PCraft Revorn: Minecraft Vore Mod 1.20.1 [ver 2.2.0]

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Re: PCraft Revorn: Minecraft Vore Mod 1.20.1 [ver 2.2.0]

Postby Men8Men » Sun Nov 10, 2024 12:45 am

From what I can tell the plan seems to be demihuman adjacent characters but if there are more animalistic characters a gamerule to disable unsavory animal genetalia would be intensely appreciated.
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Re: PCraft Revorn: Minecraft Vore Mod 1.20.1 [ver 2.2.0]

Postby Men8Men » Wed Nov 13, 2024 10:35 pm

It seems like after gaining weight male vinemaidens start using the female model for some reason. Or maybe it's just the tamed ones? I wanted to try taming some but that's a bummer. I swear I've seen a weight gain male vinemaiden. So I assume this is a bug.
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Re: PCraft Revorn: Minecraft Vore Mod 1.20.1 [ver 2.2.0]

Postby Manchura » Thu Nov 14, 2024 12:56 pm

Men8Men wrote:It seems like after gaining weight male vinemaidens start using the female model for some reason. Or maybe it's just the tamed ones? I wanted to try taming some but that's a bummer. I swear I've seen a weight gain male vinemaiden. So I assume this is a bug.

vinemaidens are non-gendered, they are plants
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Re: PCraft Revorn: Minecraft Vore Mod 1.20.1 [ver 2.2.0]

Postby Men8Men » Thu Nov 14, 2024 8:12 pm

Manchura wrote: vinemaidens are non-gendered, they are plants

That's what it says in their bio on the wiki but if you use gamerules to spawn in male predators a less feminine set of models is used for them. Taming them seems to default them back to the more feminine model though.

In fact the "male" version is noticeably more accurate to the art on the wiki.
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Re: PCraft Revorn: Minecraft Vore Mod 1.20.1 [ver 2.2.0]

Postby MysticSummoner » Sun Nov 17, 2024 4:38 am

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Manchura wrote:I've discovered a funny and most likely not intended feature:

when zombie girls digest a skeleton, whatever bow they had can be burped up or dropped when the zombie girl is killed... AT FULL DURABILITY

so giving a skeleton your enchanted bow then having a zombie girl eat em is a free repair...

This one is actually funny enough that I will leave it in as a secret feature. I feel its a lot more work than just eventually getting mending so I will leave stomachs able to magically repair the durability of weapons if that is really true.

DWARF wrote:Can you turn up the spawnrate of the vinemaidnes, I have found only 1 so far in my entire world, and it was in a swamp at the very edge of my map.

Yeah, I can potentially look into changing that

Men8Men wrote:Outside of catboys and the gargoyles you've both mentioned once, I've come up with a couple more suggestions I'd kill to see. Though the catboys would be my most wanted feature.

This one would probably require replacing vanilla mobs again but a stylized enderman pred would be cool. Or maybe it could be some sort of wizard, warlock, or alchemist that's a rare but more dangerous monster that can exist alongside the vanilla mob. So long as the male version looks cool this would be great.

A game rule that allows you to proportionately change the effort required to escape a pred and the time it takes to digest would be my second most requested feature. I'd kill to make it take like 3 in game days if I'm being honest lol.

An ender pred is already in my plans, specifically being a new species similar to endermen, as I don't want to just completely remake them. The exact features of such a new species are currently undecided though, but I have some core ideas.

Takoma wrote:curious, would a slime pred humanoid/cube idea be something to add into the suggestion box with the side of a guardian/queen bee gal pred upon trying to harvest from a bee hive.

PS the bee gal idea was from a fren over in the voraria discord.

Those have all been recommended a lot already, so don't worry, they are definitely on my radar for future additions.

