A way out (Vore survival game)

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A way out (Vore survival game)

Postby Thisisneat » Tue Jul 16, 2024 7:59 am

Hey everyone this is my first post in a while.

I noticed no one is talking about this game on Itch.io and I reckon quite a lot of people will enjoy it so I will be posting the link to it below.
I do not own this game or have any part of its development, I just wanted to give this game some attention as I think its great.

The premise is that you're a student amongst other students within a school and you need to escape by any means necessary whilst being hunted by a voracious, voluptuous teacher, one out of the 4 thats planned to be added, and you have ways to distract her from devouring you such as baiting other students into her gullet or grabbing apples which saves you from your demise, but at the cost of the apple of course.

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Re: A way out (Vore survival game)

Postby SquishySofty » Tue Jul 16, 2024 11:36 am

(I am not the developer)

Current Game Name: Escape From Deep Pit University

Previous Game Name: A Way Out

Game Link: https://ghostwhisperer971.itch.io/escap ... university ($4 w/ free demo)

Game Description: Somewhere in the middle of nowhere lies a school called Deep Pit. In a world where there are humans, monster hybrid humans and giant humans, Guy, a regular human, is your average student and is one of many students in this school. Guy was concerned about the rare cases of students going missing and after gathering information, he discovers how some of them went missing. The issue is that someone else in this school has a gut feeling that Guy knows too much and will do whatever it takes to keep their secret safe.

Players need to find keys in order to escape. Listen out for the predator in order to avoid being eaten. There are apples around the school that can help you escape from predators if you get caught. Other students will be walking around; looking clueless since they have no idea what is going on and maybe they can be useful to you in some way.

You can play as four different students. There are four predators to escape from.

Spoiler: show





image (7).png
Bella with the biggest belly possible ❤

image (8).png
Ditto, but behind

image (9).png

Playable characters (Full Game only):
Spoiler: show
Person = Unlocked by default; starting character.
Bella (First Predator) = Unlocked by escaping with the book in hand.
Tulpy (Second Predator) = Unlocked by escaping with the book in hand and completed all main predators
Satie (Third Predator) = Unlocked by beating Nightmare mode.

* By playing either Bella, Tulpy, or Satie, you'll have a hunger bar as an extra slot. If it goes below 10%, you have the ability to devour other students by pressing F. If it's 0%, then your stomach will be actively growling indefinitely until you eat something, which attracts a small amount of noise, and your movements will also be slowed down.

The game is finished development. However, the developer might add new features and fixes (Like the outfits), but no guarantee if it's going to happen in the future.

[Developer Might add] (He removed this in the itch page, so this is outdated :skull:)
-One other map
-More female predators
-Male predators (Optional/Toggleable. Off by default if implemented)
-A special outfit for each predator.

Game Contains: Female Pred/Prey, Player Pred*/Prey, Oral Vore, Digestion, Stealth, Hide and Seek, 3D game, Very Difficult for casual players
* - Playing as predator is locked unless if you unlock a certain condition. See the [Playable Characters] section above for more info. Also, you can't play as predator in the demo.

WASD = Movement
Mouse = Look around
Shift = Sprint (Toggle based. Can't run backwards or sidestep running)
Ctrl = Crouch (Toggle based)
E or F = Interact, drop item (if not nearby interactable objects. Can't drop objects if being chased), Struggle if eaten, or (Playing as Student Predators) Devour if hunger is below 10%.
* - If eaten, you can hold the movement keys or E/F to struggle instead of mashing the button. Please don't break your fingers.
* - If playing as Student predators in the full game, like Bella and Satie, you must be selecting the hunger slot in order to perform it.
Q = Switch selected item focus (Selected item is the one colored purple)

