[F/F, F/M] New Pred in Town (v0.0.3 updated 12/11/24)

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Re: [F/F, F/M] New Pred in Town (v0.0.2c updated 10/31/24)

Postby FearfulTea » Wed Dec 04, 2024 6:07 pm

Right now this is maybe the best vore game on this site; the quality is sharper than the teeth of a predator! The world feels less like it is centered around vore and more like vore is just a natural part of it and it's such a cool stance on these types of worlds. I definitely want to see this game reach it's ending. Love your writing and will be here to see the story through, and would love a discord or something.
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Re: [F/F, F/M] New Pred in Town (v0.0.2c updated 10/31/24)

Postby Tunknownusert » Sat Dec 07, 2024 10:33 pm

Any idea where a saves related data is being stored? I checked the appropriate save files and they don't seem to contain relevant variables to store said values. I assume it's due to the use of unity but yeah any input would be nice.
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Re: [F/F, F/M] New Pred in Town (v0.0.2c updated 10/31/24)

Postby maddoveGUI » Mon Dec 09, 2024 1:34 am

Amazing job!!Maybe we can play other character in the future if get good relationship with them?They all so cute! :D :D :D
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Re: [F/F, F/M] New Pred in Town (v0.0.3 updated 12/11/24)

Postby Anunnaki » Wed Dec 11, 2024 7:04 pm

Ahoy there, and apologies for the long absence! I'm proud to announce the release of public alpha v0.0.3, which - in addition to a ton of bugfixes and Tier 3 skills - adds a variant of the minigame for anal vore!

Assuming it's allowed by the content filters you've set, about a third of scenes in Endless Mode will be anal (indicated by an icon). Anal is generally intended as a prelude to the primary minigame, allowing the pred to keep her prey trapped in her intestines long enough to build up acid and expel oxygen - or for the prey to make her regret trying! At the start of an anal vore scene, each card in both decks will be replaced by a special anal card based on its category and Stamina cost. The chief mechanic of anal scenes involves movement toward or away from the pred's stomach. At the end of the turn, motion outward is subtracted from motion inward, and the prey character actually moves that distance - nausea is based on how much movement was attempted in the other direction.

You may also have noticed I specified public alpha, and that's because a subscriber version is also available! Check out our new SubscribeStar.adult page for access to biweekly subscriber updates and a dedicated Discord server. The current private build features one new vore scene where Lavender anally ingests Liz, as well as Lyons' introduction if Liz resolved the crisis in the library nonviolently.

Full v0.0.3 changelog:
Spoiler: show
  • Added anal vore! Assuming it's allowed by content filters, about a third of Endless scenes will be anal. Anal is intended as a prelude to the primary minigame, although it is possible for either party to win during this stage.
  • Added Tier 3 skills
  • Using Invent Technique adds the invented card to Endless library
  • Bugfix: upgrading cards no longer replaces their duplicates under certain circumstances
  • Bugfix: Added tooltip for Super Strike, Super Struggle
  • Bugfix: Properly serialized EndlessReversalFlag
  • Bugfix: Hateful Koala properly keeps Enraged between turns
  • Bugfix: Nausea tooltip now uses pred's actual maximum nausea
  • Bugfix: Added event buses OnActuallyLoseHealth and OnActuallyTakeNausea, to handle statuses which tick down on damage taken
  • Bugfix: description of Liz's personality shift after not taking Helen's sandals
  • Altered Luna's portrait to look less obviously similar to other characters
  • Modified Pleasure icon to avoid putting white text over blonde hair
  • Balance: Very dangerous preds like Molly and Sophie only appear in the second half of an Endless Mode wave
  • Balance: Side Stretch and Plank line of cards inflict significantly less Nausea

Onewingedangel wrote:Legitimately, if you found a way to take the basic engine of your game and make it a modable shell for others to create stories inside, this game could be a staple for the vore gaming community. I've never been so completely immersed in the game play of a vore game. I love card games, and I've played vore card games since the original ones were made, back with Duamutef's games. Many were good, but this is way above and beyond. It's balanced, compelling, dynamic, and has multiple ways to play and interact on both sides of the vore spectrum. I'm sure as the game continues and develops there will need to be adjustments to balance to accomodate the bane of all card games: insane combo plays, but seriously as a life long tcg player and gamer, this game is already fantastic and promises to be truly epic as you develop it. I would legitimately pay you full AAA price for the completed product of this game and feel like I got the better end of the deal.