Anonymous111 wrote:i got a couple of suggestions revolving around alt vore and/or endo
two (or more accurately one and a half) new preds that would come with their own gamerules (other preds could use these gamerules too)
[/gamerule horny {optional argment for disabling or enabling on a specific mob} true/false] default false would toggle any exposed "naughty bits" (cocks, breasts, etc) on preds
[/gamerule hornyvore {optional argment for disabling or enabling on a specific mob} true/false] default false would toggle CV and similar vore types
bunny boy- a humanoid rabbit with variable fur color depending on where they spawned(like vanilla rabbits), would have a visible sheath if gamerule horny is enabled and would, do CV if gamerule hornyvore is true, if not just oral vore. would be neutral unless the player has the delectable scent effect in which case they will attempt to vore the player immediately, they can be tamed in a similar manner to vinemaidens though with carrots instead of bone meal, however unlike the vine maiden they are not hostile to any other mobs unless said mob attacks them first (which unless tamed only happens with foxes, cats, withers, and Johnny vindicators), said mob has the delectable scent effect, or the bunny boy has the name "the killer bunny" (in which case they are hostile to everything). when tamed unlike the vine maiden they can control their digestion, you can shift right click them to enter them at any time, and you can control them like a mount when inside them, they're slower than an average horse, but their jump height is much higher and they don't take fall damage, they also will protect you similarly to wolves and can be healed by giving them carrots, or by feeding them mobs.
bunny girl- simular to the bunny boy, but with boobs and breast vore (possibly unbirth (no regression, just melting into femcum or endo))

Alright, rapid firing for this one:
    - Horny: Probably won't be doing that as I don't think I'll be doing much in the way of many genitals as they're quite hard to do except for on large preds (aka the Piglin Price). As for nude breasts, thats a lot of extra work because of the texture system I have, so I don't see it as worth it. Exposed breasts will probably relate to if it fits the pred or not.
    - Hornyvore: Still no clue if I'll even do CV, its quite a lot of work and honestly a bit awkward to model for a feature that really only male preds would have (I get futa is a thing but that would be even more complicated and time consuming to impliment).
    Bunny Boy/Girl: Already adding a type of rabbit humanoid in the next update, though they're more human than anthro. You'll just have to see how that one will work.

princejaxonhellsing wrote:Hey mystic! So I don't know how, at one point it said that the freecam change failed to work, but what was interesting is it tied the cam to the npcs model, I swear I remember asking with the old version if it would ever be possible to have the cam stuck to the npc, but after this bug happened, it might be. I don't know if you already knew if it was possible at all but I just thought I'd share this bug. When the bug happened I could switch to third person, and the other third person facing the character and I couldn't move the npc.

Sorry, but I can't really understand what you mean? You might be talking about the normal spectator mode feature to hop into a mob's body, but I'm not 100% sure.

SpyIsSpy wrote:My eagerness overwhelms me. I really want the wolves/dogs, and maybe even foxes to be able to do this. Makes it all the more fun to go hunting for them!

If you're talking about Vanilla wolves and foxes, no. I have said it before: I will NOT be adding feral or non-humanoid preds. If you mean wolf/fox humanoid preds, then yes, that is very likely.

Men8Men wrote:From what I can tell the plan seems to be demihuman adjacent characters but if there are more animalistic characters a gamerule to disable unsavory animal genetalia would be intensely appreciated.

Even if there are more anthropomorphic preds, I will only ever be adding human genitals, so don't worry. Probably won't even be genitals visible for most preds.

Men8Men wrote:
Manchura wrote: vinemaidens are non-gendered, they are plants

That's what it says in their bio on the wiki but if you use gamerules to spawn in male predators a less feminine set of models is used for them. Taming them seems to default them back to the more feminine model though.

In fact the "male" version is noticeably more accurate to the art on the wiki.

I genuinely don't know what you mean. The Vinemaidens don't have gendered differences. They are a genderless species and there is literally only one set of Vinemaiden textures built into them. They always spawn flat chested and eventually get what look like breasts as they gain weight, but that's really just budding petals storing excess energy for when they want to make a seedling (which is why they can shed them so easily to reproduce) and they only present that way because its advantageous for them to look like tits and possibly distract humanoid prey. The male pred gamerule has no affect on them.
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Re: PCraft Revorn: Minecraft Vore Mod 1.20.1 [ver 2.2.0]

Postby Men8Men » Mon Nov 18, 2024 2:39 am

I suspect I was remembering something from previous versions. I do remember at one point there was a distinction. But even that could be a trick of the mind. Apologies.

I like vinemaidens conceptually but that makes it really difficult to enjoy them. It would be very appreciated if male preds were 100% likely to spawn that they would not get such features upon weight gain.
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Re: PCraft Revorn: Minecraft Vore Mod 1.20.1 [ver 2.2.0]

Postby MysticSummoner » Wed Nov 20, 2024 4:34 am

Men8Men wrote:I suspect I was remembering something from previous versions. I do remember at one point there was a distinction. But even that could be a trick of the mind. Apologies.