Changelogs (July 18th - November 23rd):
Spoiler: show
July 18th = Initial release for full game
July 19th = "All predators except Predator 4 (Ligeska) have had their speed reduced, Predator 3 (Satie)'s speed was greatly reduced. Added ambient noise and fog to nightmare mode."
July 22nd = "All predators have less chasing experience. This means when you run behind walls, they are less likely to predict where you'll go. Predators now wait at least 30 seconds (32 seconds technically), at the start of the match (Non-Student Predator will spawn in the cafeteria). Predators in nightmare mode now do the "Found You" animation. Couple of bug fixes, mainly related to Satie freeze bug." Also, in one of his comments, he asked to upvote this comment to add more nerfs and downvote to not add nerfs. Before the dev blog was deleted, 6 out of 22 (27%) people have upvoted for the nerf changes.
July 25th = "A couple of bug fixes with one of many being predators not having a different pitch footstep sound. Also reverted predator chase experience nerf. After some testing, I noticed that if the chase experience was too slow, predators would lose players too easily. For example, running around a corner would be enough to break chase. This just did not feel right."
July 26th = "All predators (Starting 4 predators) are now selectable without having to escape from the previous one. This change fixes the issue with players being stuck on one and not being able to face the other predators. Future predators (mainly females) will only be unlocked when the player escapes at least one time against the starting four predators." However, the unlock condition to play as predators is still the same.
August 2nd = "Changed the game title from "A Way Out" to "Escape From Deep Pit University". I plan to add this game on stream since there are people that unable to get it through here. Sound meter as added. Minor changes." A hotfix was quickly added 2 hours after the update's release, because due to a change of the game's name, your saves will be wiped completely before the hotfix.
August 23rd = "Everyone's speed was increased slightly. Bella's sounds were slightly decreased. Ligeska now makes hiss sounds more frequently. Her influence on students lasts longer and the students are more likely to reveal your location. All predators have a decreased chase speed for a short time when they start a chase. The chase speed increases after some time if they are still in chase. Preys now have increased escape chance. This escape chance can decrease when they leave predators or each time the bell rings. Struggle power will decrease after getting caught too many times. Certain apple's effectiveness was increased by 2x. Other minor changes were added."
August 24th = "Lowered light brightness in some rooms where white keys would blend in with the floor too much. Minor Bug fixes" (Mainly the chase logic and some other fixes with the sound)
August 27th = Shadow update, some bug fixes related to the Key Finding mechanic.
September 9th = Tulpy is now a playable character. Some other bug fixes and addition to the new character.
September 11th = "Random two now has a nightmare mode. It can be played by beating Random two regular mode. | Nightmare mode for random two has an easter egg that can occur randomly if you have beaten tulpy's nightmare mode before and start a game in random two nightmare mode. | Main predators have less "protection" and if they are digested, they will not count towards your escapes. | Other slight changes and bug fixes."
September 14th = "Escape chance has been changed slightly which should increase the chance overall. The chance will be noticeably less for predator two and decreased greatly for non-player students. | Predator two now makes less noise. | visibility of struggles when trapped are affected by struggle power. Struggle power has a certain range for each struggle. | Struggle power overall has been decreased. | In nightmare mode, all predators start off nearly hungry and keeping the hunger bar up might not be possible. | All students can pick up apples. Players can make them drop apples by pressing F on them. | Fixed a bug where a prey's face imprint was not showing up in the struggles. | Fixed a bug where you leave random two mode, go to the main menu, and go to predator select, it would default to predator one. Now it remembers your last selection. | Body physics were adjusted to be more noticeable."
September 19th = "Predator Sense added. | Fixed a bug involving sounds and predators now should have a harder time hearing players. | student predators suffer less speed reduction when hungry. Main predators gain less speed when hungry. | Predators now do the found you animation for a longer time. | Increased the chase time a predator needs to build up speed. | Fixed a bug where predator two(Tulpy) escapes from predator four(Ligeska) and gets stuck. | Other changes."
September 22nd = "[No Updates] This game will not support any language other than English. | This game will not support multiple platforms. | Steam has rejected this game so this game will not be on steam."
September 23rd = "Minor bug fixes" ... Very descriptive. :lol:
November 20th - 23rd = "[No Updates][In the comment section instead of the blog post] The game is complete. My focus is to fix an issue with the outfits, but I cannot say if or when I will be able to."

My personal tips that I've been playing for more than 24+ hours into the game (Updated):
Spoiler: show
- The Predator (or predators in cases of double predator mode) will ALWAYS spawn in the cafeteria, and they’ll decide to either head straight into the 104/105 classrooms, 101 classroom or the Nurse’s office area.

