t something I can do outside of my home. And when I do have the time, it never seems to be enough to make actual progress. Skytemple is a wonderful program, but despite its brilliance all it can do is make an impossible task into a very difficult one. Perhaps not the best choice for a newbie.

So, I’ve decided to put this project on hiatus for a bit. I’m not abandoning it, but I won’t be updating for a long while. I need to actually learn to program, and I need to wait until I can devote sufficient time to this. I plan on doing some tutorials and building my own (simple) game in the meantime, which should hopefully give me a bit of a better foundation. I don't want to leave people hanging, but I just can't seem to find the time right now.

But I will be back eventually to complete my plans. In the meantime, I have added a SFW version of the mod for those who are interested.

Many thanks to everyone who has played thus far.

Spoiler: show
- Changed at which levels Pokemon learn moves to avoid having 2 moves learnt at the same time. This should fix issues with Pokemon not learning moves they are supposed to.
- Added an alternate version which removes references to genitals. Probably. Unless I missed something. The moves are still there, but renamed.

- Added sprites for Riolu and Skitty. Now you can do a wonder mail speedrun in the vore mod! As we all know, Skitty is an unrelenting monster who devours gods for fun. To help represent that, I decided to give it a much larger belly than other Pokemon so far. As a result, Skitty is super jank right now, and I will probably revisit it when I have a bit more experience with pixel art.
- Updated the sprites for micros! All credit goes to “viewer11” on Furaffinity for the art. Thank you so much!
- More vore moves give you a full belly sprite, if you are a Pokemon with one. Specifically, anal vore, Unbirth, Mass vore, Vore Pounce, Vore Betrayal, Feed Ally and Feed Enemy will all give the predator a full belly sprite if they have one. (Eevee, Charmander, Riolu, Skitty all have full belly sprites).
- I am working on a feed enemy move. It is not ready yet, though.
- Risky Fuck can now be used on enemies or allies.
- Added vore moves to some Pokemon.
- Added a short bonus dungeon. Only 3 floors for now. Make sure to store your items and money before entering!

(March 8, 2024)
- Added Charmander vore sprites
- Changed and fixed micro item descriptions
- New move: Quick Digestion. Electric-type status move that allows the user to rapidly condense their stored fat into healing energy. Reduces maximum belly by 5 for the rest of the dungeon but heals 100 HP and cures all status conditions. If a status condition is cured this way, restores 1 PP to all the user’s moves. This move is intended to be used alongside Oral Vore and Cockvore/Anal vore/Unbirth. Oral vore allows you to increase your belly, and this move can cure the speed down of the other 3 while restoring PP. All starters will learn this move at the same time they learn foot transformation. Please note that if your partner’s belly falls to 0, they will be unable to move until you feed them an apple. Partner bellies don’t drop by walking, but will drop with this move.

(March 5, 2024)
Small note on Eevee: Only female Eevee is available to be your starter. Female Eevee is available to be your partner no matter your gender. Be warned: Eevee has the runnaway ability. That means that if she's your partner and she falls to 50% HP, she'll uncontrollably run away from enemies, not attacking until she heals or is cornered. This does not apply if she is your starter. So if you want to use Eevee, you might want to play as her.

- Added new sprites to Eevee. Now, when you kill and enemy with oral vore, Eevee's belly will become full for the rest of the floor! May be buggy, but I have yet to see any obvious problems.

(March 2, 2024)
I messed up some items and orbs, so I quickly went through and tried to change them into something a bit more functional.

- I borked some orbs, so now they just use a vore move instead of their normal effects. Renamed.
- I borked weather ball. Now nobody gets that move.
- I borked dig. It's now headbutt.
- I borked razor wind. It's now Razor leaf.
- I borked focus punch. It's now focus blast.
- I borked sky attack. It's now just an attack.
- yeah I just fucked up the entire secret bazaar. I wouldn't go in there if I were you. If you do, just don't use the cleanse, heal, or escape functions.