I like vinemaidens conceptually but that makes it really difficult to enjoy them. It would be very appreciated if male preds were 100% likely to spawn that they would not get such features upon weight gain.

I get what you're talking about I'm just... worried about implementing such a change. If I make an entire extra set for a male presenting version just for that specific scenario, I'm sure I'd get people asking why not just make it a normal variant if all of the work was done just for an extreme case when they like to have both genders able to appear. And by then the whole genderless point of the Vinemaiden is defeated.

I'll... think it over and see what I want to do. All I know is I want to be careful to try to maintain the Vinemaiden's core idea.
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Re: PCraft Revorn: Minecraft Vore Mod 1.20.1 [ver 2.2.0]

Postby HisashiHinata » Mon Nov 25, 2024 1:09 pm

Hey there! Love this mod, but I wanted to ask, how many more stages of WG are planned? I'm assuming either none or 1 at the most, and maybe a special case mixed in.
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Re: PCraft Revorn: Minecraft Vore Mod 1.20.1 [ver 2.2.0]

Postby 8watcher » Tue Nov 26, 2024 12:17 pm

Is there a way to mess around with the swallow (and potentially weight gain) rate? For example I'd like to decrease the swallow threshold of the zombie, as she's really slow and even if you get hit, unless you are like below 5 hearts in full diamond armor, there's basically no way you'll ever be eaten by her. As for the weight gain, it would be nice if there was a way to control how many prey need to be digested to progress to the next stage. Unfortunately I haven't found a config file and idk how much work it would be to add something like that. Anyway this is definitely one of the best vore mods I've ever seen, I'm already excited for the next update!
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Re: PCraft Revorn: Minecraft Vore Mod 1.20.1 [ver 2.2.0]

Postby WhatTheNani » Mon Dec 02, 2024 3:13 am

This mod got me to play minecraft again after not touching it for like 7 years and my sleep schedule has suffered for it, so well done I guess. Looking forward to when more creatures are added, as interactions with anything aside from zombies are rare and zombies are not actually good at eating you once you have just about any decent armor equipped even in the somewhat rare cases they get close enough to have a chance to, so as of now it feels like I have to go a little out of my way to engage with the mod. Though part of that I feel like is the rarity of the Vinemaidens. I agree with a previous poster that their spawnrate seems a little low as the vast majority of my encounters with one have been when I went out looking for one, and even then when just passing through a biome they can spawn in I rarely encountered one. Also what Biomes they can spawn can feel a little bit limited in the first place, though this will be less of an issue when other creatures are added. Still, I think adding them to sunflower plains and maybe old growth birch forests would be reasonable.

The bigger issue I've had with Vinemaidens, though, is their behavior when following you after they've been tamed. They stick very close to you and only attack something you've hit or has hit you, which becomes a real problem when being chased by something (especially a creeper) and they are standing near it or even between you and it preventing you from hitting the mob without hitting them. I don't know how feasible it is to alter this behavior, but at the very least having them aggro onto mobs that aggro onto you would be nice, similar to how a tamed royal piglin knight would behave.
Also seen some oddities in their behavior. The wiki says they are supposed to be non-hostile when full, but the few I tamed stayed hostile even after eating a nearby animal despite me never attacking them once, and even stayed hostile after being affected with glowberry high. They only stopped being hostile upon being tamed. Similarly, while screwing around in creative mode I noticed that a Vinemaiden that had eaten an animal would suddenly become hostile to zombies and attack them on sight even after finishing digesting the animal, despite them not being hostile to zombies before that. Also had a time where I had 2 tamed ones following me and accidently hit one with an arrow when it ran in front of me while I was shooting at a mob, then the other one started attacking the one I had just shot.