Hell yeah, glad to see the game is resonating with its core audience! When you're making a game like this you expect to see clever little monkeys find all the combos that didn't occur to you - one of my playtesters has hit something like five hundred Nausea in Endless Mode - so I totally expect a rebalance pass or two will accompany major updates. (Also I'm glad us old folks still remember Duamutef! Was one of my first clues that others were into this sort of thing, haha)

In terms of modding, I originally did set out to make a community resource along with New Pred in Town - in fact, a lot of the code refers to the game engine as VVN (the VN stands for visual novel, and I'll let you figure out the first V on your own). Unfortunately that just wasn't doable - I'd have to reinvent the wheel and build my own VN layer rather than using a heavily modified version of Naninovel, and I just didn't have the time. As I understand Naninovel's license it doesn't allow derivative works to be distributed as platforms for developing your own VNs (since that'd intrude on the role of Naninovel itself). If someone has a compelling and well-thought-out concept for using this game engine, let me know and I'll check with the Naninovel dev. It might be possible to toss a copy of the VVN code to anyone who can prove ownership of a Naninovel license.

folomo wrote:Some things I worry about:
- The vore scenes seem a bit sparse. I played the game as a non-degen for the first time and in over 2 hours saw no vore content until a teaser in the last few minutes of the game. I suspect this is because it is the intro, but I hope in the future there is a bit more of vore events.
- I played the endless mode and in many situations seemed to be utterly crushed. I hope this is just due to the endless style, but I see a case that combat could easily be very unbalanced, becoming trivial or impossible.
- Card acquisition may be a bit slow for players to try more than 1 playstyle. If you want to have a new playstyle you would need to have 10 cards, so that means digesting 10 people. That seems like a high amount and may end up locking you into a single playstyle.

Definitely some fair criticisms here. The game's first day is meant to front-load the worldbuilding pretty heavily - that being said, there's at least five more scenes to be discovered at Lyons' house alone (one of which is already in the subscriber build), and more during Liz's evening afterward. This update moves some of the harder predators in Endless Mode to the second half of each wave, so no more getting annihilated by Sophie in the first fight! In terms of card acquisition, once Liz gains the trust of other predators she'll be able to train with them (a situation which has its... risks and opportunities, let's say) and learn specific techniques without actually digesting anyone.

folomo wrote:What I hope to see:
- Being able to finish the year as the only cub
- Being able to visit Amy again at some point, so she can see the person you have turned into.
- The option for the mythical three person event!
- Maybe even the option to become the new lyoness? It seems ambitious, but every Apex falls at some point.

Liz will definitely meet Amy again, and she'll have opinions based on what Liz has gotten up to over the year. In the darkest possibilities, their reunion may even end up... permanent. That being said, there are no plans for Lyons to be edible. I'm not going to comment on triple vore at this time since it'd be a spoiler - make of that fact what you will!

Yulara wrote:Not to be a bother, but I found a recurring bug with endless mode. After you've gone through about 3+ waves there is a chance that when you select the reconsider button all cards will vanish including your hand soft locking the game. Inspiration can still be used, but ending the turn also no longer functions.

I haven't run into this issue - if you can replicate it, send me your Player.log. The file is found at C:/Users/(your username)/AppData/LocalLow/Anunnaki Games/New Pred in Town/. The file is overwritten every time you start the game, so please send it in immediately after encountering the glitch and exiting the game. Be aware that the file does include your username, so if privacy is a concern you should do a find-and-replace first.

manowarg wrote:I got soft locked in endless mode - I've got a "braced" attribute which is reducing my incoming endurance loss so much that Madeline can't digest me, with no oxygen left, I can't do anything other than 0 cost cards, so cannot increase the nausea enough to escape. Might need to apply a turn limit or something to prevent this state.