(March 1, 2024)
- Enabled partner death. Now, you can have your partner die in a dungeon without instantly losing, even if you haven't beaten the story yet (5)! If your partner dies in a dungeon, they won't be present in future dungeons. You MUST talk to your partner by pressing R between dungeons if you want them back. Story NPCs who die in a dungeon won't come back (4). Note that doing this will reset your team, kicking out any recruits you have with you.
- Updated AI weights so that they use vore moves more often.
- Re-sprited Gummis and changed their names. Now, they are bottled micros for you to devour! (1)
- New move: Vore betrayal (6). Dark-type physical move that can only be used on allies. Deals insane damage, almost certainly insta-killing them, but fills your belly and buffs your stats (5). (Note: if you die when you don't have a revivor seed, you'll fail the dungeon).
- New move: Feed Ally (6). Fire-type physical move that allows you to feed yourself to your ally. You die, but they get a +1 buff to all stats, and a full belly. You can revive from this.
- New move: Risky Fuck (6). Steel-type physical move that allows you to fuck your allies mid-dungeon. But beware, as sex is a dangerous game in a vore world. This move will restore HP and PP to both parties, but there is a 10% chance that the user will consume their partner mid-session (5), filling their own belly. They can revive from this.
- New move: Tail Vore. Grass-type physical move that hits from 2 tiles away. Your tail comes to life and attempts to devour the target. If fatal, uses protect, causing most damaging moves to miss for 3-6 turns. Protect effect has a chance to fail. (8)
- Oshawott and Braixen have been added to the game. They are available as starters and as a partners, but Oshawott is only male and Braixen is only female. (7)
- Piplup (male) and Turtwig (female) are no longer available as starters. (Other gender still is). (2)
- Phanpy and Chikorita are no longer available as partners. (3)

(1) PMD is very strict about the colors items can use. I tried my best to make all the new gummis look as good as possible, but I had to use each sprite at least twice, so some gummis will share sprites. Also, a certain post-game story is way more fucked up now because of the gummi ch-WAIT SPINDA WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO THAT MICRO!

(2) There are only 32 starter slots, and 19 starters. Some starters are available as both male and female. I'd rather cut a gender from a starter than remove them completely. To get your preferred starter, make sure to check both the male and female options. Gender doesn't actually do much in this game, as both genders share a sprite sheet. The main effects are: (1) women get pink borders around their text, men get blue. (2) women get higher accuracy and evasion; men get higher crit chance.

(3) There are only 21 partner slots, and there are 21 default options. To add a new Pokemon, someone has to go. If I wound up cutting your favorite partner, you can re-add it using SkyTemple. Open SkyTemple, open your .nds file, open 'lists' then 'starters'. Double-click on a partner or starter and type in the name of your desired starter. If it's in the system, it'll appear in a drop-down menu. Select that, hit enter, and it should be available next time you open the game. Please note that changing anything in SkyTemple will mess up your save files.

(4) I have no idea what will happen if you lose a story NPC. I don't think it will crash, but I'd recommend saving before a story dungeon, so you don't screw up your save.


(6) These moves are de-prioritized, but the AI will still use them if it doesn't have anything better to do. You should probably not let the AI use Vore Betrayal or Risky Fuck, as if you die, you'll either use a reviver seed or fail the dungeon. If you want to use these moves effectively, either only give them to yourself and/or turn your allies 'Item Master' IQ Skill off so they don't burn your reviver seeds randomly. Remember to reset your party by pressing R between dungeons so you can use dead partners again. Or don't. I’m not your boss, and if you wanna do a permadeath run you’re more than welcome.

(7) Moves from gen 5+ are not in the game. I tried to replace them with similar-ish moves. Braixen does not have certain animations, such as a sleeping animation, so it will look weird in some areas.