- The Predator has around 30 second cooldown before moving, so you’ll have all the time to run in places at the start of the game.

- Check open areas that aren’t locked. Good example is that while in the very start of the game, check the 2F bathroom or the 1F bathroom first for keys, if there’s no open doors on the first floor. Mainly useful for Nightmare Mode, but it can work for Normal Mode as well.

- If there’s no key in the 2F bathroom, go straight into the 1F bathroom.

- After looking in the 1F bathroom for items, either go straight to the Storage room, Security room if it’s open, or the auditorium for keys (Make sure to look EVERYWHERE on the auditorium).

- Check for lockers or water fountains, or areas where you spotted an item where you normally don’t see. There are also keys lying around the floors (Especially since the keys can sometimes blend in with the purple stairs too lmao).

- If you know that the pred is far away from you in another floor (Ex: Pred is in the Cafeteria while you’re on the 2nd floor), you’re free to run, provided if the predator isn’t too hungry.

- If the predator is too hungry, it’s risky to run, because the predator will dash to the nearest loudest sound creates.

- In a case of the above tip (And especially for Nightmare Mode), always drop your keys immediately upon use, away from the room that you’re entering to distract the predator.

- If you hear the predator’s footstep (Or wings for Tulpy), crouch and sneak, or hide to the nearest room. Sometimes the predator will walk back to the same area you’re in, so make sure to wait just a little longer until it’s safe to come out of hiding.

- The rooms that aren’t locked are all of the bathrooms (2F, 1F, B1), Storage, Auditorium, and Cafeteria. Make sure to go there if you have the chance.

- Completely optional, especially for ones without any items in hand (And at least 1 or 2 bell dings), but you can immediately restart the game if you’ve been spotted by the predator and there’s absolutely no way to escape.

- In a case of Bella and having an apple on your hand, make sure to drop the key before she spots and chases you, since the game is hardcoded to prevent you from dropping any items if you’re already being chased by a predator AND will eat both of your held items. Bella is the only predator that favors apples instead of you, giving you a small window of time to escape, despite taking both of your held items.

- Following from the above tip, predators that’s not Bella will still eat you regardless of if you’re holding any apples or not. In case of that happening, make sure you have at least a Green Apple that increases the chance of escape… If you gamble to win the lottery ticket.

- Hiding behind the Cafeteria table is overpowered, to the point that with good positioning, you won’t be seen by the predator at all.

- If you’re doing Nightmare Mode, you should know that all keys are the same color (white). You’ll have to drop your keys next to the door to avoid mixing up keys that are already opened.

- During Nightmare Mode, aside from the mentioned 32 second cooldown, the predator will become hungry at the start of the game and will chase to the nearest loudest sound possible. Sometimes, but rarely, will chase after you even if you’re not running, so make sure your hiding spot is almost foolproof, like the Library or the Cafeteria.

- Following from the above tip, hiding in one of the opened classrooms (Especially in the 1F classrooms) is a good suggestion as well. Just make sure to keep an eye on where you’ve last seen the predator, like if they’re going to the cafeteria or going to the 2nd floor.

- If you really want to know the predator’s location, you can simply drop the key nearby so that the predator (if hungry) will dash to the location you created the sound. However, It’s strongly advised to keep track of where the predator is heading towards, otherwise, you’ll have moments where you’ll encounter the predator a floor above, below, or unexpectedly. A good example is that if the predator’s footsteps (Or wings for Tulpy) is heading towards you, and there are no signs of the predator, they’re either a floor above or below you.

- On Nightmare Mode, it’s not advised to play as any of the predators you’ve unlocked, unless if you’ve got lucky to get an apple to stay hungry. With a very scarce apple placement and only 2 students spawned, it’s hard to keep yourself full. Plus, even if you do devour, the player’s stomach can cause a lot of noise, especially belching or releasing your prey, which isn’t ideal if the Apex Predator is too hungry to the point that they will chase after your previously created sound (And it’s also not ideal for hiding with a full stomach).