Well, crap, Braced is supposed to expire at the end of the turn - I'm assuming that isn't happening properly? Send me your Player.log when this happens and I'll track the issue down.

clone4000 wrote:I might have found a bug.
When you use an invent technique card you get the "gained X card" pop up.
Clicking that then takes you to the deck screen where you can click around with cards.
I don't know if that then lets you edit the deck your using or if will let you overflow the deck bychangeing things but it might cause issues.

Ah, good catch, I'll throw that in the next hotfix - luckily it doesn't affect the in-battle decks that the game has already generated, but I can see it causing issues with upgrades after the battle.

SeemsEdibleToMe wrote:Absolutely love the concept and game so far. The dialogue is top-notch, everything that is said during and after your first battle against Helen made it all feel incredibly rewarding. I like that digestion isn't just forgotten the moment the prey expires like in many other games. You haul the girl around for a whole day, experiencing various stages of digestion, inner thoughts, and consequences/reactions in the story. There's also some really cool ideas here too, like seeing a gallery of paintings and finding out what it stands for. The battle system could use a bit of polishing, but this is shaping up to be something great! In more ways than one.

Question, will there ever be a "Trophy" menu or room or something where you can put down and admire your "handiwork" - if Liz is not wearing it?

Glad you're enjoying it! I definitely feel the same way about games that don't treat digesting a person with the gravity it deserves (there, that's my Awful Pun for the day). Liz will definitely have a trophy closet with its own UI, and will sometimes have the option to wear a trophy. Just in case her predatory reputation doesn't go far enough on its own. =P

FearfulTea wrote:Right now this is maybe the best vore game on this site; the quality is sharper than the teeth of a predator! The world feels less like it is centered around vore and more like vore is just a natural part of it and it's such a cool stance on these types of worlds. I definitely want to see this game reach it's ending. Love your writing and will be here to see the story through, and would love a discord or something.

Thank you! As soon as my SubscribeStar.adult profile is approved, it'll be available. =D

Tunknownusert wrote:Any idea where a saves related data is being stored? I checked the appropriate save files and they don't seem to contain relevant variables to store said values. I assume it's due to the use of unity but yeah any input would be nice.

Ah, the save files are in a binary format that's not human-readable. This is intentional for a number of reasons, notably because editing story-related variables is guaranteed to cause cascading problems down the line.
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Re: [F/F, F/M] New Pred in Town (v0.0.3 updated 12/11/24)

Postby Memester1234 » Wed Dec 11, 2024 8:58 pm

Maybe it's an unpopular opinion, but I personally do not care about the endless mode. What I value most about the game is the world and hand-written scenes and could not care less if the gameplay elements are balanced or the endless mode is bug-free. I'm sure others will disagree with me, and it is obviously up to you what you care the most to develop, but I personally hope to see the story mode get more attention over endless (which I think I remember you saying was initially something you were doing on the side).
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Re: [F/F, F/M] New Pred in Town (v0.0.3 updated 12/11/24)

Postby Anunnaki » Thu Dec 12, 2024 11:59 am

SubscribeStar.adult page is now live and approved, apologies for the delay!

Memester1234 wrote:Maybe it's an unpopular opinion, but I personally do not care about the endless mode. What I value most about the game is the world and hand-written scenes and could not care less if the gameplay elements are balanced or the endless mode is bug-free.

Just to be clear, the story is my primary development focus - Endless Mode required a lot of front-loaded debugging effort, which I'm hoping will pay off in the form of fewer bugs relevant to Story Mode.
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Re: [F/F, F/M] New Pred in Town (v0.0.3 updated 12/11/24)

Postby DogmaticDuck » Thu Dec 12, 2024 12:41 pm

Honestly I am the opposite, I'll likely not care too much about the story and plot, and just focus on Endless and the gameplay. But I also understand if I am the minority here.