(8) Idk what's up with that. Protect just seems to have some sort of hard-coded fail chance that isn't affected by anything or changeable. :/

(Feb 28, 2024)
- Fixed Oral Vore so it shows a message telling you that your belly was restored/increased.
- Changed the effects of Hard Vore. Previously: Bite. Now: Dark-type physical move that restores 10 belly on hit, even if it isn’t lethal. High crit ratio.
- Changed the effects of Brutal Vore. Previously: Crunch. Now: Dark-type physical move that restores 3 belly on hit, even if it isn’t lethal. Multi-hit move with a high critical hit ratio. (If you don’t know, multi hit moves are very powerful in PMD).
- Hard vore and Brutal vore have not been added to TMs or starter learn sets because they are intended to be vore-themed replacements for bite/crunch.
- Added Vore Pounce. Leap towards a target in a straight line from you and attempt to devour them whole. Deals damage and restores belly on a kill. Might not work during certain boss fights.
- Vore Pounce is available as a TM and has been added to move sets of starters.
- Added vore moves to boss move sets, and a small number of regular enemy move sets.

This is a simple ROM hack for the game Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky. It adds a bunch of new moves and some more sprites. Every new move has been added to the level-up moves for the starter Pokemon and are rarely available from the Keckleon shop in town. Additionally, the rate at which the player’s belly drains from walking in dungeons has been increased to compensate for the new moves. Both the player, the partner and enemies can use vore moves, but only a few enemies currently have them. Additionally, a new dungeon named "Uh oh" is available. It is a buggy mess, and crashes like a third of the time. DO NOT SAVE AFTER COMPLETING IT. LOAD THE SAVE FROM BEFORE YOU ATTEMPTED IT.

My intention with this mod is to make a (hopefully) balanced playthrough possible with the vore moves. I tried to make them relatively fair and somewhat in-line with what is already available within the game. That being said, I also wanted to make them impactful and unique enough that you would choose them over pre-existing moves.

I love playing other people’s vore mods and wanted to make one of my own. Unfortunately, I have exactly zero modding experience and very little actual coding experience, so please be patient as I learn!

What’s included:
Spoiler: show
There are like a bunch of new moves and stuff. Eevee, Charmander, Riolu, and Skitty will gain full belly sprites after doing a vore.

The main mechanic for vore moves in this mod is that they trigger an effect if you KO an enemy with one. Otherwise, they just do damage.

The moves are:

Oral Vore – Dragon – Restore belly on kill. All starters start with this move. It’s dragon-type so that no Pokemon are immune to it. DO NOT FORGET THIS, IT IS NEEDED TO NOT STARVE.
Anal Vore – Fighting – Slows the user but raises defensive stats on kill.
Cock vore/Unbirth – Normal - Slows the user but raises offensive stats on kill. Both moves are available on all Pokemon. They are functionally identical to each other.
Foot Transformation – Ground - Boosts the user’s speed on kill.
Mass Vore – Flying – Room-wide attack. Heals 10 Hp/Kill.
Absorption Vore – Water – 20% chance of raising user’s IQ on kill.
Soul Vore – Ghost – 10% chance of permanently raising the user’s base stats on kill.
Mind Vore – Psychic – Reveals map on kill, as though you used a luminous orb.
Itemize Ally – Status – Transforms an ally into an item. This instantly kills them and prevents the use of reviver seeds on them. Using this on your partner or having them use it on you will cause you to fail the dungeon.
Itemize Enemy – Status – 30% chance to turn an enemy into an item. This instantly kills them and prevents the use of reviver seeds on them. Using this on a boss counts as an instant victory. It’s totally overpowered for bosses, so use with caution.
Mass Itemization – Status – 30% chance to all turn all enemies in the room into items. This instantly kills them and prevents the use of reviver seeds on them. Using this on a boss counts as an instant victory. It’s totally overpowered for bosses, so use with caution.
Vore Pounce - Physical - Leap in a straight line towards the target, then do Oral Vore to them.
Hard Vore - Physical - Replaces Bite - Rip a chunk out of the enemy and fill your belly slightly. High crit ratio.
Brutal Vore - Physical - Replaces Crunch - Savagely rip into the enemy, eating them piece by bloody piece. Multi-hit move with high crit ratio that fills your belly a bit with each hit.
Vore Betrayal - Physical - Betray your ally and swallow them whole to boost your own stats and fill your belly. Make sure to turn item master off if you don't want to waste reviver seeds. If your partner dies, you can revive them between dungeons by pressing R to talk to them.
Feed Ally - Physical - Feed yourself to your ally to give them Vore Betrayal's buffs. This does kill you. NPCs can and will use this when given a chance.
Risky Fuck - Physical - Fuck an ally to heal both of you and restore PP. Sex as a pred can be a gamble, though, and there is a 10% chance you send your ally straight to your belly.
Tail Vore - Physical - 2-tile range move that has your tail attempt to devour the enemy for you. If fatal, your tail will protect you while it digests its prey.
Quick digestion - Status - Turn food into healing energy, restoring health and curing status conditions at the cost of belly. Restores PP if it cures a status condition. Meant to combo with anal/cock/unbirth moves.