- As mentioned in the devlog’s guide, you can trick the Apex Predator to devour the other students, if you properly position yourself behind the other student. If you did it correctly, the predator will devour said student you tricked instead of you. If not, there are moments where even if you’re behind the student, you’ll still be eaten regardless. This tip is not very ideal when it comes to Nightmare Mode, with even the mere sight of the Apex Predator will made them run away (If the apex is chasing them that is). It’s a bit difficult to position yourself when the student is always moving, so I tend not to use this technique.

- Sometimes the key RNG will grant you the exit early (And also the book if you haven’t collected it) if you’re lucky, and if you’re unfortunate enough, you’ll have to go through (Almost) ALL of the keys to unlock (Almost) ALL of the doors to get the exit key…

- If you can’t keep track of what keys you’ve found (Especially on Nightmare Mode), you should open up a program either Notepad or similar to keep notes to remember in the future.

- You’ll have 24 minutes to escape (Which is 8 minutes per dings, and the max dings is 3). In the June build, it was previously 4 dings, which is 32 minutes.

My honest review of the game after playing for a month (Updated Sep 23rd 2024):
Spoiler: show
I'm mixed between being one of the few favorite games, or the least favorite game because of how the mechanics are tuned or implemented. The game balance is horrid along with steep learning curve. It's not the predators you're facing against, but more like fighting against the mechanics itself. Hell, even few people couldn't beat the first predator, which is Bella.

Getting caught by the predator suffers from unfair RNG mechanics with painfully low escape chances, to the point that there's no point in trying to hold a button to play a gambling waiting game to see if the predator spits you out or not.

This is bad enough that I immediately restart the game when I have:
1. no chance to run away/to hide
2. had no items in my hand
3. the predator's stomach is completely empty
4. no way to trick the predator into eating another student

Even with the attempts of slightly modifying the RNG escape mechanic, it's still a very unintuitive design that relies solely on luck and chances rather than that amount of skill you've put up outside of that, which leads into players avoiding or missing vore scenes on a vore focused game than actually enjoying it. This also includes playable student predators as well: Eating and keeping the prey inside has never been more punishing compared to playing as a pure prey character.

And even if you have like an apple or a student to increase your chances, sorry but there's ALSO another layer of RNG that decides if the object will be spit out, or the other prey spits out, which forces you to stay in the stomach until another stomach upset happens. DOES NOT matter if you have a green apple to increase the chances of escape/stomach upsets or the amount of prey inside of the stomach. After knowing that the book gets digested completely if you get eaten with it, I'm sticking with resetting the game immediately upon getting spotted.

At first, it was enjoyable for a few couple of rounds. But now, I was getting REALLY frustrated. Not to mention that you can't drop any items (especially keys) while you're being chased, which should not be a feature to begin with.

Another thing is that I wouldn't recommend (for casual players) is playing as any predators on Nightmare Mode, as it proves to be VERY luck based. Here is why:
1. There are only 3 apples spawned in Nightmare Mode, which is a very scarce placement. The only saving grace is the kitchen, but that's also adds in the complexity of more key RNG that can screw you over.
2. You start with a VERY low percentage (Around 17%).
3. Digesting DOES NOT recover much of your hunger (And will explain in a later point below).
4. There are only 2 students spawned, though, I think reducing the speed penalty for that makes it slightly manageable.
5. Any loudest sound would lure a hungry predator to chase after the nearest sound. In cases of a player predator belching, this would lure the predator at your location, and if you're too slow, it's "practically game over". I think coming back to this point, the developer did nerfed it a little which is a bit possible. This includes with the existence of Predator Sense, which is very handy.
6. if you have a stomach upset RNG chance occur if you have a prey inside, this FORCES all of your items to drop immediately. Not to mention, if that prey escapes when you drop one of the loudest items in the game, which is the key, you're forced to sit in a long period of time being vulnerable WHILE the hungry predator is chasing after your location. And like I mentioned before, even belching while the prey is inside of the player can also lure the hungry predator as well.
7. The only unfortunate way to properly beat Nightmare Mode is that you're forced to play as Person/Guy, the very first character you start with, which is very disheartening to see. Even playing as a Student Predator strongly discourages eating anything, as it forces to go on a gameplay where your stomach growls always attract the Apex Predator (Which ruins so much of my runs) whenever you're nearby.
8. The only character that's decent is Tulpy, which I should highly recommend when tackling Nightmare Mode. She's so small that she can hide between desks that breaks the predator's line of sight. The only ISSUE is the ridiculous unlock requirement (Which you'll have to beat all predators and escape with the book for Tulpy).