As per Endless, I must say it's rather fun, you've got a really good core gameplay loop.

My main critique is
The run is only challenging at the start. once you're past the first wave, it's likely you've gotten enough upgraded and synergistic cards that most encounters stand no chance, then if you continue past that wave you can make the combos that let prey win on turn 1

But happy to see this getting updated, it's one of my favorite vore games simply because I like fun, free form gameplay in vore games, makes things feel a more personal story.
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Re: [F/F, F/M] New Pred in Town (v0.0.3 updated 12/11/24)

Postby Quarters » Thu Dec 12, 2024 1:00 pm

I, too, look forward to continuing the story

EDIT: Hm, having trouble posting or pming, says the page can't be loaded or may have moved. Editing this post appears to be working...Anyhoo, I've encountered a bug and looking though the player log I think there's an issue with Justin's belly texture. It appears to missing, thus making all characters disappear once I've spat them up and I can't advance the dialogue.
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Re: [F/F, F/M] New Pred in Town (v0.0.3 updated 12/11/24)

Postby clone4000 » Mon Dec 16, 2024 2:54 am

I like the update. Might have to subscribe once there are more updates as the unfolding story is my main draw to this.

The av mechanics are a welcome addition to gameplay. Are you planning on keeping them a smaller deck as they are or expanding on it as things update?

From playing around with save files I've found a bug in the t3 perks that give extra cards.
If they trigger and you reset your turn it seems to softlock you out of being able to click anywhere in the battle. I'll try and upload a report on it when I get the chance.
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Re: [F/F, F/M] New Pred in Town (v0.0.3 updated 12/11/24)

Postby Silent_eric » Mon Dec 16, 2024 9:01 am

I love the AV update. The strategy seems to be fairly simple but there are a few viable strategies for pred and prey. I do feel like pushing at 0 progress should be more penalized. The fact that they can't escape until 50, and that pushing gives pleasure, combines to make it an extremely safe early strategy that drains the oxygen while the passive pull bar fills up before they can capitalize on it.
Looking forward to more updates!
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Re: [F/F, F/M] New Pred in Town (v0.0.3 updated 12/11/24)

Postby PacifistDuck » Mon Dec 16, 2024 10:52 am

Posting here to keep updated on this. Love what you got so far!
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Re: [F/F, F/M] New Pred in Town (v0.0.3 updated 12/11/24)

Postby Liz » Mon Dec 16, 2024 10:21 pm

I'd love to help you out on Substar but it seems to dislike my bank Card. Keep up the good work.

Hellen and Madeline are my favourite preds so far.
Chibi Liz's view on Physics, well breaking/ignoring them >:3 .
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Re: [F/F, F/M] New Pred in Town (v0.0.3 updated 12/11/24)

Postby Anunnaki » Tue Dec 17, 2024 8:49 pm

DogmaticDuck wrote:The run is only challenging at the start. once you're past the first wave, it's likely you've gotten enough upgraded and synergistic cards that most encounters stand no chance, then if you continue past that wave you can make the combos that let prey win on turn 1

That's definitely a balance concern, but I'm hoping it gets fixed in the long run - as more characters (and improved decks for existing characters) are added over the course of the story, later waves will see more interesting content. In the meantime a stopgap solution could be increasing the number of upgraded cards enemies get. It's currently 2 * Wave but there's no reason that needs to be set in stone.

Quarters wrote:I've encountered a bug and looking though the player log I think there's an issue with Justin's belly texture. It appears to missing, thus making all characters disappear once I've spat them up and I can't advance the dialogue.

That's very odd, please do send me that Player.log. Justin shouldn't have a belly texture in the first place because he's male, so that means a script command is misfiring - unless you mean the sprite he displays inside a predator's belly. Either way hopefully the log will sort it out.

clone4000 wrote:The av mechanics are a welcome addition to gameplay. Are you planning on keeping them a smaller deck as they are or expanding on it as things update?

From playing around with save files I've found a bug in the t3 perks that give extra cards.
If they trigger and you reset your turn it seems to softlock you out of being able to click anywhere in the battle. I'll try and upload a report on it when I get the chance.