Spoiler: show
I have applied a number of SkyTemple’s in-built patches to make the game a bit more playable. They are as follows:
- Appraise all boxes at once.
- Choose your starter Pokemon (instead of being forced into one).
- Pitfall trap fix.
- Choose partner with the same type as your starter.
- Push allies by walking into them. (Hold B to swap places instead).
- PMD:Super-style move shortcuts. (Hold L and press A/B/X/Y to select move quickly).

How to use:
Spoiler: show
I am a complete newbie at ROM hacking, so I will not be very good at answering any questions. I will try my best to explain how to apply and play this patch as though you are like me and have never done this before.

- You need a DS emulator. I won’t link you one nor will I give any recommendations, but it shouldn’t be too hard to find one yourself.
- You need a fresh, clean copy of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky. IT NEEDS TO BE THE NA (North American) VERSION (That's the US version). Make sure to un-zip it before use. It should be a .nds file. Make sure to keep a clean copy available if you ever want to play another ROM hack, or if I ever update this one. I can’t give you this one either, but again it should not be too hard to find.
- You will need to either download Xdelta ( or use the online patcher ( I have not used the online patcher, so I cannot say if it works.

How to use:
- Open xdeltaUI.exe
- Make sure you are on the “apply patch” tab.
- For the patch field, choose the file you downloaded from here (should be named PMDSkyVore.xdelta)
- For the Source file field, choose your clean copy of PMD: Sky. (Should be a .nds file).
- For the output file field, click on the three dots (…) and choose a location on your computer where you want the resulting file to be placed. Try to name it something relevant (like PMDSkyVore.nds). Make sure to give it the .nds suffix.
- Click “Patch”.
- Open your DS emulator and select the created .nds file. Congratulations, you should now be playing the game!
- You should see “created with SkyTemple” in the opening logos, and the intro before the Quiz should be modified. If it is, you know it worked.

How to make your own PMD romhacks:
Spoiler: show
Visit . It’s not as hard as you might think, and I think that we might eventually get some great vore hacks if more people know about this!

Spoiler: show

Spoiler: show
Q: Can I play this on mobile?
A: Yes, if you can patch it and find a DS emulator on mobile. You might have to patch it on a PC and send it to yourself, or have a friend do it.
Q: Can I use a non-NA Rom?
A: No.
Q: Can I modify this?
A: Yes! I’d love it if someone takes this and makes it better. You can use SkyTemple to edit the .nds file and use xdelta to create your own patch.
Q: Will this work with other ROM hacks?
A: Almost certainly not, but you’re free to try.
Q: Can I use my old save file from vanilla/another ROM hack/a previous version of this hack?
A: No.
Q: Does this work with SkyTemple's randomizer?
A: Nothing will break, but you won't have any vore moves unless you add them to the Pokemon yourself using SkyTemple.
Last edited by ExplosiveDragon on Thu Apr 11, 2024 2:37 am, edited 13 times in total.
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Re: PMD: Sky Vore

Postby Anonymous37905 » Tue Feb 27, 2024 2:06 am

Cool Idea, I would love to see it expanded upon in the future.
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Re: PMD: Sky Vore

Postby Houyo » Tue Feb 27, 2024 2:28 am

I've never played a PMD game, never got the chance. This may very well be the motivation I need to try.
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Re: PMD: Sky Vore

Postby Omb74 » Tue Feb 27, 2024 4:45 am

I got curious and wanted to see if adding weight gain to the romhack through SkyTemple was possible. It looks like my idea is possible, but not doable right now, as far as I know.

