PCraft Revorn: Minecraft Vore Mod 1.20.1 [ver 2.2.0]

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Re: PCraft Revorn: Minecraft Vore Mod 1.20.1 [ver 2.2.0]

Postby MysticSummoner » Sun Oct 06, 2024 6:54 pm

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kiddwolf1 wrote:If you are considering adding a dropped item to the Vinemaiden then maybe also to the Zombie Girl? Like if I have one trapped being used as the end part of my villager farm, have her drop something after X amount of entities or even just something from what ever Mob the Zombie Girl finishes off. So then she could be used in other Mob farms.

I might look into something like that, but I'd need to plan it out to figure out what exactly she'd drop.

Zikirelin wrote:found theres a slight visual glitch with the porkchop and it will change the texture on some preds like vinewarden and the knight in the new update. like berry vine maiden will look like a poppy vine maiden but will still drop berries if given bonemeal. exiting and re entering the world seems to fix the graphical bug but still worth to note

Yeah I tried to fix that, but its just gonna stay that way for now. Its a creative mode only thing so I'm not too pressed to do an emergency bugfix for it.

TheKinkyFox wrote:If a entity swallows you and enters a portal (a nether portal for this instance) with you inside them, the game doesn't recognize that you are inside a stomach.

I waited for a while to be digested, but I was still in spectator mode. So I decided to /kill myself to respawn. It worked, and I went to check on the zombie in the nether and she seemed normal. Until she ate me and the digestion bar wouldn't continue anymore.

Every other mob worked fine, just that one zombie that ate me and ran through the nether portal with me inside.

Yeah, I was aware that this was an issue but haven't done anything as its an extremely rare scenario and I actually don't really know what I can do to prevent such an error. My recommendation for now is to just not let yourself get eaten near a portal, lol.

thekeymanwho wrote:Have you ever thought about making an item that revives your pets from being digested? I think that would a cool thing to add to your mod in my opinion

Umm... maybe. I might consider it in the future.
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Re: PCraft Revorn: Minecraft Vore Mod 1.20.1 [ver 2.2.0]

Postby Handholdingislewd » Sun Oct 06, 2024 9:35 pm

maybe while a pred has a prey inside them, prevent them from being allowed to travel portals until digestion or escape?
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Re: PCraft Revorn: Minecraft Vore Mod 1.20.1 [ver 2.2.0]

Postby nopeman777 » Mon Oct 07, 2024 9:42 pm

Just wanna say that its amazing how much effort you are putting into this mod!
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Re: PCraft Revorn: Minecraft Vore Mod 1.20.1 [ver 2.2.0]

Postby IncoIsARadio » Mon Oct 07, 2024 11:14 pm

Is the issue of Zombie Girls not appearing happening for anyone else in the newest patch?
Even when I spawn them with spawn eggs they just don't appear at all, not even invisibly.
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Re: PCraft Revorn: Minecraft Vore Mod 1.20.1 [ver 2.2.0]

Postby MysticSummoner » Mon Oct 07, 2024 11:55 pm

IncoIsARadio wrote:Is the issue of Zombie Girls not appearing happening for anyone else in the newest patch?
Even when I spawn them with spawn eggs they just don't appear at all, not even invisibly.

Due to some current limitations to make then not spawn where they shouldn't, Zombie girls cannot be spawned in the Nether, End, or Mushroom Fields (mooshroom islands)
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Re: PCraft Revorn: Minecraft Vore Mod 1.20.1 [ver 2.2.0]

Postby GenSetii » Tue Oct 08, 2024 5:15 am

Wonder why you put this on 1.20.1 rather than 1.20.6? Would it mean remaking it from scratch when going up a version?
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Re: PCraft Revorn: Minecraft Vore Mod 1.20.1 [ver 2.2.0]

Postby Fireknight45 » Tue Oct 08, 2024 6:19 pm

Previously mentioned the idea of having a village / non-villager Nurse/Cleric that can heal the player if they give them emeralds.
Some alternatives could be a bunny girl who you give carrots (I 100% hold no preference with this idea.)
Some form of wolf girl who can heal their owner becouse they are a good girl (IDK)
A pixie or alley style mob that will can heal the player if them give ores or flowers and might digest the player if the gift is bad.
A cow girl who can safely store the player in one of her stomachs. (Wont heal but also wont digest other stomach would digest and be harder to escape as a result. Could also be ridable in theory.)
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Re: PCraft Revorn: Minecraft Vore Mod 1.20.1 [ver 2.2.0]

Postby Dongers » Wed Oct 09, 2024 12:03 am

Fireknight45 wrote:A pixie or alley style mob that will can heal the player if them give ores or flowers and might digest the player if the gift is bad.