At the moment I'm planning to keep the anal cards to a small, well-defined set - with a few rare exceptions for predators like Iris (coming Soon (tm), although you may have heard a character mention her) who specialize in AV.

Regarding the skills, are you talking about Creative Predator (extra draw after Exhausting a card) or the skills which give Retain (Patience/Cool and Collected)? Would appreciate a Player.log.

Silent_eric wrote:I love the AV update. The strategy seems to be fairly simple but there are a few viable strategies for pred and prey. I do feel like pushing at 0 progress should be more penalized. The fact that they can't escape until 50, and that pushing gives pleasure, combines to make it an extremely safe early strategy that drains the oxygen while the passive pull bar fills up before they can capitalize on it.
Looking forward to more updates!

Currently working through an anal rebalance, among other projects - and one of the changes that's likely to stick is exactly this, double Nausea for attempting a premature exit.
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Re: [F/F, F/M] New Pred in Town (v0.0.3 updated 12/11/24)

Postby Quarters » Wed Dec 18, 2024 12:19 am

Anunnaki wrote:
Quarters wrote:I've encountered a bug and looking though the player log I think there's an issue with Justin's belly texture. It appears to missing, thus making all characters disappear once I've spat them up and I can't advance the dialogue.

That's very odd, please do send me that Player.log. Justin shouldn't have a belly texture in the first place because he's male, so that means a script command is misfiring - unless you mean the sprite he displays inside a predator's belly. Either way hopefully the log will sort it out.

I've tried attaching the file to PM you, but the website fails every time. It also fails when I try to copy the text from the log. Here's an example of what comes up after I copy the log into this reply:

Internet wrote:This site can’t be reached
The webpage at posting.php?mode=quote&f=79&t=67965&p=3017391#preview might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.

Okay, after some trial and error, I've been able to copy part of the log without the website failing. This comes after the PhysX and Subsystems sections but before the Memory Statistics section:

Spoiler: show
Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly
- Loaded All Assemblies, in 0.225 seconds
- Finished resetting the current domain, in 0.002 seconds
<RI> Initializing input.

<RI> Input initialized.

<RI> Initialized touch support.

[PhysX] Initialized MultithreadedTaskDispatcher with 4 workers.
UnloadTime: 2.405200 ms
Loading pred cards...
190 cards loaded. Loading prey cards...
190 cards loaded. Loading status conditions...
84 status conditions loaded. Loading decks...
34 decks loaded. Loading tooltips...
26 tooltips loaded. Loading scene descriptors...
17 descriptors loaded. Loading character weight data...
5 weight locations loaded. Loading characters...
39 characters loaded. Ready for use!
Unloading 5 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
Unloading 139 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 11508.
Total: 21.389900 ms (FindLiveObjects: 3.369900 ms CreateObjectMapping: 2.191300 ms MarkObjects: 15.634900 ms DeleteObjects: 0.193300 ms)

Failed to load 'belly' appearance texture for `Justin` sprite actor: the resource is not found.
No decks found, cannot reverse!
Unloading 1 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
Unloading 46 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 17780.
Total: 34.389600 ms (FindLiveObjects: 4.276400 ms CreateObjectMapping: 2.048500 ms MarkObjects: 27.831800 ms DeleteObjects: 0.232400 ms)

Failed to load 'belly' appearance texture for `Justin` sprite actor: the resource is not found.
No decks found, cannot reverse!
Unloading 1 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
Unloading 35 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 17771.
Total: 30.211800 ms (FindLiveObjects: 4.418100 ms CreateObjectMapping: 2.119300 ms MarkObjects: 23.433300 ms DeleteObjects: 0.240800 ms)

Unloading 1 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
Unloading 0 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 17767.
Total: 26.844000 ms (FindLiveObjects: 2.261900 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.735300 ms MarkObjects: 23.812400 ms DeleteObjects: 0.034000 ms)