Essentially, the idea was to use the form system to allow a weight gain system that switches between weight sizes. Like how Castform changes based on the current weather effect, but with belly size or the number of Pokemon defeated with Vore moves. The game treats these forms like individual Pokemon with their own stats, so a lot can be changed without having to evolve the Pokemon or drastically change the base Pokemon.

The problem is that I can't find information on how the game changes a Pokemon's form. SkyTemple has an empty page on Pokemon forms so I'm assuming they'll add that functionality later.
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Re: PMD: Sky Vore

Postby Skookz » Tue Feb 27, 2024 4:46 am

Holy moly, this sound absolutely amazing. Full support of this idea! Would be exciting to see how it works with wild pokemon but for now this is good on its own.
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Re: PMD: Sky Vore

Postby ExplosiveDragon » Tue Feb 27, 2024 9:22 pm

Omb74 wrote:I got curious and wanted to see if adding weight gain to the romhack through SkyTemple was possible. It looks like my idea is possible, but not doable right now, as far as I know.

Essentially, the idea was to use the form system to allow a weight gain system that switches between weight sizes. Like how Castform changes based on the current weather effect, but with belly size or the number of Pokemon defeated with Vore moves. The game treats these forms like individual Pokemon with their own stats, so a lot can be changed without having to evolve the Pokemon or drastically change the base Pokemon.

The problem is that I can't find information on how the game changes a Pokemon's form. SkyTemple has an empty page on Pokemon forms so I'm assuming they'll add that functionality later.

I am actually working on something like that. I currently have a functional variation of the Oral Vore move that visually turns you into another Pokemon on kill. I plan on using it to turn the user into a "full-belly" version of themselves when they successfully oral vore. The change is only visual, no stat changes, and reverts when you leave the floor, or die, or leave the dungeon. The main problems are as follows:

1. The Pokemon you turn into is hard-coded into the move, so that means I would have to add a new move for every change, and I only have 13 empty move slots left. If I got rid of one of the physical/special versions of the vore moves I have right now, I'd have 22 slots. There are 21 starters (19 available to the player, 2 partner-only) so if every starter gets a vore move that changes their sprite, I'd only have 2 slots left. Let alone if I wanted other types of vore moves that change your sprite. I can replace existing moves too, though that has its own issues.

2. I don't have vore sprites. Nor do I have any artistic ability. Nor do I have the willingness to learn. I'll do my best, but that's a roadblock that makes me want to work on other things for now.

Neither of those are impassible obstacles, but it does mean that I won't be implementing visual changes for a while. The biggest problem is point #1, as it means that it is impractical to have more than one stage of fullness using what I have now.
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Re: PMD: Sky Vore (Updated 2024-02-28)

Postby GearTech147 » Wed Feb 28, 2024 10:09 am

ExplosiveDragon wrote:
Omb74 wrote:I got curious and wanted to see if adding weight gain to the romhack through SkyTemple was possible. It looks like my idea is possible, but not doable right now, as far as I know.

Essentially, the idea was to use the form system to allow a weight gain system that switches between weight sizes. Like how Castform changes based on the current weather effect, but with belly size or the number of Pokemon defeated with Vore moves. The game treats these forms like individual Pokemon with their own stats, so a lot can be changed without having to evolve the Pokemon or drastically change the base Pokemon.