On the positive side: It can be enjoyable in some aspects of the game. Beating all of the normal modes are fun and I do like the designs of all of the predators (And even different ways to face against predators). The only highlight of it was that if you know every strategy, like listening out where the predator is heading towards, and strategically hiding in some places, you can get through the rest of the stage without getting caught by the predator ONCE, and even beat the predator first try. ... That's pretty much it in terms of positives.

Just that even if you know all of the tricks and strategize everything, you'll have your run ended by the predator spotted you because you thought that the predator was above or below the floor you're in. Nope, they're right below you AS SOON you go down, or vice versa.

Another thing is that the balance on the playable characters is not good, or they're just the same as the rest. Person/Guy is the meta, Bella is the slowest(?) (And the first predator you'll unlock), Tulpy is the only decent playable predator but her unlock condition requires beating all predators, and Satie is the noisiest. It says that Satie is the fastest, but she feels like the same speed as Person/Guy but with louder noise. Not to mention, after I've tested all playable character's walking and running speeds, The description is bit misleading, or the value is so small that it doesn't impact the gameplay. A good example is Tulpy, who's walking speed is the slowest even if the game's info does not specify. Satie's listed as the fastest character, but her walking speed is slightly below Person's and Bella's, while Bella's walking speed is the fastest, DESPITE that she's listed as a slow character.

Going back to Satie: Since noise is HIGHLY important for the game, it feels like you're being punished as a reward for unlocking her as the hardest unlock condition so far, which is beating her on Nightmare Mode. With the exception of Tulpy, all predators are noisier than Person.
Noise meter tier list.png

From my extensive testing by comparing all playable character's noise: Tulpy is the least noisy, 3rd being Person, 2nd being Bella, and first being Satie. Tulpy can't run, so if the rest of the 3 does run, then they're noisier than their initial running compared to unlocking the door and dropping the keys. That's why noise is so important, and that's also why it's so risky to run all willy nilly if the predator gets hungry.

I do have some suggestions to make it better, but I doubt that it's going to change anything with the direction it's going:
1. Change the RNG system to be more faithful for the player more than anything else, like an example: Always prioritize in spitting the player out first even if the predator has a full stomach like 3 preys for Bella.
2. Increase the time from 8 minutes per ding to 12 minutes per ding (And keep the max ding to 3).
3. Changing the used key color to a different color from White to Light Blue. (White blends in with the environment, does not matter if you reduce the lighting)
4. Balance all playable characters and fix misleading descriptions. So far, except Tulpy, all character plays the same and having the same stats. Since Noise is important, Satie is the worse character to play as, second being Bella.
5. Commonly suggested requests, like an actual difficulty option (Easy, Medium, Hard), Third person perspective, Sandbox/Freeplay mode, and enabling cheats.
6. Make the sounds muffled when they're above or below a floor, that was my biggest gripes in this game.

Overall: This game is pretty decent and fleshed out for a 3D vore game, but especially a person like me who's into vore, it feels like a never-ending punishment for trying to play the game that I'm into. It just feels like the reward I get by unlocking characters was more unbalanced punishment, and it just hurts to see. I don't want to play as Person/Guy all the time, I want to play as one of the predators that I spent time unlocking them, ESPECIALLY unlocking Satie via Nightmare Mode. It said that Satie is the fastest, but you'll soon learn that it was a scam all along. While I was testing all character's walking and running speeds, she's practically the same speed as the rest of the cast. Yes, she's faster when running, but the difference of it is so small that it hardly even changes anything.