As an addon to that, maybe if the gift is good we could even control them and fly around.
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Re: PCraft Revorn: Minecraft Vore Mod 1.20.1 [ver 2.2.0]

Postby DerekBaumsKitchenGun » Wed Oct 09, 2024 7:55 pm

Will there be a gamerule to adjust weight gain rate, so that players could accelerate or outright disable it?
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Re: PCraft Revorn: Minecraft Vore Mod 1.20.1 [ver 2.2.0]

Postby VLover552 » Thu Oct 10, 2024 1:00 pm

Quick question, is this the mod where the player can swallow mobs? I remember there were 2 different mods in the past with each doing different things and if this IS the one where it is player focused I hope that the max stomach size gets increased as I remember it capped out just when it was starting to get good kind of thing
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Re: PCraft Revorn: Minecraft Vore Mod 1.20.1 [ver 2.2.0]

Postby MysticSummoner » Fri Oct 11, 2024 5:08 pm

More Answers :3
nopeman777 wrote:Just wanna say that its amazing how much effort you are putting into this mod!

Thank you! <3

GenSetii wrote:Wonder why you put this on 1.20.1 rather than 1.20.6? Would it mean remaking it from scratch when going up a version?

Jumping versions is not necessarily the easiest and 1.20.1 is still a much bigger modding version, so I want to leave it on 1.20.1 for a while while most of the mods I normally use are available on that version.

Fireknight45 wrote:Previously mentioned the idea of having a village / non-villager Nurse/Cleric that can heal the player if they give them emeralds.
Some alternatives could be a bunny girl who you give carrots (I 100% hold no preference with this idea.)
Some form of wolf girl who can heal their owner becouse they are a good girl (IDK)
A pixie or alley style mob that will can heal the player if them give ores or flowers and might digest the player if the gift is bad.
A cow girl who can safely store the player in one of her stomachs. (Wont heal but also wont digest other stomach would digest and be harder to escape as a result. Could also be ridable in theory.)

Interesting ideas! I will say a variant of one of those options is coming in 3.0.0 :3

Dongers wrote:
Fireknight45 wrote:A pixie or alley style mob that will can heal the player if them give ores or flowers and might digest the player if the gift is bad.

As an addon to that, maybe if the gift is good we could even control them and fly around.

Maybe, though actually controlling a pred while being eaten is a very special thing that I want to be a very rare and special case.

DerekBaumsKitchenGun wrote:Will there be a gamerule to adjust weight gain rate, so that players could accelerate or outright disable it?

Hmm yeah, I might be consider looking into that as an option.

VLover552 wrote:Quick question, is this the mod where the player can swallow mobs? I remember there were 2 different mods in the past with each doing different things and if this IS the one where it is player focused I hope that the max stomach size gets increased as I remember it capped out just when it was starting to get good kind of thing

No, this is PCraft, for player-as-prey. The mod you are thinking of is my other mod, VCraft. I do actually have some work on a remake of that, but it's shelved for now because I do not have fun working on it due to it being essentially just constant coding with no opportunities to satisfy my creative drive, which would burn me out incredibly fast from modding.
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Re: PCraft Revorn: Minecraft Vore Mod 1.20.1 [ver 2.2.0]

Postby Men8Men » Fri Oct 11, 2024 11:58 pm

This mod is more creatively interesting and has a lot more potential I feel. So I don't blame you.

Though, I do think it's missing one thing, a male zombie pred. Would make for a good game rule at least I feel. I understand if that would complicate how the zombie pred is conveyed through the spawn egg and internal name though.
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Re: PCraft Revorn: Minecraft Vore Mod 1.20.1 [ver 2.2.0]

Postby Fireknight45 » Sun Oct 13, 2024 10:47 am

Interesting ideas! I will say a variant of one of those options is coming in 3.0.0 :3

Thank you, I look forward to seeing this variant then.
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Re: PCraft Revorn: Minecraft Vore Mod 1.20.1 [ver 2.2.0]

Postby JDandAliProductions » Mon Oct 14, 2024 3:47 pm

Okay idea, what if PCraft was compatible with TerraFirmaCraft
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Re: PCraft Revorn: Minecraft Vore Mod 1.20.1 [ver 2.2.0]