The problem is that I can't find information on how the game changes a Pokemon's form. SkyTemple has an empty page on Pokemon forms so I'm assuming they'll add that functionality later.

I am actually working on something like that. I currently have a functional variation of the Oral Vore move that visually turns you into another Pokemon on kill. I plan on using it to turn the user into a "full-belly" version of themselves when they successfully oral vore. The change is only visual, no stat changes, and reverts when you leave the floor, or die, or leave the dungeon. The main problems are as follows:

1. The Pokemon you turn into is hard-coded into the move, so that means I would have to add a new move for every change, and I only have 13 empty move slots left. If I got rid of one of the physical/special versions of the vore moves I have right now, I'd have 22 slots. There are 21 starters (19 available to the player, 2 partner-only) so if every starter gets a vore move that changes their sprite, I'd only have 2 slots left. Let alone if I wanted other types of vore moves that change your sprite. I can replace existing moves too, though that has its own issues.

2. I don't have vore sprites. Nor do I have any artistic ability. Nor do I have the willingness to learn. I'll do my best, but that's a roadblock that makes me want to work on other things for now.

Neither of those are impassible obstacles, but it does mean that I won't be implementing visual changes for a while. The biggest problem is point #1, as it means that it is impractical to have more than one stage of fullness using what I have now.

Is it possible to instead tie the full sprites to how much belly the Pokemon has? I.e. if they go over 100, weight stage 1, if they go over 125, weight stage 2... so on, so forth.
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Re: PMD: Sky Vore (Updated 2024-02-28)

Postby crazytf2 » Wed Feb 28, 2024 7:56 pm

I like the promise of it i hope later on we will get more pokemon to the roster aswell
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Re: PMD: Sky Vore (Updated 2024-02-28)

Postby ExplosiveDragon » Wed Feb 28, 2024 9:29 pm

GearTech147 wrote:Is it possible to instead tie the full sprites to how much belly the Pokemon has? I.e. if they go over 100, weight stage 1, if they go over 125, weight stage 2... so on, so forth.

It is possible. Someone did make a Morpeko patch, which should be 90% of the coding.

However, I don't really like that idea all that much. The main problem is that I really want this hack to be a vore game first and foremost. As such, ideally I'd like the animations to be vore-related, like struggling bellies and such. As there are other ways to increase your belly in the game aside from vore moves, it wouldn't really make sense for a Pokemon to have a squirming gut after eating a big apple.

Also, there is still the problem is still getting animations in the first place. My current budget for animations is 0$, and each new "stage" of weight gain would mean doing a dozen new animations. I am trying to make animations on my own by editing the base sprites, but I am not an artist so it is slow going. Adding 2 more stages of weight gain would mean tripling the work needed to finish a Pokemon's sprites.

That being said, attaching weight gain to an ability would free up space for moves. If there is someone out there who is better than me with animations and coding and who wants to do it, that'd be awesome.

crazytf2 wrote:I like the promise of it i hope later on we will get more pokemon to the roster aswell

Is there any Pokemon in specific you'd like? It's not actually that hard to add Pokemon, so long as you're alright with them not having any moves or abilities past gen 4. The starter list can't be expanded, but you can replace starters with other Pokemon. I'm sure no one would miss Phanpy if there's a Pokemon people want more.
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Re: PMD: Sky Vore (Updated 2024-02-28)

Postby crazytf2 » Wed Feb 28, 2024 10:22 pm

ExplosiveDragon wrote:
GearTech147 wrote:Is it possible to instead tie the full sprites to how much belly the Pokemon has? I.e. if they go over 100, weight stage 1, if they go over 125, weight stage 2... so on, so forth.

It is possible. Someone did make a Morpeko patch, which should be 90% of the coding.

However, I don't really like that idea all that much. The main problem is that I really want this hack to be a vore game first and foremost. As such, ideally I'd like the animations to be vore-related, like struggling bellies and such. As there are other ways to increase your belly in the game aside from vore moves, it wouldn't really make sense for a Pokemon to have a squirming gut after eating a big apple.