You're free to disagree with my points, I'm not here to dictate anyone's decision to play the game. My review may be biased or come across as harsh/picky, but the game doesn't do a very good job in presenting it faithfully.

tl;dr: This game had a lot of potential; however, it unfortunately comes with a lot of gameplay issues such as a steep learning curve, unfaithful layers of RNG mechanics, and unbalanced mechanics between playable predator and prey. This leads up to grinding many hours into beating one character. Also, there is no replay value after 100% the game, no sandbox/free roam, no cheats/customization, nothing.
Last edited by SquishySofty on Sat Nov 23, 2024 2:30 pm, edited 52 times in total.
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Re: A way out (Vore survival game)

Postby TheEvilWithin » Tue Jul 16, 2024 2:02 pm

I've played it already and I've gotta say, it's quite the fun game. Recommend even if for now is still relatively simple and incomplete in some aspects.
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Re: A way out (Vore survival game)

Postby VVD » Tue Jul 16, 2024 6:23 pm

Really fun game for what it's worth. As softy mentioned the controls are a bit janky and there the pred can be a bit unfair at times but it's definitely worth giving a try. Looking forward to it getting updated!
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Re: A way out (Vore survival game)

Postby KirklandSignature » Wed Jul 17, 2024 4:47 pm

Had a run where she seemed to gain X-ray vision and would start running towards prey. I would escape and sneak away while she was stunned but it didn’t seem to matter how far I would get from her once the stun wore off she would run to wherever I would hide. After around 4 escapes I couldn’t get out but the NPCs could and that would start the digestion over again so I ended up being in her stomach for what I think was around 30 minutes before she managed to keep me and the npcs down.
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Re: A way out (Vore survival game)

Postby TheFetishBeast » Wed Jul 17, 2024 4:55 pm

KirklandSignature wrote:Had a run where she seemed to gain X-ray vision and would start running towards prey. I would escape and sneak away while she was stunned but it didn’t seem to matter how far I would get from her once the stun wore off she would run to wherever I would hide. After around 4 escapes I couldn’t get out but the NPCs could and that would start the digestion over again so I ended up being in her stomach for what I think was around 30 minutes before she managed to keep me and the npcs down.

How long did you play for that round? There's a bell that rings four times through the game. There's a hint in the game's menu that tells you that it's basically game over if the bell rings four times. What happens is that the predator becomes overpowered. She'll start chasing you no matter where you are. At least, that's the impression I got from it.
By the way, you managed to escape her four times? How'd you do that? I can barely escape her even once.
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Re: A way out (Vore survival game)

Postby KirklandSignature » Wed Jul 17, 2024 5:31 pm

TheFetishBeast wrote:
KirklandSignature wrote:Had a run where she seemed to gain X-ray vision and would start running towards prey. I would escape and sneak away while she was stunned but it didn’t seem to matter how far I would get from her once the stun wore off she would run to wherever I would hide. After around 4 escapes I couldn’t get out but the NPCs could and that would start the digestion over again so I ended up being in her stomach for what I think was around 30 minutes before she managed to keep me and the npcs down.

How long did you play for that round? There's a bell that rings four times through the game. There's a hint in the game's menu that tells you that it's basically game over if the bell rings four times. What happens is that the predator becomes overpowered. She'll start chasing you no matter where you are. At least, that's the impression I got from it.
By the way, you managed to escape her four times? How'd you do that? I can barely escape her even once.

Oh, ok. I think it was a pretty long round, I thought the bell sound was a key being spit out lol
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Re: A way out (Vore survival game)

Postby KirklandSignature » Wed Jul 17, 2024 7:55 pm

do you plan on adding internal views?
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Re: A way out (Vore survival game)

Postby SquishySofty » Wed Jul 17, 2024 9:00 pm

KirklandSignature wrote:do you plan on adding internal views?

Not only internal views, but able to freely move your camera around once getting eaten, that would be nice~

I think because your Interact buttons are disabled/replaced with the struggle keys (Yes, you can simply hold either of the movement keys to keep struggling), maybe one of the keys would let you switch perspective? I mean, it shouldn't be hard to implement.
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Re: A way out (Vore survival game)

Postby Enteresting » Thu Jul 18, 2024 3:52 am

KirklandSignature wrote:do you plan on adding internal views?