As for other bugs, the tame piglin knight you are given by the royal immediately aggros onto the royal upon spawning and starts killing it and will only stop attacking when put into wander or wait mode. This is something I only discovered by going into creative mode to bargain with the royal because finding 2, one to kill for the talisman and then one to barter with, has proven basically impossible. It'd be really nice to have something, like a special compass, to point towards the nearest royal because the nether is big and mazelike and even when you manage to get in range to see the boss healthbar and use it to help locate it the royal can still be nigh impossible to find. The structures aren't that big and can spawn into some REALLY weird locations. While experimenting I made multiple worlds in creative mode, went straight into the nether and then flew around trying to find the structure and even then I only had a 50% success rate. When even being in creative mode isn't enough to locate it what chance do you have in survival. Hell, one of the ones I DID find had the top of the structure, with the entrance, in the void above the bedrock at the top of the map; even with a compass or something to help locate it that one would have been nigh impossible to find. In fact all the ones I have found have been mostly just floating in mid air, making them a lot easier to locate.
I also wish there was a way to get more tamed piglin knights without having to find yet another royal, or at least replace the one you do get if it dies, cause it isn't actually that good at staying alive. It's decently tanky, especially if you are rich enough to give it the netherite armor, but it's habit of aggroing onto everything can get it into a lot of trouble by going after zombie piglins and then just getting swarmed, and I've had an unarmored one die after it ate something then lost 1v1 to a vinemaiden. They are a bit of a pain to replace when using creative mode, but I can only imagine how painful it'd be to go through all the rigmarole to get one in survival only to have it die soon after and if I did get one I'd probably just lock it away somewhere rather than actually use it and risk losing it.
Oh, and I had a weird bug once where I had 2 tamed ones following me, fed myself to one and got digested, then when I respawned they both appeared by my spawn point hostile and no longer tamed. The belly also stopped animating and disappeared when feeding myself to it.

Noticed a few bugs with the royal too. For one, the stomp attack's animation, launch effect, sound effect and damage can become desynced. I feel like this happens after dying to it, but I haven't experimented enough to be sure. Also even if you don't have the piglin's might talisman it still gives you the ring and says it'll barter with you when you first approach, and during the fight it never uses it's summons (except for when it's health reaches 66% and 33%) but just spams the stomp attack.

Despite all this I do genuinely really like the mod, though, and I'm excited for the next update.
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Re: PCraft Revorn: Minecraft Vore Mod 1.20.1 [ver 2.2.0]

Postby namef8220 » Mon Dec 02, 2024 7:51 pm

WhatTheNani wrote:As for other bugs, the tame piglin knight you are given by the royal immediately aggros onto the royal upon spawning and starts killing it and will only stop attacking when put into wander or wait mode. This is something I only discovered by going into creative mode to bargain with the royal because finding 2, one to kill for the talisman and then one to barter with, has proven basically impossible. It'd be really nice to have something, like a special compass, to point towards the nearest royal because the nether is big and mazelike and even when you manage to get in range to see the boss healthbar and use it to help locate it the royal can still be nigh impossible to find. The structures aren't that big and can spawn into some REALLY weird locations. While experimenting I made multiple worlds in creative mode, went straight into the nether and then flew around trying to find the structure and even then I only had a 50% success rate. When even being in creative mode isn't enough to locate it what chance do you have in survival. Hell, one of the ones I DID find had the top of the structure, with the entrance, in the void above the bedrock at the top of the map; even with a compass or something to help locate it that one would have been nigh impossible to find. In fact all the ones I have found have been mostly just floating in mid air, making them a lot easier to locate.

2nd on this. I use Xaero's minimap and worldmap mods so you can generally see where the royals are. Actually found one structure that didn't even have a royal in it. Once I did get the talisman and piglin knight, I had to set it to wait mode and push it out of the structure. Was definitely a bit of an ordeal in survival and only really feasible once you get an elytra.
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Re: PCraft Revorn: Minecraft Vore Mod 1.20.1 [ver 2.2.0]

Postby unknownknowndude » Thu Dec 05, 2024 12:28 pm

WhatTheNani wrote:The bigger issue I've had with Vinemaidens, though, is their behavior when following you after they've been tamed. They stick very close to you and only attack something you've hit or has hit you, which becomes a real problem when being chased by something (especially a creeper) and they are standing near it or even between you and it preventing you from hitting the mob without hitting them. I don't know how feasible it is to alter this behavior, but at the very least having them aggro onto mobs that aggro onto you would be nice, similar to how a tamed royal piglin knight would behave.

As for other bugs, the tame piglin knight you are given by the royal immediately aggros onto the royal upon spawning and starts killing it and will only stop attacking when put into wander or wait mode.