Postby Ilv18 » Tue Oct 15, 2024 5:05 pm

Have you thought of adding an stomach "dimension"?.
I remember years ago there was a giant worm mod which spawns said creature but if you are caught on its path you are swallowed and appears inside it's stomach (which is another dimension like nether or end), normally this zone is empty but when the player enters by being eaten, it generates a giant maze like structure which have a random number of special blocks that acts as the hearths of the creature and by destroying each one the player is teleported outside and gets the loot of the creature...
I think internals also does that but customable.
You could do something similar for a specific type of mob(a giantess or something similar), in which whatever the player gets eaten it generates a structure in another dimension were the player gets deposited, and it's required to cause indigestion or do full tour to escape.
To prevent issues you could also add that whatever the player it's not present then the dimension deletes the generated structure.
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Re: PCraft Revorn: Minecraft Vore Mod 1.20.1 [ver 2.2.0]

Postby Sams69694 » Thu Oct 17, 2024 8:07 pm

A suggestion, I notice the mobs don't attack pillagers is there anyway this could be change or at least make a aggro system where once any other mob hits it instantly eats them.
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Re: PCraft Revorn: Minecraft Vore Mod 1.20.1 [ver 2.2.0]

Postby Fireknight45 » Sun Oct 20, 2024 8:21 pm

I am once more coming back with some suggestions after reading some of the comments and take some time to think.

So the more reasonable suggestion is a setting to remove weight gain bellies so our predator friends only have gains in their breasts and ass. (Although I personal don't care some people do prefer it this way.)

Alright now my mad rant.
I saw you say that you might had player pred stuff but are not all to interested because it not very creative. (Which is true.)
But I shall spill out a concept split into multiple ideas to see if there is a spark.

So to begin:
Lets start with the player design, so your pred designs are rather different to a player so a redesign of the player model to make them fit in with the other gals and guys. (Gender being a option in settings obviously.) You could create a variant for all the default skin or your own custom player designs as well as providing the template for players to create their own designs. (I understand this could be a pain to create.)

As for the things they things we can eat they would be split up depending on size. into 1, 2, 3 and the player would have a maximum belly size of six (more if your willing to do it. and if you decide to go above 8 - 10 it should make the player immobile.)
For some extra spice some mobs could give potion effects when digested some positive some negative. for example if you eat a spider you get temporary night vision, if you eat a guardian you get temporary water breathing or zombies giving hunger upon digestion.

With the idea above we can create some skills. Size would be the obvious allowing the player to increase their max capacity starting a 1 or 2 and having to work their way up. some other skills are Resistant stomach this would lower and then when maxed removed the negative effects some mobs could give. Absorptive stomach would it counter part increasing the positive effect some mobs would give allowing them to last longer.

Now I remember yo mentioning your preferences and I don't remember them or where to find them so I will go over the alternate vore types just because.
Tail vore? Players have no tail du that a no.
Breast vore... IDK get to have ultra massive tits and maybe milk your self if you have buckets not really that usfull for the mod other than allowing a option.
Same goes for Anal vore as it is just a alternate animation from normal vore and a dolphin dive swallow animation could also be created just as easy.
Unbirthing... well this is the odd ball due to regression.
1st option its anal vore but the other hole and is basicly just a different animation and would not add to weight gain would also extent to cock vore on a male character.
Option two: This would be a large thing to add for minimal benefit. Player can unbirth mobs and turn them into human variants of that mob or just a normal human in the case of villagers. These "Childeren" would be allies to the player and work like the Vine maidens and piglin guard. When a player Unbirth's a predator and births a human version of it. It would work like there normal hostile or tamed variants just being a alternat skin. Normal mobs would still keep their normal functionality so Cows girls would be milkable if the player hold a bucket and sheep girls can be sheered however they cannot be bred but can be fed to heal them.
And in the theoretical universe where the player has a custom model these "children" would be a modified version of that base model. This would allowing the player to get them self's unbirthed by (non-boss) predators, using potions and some shift clicking) After a player in unbirthed they will get transformed into a human-girl variant of that mob which would make that particular pred non-hostile so if the player is unbirthed by a vine-maiden and becomes a vine-girl all vine-maidens are non-hostile towards the player although other pred would be.

I am sorry for that bulk of text for thing you are possibly uninterested in, I just want to give suggestions so you and other commentors and give their thought to make this mod the best it can be.
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Re: PCraft Revorn: Minecraft Vore Mod 1.20.1 [ver 2.2.0]

Postby YupArts » Mon Oct 21, 2024 3:34 am

Just gonna say, it feels crazy seeing this worked on again, and with such BALLER quality!
I hope you're having fun with this, and that people dont try and be jerks about this cool asf project! <3
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Re: PCraft Revorn: Minecraft Vore Mod 1.20.1 [ver 2.2.0]

Postby Swenky » Tue Oct 22, 2024 1:41 am

you said something about there being a gamerule titled Replace Normal Mobs but i cant see anything called that in the world settings or if i type /gamerule in the chat so i was wondering where it was. I could only see a gamerule called malepredchance.
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