SquishySofty wrote:( I am not the developer, just posting it here to make sure the people who are skeptical that it's a scam isn't one.)

It wouldn't hurt for you to read and check to see who the developer is, rather than just posting here and expecting the developer on Itch to care.
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Re: A way out (Vore survival game)

Postby SquishySofty » Thu Jul 18, 2024 4:00 am

Enteresting wrote:It wouldn't hurt for you to read and check to see who the developer is, rather than just posting here and expecting the developer on Itch to care.

The itch.io page link has the creator's username (ghostwhisperer971), I only stated that I'm not the developer.

Also, I just noticed that the game's update has been released, but it's no longer free anymore. Fortunately, people can still play the demo.

... They changed the bell from 4 times to 3 times? Why? I could barely even do three times! 8O
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Re: A way out (Vore survival game)

Postby Enteresting » Thu Jul 18, 2024 7:26 am

SquishySofty wrote:
Enteresting wrote:It wouldn't hurt for you to read and check to see who the developer is, rather than just posting here and expecting the developer on Itch to care.

The itch.io page link has the creator's username (ghostwhisperer971), I only stated that I'm not the developer.

Also, I just noticed that the game's update has been released, but it's no longer free anymore. Fortunately, people can still play the demo.

... They changed the bell from 4 times to 3 times? Why? I could barely even do three times! 8O

The bell ringing is not even a problem for me. Some sessions I do I can't find any more keys, anywhere. Unless I'm missing one or two, which I highly doubt I am.
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Re: A way out (Vore survival game)

Postby Fr4nk » Thu Jul 18, 2024 1:20 pm

I just can't get past the first phase. Could any generous soul share a save with me? I just wanted to play with the predators.
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Re: A way out (Vore survival game)

Postby whatsoooever » Thu Jul 18, 2024 2:43 pm

Fr4nk wrote:I just can't get past the first phase. Could any generous soul share a save with me? I just wanted to play with the predators.


rename to game_data.dat

drop into C:\Users\<your user>\AppData\LocalLow\GhostWhisperer971\A Way Out
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Re: A way out (Vore survival game)

Postby Aickavon12 » Thu Jul 18, 2024 4:10 pm

Do the apples/struggle even do anything? I don't know if I need to time it, spam it, or hold it, but I always end up gurgled.
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Re: A way out (Vore survival game)

Postby Fr4nk » Thu Jul 18, 2024 4:44 pm

whatsoooever wrote:
Fr4nk wrote:I just can't get past the first phase. Could any generous soul share a save with me? I just wanted to play with the predators.


rename to game_data.dat

drop into C:\Users\<your user>\AppData\LocalLow\GhostWhisperer971\A Way Out

Thanks :D
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Re: A way out (Vore survival game)

Postby Panzershark » Thu Jul 18, 2024 5:50 pm

Aickavon12 wrote:Do the apples/struggle even do anything? I don't know if I need to time it, spam it, or hold it, but I always end up gurgled.

Allegedly the struggle button is one you are supposed to hold. That being said, it seems to be pretty unreliable, so the best option is to try to avoid getting caught if possible. The first predator (Bella) should eat any apple you hold (as well as keys) instead of you if it is in front of you when she tries to eat you. I think it has to be out in your hand though, not just in your inventory.
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Re: A way out (Vore survival game)

Postby geminishades1 » Thu Jul 18, 2024 6:06 pm

sucks that im broke, this game is something i knew had potential
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Re: A way out (Vore survival game)

Postby Panzershark » Thu Jul 18, 2024 6:27 pm

geminishades1 wrote:sucks that im broke, this game is something i knew had potential

I mean the demo is hard enough, and based on the comments on itch it just gets harder with the other preds. So I‘d suggest just messing around with the demo to check if you even like the formula.
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Re: A way out (Vore survival game)

Postby AzurePheonix » Thu Jul 18, 2024 9:34 pm

After playing a round, I gotta say that this has the potential to become one of the best games featured on this site. I hope one day to play the predator, and even though this might never happen, and endo full tour setting for this game would be lovely.
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