I also wish there was a way to get more tamed piglin knights without having to find yet another royal, or at least replace the one you do get if it dies, cause it isn't actually that good at staying alive. It's decently tanky, especially if you are rich enough to give it the netherite armor, but it's habit of aggroing onto everything can get it into a lot of trouble by going after zombie piglins and then just getting swarmed, and I've had an unarmored one die after it ate something then lost 1v1 to a vinemaiden. They are a bit of a pain to replace when using creative mode, but I can only imagine how painful it'd be to go through all the rigmarole to get one in survival only to have it die soon after and if I did get one I'd probably just lock it away somewhere rather than actually use it and risk losing it.

You have discovered the pain of Minecraft AI.
Tamed mobs will get in the way of your attacks.
If the pet aggros onto another mob on its own accord, it will attack mobs until it gets itself killed.

No matter the behavior, your pet will probably die if you take it out of your base.

Minecraft's solution in the Armored Paws update was making wolves invulnerable to most damage sources while equipped with wolf armor. Wolves are also easy to replace and heal, while the armor is easy to repair.
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Re: PCraft Revorn: Minecraft Vore Mod 1.20.1 [ver 2.2.0]

Postby megadon2 » Wed Dec 11, 2024 7:04 pm

Did the trades to get a piglin guard for myself, just for her to attack the royal, which I stopped by setting her to a different behavior and pushing her away, then on my way back to the portal, she attacked a zombie piglin and got herself killed, could her targeting be updated at some point?
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Re: PCraft Revorn: Minecraft Vore Mod 1.20.1 [ver 2.2.0]

Postby GenSetii » Mon Dec 23, 2024 6:56 am

Do stat increases continue to stack even after a mob reaches their final weight stage? If not, would it be possible to see more weight gain stages in the future, albeit taking more prey to achieve than previous stages?
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Re: PCraft Revorn: Minecraft Vore Mod 1.20.1 [ver 2.2.0]

Postby Interludiya » Wed Jan 01, 2025 5:10 am

" error loading mods 1 error has occurred during loading" how to fix it?
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Re: PCraft Revorn: Minecraft Vore Mod 1.20.1 [ver 2.2.0]

Postby Trylington » Thu Jan 09, 2025 4:47 pm

So I have been playing with the mod for a while now and decided that i wanted to add it to my modpack. Would there be a reason vinemaidens wouldn't spawn? I haven't come across a single one in my new world.
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Re: PCraft Revorn: Minecraft Vore Mod 1.20.1 [ver 2.2.0]

Postby EmilyViol » Thu Jan 09, 2025 8:12 pm

I really love the mob designs. And that they are part of gameplay, it feels natural. Do you allow to use models from this mod in animations? If the mod is linked.
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Re: PCraft Revorn: Minecraft Vore Mod 1.20.1 [ver 2.2.0]

Postby Manchura » Fri Jan 10, 2025 11:58 pm

Trylington wrote:So I have been playing with the mod for a while now and decided that i wanted to add it to my modpack. Would there be a reason vinemaidens wouldn't spawn? I haven't come across a single one in my new world.

IIRC vinemaidens are biome specific, only a certain number are allowed to spawn in the world, and they DO NOT respawn, so you being blind and missing one that ends up fighting a pack of skeletons somehow then dying can happen
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Re: PCraft Revorn: Minecraft Vore Mod 1.20.1 [ver 2.2.0]

Postby JigglyMatter » Tue Jan 28, 2025 2:17 pm

Hi there! I had a question about the targets that the preds can go for. I wanted to expand the available targets such as the zombie going after more than JUST villagers and the player. I tried to expand the list for the vinemaidens as well by adding mobs to the vinemaiden_targets.json located in "data\pcraftrevorn\tags\entity_types\." I tried creating a zombie_targets.json and copy pasting the same target information as well, but both preds do not go for the updated mobs. I know that my changes are saved in the code because I was able to edit the death messages in the lang file en_us.json. So my question is, even if I am imputing the correct ID into the jsons, why aren't the ai updating? Any help is appreciated! :)

Also, I'm trying to add the human companions mod entities into the list as well because having your follower get eaten while you're unable to do anything about it is peak.
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Re: PCraft Revorn: Minecraft Vore Mod 1.20.1 [ver 2.2.0]

Postby QueenHungryBee » Tue Feb 04, 2025 4:30 am

very interesting mod!
im hoping you'll maybe expand and allow player pred?
if not that's cool, but ill probably keep lookin if so.
As there are plethre of prey related things, would be nice to see a bit more variety for the preds who actually enjoy eatin the other cute nerds.
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