Failed to load 'belly' appearance texture for `Justin` sprite actor: the resource is not found.
No decks found, cannot reverse!
Unloading 1 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
Unloading 36 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 17771.
Total: 31.378800 ms (FindLiveObjects: 4.690700 ms CreateObjectMapping: 1.865000 ms MarkObjects: 24.619800 ms DeleteObjects: 0.202800 ms)

I've since removed this player.log from the folder and placed it on my Desktop so as to not lose it for now, and while I did make a save at the point of nonadvancement, I've started other Endless Modes. I'm currently avoiding Justin if I can help it.
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Re: [F/F, F/M] New Pred in Town (v0.0.3 updated 12/11/24)

Postby Anunnaki » Wed Dec 18, 2024 1:07 pm

Without the full log I can't be sure, but I'm guessing your Endless run had a reversal in the previous scene as well? Was able to track down a bug where once the EndlessReversal flag is set, the next scene occasionally doesn't clear it properly, resulting in invalid behavior like what you ran into. Got that fixed for the next version - in the meantime, your Endless runs should be safe as long as Liz doesn't eat a male character (Justin, Travis) immediately after a reversal scene.

Also, for future reference, sites like pastebin are a good way to share these logs. Eka's forum software is older than some of its users, so asking it to handle files that'd be insignificant today is like asking your great-grandmother to help you move furniture.
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Re: [F/F, F/M] New Pred in Town (v0.0.3 updated 12/11/24)

Postby Quarters » Wed Dec 18, 2024 1:57 pm

Anunnaki wrote:Without the full log I can't be sure, but I'm guessing your Endless run had a reversal in the previous scene as well? Was able to track down a bug where once the EndlessReversal flag is set, the next scene occasionally doesn't clear it properly, resulting in invalid behavior like what you ran into. Got that fixed for the next version - in the meantime, your Endless runs should be safe as long as Liz doesn't eat a male character (Justin, Travis) immediately after a reversal scene.

Also, for future reference, sites like pastebin are a good way to share these logs. Eka's forum software is older than some of its users, so asking it to handle files that'd be insignificant today is like asking your great-grandmother to help you move furniture.

In that particular run, I escaped the Wave 0 boss stomach, the scene transitioned to a new boss pred scene where she escaped and reversaled me, though I managed to escape. The save I still have right at the failure point is titled "Endless, Wave 1 Battle 4". I've eaten Travis a number of times just fine in runs since then, but I haven't found another Justin yet. As much fun as this game is, I'm honestly not that good at it as I've never gotten beyond Wave 1 before.
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Re: [F/F, F/M] New Pred in Town (v0.0.3 updated 12/11/24)

Postby clone4000 » Wed Dec 18, 2024 2:18 pm

I've found if you save the log in notepad as a text file rather than a log the site lets you attach it.
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Re: [F/F, F/M] New Pred in Town (v0.0.3 updated 12/11/24)

Postby Quarters » Wed Dec 18, 2024 2:33 pm

clone4000 wrote:
Quarters wrote:

I've found if you save the log in notepad as a text file rather than a log the site lets you attach it.

Sadly, that doesn't seem to work for me. I even tried opening a brand new notepad and copied the log into it before saving as testtextlog.txt and I still can't attach the file.

Internet wrote:This site can’t be reached
The webpage at ucp.php?i=pm&mode=compose&action=quotepost&p=3017423 might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.
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Re: [F/F, F/M] New Pred in Town (v0.0.3 updated 12/11/24)

Postby Bimbo99 » Sat Dec 21, 2024 1:59 am

I tried the new Anal vore feature and really loved it! I know I'm thinking way out side the box here, but this game with a multi-player mode would be awesome. Maybe customized characters too!
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Re: [F/F, F/M] New Pred in Town (v0.0.3 updated 12/11/24)

Postby Cartography » Sat Dec 21, 2024 2:26 am

Enjoyable, and actually challenging without being too tough, which I feel a lot of vore games struggle with, with most I've played being rather easy as to make losing impossible without deliberately trying to lose. Also, the disposal scenes are decent, and those can be rather hit or miss I find.
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