Also, there is still the problem is still getting animations in the first place. My current budget for animations is 0$, and each new "stage" of weight gain would mean doing a dozen new animations. I am trying to make animations on my own by editing the base sprites, but I am not an artist so it is slow going. Adding 2 more stages of weight gain would mean tripling the work needed to finish a Pokemon's sprites.

That being said, attaching weight gain to an ability would free up space for moves. If there is someone out there who is better than me with animations and coding and who wants to do it, that'd be awesome.

crazytf2 wrote:I like the promise of it i hope later on we will get more pokemon to the roster aswell

Is there any Pokemon in specific you'd like? It's not actually that hard to add Pokemon, so long as you're alright with them not having any moves or abilities past gen 4. The starter list can't be expanded, but you can replace starters with other Pokemon. I'm sure no one would miss Phanpy if there's a Pokemon people want more.

Not in particular but i look foward to whats coming next
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Re: PMD: Sky Vore (Updated 2024-02-28)

Postby Houyo » Wed Feb 28, 2024 10:57 pm

I've got some experience with sprite editing. The sprites are a bit small though and they don't leave a lot of room for big bellies. How big are the bellies your hoping to give them? Any pokemon you'd want to see an example of?
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Re: PMD: Sky Vore (Updated 2024-02-28)

Postby ExplosiveDragon » Thu Feb 29, 2024 12:29 am

Houyo wrote:I've got some experience with sprite editing. The sprites are a bit small though and they don't leave a lot of room for big bellies. How big are the bellies your hoping to give them? Any pokemon you'd want to see an example of?

If you want to help with sprite editing, you should check out ... xP96w/edit as it links tools used for PMD Sky sprite editing and gives a guide to doing so. Also, the SkyTemple discord server too.

I'm not overly concerned about how large the bellies are. Ideally, what I would want most are sprites that make it clear that the bellies are full of prey, rather than just large. So a struggling belly animation of sorts (mainly during the walk, hurt and idle animations). Also, I'd prefer that the bellies are small enough that the Pokemon can still clearly walk and see. That being said, I'll take anything anyone gives me and put it in the game. I don't want to be picky about receiving free stuff.

As for which Pokemon I'd like to see, I'd say any of the PMD Sky starters would be great. (That would be starters from gen 1-4 plus Pikachu, Vulpix, Eevee, Meowth, Phanpy, Skitty, Shinx, Munchlax, Riolu). I am definitely biased towards Eevee, Shinx, Charmander, Vulpix, Treecko and Riolu, though.

Starters are easily replaced. If there is a Pokemon you think would be uniquely easy or good to modify, I can swap them into the starter list.
Last edited by ExplosiveDragon on Thu Feb 29, 2024 1:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: PMD: Sky Vore (Updated 2024-02-28)

Postby Houyo » Thu Feb 29, 2024 12:45 am

I actually started a playthrough with this mod as Treecko. Would have gone with Bulbasaur buuuuut Treecko is the starter for one of my vore OCs so I figured I'd go for that. Gonna be hard only picking 4 moves...

I'll see if I can edit the Treecko sheet tomorrow.
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Re: PMD: Sky Vore (Updated 2024-02-28)

Postby Omb74 » Thu Feb 29, 2024 2:58 am

ExplosiveDragon wrote:
Houyo wrote:I've got some experience with sprite editing. The sprites are a bit small though and they don't leave a lot of room for big bellies. How big are the bellies your hoping to give them? Any pokemon you'd want to see an example of?

I'm not overly concerned about how large the bellies are. Ideally, what I would want most are sprites that make it clear that the bellies are full of prey, rather than just large. So a struggling belly animation of sorts (mainly during the walk, hurt and idle animations). Also, I'd prefer that the bellies are small enough that the Pokemon can still clearly walk and see. That being said, I'll take anything anyone gives me and put it in the game. I don't want to be picky about receiving free stuff.

The linked guide doesn't mention it but there is a max limit to how many animations a pokemon can have: 44 (0-43). Starter/Partner Pokemon already have 34 animations and can only have 10 extra (save for Squirtle who also has the withdrew animation). Similarly, the animations need to have specific names from a list and can't be named something like "vore-walk". This is fine as game has the special(0-26) names that rarely get used by any Pokemon. I should also mention that there is a PMD sprite repository that already has a lot of the future-generation starters ready to go but there mostly fanmade.

PMDSprite Zip Files - Animation Names - PMD Sprite Repository

Also, I made some mock-up vore sprites with Pikachu for size references. I made four idle sprites for same-size vore (where the Mon could still see and move) and one reference for eating the largest Pokemon in the game (Onix, Wailord, Lugia) as a max capacity. The one ref turned into three because I thought about animating it but stopped when I realized I wasn't sure what to animate: Idling, Digestion, or Struggling.

I think the profiles needs adjustment,
but it came out good otherwise
Vore-Refs.png (2.64 KiB) Viewed 46736 times

From here, I think I'll try and make the "walk, hurt, and idle" struggling animations for Pikachu using the small size and see how that works out.
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Re: PMD: Sky Vore (Updated 2024-02-28)

Postby JDandAliProductions » Thu Feb 29, 2024 8:26 am

Starting playing with this mod yesterday and it's quite good, we all know Pokemon has a food chain and this mod allows us to see it in action
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Re: PMD: Sky Vore (Updated 2024-02-28)

Postby Skookz » Thu Feb 29, 2024 1:35 pm

crazytf2 wrote:I like the promise of it i hope later on we will get more pokemon to the roster aswell

Is there any Pokemon in specific you'd like? It's not actually that hard to add Pokemon, so long as you're alright with them not having any moves or abilities past gen 4. The starter list can't be expanded, but you can replace starters with other Pokemon. I'm sure no one would miss Phanpy if there's a Pokemon people want more.[/quote]

Maybe an oshawott and a braixen, y'know as a suggestion. Hahahaha- :silly:
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Re: PMD: Sky Vore (Updated 2024-02-28)

Postby bonberjean » Thu Feb 29, 2024 1:48 pm

Instead of foot transformation (that would be weird, but I'm sure there are people into it).
Make tail vore instead to give the speed boost.

I am Brazilian, have something against it?

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Re: PMD: Sky Vore (Updated 2024-02-28)

Postby aperson1234567890 » Thu Feb 29, 2024 3:17 pm

Oh... my... God... I will be watching this with GREAT interest.
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Re: PMD: Sky Vore (Updated 2024-02-28)

Postby Houyo » Thu Feb 29, 2024 6:56 pm

Gah, I thought treecko would be easy since he's bipedal, but he actually walks around on 4 legs in this game. XD It's hard to make a large belly without making him look like he's lifted off the ground.
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Re: PMD: Sky Vore (Updated 2024-02-28)

Postby ExplosiveDragon » Thu Feb 29, 2024 7:42 pm

bonberjean wrote:Instead of foot transformation (that would be weird, but I'm sure there are people into it).
Make tail vore instead to give the speed boost.

When I made the first set of vore moves, I wanted them to be usable by all the starters as I intended them all to be useful for a vore-themed playthrough no matter your choice. I do want to add tail vore, but my problem with it is that some starters don't have tails, or have small, shitty tails that don't make sense for tail vore. For example, it doesn't really make sense for Bulbasaur to do tail vore.

Speed boost is such an important effect when you have multiple moves that lower speed, so I figured I did need it. While not everyone has tails, everyone has feet. Therefore, foot transformation. It's not ideal, and definitely is not my first choice, but it should be fine. It's optional anyways.

As for tail vore, it'll be added next update. I am planning on it being a 2-tile range grass-type move that uses protect on a kill, protecting you from being damaged by most moves for 3-6 turns. Flavorfully, it would represent the user's tail stretching out to grab prey, then protecting them from attacks after being fed. I'll add to to starters that have tails.
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